NombreResinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Updating Prediction Models for Predictive Process Monitoring

Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Nepomuceno Chamorro, Isabel de los Ángeles; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2022)
Predictive monitoring is a key activity in some Process Aware Information Systems (PAIS) such as information systems ...

Analyzing How Process Mining Reports Answer Time Performance Questions

Capitán Agudo, Carlos; Salas Urbano, María; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Springer, 2022)
The advances in process mining have provided process ana lysts with a plethora of different algorithms and techniques that ...

BPM in Digital Transformation: New Tools and Productivity Challenges

Peña Siles, Joaquín; Bravo Llanos, Alfonso; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Springer, 2022)
Digital transformation (DT) has brought an unprecedented pace of change. At the same time, it has also created an ...

Dialog-based Automation of Decision Making in Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Cornell University, 2021)
The use of chatbots has spread, generating great interest in the industry for the possibility of automating tasks within ...

Productivity Challenges in Digital Transformation and its Implications for Workstream Collaboration Tools.

Río Ortega, Adela del; Peña Siles, Joaquín; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (University of Hawai'i, 2021)
Digital transformation has brought an unprecedented pace of change and a huge amount of information available for businesses. ...

Automated Validation of Compensable SLAs

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) regulates the provisioning of a service by defining a set of guarantees. Each guarantee sets ...

Seven Paradoxes of Business Process Management in a Hyper-Connected World

Beverungen, Daniel; Buijs, Joos C.A.M.; Becquer, Jörg; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Aalst, Wil van der; Bartelheimer, Christian; Brocke, Jan Vom; Comuzzi, Marco; Kraume, Karsten; Leopold, Henrik; Matzner, Martin; Mendling, Jan; Ogonek, Nadine; Post, Till; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Revoredo, Kate; Río Ortega, Adela del; La Rosa, Marcello; Santoro, Flavia María; Solti, Andreas; Song, Minseok; Stein, Armin; Stierle, Matthias; Wolf, Verena (Springer, 2021)
Business Process Management is a boundary spanning discipline that aligns operational capabilities and technology to design ...

Design Patterns for Board-Based Collaborative Work Management Tools

Peña Siles, Joaquín; Bravo Llanos, Alfonso; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2021)
Board-based software tools for managing collaborative work (e.g. Trello or Microsoft Planner) are highly configurable ...

DemaBot: a tool to automatically generate decision-support chatbots

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, 2021)
This article presents DemaBot: a low-code solution to create chatbots designed to automate decision making. Examples of ...

Modeling Variability in the Performance Perspective of Business Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
The modeling and management of business processes often leads to the definition of several variants of the same process. ...

Context-Aware Process Performance Indicator Prediction

Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Revoredo, Kate; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del; Santoro, Flavia María; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
It is well-known that context impacts running instances of a process. Thus, defining and using contextual information may ...

A Mashup-based Framework for Business Process Compliance Checking

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
Business process compliance ensures that the business processes of an organisation are designed and executed according to ...

Measuring Performance in Knowledge Intensive Processes

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Piccoli Richetti, Pedro Henrique; Río Ortega, Adela del; Araujo Baiao, Fernanda; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Santoro, Flavia María; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM Digital Library, 2019)
Knowledge-Intensive Processes (KIPs) are processes whose execution is heavily dependent on knowledge workers performing ...

A hybrid reliability metric for SLA predictive monitoring

Comuzzi, Marco; Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019)
Modern SLA management includes SLA prediction based on data collected during service operations. Besides overall accuracy ...

An Approach for the Automated Generation of Engaging Dashboards

Aksu, Ünal; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Reijers, Hajo A. (Springer, 2019)
Organizations use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor whether they attain their goals. To support organizations ...
Tesis Doctoral

Enhancing the modelling perspective of process performance management.

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del (2018)
La Gestión del Rendimiento de los Procesos, que comprende las etapas de planificación, supervisión y control del rendimiento ...
Tesis Doctoral

SLA management of non-computational services.

Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2018)
El incremento en el uso de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios en los últimos 15 años ha propiciado la propuesta de ...

Does Your Accurate Process Predictive Monitoring Model Give Reliable Predictions?

Comuzzi, Marco; Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Springer, 2018)
The evaluation of business process predictive monitoring models usually focuses on accuracy of predictions. While accuracy ...

On the Relationships between Decision Management and Performance Measurement

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2018)
Decision management is of utmost importance for the achievement of strategic and operational goals in any organisational ...

A template-based approach for responsibility management in executable business processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Taylor and Francis, 2018)
Process-oriented organisations need to manage the different types of responsibilities their employees may have w.r.t. the ...

Un Recorrido por los Principales Proveedores de Servicios de Machine Learning y Predicción en la Nube

Corral Plaza, David; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Boubeta Puig, Juan (Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2018)
Los medios tecnológicos para el consumo, producción e intercambio de información no hacen más que aumentar cada día que ...

Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes: A Survey

Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2018)
Nowadays, process mining is becoming a growing area of interest in business process management (BPM). Process mining ...

Run-time prediction of business process indicators using evolutionary decision rules

Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Toro Bonilla, Miguel (Elsevier, 2017)
Predictive monitoring of business processes is a challenging topic of process mining which is concerned with the prediction ...

Transforming unstructured natural language descriptions into measurable process performance indicators using Hidden Markov Models

Aa, Han van der; Leopold, Henrik; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Reijers, Hajo A. (Elsevier, 2017)
Monitoring process performance is an important means for organizations to identify opportunities to improve their operations. ...

Devising an SLA-Aware Methodology to Improve Process Performance

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Cho, Minsu; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Song, Minseok; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2017)
Aiming to be as competitive as possible, organisations are always pursuing to improve their business processes applying ...

Specifying Compensations with WS-Agreement

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2017)
During the last years the use of service level agreements (SLA) is rising uncontrollably to describe the rights and ...

Enriching Decision Making with Data-Based Thresholds of Process-Related KPIs

Río Ortega, Adela del; García, Félix; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Weber, Elmar; Ruiz, Francisco; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2017)
The continuous performance improvement of business processes usually involves the definition of a set of process performance ...

On the feasibility of measuring performance using PPINOT in CMMN

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2017)
Monitoring and measuring the performance of business pro- cesses are valuable tasks that facilitate the identi cation of ...

VISUAL PPINOT: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Durán Toro, Amador; Bernárdez Jiménez, Beatriz; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Toro Bonilla, Miguel (Springer, 2017)
Process performance indicators (PPIs) allow the quantitative evaluation of business processes, providing essential information ...

A New Framework for Defining Realistic SLAs: An Evidence-Based Approach

Cho, Minsu; Song, Minseok; Müller Cejás, Carlos; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2017)
In a changing and competitive business world, business processes are at the heart of modern organizations. In some cases, ...

Redefining a Process Engine as a Microservice Platform

Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2016)
In recent years, microservice architectures have emerged as an agile approach for scalable web applications on cloud ...

Identifying Variability in Process Performance Indicators

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2016)
The performance perspective of business processes is concerned with the definition of performance requirements usually ...

Modeling Service Level Agreements with Linked USDL Agreement

García Rodríguez, José María; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Pedrinaci, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Cardoso, Jorge; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2016)
Nowadays, service trading over the Web is gaining momentum. In this highly dynamic scenario, both providers and consumers ...

Defining PPIs for Process Variants based on Change Patterns

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Torres, Victoria; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Pelechano, Vicent; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2016)
Business Process (BP) families are made up of BP variants that share commonalities but also show differences to accommodate ...

Narrowing the Business-IT Gap in Process Performance Measurement

Aa, Han van der; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Leopold, Henrik; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Mendling, Jan; Reijers, Hajo A. (Springer, 2016)
To determine whether strategic goals are met, organizations must monitor how their business processes perform. Process ...

