IROCAMM: International Review of Communication and Marketing Mix - 2020 - Vol. 3/1

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    The social network as an instrument for the dissemination of the patrimonial and tourist values of the Louvre Museum
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Rostoll Ariza, Jesica
    The museums, wrapped in the digital space that currently exists, have found in the social network a useful and essential tool for the management of their own content, whether patrimonial, institutional or tourist. Through them, they will make this content available to a wide audience, thus creating a greater relationship between institution and society; In addition to greater loyalty. This study presents the analysis of the publications issued by the Louvre Museum, being considered a cultural institution of great reputation as it is one of the most visited museums in the world. It will focus on the most used social networks, such as Face-book, Instagram and Twitter. For its elaboration the number of followers in each one of the accounts, the language or languages in which it is published has been studied and the publications have been grouped into content categories. As a result of this study, a better under-standing of the management and dissemination of communication by this institution, its strengths and deficiencies; equally, it would be an aid resource to achieve its continuous improvement.
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    UNESCO World Heritage and digital marketing: The case of Monumental Consortium of Mérida
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Cano Tenorio, Rafael
    The development of content management in social networks and web 2.0 have become priority objectives in the development of digital communication in national and international cultural entities. In the research presented here, an analysis of the management of contents issued on the official website and on the official accounts on the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube of Monumental Consortium of Mérida, an entity founded in 1996, in charge of the management and conservation of the historical and artistic complex of the city of Mérida, of great cultural importance and which was officially declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1993. The methodology used has been based mainly on the technique of analysis of the contents issued. The results of the study show the importance of a correct management of the analyzed media, and the preponderance in the emission of contents related to the patrimonial resources that the cultural institution has. The conclusions of the study can be useful as a guide for communication and content management managers in the digital environment.
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    Xenophobia and Fake News. Analysis of the confused news flow. Maldita Migración Project
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Notario Rocha, María Luisa; Cárdenas-Rica, María Luisa
    The term “fake news” is translated as false news and its intention is to misinform. Although as Wardle (2017) expresses, it goes beyond a simple definition, it is a complete ecosystem of information and they are presented with different forms and intentions. Behind them there is an objective “to influence and manipulate an idea or event, creating another alternative and parallel event that causes confusion and deceit” (De la Varga, 2019). Among the disseminated hoaxes are those of xenophobic content, those whose protagonists are immigrants. The objective of this research is to analyze and typify the bulls about migration in Spain, reflecting the possible purpose or intentionality of their promoters or broadcasters. This will be done by Maldita Migración, a journalistic project that uses data verification tools to find the truth in the information that circulates on this topic. As expressed on its website, the bulos “seriously affect groups that are often in a situation of vulnerability (...), harm coexistence and deny the contributions that people from different places make to our society” (2019). In the first 20 days of January 2019, those responsible have denied 50 bulos on migration and refuge in Spain. In addition, one of every three bulos for which has been consulted since June 2018 has to do with the potential misinformation about migration (2019). That manipulation and hoaxes on immigration and refuge are a constant in a country like Spain is very worrying, if we take into account the report of the United Nations World Population Policies of 2015, which states that it is the tenth state with more migrants in the world, to which we must add that the Spaniards head the European list of those who give more truth to the fake news, according to Ipsos Global Advisor (2018). These data support the need to know what is spread about them, what consequences it can bring among its inhabitants and to raise the role that the circulation of these hoaxes can have and the dissemination of xenophobic discourses in the image that Spaniards have of migrants arriving at our country
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    Evolution of access to management positions by women in Canal Sur
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Rodríguez Cárcela, Rosa María
    Through the RTVA study we analyzed the evolution of access to management positions by women in Andalusian Radio and Television since its creation in 1987 until the beginning of 2020. To this end, we have compiled the existing data in the Reports of Canal Sur from 1989 to 2018, as well as other studies and reports from the Andalusian Regional Government. The work shows that during these 33 years, management positions have been mainly in the hands of men. No woman has been the director general of RTVA, although a minority of women have achieved positions of high responsibility in the public body (directors of Radio and Television and even management). Therefore, there has not been a balanced representation between the two sexes, which has been progressively achieved, marked by the very rules that establish the principle of parity.
