• Artículo

      A modular current-mode high-precision winner-take-all circuit 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (IEEE Computer Society, 1995)
      In this paper we present a Winner-Take-All (WTA) circuit realized using current-mode circuit design techniques. The ...
    • Artículo

      A neuromorphic cortical-layer microchip for spike-based event processing vision systems 

      Serrano Gotarredona, Rafael; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2006)
      We present a neuromorphic cortical-layer processing microchip for address event representation (AER) spike-based processing ...
    • Ponencia

      A New Strong Inversion 5-Parameter Transistor Mismatch Model 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (IEEE Computer Society, 2000)
      A new 5-parameter MOS transistor mismatch model is introduced capable of predicting transistor mismatch with very high ...
    • Ponencia

      A Physical Interpretation of the Distance Term in Pelgrom’s Mismatch Model results in very Efficient CAD 

      Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa (IEEE Computer Society, 2007)
      In 1989 Pelgrom et al. published a mismatch model for MOS transistors, where the standard quadratic deviation of the ...
    • Artículo

      A precise 90º quadrature OTA-C oscillator tunable in the 50-130-MHz range 

      Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Ramos Martos, J.; Ceballos Cáceres, Joaquín Francisco; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004)
      We present a very-large-scale integration continuous-time sinusoidal operational transconductance amplifiers quadrature ...
    • Ponencia

      A Precise CMOS Mismatch Model for Analog Design from Weak to Strong Inversion 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Velarde Ramírez, Jesús (IEEE Computer Society, 2004)
      A five parameter mismatch model continuos from weak to strong inversion is presented. The model is an extension of a ...
    • Artículo

      A programmable VLSI filter architecture for application in real-time vision processing systems 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Andreou, Andreas G.; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (World Scientific Publishing, 2000)
      An architecture is proposed for the realization of real-time edge-extraction filtering operation in an Address-Event-Representation ...
    • Artículo

      A real-time clustering microchip neural engine 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996)
      This paper presents an analog current-mode VLSI implementation of an unsupervised clustering algorithm. The clustering ...
    • Artículo

      A Real-Time, Event Driven Neuromorphic System for Goal-Directed Attentional Selection 

      Gallupi, Francesco; Brohan, Kevin; Davidson, Simón; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Pérez Carrasco, José Antonio; Linares Barranco, Bernabé; Furber, Steve B. (Springer Verlag, 2012)
      Computation with spiking neurons takes advantage of the abstraction of action potentials into streams of stereotypical ...
    • Ponencia

      A signed spatial contrast event spike retina chip 

      Leñero Bardallo, Juan Antonio; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
      Reported AER (Address Event Representation) contrast retinae perform a contrast computation based on the ratio between a ...
    • Ponencia

      A spatial calibrated AER contrast retina with adjustable contrast threshold 

      Leñero Bardallo, Juan Antonio; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (2009)
      Address Event Representation (AER) is an emergent technology for assembling modular multi-blocks bio-inspired sensory and ...
    • Artículo

      A spatial contrast retina with on-chip calibration for neuromorphic spike-based AER vision systems 

      Costas Santos, Jesús; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Serrano Gotarredona, Rafael; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2007)
      We present a 32 32 pixels contrast retina microchip that provides its output as an address event representation (AER) ...
    • Artículo

      A Spiking Neural Network Model of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus on the SpiNNaker Machine 

      Sen-Bhattacharya, Basabdatta; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Balassa, Lorinc; Bhattacharya, Akash; Stokes, Alan B.; Rowley, Andrew; Sugiarto, Indar; Furber, Steve B. (Frontiers Media, 2017)
      We present a spiking neural network model of the thalamic Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) developed on SpiNNaker, which ...
    • Ponencia

      A stored program 2/sup nd/ order/3-layer complex cell CNN-UM 

      Rekeczky, Csaba; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Roska, Tamás; Rodríguez Vázquez, Ángel Benito (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2000)
      A stored program 2/sup nd/ order/3-layer complex cell cellular neural network Universal Machine (CNN-UM) architecture is ...
    • Artículo

      Active Perception with Dynamic Vision Sensors. Minimum Saccades with Optimum Recognition 

      Yousefzadeh, Amirreza; Orchard, Garrick; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018)
      Vision processing with Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS) is becoming increasingly popular. This type of bio-inspired vision ...
    • Ponencia

      Advanced Vision Processing Systems: Spike-Based Simulation and Processing 

      Pérez Carrasco, José Antonio; Serrano Gotarredona, María del Carmen; Acha Piñero, Begoña; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Springer, 2009)
      In this paper we briefly summarize the fundamental properties of spike events processing applied to artificial vision ...
    • Ponencia

      AER Building Blocks for Multi-Layer Multi-Chip Neuromorphic Vision Systems 

      Serrano Gotarredona, Rafael; Oster, M.; Lichtsteiner, P.; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Paz Vicente, Rafael; Gómez Rodríguez, Francisco de Asís; Kolle Riis, H.; Delbrück, Tobi; Liu, Shih-Chii; Zahnd, S.; Whatley, A.M.; Douglas, R.; Häfliger, P.; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Civit Balcells, Antón; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, 2005)
      A 5-layer neuromorphic vision processor whose components communicate spike events asychronously using the ...
    • Artículo

      AER image filtering architecture for vision-processing systems 

      Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Andreou, Andreas G.; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1999)
      A VLSI architecture is proposed for the realization of real-time two-dimensional (2-D) image filtering in an ...
    • Artículo

      An Accurate Automatic Quality-Factor Tuning Scheme for Second-Order LC Filters 

      Bahmani, Faramarz; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Sánchez Sinencio, Edgar (IEEE Computer Society, 2007)
      This paper presents a scheme to accurately tune the quality factor of second-order LC bandpass filters. The information ...
    • Ponencia

      An AER Contrast Retina with On-Chip Calibration 

      Costas Santos, Jesús; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Serrano Gotarredona, Rafael; Linares Barranco, Bernabé (IEEE Computer Society, 2007)
      We present a contrast retina microchip that provides its output as an AER (Address Event Representation) stream. Contrast ...