Towards a general architecture for predictive monitoring of business processes

Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2016)
Process mining allows the extraction of useful information from event logs and historical data of business processes. This ...

Supporting Compensations with WS-greement

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Universidad de Salamanca, 2016)
During the last years the use of service level agreements (SLA) is rising uncontrollably to describe the rights and ...

Linked USDL Agreement: Effectively Sharing Semantic Service Level Agreements on the Web

García Rodríguez, José María; Pedrinaci, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Cardoso, Jorge; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2015)
As the use of services available on the Web is becoming mainstream, contracts and legal aspects of the relationship between ...

Towards Assessing Open Source Communities' Health using SOC Concepts

Franco Bedoya, Óscar; Oriol, Marc; Müller Cejás, Carlos; Marco, Jordi; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Franch, Xavier; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2015)
Quality of an open source software ecosystem (OSS ecosystem) is key for different ecosystem actors such as contributors ...

Automated team selection and compliance checking in business processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Mendling, Jan; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM Digital Library, 2015)
Plenty of activities in many business contexts must be performed collaboratively, e.g., in a hospital or when organising a ...

RALph: A Graphical Notation for Resource Assignments in Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Knuplesch, David; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Reichert, Manfred; Mendling, Jan; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2015)
The business process (BP) resource perspective deals with the management of human as well as non-human resources throughout ...

Specification and Automated Design-Time Analysis of the Business Process Human Resource Perspective

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Elsevier, 2015)
The human resource perspective of a business process is concerned with the relation between the activities of a process ...

Reduciendo la complejidad gráfica de indicadores de procesos de negocio usando abstracción

Estrada Torres, Bedilia; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2015)
La representación de indicadores de rendimiento sobre los procesos de negocio facilita la comprensión y de finición en el ...

On the Calculation of Process Performance Indicators

Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2015)
Performance calculation is a key factor to match corporate goals between different partners in process execution. However, ...

Hacia un análisis centrado en el cliente de la disponibilidad en IaaS

Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (ATI), 2015)
La disponibilidad es una propiedad presente en los Acuerdos de Nivel de Servicios (ANSs) de la mayoría de servicios de ...

Towards Defining Data-Based Thresholds for Process-Related KPIs

Río Ortega, Adela del; García, Félix; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz, Francisco; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2015)
The definition of process-related key performance indica tors (KPIs) is a key part of performance measurement and one of ...

Modelling Service Level Agreements for Business Process Outsourcing Services

Río Ortega, Adela del; Gutiérrez, Antonio Manuel; Durán Toro, Amador; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2015)
Many proposals to model service level agreements (SLAs) have been elaborated in order to automate different stages of the ...

Towards Process-Aware Cross-Organizational Human Resource Management

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Norta, Alex; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Mendling, Jan; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)
Finding human resources with the required set of skills, experience, and availability to execute an activity at a specific ...

Using Templates and Linguistic Patterns to Define Process Performance Indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Durán Toro, Amador; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Taylor & Francis, 2014)
Process performance management (PPM) aims at measuring, monitoring and analysing the performance of business processes ...

Towards Compensable SLAs

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)
In Cooperative Information Systems, service level agreements (SLA) can be used to describe the rights and obligations of ...

Towards the user-centric analysis of the availability in IaaS

Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2014)
Availability is a key property in computational services and, therefore, is guaranteed by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) ...

Towards a Formal Specification of SLAs with Compensations

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)
In Cooperative Information Systems, service level agreements (SLA) can be used to describe the rights and obligations of ...

Summary of "Priority-Based Human Resource Allocation in Business Processes"

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Rodríguez, José María; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, David; Mendling, Jan; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)

KPIshare: A collaborative space for BPM practitioners for full definitions and discussions on process KPIs

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Río Ortega, Adela del; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Blattner, Dominik; Tasheva, Kristina; Chipev, Bozhan (2014)
The definition of process-related key performance indicators (KPIs) is a key part of performance measurement and one of ...

Methodology to Extend RAL

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Mendling, Jan (2014)
Resource Assignment Language (RAL) is a language for the selection of organisational resources that can be used, for ...

Summary of "On the definition and design-time analysis of Process Performance Indicators"

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)

PPINOT Tool Suite: a Performance Management Solution for Process-Oriented Organisations

Río Ortega, Adela del; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)
A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the measurement of process performance for the achievement of its ...

On the Definition and Design-Time Analysis of Process Performance Indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Elsevier, 2013)
A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the evaluation of process performance for the achievement of its ...

iAgree Studio: A Platform to Edit and Validate WS-Agreement Documents (Poster)

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez, A. M.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)

Defining and Analysing Resource-Aware Process Performance Indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)
A key aspect to identify improvement points of the business processes (BP) of an organisation is to conduct performance ...

Summary of “Automated Resource Assignment in BPMN Models Using RACI Matrices”.

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)

Automated Analysis of Conflicts in WS-Agreement Documents

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE, 2013)
WS–Agreement is one of the most widely used SLA specifications. An advantage of WS–Agreement over other agreement metamodels ...

Extending WS-Agreement to Support Automated Conformity Check on Transport and Logistics Service Agreements

Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Cassales Marquezan, Clarissa; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Metzger, Andreas; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Pohl, Klaus (2013)
Checking whether the agreed service quality attributes are fulfilled or maintained during the service life-cycle is a very ...

Comprehensive Explanation of SLA Violations at Runtime

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Oriol, Marc; Franch, Xavier; Marco, Jordi; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Rodríguez, Marc (IEEE, 2013)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) establish the Quality of Service (QoS) agreed between service-based systems consumers and ...

!Agree Studio: a Platform to Edit and Validate Ws-Agreement Documents

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Antonio M.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)
The widespread use of SLA-regulated Cloud services, in which the violation of SLA terms may imply a penalty for the parties, ...

Priority-Based Human Resource Allocation in Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; García Rodríguez, José María; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, David; Mendling, Jan; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)
In Business Process Management Systems, human resource management typically covers two steps: resource assignment at design ...
Tesis Doctoral

On the definition and analysis of process performance indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2012)
A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the evaluation of process performance for the achievement of its ...

Defining Process Performance Indicators By Using Templates and Patterns

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Durán Toro, Amador; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Process Performance Indicators (PPIs) are a key asset for the mea- 2 surement of the achievement of strategic and operational ...

CRISTAL: Collection of Resource-Centric Supporting Tools and Languages

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
In this demo, we introduce CRISTAL (Collection of ResourcecentrIc Supporting Tools and Languages), a tool suite aimed at ...

PPI Definition and Automated Design-Time Analysis (v 1.0) : Technical Report ISA–12–TR–02

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
The measurement of process performance and its analysis is crucial for the consecution of strategic and operational goals ...

Designing Business Processes with History-Aware Resource Assignments

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2012)
Human resources are actively involved in business process management (BPM), due to their participation in the execution ...

Summary of "Defining and Analysing Resource Assignments in Business Processes with RAL"

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Business process (BP) modelling notations tend to stray their attention from (human) resource management, unlike other ...

A bargaining-specific architecture for supporting automated service agreement negotiation systems

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Elsevier, 2012)
The provision of services is often regulated by means of agreements that must be negotiated beforehand. Automating such ...
Tesis Doctoral

Enhancing the Management of Resource-Aware Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)

RAL Solver: a Tool to Facilitate Resource Management in Business Process Models

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Business process (BP) modelling notations tend to stray their attention from resource management, unlike other aspects ...

Automated Resource Assignment in BPMN Models Using RACI Matrices

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Organizations need to manage the responsibility of their employees with respect to all the activities that are daily carried ...

Introducing a Mashup-Based Approach for Design-Time Compliance Checking in Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2012)
Business process compliance tries to ensure the business processes used in an organization are designed and executed ...

