• Trabajo Fin de Máster

      Statistical techniques to identify and handle outliers in multivariate data 

      Grentzelos, Christos (2020-06-18)
      In this thesis, we focus on methods for detecting outliers in a multivariate setting. Outliers are also referred to as ...
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      Subvariedades asociadas a grafos 

      Terrón Mejías, Gema (2020-02-01)
      En este trabajo estudiamos un tema que conecta elementos de dos áreas de las Matemáticas tradicionalmente separadas: los ...
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      La sucesión espectral de Adams 

      Delgado Tejada, Juan Antonio (2022-06-21)
      Without doubts, calculating homotopy groups of spheres is one of the main open problems in Algebraic Topology. After Toda ...
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      Teorema de Dirichlet para Progresiones Aritméticas 

      Garrido López, Verónica (2020-06-01)
      Prime numbers aroused the curiosity of many for centuries, and they keep answering many questions that come up ...
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      Teoría de cópulas y aplicaciones 

      García Rosa, Ignacio (2020-06-01)
      Copulas are valuable tools employed in modeling the dependence between different random variables. Their best utility comes ...
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      Teoría de cuerpos de clase y aplicaciones 

      Daza García, Alberto (2019)
      One problems which has lead the advance of number theory since the 20th century until now, is Hilbert’s twelfth problem, ...
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      Teoría de la Complejidad en Computación Cuántica 

      Camacho Moro, Jesús (2020-06-01)
      During the rst half of the 20th century, the need of faster calculations brought the rst computers to our world. Those ...
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      Test de bondad de ajuste de la distribución Poisson 

      Méndez Hurtado, Manuel (2021-06-01)
      Unlike the normality tests, the goodness of-fit tests for the Poisson distribution are not present in commonly used ...
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      The Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich Criterion for elliptic curves 

      Navas Orozco, Jesús (2020-09-07)
      This text is the required master thesis that the author needs to present in order to obtain his Master’s degree in ...
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      Trabajo Fin de Máster 

      González Domínguez, Gabriel (2022-06-21)
      It is reviewes the theory involved in multicommodity-flow problems and it is analyzed several aspects concerning the optimal ...
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      Trans S-variedades 

      Bermudo Martos, Ana María (2020-02-01)
      This paper introduces and studies a new class of f -metric manifolds, called it Trans S -varieties that includes many of ...
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      Las trans-S-variedades y la clasificación de Gray-Hervella. 

      Soriano Trigueros, Manuel (2017-06)
      Recently, trans-S manifolds have been defined as a natural generalization of f-Kenmotsu, S-manifolds and C-manifolds. This ...
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      Ultrafiltros y aplicaciones 

      Camúñez Triguero, Manuel (2022-06-18)
      In this document, we present the notion of ultrafilter and study some of its properties and applications. Firstly, the ...
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      Verificación formal de la lógica de Hoare en Isabelle/HOL 

      González Blanco, Natividad (2016-09)
      Hoare logic is a formal system developed by C.A.R. Hoare. This logic was introduced to verify formally imperative programs. ...