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    The communication of social causes in times of Instagram. An analysis of its effect on society
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Marín Dueñas, Pedro Pablo
    Social networks are configured as a key tool in the marketing and communication policies of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It is also a very useful medium for anyone who wants to inform and raise awareness in society about a specific problem with the intention of giving it visibility. This research seeks to analyze the power of social networks, specifically Instagram, as a communication tool in campaigns with a social cause. More specifically, the object of this work is Pablo Ráez, a young leukemia patient who used the RRSS as a communication channel to engage all users of its fight against the disease, implementing a social communication campaign called “Challenge one million” on the importance of donating bone marrow. The objectives of this research are to analyze the communication made on Instagram during this campaign and the effect it had on society. The methodology used has been, on the one hand, content analysis and, on the other, the survey. Regarding the results, noting that the use of shocking images of their disease are those that have greater prominence, as well as motivational and positive nature of its publications despite the severity of their illness.
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    The analysis of business model canvas on the design of electronic commerce systems based on the Indonesian Army
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Wibowo, Dwi Harry
    This research aimed to know about framing the market opportunity, formulating the market strategy, designing the customer experience, the effect of crafting the customer interface, designing the market program, leveraging customer information through technology, evaluating marketing program, on purchase intention to design e-commerce using business modal canvas on the basis of Indonesian military Army (TNI-AD). This study used quantitative methodology with explanation research as the research type. It explains on the causal connection between variables from the hypothesis test. The result showed that from the variable Y (analyze of internet marketing on brand awareness) had significant effect on the 7 elements except 1 element of evaluating the marketing program. For variable Z (analyze of internet marketing on purchase intention) indicates significant effect on the 7 elements except 1 element of formulating the market strategy. Moreover, for variable Y and Z (analyze of internet marketing on brand awareness and purchase intention) had 5 elements with no significant effect on both and 3 elements with a significant effect.
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    The role of the influence of satisfaction measurement through CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) towards consumer confidence in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Sadiartha, Anak Agung Ngurah Gede; Suartina, I Wayan
    Kindergarten school at an early age is a form of education that focuses on laying the foundation towards physical growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence (thinking power, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as religion), language and communication, by the uniqueness and stages of development carried out by young children born up to eight years, serves to develop children’s potential and shape the child’s personality correctly. The purpose of this education has two functions, namely giving direction to all educational activities and is something that is intended to be achieved by all educational activities. Based the results are customer relationship marketing has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction of Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, CRM has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust in Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Consumer Trust at Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar, the role of satisfaction plays an important role for the development and progress of the institution, this means that the better customer relationship marketing, consumers will feel high satisfaction so that consumers are loyal to the services provided by Elite Sang Tunas Kid Courses Denpasar.
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    Tipos de product placement: una visión teórica
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Álvarez Rodríguez, Víctor
    La técnica publicitaria de product placement es una herramienta de comunicación comercial ligada al sector audiovisual casi desde sus inicios. A lo largo de todo este tiempo, se detecta una evidente evolución de la misma según sus distintas formas y usos. Es por esto que podemos encontrar un gran espectro de autores y publicaciones que han tratado la herramienta. Sin embargo, en muchos sentidos, no ha sido clasificada en todas sus dimensiones y requiere de una ordenación para alcanzar una visión periférica que contemple todas sus aplicaciones. Como respuesta a esta situación, en este estudio se aplica una metodología exploratoria cualitativa centrada en la bibliografía específica con el objetivo de poder determinar las distintas variantes de esta técnica. Como resultado, se desarrolla una tabla de análisis que recoge todos los tipos de product placement dentro del lenguaje audiovisual actual. Se trata de una clasificación fundamentada que se convierte en un modelo teórico que sirve como base para el estudio de futuras investigaciones sobre emplazamiento de producto.