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Artículo A “toolbook” for participatory action research in career development guidance “with” youth at risk(UNED, 2024-04-23) Moreno Morilla, Celia; Romero Rodríguez, Soledad; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa; FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020; Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía.; Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónThis research is developed in the framework of the Orienta-2O and Tempo projects and aims to introduce the reader to a range of successful tools used in career guidance processes with young people at risk (particularly socio-culturally vulnerable). Based on the PAR and Qualitative Career Assessment approaches, the potential of a series of tools incorporated in the "TOOLBOOK'' is analyzed through the exemplification of the Acrux case. All tools address the principle of researching "with" and not "on", and seek to further develop equity, social justice, individual and collective activism, and sustainability. The results of our research show how the application of person-centered tools adjusted to the competences and skills of the individual (artistic, musical, bodily, etc.) produce added value to the career guidance process. After its implementation, a better mental and emotional well-being of the participant is observed, as well as the development of a more critical and communitarian way of thinking. Furthermore, an empowerment of the person is observed, which translates into a greater desire for struggle and activism (individual and collective, as well as a greater capacity for adaptability).Artículo A Collective Case Study in Spain about the LGBTI Community in Sexuality Education(Hipatia Press, 2024) Granero Andújar, Alejandro; Moreno Morilla, Celia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM-1101: Career and Education for Social JusticeThis study aims to gain in-depth knowledge of the presence of the LGBTI community in sexuality education, and how it is being addressed. To this end, Qualitative research was carried out, using the collective case study as a research strategy within the framework of sexuality education activities carried out in two secondary schools in the province of Almería (Andalusia, Spain). The procedures used in the data collection process were based on non-participatory observation, semi-structured interviews, and an analysis of documentary sources. The results show a strong presence of exclusionary views, transmission of discriminatory conceptions, and silencing. They also reveal the LGBTI community is addressed in a superficial manner. Sexuality education is thus not regarded as a space to address non-hegemonic identities and corporealities, nor are those realities considered part of the diverse field of sexuality. This conception contributes to the reproduction and legitimisation of a stigmatised view, as non- hegemonic identities and corporealities are perceived as abnormal, uncommon, exceptional, and tabooArtículo ¿A dónde va la teoría de la Organización?(2006) López Yáñez, Julián; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaArtículo A indução do corpo docente iniciante na República Dominicana. O programa INDUCTIO(UNINTER, 2016) Marcelo García, Carlos; Burgos, Denia; Murillo Estepa, Paulino; López, Altagracia; Gallego-Domínguez, Carmen; Mayor Ruiz, Cristina Mª; Jáspez, Juan Francisco; ; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaConverter-se em docente de excelência é um longo processo. Para consegui-lo resulta fundamentalmente em atender à docência em seus primeiros anos de exercício profissional. As políticas de desenvolvimento profissional docente na América Latina estão começando a prestar particular atenção ao apoio que necessitam os docentes que iniciam na docência. Neste artigo apresentamos o programa INDUCTIO que vem se desenvolvendo na República Dominicana para a indução do corpo docente iniciante. INDUCTIO surge da iniciativa do Instituto Nacional de Formação e Capacitação do Magistério (INAFOCAM) da República Dominicana, com o objetivo de favorecer os processos de indução profissional à docência do corpo docente iniciante. Contempla um amplo conjunto de atividades desenhadas para apoiar aos professores iniciantes. INDUCTIO se fundamenta em uma visão construtivista e conexionista da formação docente e assume os princípios da autoformação e do desenvolvimento profissional docente baseado na evidência. Coerente com esta visão, o programa apresenta um amplo conjunto de experiências de aprendizagem que pode facilitar nos docentes iniciantes na indução de qualidade na docência. INDUCTIO incorpora como elemento principal do programa a figura do mentor. Mas, além disso, acompanha esta figura com a organização de círculos de aprendizagem, seminários de trabalho, formação seguindo a modalidade b-learning. INDUCTIO faz um uso intensivo das tecnologias e para ele foi criado um portal na internet http://inductio.orgArtículo A influência do método de musicoterapia de John Bean e da musicoterapia em geral na representação espacial do corpo de pessoas com paralisia cerebral (2004 -2010)(2010) Fernández Batanero, José María; Rogão, Micaela Cardoso; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaBelieving in the principle of normalization implies believing that all people deserve a society that defends human rights. A society that respects each person’s characteristics and particularities, must respond differently to the needs of its constituents, whether or not they are “normal” or have problems. Thus, this article, based on a quantitative/qualitative research approach, discusses the influence of John Bean’s music therapy method and of music therapy in general on the spatial representation of the body in people with cerebral palsy.Artículo A la búsqueda de elementos diferenciadores que