Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresas II
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Recent Submissions
Scheduling consecutive days off: A case study of maritime pilots
(Elsevier, 2021-05)Pilots are essential for the operation of maritime ports and an efficient piloting workforce management is critical to ...
Single station MILP scheduling in discrete and continuous time
(Springer Link, 2024)This article focuses on production planning in the metallurgical sector. This study undertakes a detailed comparative study ...
Predicting the clothing insulation through machine learning algorithms: A comparative analysis and a practical approach
(Springer Link, 2024-05)Since indoor clothing insulation is a key element in thermal comfort models, the aim of the present study is proposing an ...
Distributed energy generation and storage [Dataset]
(idUS. Depósito de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2024-03)El dataset presenta los datos de problemas (batería de problemas), así como los resultados de los mismos tras la aplicación de un modelo exacto de resolución.
A hybrid knowledge-based method for pipe renewal planning in Water Distribution Systems with limited data: Application to Iran
(Elsevier, 2022-10)This study uses a hybrid knowledge-based method for pipe renewal planning in Water Distribution Systems (WDSs), which is ...
Estimation of a logistic regression model by a genetic algorithm to predict pipe failures in sewer networks
(Springer, 2021-09)Sewer networks are mainly composed of pipelines which are in charge of transporting sewage and rainwater to wastewater ...
Prediction of pipe failures in water supply networks for longer time periods through multi-label classification
(Elsevier, 2023-03)The unexpected failure of pipes is a problem that is hitting the water networks of many cities around the world. Nowadays, ...
Assessment of thermal comfort and energy savings in a field study on adaptive comfort with application for mixed mode offices
(Elsevier, 2018-05-15)The study of the thermal comfort of the occupants of a building represents an important challenge, due to its close relation ...
La importancia de las correlaciones entre la duración de las actividades en la gestión de riesgos de proyectos
(Asociación Española de Direción e Ingenería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2023-10)La literatura académica no ha abordado suficientemente la importancia de la correlación entre la duración de las actividades ...
Building automation system with adaptive comfort in mixed mode buildings
(Elsevier, 2018-11)Although there are many fieldstudies to achieve a model of comfort in free running buildings, fewer studies focus on ...
Climatic applicability of downdraught evaporative cooling in the United States of America
(Elsevier, 2018-05)The potential for application of downdraught cooling in the United States of America (U.S.) depends on its climatic ...
Patent. Invention
Controlador dinámico de detección de patrones de tráfico mediante lógica difusa
(Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2011-06-29)Controlador dinámico de detección de patrones de tráfico mediante lógica difusa. Método, dispositivo y sistema controlador ...
Patent. Invention
Controlador dinámico y método de control difuso de grupo de ascensores para la optimización del consumo energético
(Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2012-08-27)Método de control difuso de grupo de ascensores para la optimización del consumo energético de los del tipo que se emplea ...
Analysis of Variables Affecting Indoor Thermal Comfort in Mediterranean Climates Using Machine Learning
(MDPI, 2023-08)To improve the energy efficiency and performance of buildings, it is essential to understand the factors that influence ...
Innovation in the Spanish retail sector: Analyzing customers' acceptance of a Scan and Go tool
(Universidad Politécnica Madrid-Cepade, 2023-07)Smart retail technologies are making their way into stores at a fast pace, as managers identify them as a great opportunity ...
From networking orientation to green image: A sequential journey through relationship learning capability and green supply chain management practices. Evidence from the automotive industry
(Elsevier, 2023)Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and resources and capabilities theory, this study develops a model ...
PhD Thesis
Optimización de procesos logísticos: planificación de recursos materiales y humanos en una terminal portuaria
(2023-05-05)Los puertos son actores fundamentales en las cadenas de suministro de multitud de productos en todo el mundo. A través de ...
Optimal sizing of hybrid wind-photovoltaic plants: A factorial analysis
(Elsevier, 2023)This research attempts to determine the optimal size (in terms of profitability) of a photovoltaic (PV) plant that is ...
Estimación de flujos de entrada de vehículos al puerto de Algeciras durante el desarrollo de la Operación Paso del Estrecho basada en redes neuronales
(Asociación para el desarrollo de Ingeniería de Organización, 2023-04)El desplazamiento migratorio de la comunidad magrebí desde diferentes países de Europa al norte de África durante el periodo ...
A discrete particle swarm optimization to solve the put-away routing problem in distribution centres
(MDPI, 2020)Put-away operations typically consist of moving products from depots to allocated storage locations using either operators ...