PPINOT: a Tool for the Definition and Analysis of Process Performance Indicators

Río Ortega, Adela del; Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
A key aspect in any process-oriented organisation is the evaluation of process performance for the achievement of its ...

Integrando las Matrices RASCI en BPMN para la Gestión de la Responsabilidad

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ATI: Asociación de técnicos de Informática, 2012)
Las organizaciones necesitan gestionar qué responsabilidad tienen sus empleados sobre cada una de las actividades que se ...

Auditoría de procesos de negocio en la nube: persistencia mediante almacenes no relacionales

Cruz Risco, Margarita; Bernárdez Jiménez, Beatriz; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Durán Toro, Amador (SISTEDES: Ingeniería de Software y las Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2012)
Cada día crece el número de aplicaciones y servicios basados en la nube ofertados por proveedores tales como Amazon, Google ...

Evaluación y seguimiento de trabajos en equipo de desarrollo de software a través de la calidad del código fuente

Trinidad Martín Arroyo, Pablo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)

SALMonADA: a Platform for Monitoring and Explaining Violations of Ws-Agreement-Compliant Documents

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Oriol, Marc; Rodríguez, Marc; Franch, Xavier; Marco, Jordi; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Quality assurance techniques have been developed to supervise the service quality (QoS) agreed between servicebased systems ...

SALMonADA: a Platform for Monitoring and Explaining Violations of Ws-Agreement-Compliant Documents

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Oriol, Marc; Rodríguez, Marc; Franch, Xavier; Marco, Jordi; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2012)
Quality assurance techniques have been developed to supervise the service quality (QoS) agreed between service-based systems ...

Summary of Defining Process Performance Indicators: an Ontological Approach

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2011)

Exploring Features of a Full-Coverage Integrated Solution for Business Process Compliance

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2011)
The last few years have seen the introduction of several techniques for automatically tackling some aspects of compliance ...

Aprendiendo a diseñar software usando juegos de mesa de licencia libre como enunciado de prácticas

Trinidad Martín Arroyo, Pablo; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Müller Cejás, Carlos; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Romero Ternero, María del Carmen (AENUI: Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de Informática, 2011)

RAL: a High-Level User-Oriented Resource Assignment Language for Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2011)
An important task of business process design is the definition of what and how members of an organization are involved in ...

Automatic Generation of a Data-Centered View of Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Awad, Ahmed (Springer, 2011)
Most commonly used business process (BP) notations, such as BPMN, focus on defining the control flow of the activities of ...

Defining and Analysing Resource Assignments in Business Processes with RAL

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2011)
Business process (BP) modelling notations tend to stray their attention from (human) resource management, unlike other ...

Mixing Rasci Matrices and BPMN Together for Responsibility Management

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2011)
Organizations need to manage the responsibility of the employees with respect to all the activities that are carried out ...

Hints on How to Face Business Process Compliance

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2010)

ADA: Agreement Documents Analyser

Müller Cejás, Carlos; García-Galán, Jesús; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2010)

Challenges to Support a Ppi Management Lifecycle

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2010)
An important aspect in the business process lifecycle is the evaluation of business processes performance, since it helps ...

A Framework to Analyse WS-Agreement Documents

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2010)

Automatic Service Agreement Negotiators in Open Commerce Environments

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Taylor and Francis, 2010)
There is a steady shift in e‑commerce from goods to services that must be provisioned according to service agreements. ...

Experiences from building a WS–Agreement document analyzer tool (Including use cases in WS–Agreement and WSAg4People) v1.0 : Technical Report ISA-10-TR-03

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Durán Toro, Amador; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Martín Díaz, Octavio (2010)
The WS–Agreement specification has gained a wide acceptance in the web services community as a means for establishing ...

Defining Process Performance Indicators: an Ontological Approach

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2010)
It is increasingly important to evaluate the performance of business processes. A key instrument to carry out this evaluation ...

On the Identification of Data-Related Compliance Problems in Business Processes

Cabanillas Macías, Cristina; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2010)
Ensuring the compliance of business processes with regulations is becoming increasingly important to organizations. ...