aumentan los resultados y las expectativas de alumnos en riesgo de exclusión educativa(2011) Fernández Batanero, José María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaEl artículo presenta parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación cuyo propósito se centró en la identificación de prácticas educativas, variables o elementos diferenciadores que aumentan, de manera considerable, los resultados y las expectativas de alumnos en riesgo de exclusión educativa. El centro de atención se fijó en aquellos programas o medidas de atención a la diversidad de un instituto de Educación Secundaria de la ciudad de Sevilla. El proceso metodológico desarrollado fue dual y complementario, compuesto así por dos fases de investigación, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. En la fase cuantitativa se realizó un estudio fundamentalmente descriptivo a través de cuestionarios dirigidos al equipo directivo, profesorado y alumnado. En la fase cualitativa, la metodología de investigación que aplicamos es el estudio de casos, utilizando tres técnicas de recogida de información: entrevistas en profundidad al profesorado, observación directa en situaciones naturales en el aula y análisis documental. Los resultados muestran que aunque la problemática que se presenta en el alumnado en riesgo de exclusión educativa está ligada a múltiples factores personales, sociales y familiares, el centro escolar y su funcionamiento, desarrolla un papel muy importante, ya que puede exacerbar los problemas académicos y de enganche de los jóvenes en riesgo. Entre las conclusiones se destaca cómo las prácticas educativas basadas en la inclusión educativa contribuyen a aumentar los resultados y las expectativas con este alumnado, y cómo las «buenas prácticas» van asociadas al compromiso personal del profesorado, más que con el profesional. Terminamos el trabajo dirigiendo las implicaciones hacia dos direcciones, la primera destinada a promover un mayor desarrollo legislativo de las Administraciones para contemplar y favorecer propuestas inclusivas, al mismo tiempo que un mayor grado de autonomía en los centros educativos. La segunda encaminada a favorecer y promover el desarrollo de respuestas integrales en el marco de la comunidad.Artículo A meta-analysis on the effect of technology on the achievement of less advantaged students(Elsevier, 2025) Di Pietro, Giorgio; Castaño Muñoz, Jonatan; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaThis paper presents a meta-analysis that investigates the impact that the educational use of digital technologies has on less advantaged students’ achievement. We use a comprehensive definition for this group of students that includes all students in less developed countries as well as more disadvantaged students in more developed countries. 740 estimates from 72 studies employing experimental and quasi-experimental research designs are collected. Overall, educational technology initiatives are found to have a small, positive, statistically significant effect that remains even after correcting for publication bias. Additionally, our results indicate that computer-assisted learning and behavioural interventions are more effective in raising the achievement of less advantaged students than simple access to technology. Interestingly, the effect of these two interventions appears to be of a similar magnitude. Finally, the use of digital technologies is associated with slightly greater achievements in math and science than humanities.Artículo A review of Problem-Based Learning applied to Engineering(2016) Rodríguez González, César Antonio; Fernández Batanero, José María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaThis study examines the theoretical foundations of the teaching method known as Problem-Based Learning (PBL). We discuss the origins of the approach and its application to the field of engineering education, and also provide a number of basic guidelines. Practical aspects concerning the design and implementation of PBL are considered, along with various studies into its use with the technical sciences. Finally, we report on research into the adoption of PBL for the teaching of engineering courses during the academic years 2013-14 and 2014- 15 at the School of Engineering of the University of Huelva.Artículo A study of the potential of training to be transferred to the workplace(Universidad de Granada, 2016) Granado Alonso, Cristina; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaIn order to improve the effectiveness of the training provided by the agency in charge of training of public servants in the region of Andalusia (Spain), trainers were surveyed about what is the utilization of designrelated transfer factors they do when they design training courses. Thus, the extent to which training is designed to be transferred can be analyzed. The results suggested that trainers focused their interventions more on the trainees’ satisfaction with the level and usefulness of the learning acquired than on the learning transfer to workplace. In addition, this study allowed us to gain better understanding of the perspective of trainers on how training design elements are associated. Four transfer-focused training approaches were detected, whose concomitant use varies depending on training objectives. It is concluded that the study of the transferability of training is useful to detect weaknesses and strengths in training and proposals for improvements and lines of inquiry are suggested.Artículo A systematic review of the benefits and challenges of technologies for the learning of university students with disabilities(Sage Journals, 2023) Moriña Díez, Anabel; Carballo Delgado, Rafael; Castellano Beltrán, Ana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaThis systematic review explores the benefits and difficulties of using technology for the learning of