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      Operadores absolutamente sumantes 

      Ornedo Muñoz, Moisés (2022-06-22)
      The objective of this work is to introduce ourselves to the theory of absolutely summing operators, giving an overview ...
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      Operadores de composición y clases de Schatten 

      González Doña, Francisco Javier (2018)
      The main goal of this work is to characterize the membership of composition operators on the Hardy space H2 of the unit ...
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      Optimización difusa 

      Fuentes Lorca, Victoria (2016-06)
      In this work we study the scalar mathematical programming problem in the most general conditions possible. First, we study ...
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      Optimización lineal aplicada a teoría de juegos 

      Serrano Gallardo, Alejandro (2017-06)
      In the following TFG we deal with the Game Theory and with the application that the Linear Programming has on it. We start ...
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      La paradoja de Banach-Tarki 

      Raso Fernández, Alberto (2019)
      En este TFG nuestro objetivo será probar la paradoja de Banach-Tarski, la cual nos dice que: dados dos subconjuntos acotados ...
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      La Paradoja de Banach-Tarski en el espacio euclídeo y en el plano hiperbólico 

      Sánchez Moreno, Andrés (2023)
      This work deals with paradoxical descompositions in diferent spaces. First of all we deal with the Hausdorff paradox, ...
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      Permutation Tests 

      Turón Rodríguez, Jaime (2021-07-21)
      In this Bachelor dissertation permutation tests are reviewed both theoretically and practically. Chapter 1 is a brief ...
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      El plano hiperbólico : historia y fundamentos 

      Márquez Escudero, Juan Manuel (2016-06)
      This thesis deals with three models of two-dimensional Hyperbolic Geometry, giving a description of two of them (the ...
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      El polinomio de Bernstein-Sato 

      Navarro Castro, Miguel (2022-06-18)
      En este trabajo hemos recopilado secciones de artículos de varios matemáticos para definir el polinomio de Bernstein. En ...
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      El Polinomio de Bernstein-Sato de una singularidad 

      Rendón Rodríguez de Molina, Adolfo (2020-06-18)
      The Bernstein-Sato polynomial or the 푏-function is an important invariant in singular theory. It is closely related to di ...
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      Positivity conditions and hook+column sequences of plethystic coefficients 

      Gutiérrez Cáceres, Álvaro (2021-06-01)
      In this work we aim to study and better understand the coefficients of the plethystic operation on the symmetric functions. ...
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      Muñoz Ramírez, Paula (2023)
      The aim of this work is to present a deterministic method that establishes with absolute certainty whether a given number ...
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      Privacidad diferencial en Ciencia de los Datos 

      Pinto Pérez, Carlos (2018-06)
      This final project shows the main concepts related to privacy in Data Science. We present the definition of Differential ...
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      Probabilidades y distribución de los números primos 

      Valladares Herrera, Francisco José (2017-06)
      In this project, we will try to study the prime factors of a number taken at random. The main objective will be to introduce ...
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      El problema de la asignación de costes en problemas de optimización 

      Sánchez Leo, José Ramón (2017-06)
      The problem of cost allocation in optimization problems can be solved by game theory, in particular with cooperative ...
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      El problema de la palabra en los grupos de trenzas 

      Aguilar Martín, Javier (2018-06-18)
      The word problem, the conjugacy problem and the isomorphism problem were three fundamental problems of group theory proposed ...
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      El Problema del Milenio PvsNP: Introducción a la NP-Completitud 

      Uranga Limón, Andrés Nicolás (2023-06-01)
      La Teor´ıa de la Complejidad Computacional es una rama de las ciencias de la computaci´on que estudia la clasificaci´on ...
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      El problema del transporte minimal de Monge-Kantorovich 

      Filigrana Villalba, Raúl (2022-06-15)
      En la memoria expuesta a continuaci´on, queremos hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la Teor´ıa de la Medida para concluir con ...
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      El problema del viajante (TSP) 

      Infantes Durán, Miguel (2018)
      El clásico problema del viajante de comercio se puede enunciar como: ’si un viajante parte de una ciudad y las distancias ...
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      El problema diofántico de Frobenius 

      Chacón Gómez, Manuel Jesús (2016-12)
      In this work, we study the diophantine Frobenius problem. First, in Chapter 1, we briefly present what are numerical ...