Explaining the Non-Compliance between Templates and Agreement Offers in WS-Agreement

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2009)
A common approach to the process of reaching agreements is the publication of templates that guide parties to create ...

An Initial Approach to Explaining SLA Inconsistencies

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2009)
An SLA signed by all interested parties must be created carefully, avoiding contradictions between terms, because their ...

Using Automated Analysis of Temporal-Aware SLAS in Logistics

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2009)
Service level agreements (SLAs) establish the terms in which a logistics service may be provided or consumed. During the ...

Towards Modelling and Tracing Key Performance Indicators in Business Processes

Río Ortega, Adela del; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2009)
It is increasingly important to evaluate the performance of business processes. A key instrument in order to detect the ...

An Initial Approach to Explaining SLA Inconsistencies

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (2008)
An SLA signed by all interested parties must be created carefully, avoiding contradictions between terms, because their ...

A Reference Architecture for Automated Negotiations of Service Agreements in Open and Dynamic Environments

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Springer, 2008)
The provision of services is often regulated by means of agreements that must be negotiated beforehand. Automating such ...

Semantic Discovery and Selection: A QoS-Aware, Hybrid Model

García Rodríguez, José María; Ruiz Cortés, David; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (CSREA Press, 2008)
Most Semantic Web Services discovery ap- proaches are based on Description Logics, allowing a limited expressiveness when ...
Tesis Doctoral

Designing and managing evolving systems using a MAS product line approach

Peña Siles, Joaquín; Hinchey, Michael G.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Sterritt, Roy; Rash, James L. (Elsevier, 2007)
We view an evolutionary system as being a software product line. The core architecture is the unchanging part of the ...

A WS-Agreement Extension for Specifying Temporal Properties in SLAS

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2007)
Service level agreements (SLA) in service oriented architectures allow to regulate the service trading from providers to ...

An Hybrid, Qos-Aware Discovery of Semantic Web Services Using Constraint Programming

García Rodríguez, José María; Ruiz Cortés, David; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (Springer Verlag, 2007)
Most Semantic Web Services discovery approaches are not well suited when using complex relational, arithmetic and logical ...

Improving Temporal-Awareness of WS-Agreement

Müller Cejás, Carlos; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo (2007)
WS-Agreement (WS-Ag) is a proposed recommendation of the Open Grid Forum that provides a schema to describe SLAs and a ...

An Analysis of Service Trading Architectures

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Springer, 2006)
Automating the creation and management of SLAs in electronic commerce scenarios brings many advantages, such as increasing ...

A Model-Driven Architecture Approach for Modeling, Specifying and Deploying Policies in Autonomous and Autonomic Systems

Peña Siles, Joaquín; Hinchey, Michael G.; Sterritt, Roy; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel (IEEE Computer Society, 2006)
Autonomic Computing (AC), self-management based on high level guidance from humans, is increasingly gain ing momentum as ...

An Analysis of Service Trading Architectures

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Springer, 2006)
Automating the creation and management of SLAs in elec tronic commerce scenarios brings many advantages, such as increasing the ...

Engineering automated negotiations

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2006)
To make automated negotiation widely used in real scenarios, it is necessary to develop advanced software systems that are ...

Managing the Evolution of an Enterprise Architecture using a MAS-Product-Line Approach

Peña Siles, Joaquín; Hinchey, Michael G.; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Sterritt, Roy; Rash, James L. (CSREA Press, 2006)
We view an evolutionary system ns being n software product line. The core architecture is the ~inchnngingpnrt of the ...

Towards automated service trading

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (SciTePress, 2006)
The service-oriented architecture is a promising means to support outsourcing amongst real-time enterprises. In this ...

A Conceptual Framework for Automated Negotiation Systems

Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Corchuelo Gil, Rafael (Springer, 2006)
In the last years, much work have been done in the development of techniques for automated negotiation, and, particularly, ...