university students with disabilities in both face-to-face and distance learning. Three databases were searched: ERIC, Scopus and Web of Science. The review included 14 articles that met all the inclusion criteria. All the included articles were qualitative studies involving 240 students and 143 faculty members. The data were analyzed using an inductive system of categories and codes. The results are organized around five themes: characteristics of the studies, technological resources most commonly used in university teaching, benefits of technology for learning, difficulties in using technology, and valuation of virtual teaching environments. The discussion and conclusions highlight the positive aspects of technology in the learning of students with disabilities, and warn of the need to improve faculty training and inclusive policies to ensure an effective and accessible use of technology.Artículo Abandono escolar y prácticas educativas inclusivas(Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Central De Chile. Rinace, 2011) Fernández Batanero, José María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaEste trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos en relación a las prácticas educativas que se desarrollan en un centro de educación secundaria. El diseño metodológico de investigación, de carácter descriptivo, ha sido el estudio de caso. Entre las conclusiones del estudio sobre la prevención del abandono temprano destacan, por un lado, la importancia de desarrollar estrategias de planificación, organización y enseñanza acordes con la inclusión educativaArtículo Academic Performance and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Through a Flipped Classroom Experience: Training of Future Teachers of Primary Education(2021) Cabero Almenara, Julio; Romero Tena, Rosalía; Llorente Cejudo, María del Carmen; Palacios Rodríguez, Antonio de Padua; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaIn recent years, studies carried out in the educational field have concluded that the Flipped Classroom methodology offers numerous advantages for both teachers and students. In this sense, this approach is worked on at the university to develop skills necessary for the future professional of students, as well as increase their commitment to the subjects. The general objective of thisresearch isto verify if the learning acquired through the Flipped methodology, as well as the perception of it, are useful for university students of the Degree in Primary Education. For this, two types of designs are used: pretest-posttest and validation through structural equations (PLS) of the scale to evaluate the degree of acceptance of the Flipped methodology based on the TAM model. The results show the adequacy of the training proposal based on Flipped methodology for university students. The students perceive the incorporation of the inverted methodology as an adequate strategy, highlighting the ease of use in the classroom, the acceptance of its integration, the transformation of interest in learning and showing a positive attitude towardsits use in the future. Together, the level of acceptance asregardsthe validation of the TAM model is high. Finally, the possibility of replicating the model in similar investigations or through the so-called emerging technologies is evaluated.Artículo Academic success factors in university students with disabilities: a systematic review(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, 2022) Moriña Díez, Anabel; Biagiotti, Gilda; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa; FEDER funds European Union; Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, State Research Agency FundsThis study provides a systematic review of the literature on what factors university students with disabilities recognise as necessary for their academic success. This systematic review was conducted in ERIC, Scopus and Web of Science. The opinions of 3854 students in a total of 31 qualitative and quantitative studies were analysed through a system of categories and codes. The results were organised according to the description of the studies (type of methodology, country and type of disability) and personal and external factors favouring success. Among the personal factors of students with disabilities who progress and remain at university, selfadvocacy, self-awareness, self-determination, self-esteem and executive functioning stood out. Regarding external factors, the following were identified: family, disability offices, staff and faculty members, and peers that influence their academic success. This paper includes significant findings that universities can use to develop actions that promote the development of some of the factors identified in this study, thus favouring the learning and academic success of students with disabilitiesArtículo Academic whatsapp groups as alternative communication and motivation systems in higher education(2018-10-02) Román Graván, Pedro; Ballesteros Regaña, Cristóbal; Díaz Noguera, María Dolores; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa;; Universidad de Sevilla. (HUM390): Análisis Tecnológico y Cualitativo de los Procesos de Enseñanza-AprendizajeThe present article shows the development of a study that analyzed the possibilities of academic WhatsApp groups as alternative communication systems for virtual tutoring in the university environment. Through a descriptive study with 317 students from three different degrees, the results obtained indicate that the implementation of academic WhatsApp groups would make a helpful tool for improving the communication with their classmates and the virtual tutoring with their teachers, increasing their level of written expression and participationArtículo Académicos gestores en la universidad actual: desafíos y aprendizajes(OmniaScience, 2016) Sánchez Moreno, María Rita; Altopiedi, Mariana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaObjeto: El artículo presenta y discute algunos resultados de un estudio acerca de la gestión de académicos universitarios y se centra en la identificación de las principales claves –tanto de contenido como de orden metodológico– para diseñar programas formativos en relación con esta tarea. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: La investigación –de corte cualitativo– contempló la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a 71 gestores académicos universitarios positivamente valorados como tales, en tres universidades españolas –Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULP), Universidad de Lleida (UdL) y Universidad de Sevilla (US). Los datos fueron analizados mediante el programa MAXQDA.10 y la interpretación de los mismos fue contrastada durante una segunda ronda de entrevistas a 15 de estos académicos gestores. Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados sugieren la existencia de un cierto “ciclo vital” en los académicos gestores y nos informan de sus razones más o menos conscientes para continuar en el ejercicio de los cargos, de sus preocupaciones en torno del manejo de las relaciones interpersonales y la gestión de conflictos, así como de la necesidad percibida de recibir una formación para el desarrollo de la labor de gestión basada en una metodología activa y participativa, favorecedora de un aprendizaje práctico. Limitaciones: Las principales limitaciones del estudio derivan de dos cuestiones. La primera, de orden metodológico, está relacionada con el tamaño relativamente pequeño de la muestra. La segunda, por su parte, se refiere al momento de transición en el modelo de gobierno y gestión de las universidades que puede suponer un cambio en el modo en que los académicos se preparen para llevar a cabo estas funciones así como en su valoración e interés por desarrollarlas. Implicaciones prácticas: Dado que era esa una de las finalidades del estudio del que surge la información presentada aquí, los resultados del mismo han permitido el diseño de un Programa formativo para la gestión universitaria, cuya primera edición ya ha tenido lugar. Implicaciones sociales: La puesta en marcha de Programas de Formación en Gestión Académica Universitaria como el derivado del estudio presentado puede contribuir a la mejora del funcionamiento de las instituciones universitarias. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Dada la escasez de propuestas formativas como la surgida de los hallazgos aquí presentados, la importancia de los mismos se ve reforzada.Artículo Acceptance of educational Artificial Intelligence by teachers and its relationship with some variables and pedagogical beliefs(MDPI, 2024) Cabero Almenara, Julio; Palacios Rodríguez, Antonio de Padua; Loaiza Aguirre, María Isabel; Rivas Manzano, María del Rosario de; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM390: Grupo de Investigación Didáctica: Análisis Tecnológico y Cualitativo de los Proc. de Enseñanza-AprendizajeThis study explores teachers’ acceptance of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) and its relationship with various variables and pedagogical beliefs. Conducted at the Universidad Téc- nica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador), the research surveyed 425 teachers across different disci- plines and teaching modalities. The UTAUT2 model analyzed dimensions like performance expec- tations, effort expectations, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, usage be- havior, and intention to use AIEd. Results showed a high level of acceptance among teachers, influ- enced by factors like age, gender, and teaching modality. Additionally, it was found that construc- tivist pedagogical beliefs correlated positively with AIEd adoption. These insights are valuable for understanding AIEd integration in educational settings.Artículo La accesibilidad en las web de las universidades andaluzas(2001) Toledo Morales, Purificación; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaEn el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de un estudio sobre la accesibilidad que existe en las páginas WEB de las ocho universidades públicas de Andalucía. Más concretamente presentamos qué universidades andaluzas siguen los criterios de accesibilidad marcados por la WAI para el diseño de WEB, y qué problemas de accesibilidad concretos presentan cada una de ellas.Artículo El acceso a la universidad del estudiante andaluz: algunas cuestiones de interés(1998) Bermejo Campos, Blas; Gómez, J.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EducativaArtículo Access and Participation of Students with Disabilities: The Challenge for Higher Education(MDPI, 2022-09-21) Fernández Batanero, José María; Montenegro Rueda, Marta; Fernández Cerero, José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa; José María Fernández Batanero; MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.; GID HUM-390Access to university is a right for all people; however, access to higher education for people with disabilities is still a challenge. The present study, based on a systematic review of the literature, aims to report on the challenges faced by students with disabilities in accessing and participating in higher education. The systematic review of four databases resulted in 20 studies published between 2011 and 2021. The results indicate that students with disabilities face numerous challenges in accessing university education. Based on the results, strategies are proposed in order to provide equal opportunities and success in higher education for students with disabilities.Artículo La acción tutorial del profesor en la enseñanza superior: las prácticas (practicum) en la formación de profesionales(1987) Álvarez Rojo, Víctor Benito; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa