NombreFernández Prior, África
DepartamentoBioquímica Médica y Biología Molecular e Inmunología
Área de conocimientoBioquímica y Biología Molecular
Categoría profesionalContrato Juan de la Cierva Formación
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Isolation and structural determination of cis- and trans-p-coumaroyl-secologanoside (comselogoside) from olive oil waste (alperujo). Photoisomerization with ultraviolet irradiation and antioxidant activities

Bermúdez Oria, Alejandra; Castejón Martínez, María Luisa; Rubio Senent, Fátima; Fernández Prior, África; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Fernández Bolaños, Juan (Elsevier, 2024)
p-Coumaroyl-6́-secologanoside (comselogoside) is a secoiridoid identified in large amounts in olive fruits, although no ...

The Effect of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Minor Phenolic Compound 3',4'-Dihydroxyphenylglycol in Experimental Diabetic Kidney Disease

Rodriguez-Perez, Maria Dolores; Santiago-Corral, Laura; Ortega-Hombrados, Laura; Verdugo, Cristina; Arrebola, Maria Monsalud; Martin-Aurioles, Esther; Fernández Prior, África; Gonzalez-Correa, Jose Antonio (MDPI, 2023)
The aim of this study was to analyze the possible nephroprotective effect of 3’,4’-dihydroxy phenylglycol (DHPG), a ...

Anaerobic Digestion of the Residue (Combination of Wastewater and Solid Waste) from a New Olive-Oil Manufacturing Process Based on an Olive Cold-Pressing System: Kinetic Approach and Process Performance

Fernández Rodríguez, María José; Cubero Cardoso, Juan; Lama Calvente, David de la; Fernández Prior, África; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Borja, Rafael (MDPI, 2022)
This research evaluates the anaerobic digestion (AD) process of the residue generated in a new olive-oil manufacturing ...

Rapid screening of unground cocoa beans based on their content of bioactive compounds by NIR spectroscopy

Hernández Hernández, Carolina; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Fernández Prior, África; Morales Sillero, Ana María (Elsevier, 2022)
Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated as a fast and easy method for identifying the most interesting cocoa ...

From Green Technology to Functional Olive Oils: Assessing the Best Combination of Olive Tree-Related Extracts with Complementary Bioactivities

Hernáez, Álvaro; Jaramillo, Sara; Garcia-Borrego, Aránzazu; Espejo-Calvo, Juan Antonio; Covas, María Isabel; Blanchart, Gema; Fernández Prior, África; Fitó, Montserrat (MDPI, 2021)
Our aim was to assess the combination of olive tree-related extracts with the most favorable profile of in vitro bioactive ...

Valorisation of Olea europaea L. Olive Leaves through the Evaluation of Their Extracts: Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity

Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Mónica; Bascón-Villegas, Isabel; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Pérez-Rodríguez, Fernando; Fernández Prior, África (MDPI, 2021)
Olea europaea L. leaves constitute a source of bioactive compounds with recognized benefits for both human health and ...

Nephroprotective Effect of the Virgin Olive Oil Polyphenol Hydroxytyrosol in Type 1-like Experimental Diabetes Mellitus: Relationships with Its Antioxidant Effect

Rodriguez-Perez, MD; Lopez-Villodres, JA; Arrebola, MM; Martin-Aurioles, E; Fernández Prior, África; Gonzalez-Correa, JA (MDPI AG, 2021)
The aim of this study was to determine whether hydroxytyrosol administration prevented kidney damage in an experimental ...

Synergistic Effect of 3 ',4 '-Dihidroxifenilglicol and Hydroxytyrosol on Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress and Some Cardiovascular Biomarkers in an Experimental Model of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Cortes, JPD.; Vallejo-Carmona, L.; Arrebola, MM.; Martin-Aurioles, E.; Rodriguez-Perez, MD; Ortega-Hombrados, Laura; Fernández Prior, África; Gonzalez-Correa, JA (MDPI, 2021)
The objective of this study was to assess a possible synergistic effect of two extra-virgin olive oil polyphenols, ...

Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic and Sugar Profiles of Date Fruits Extracts from Six Different Algerian Cultivars as Influenced by Ripening Stages and Extraction Systems

Tassoult, Malika; Kati, Djamel Edine; Fernández Prior, África; Bermúdez-Oria, Alejandra; Fernández-Bolanos, Juan; Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Guillermo (MDPI, 2021)
The study investigated the phenols, sugar and the antioxidant capacities of date fruit extracts obtained by organic solvents ...

Extra Virgin Oil Polyphenols Improve the Protective Effects of Hydroxytyrosol in an In Vitro Model of Hypoxia-Reoxygenation of Rat Brain

Cruz Cortés, José Pedro de la; Pérez de Algaba, Inmaculada; Martín-Aurioles, Esther; Monsalud Arrebola, María; Ortega-Hombrados, Laura; Fernández Prior, África; Verdugo, Cristina (MPDI, 2021)
Hydroxytyrosol (HT) is the component primarily responsible for the neuroprotective effect of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). ...

Effect of the Olive Oil Extraction Process on the Formation of Complex Pectin-Polyphenols and Their Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities

Bermudez-Oria, A.; Rodriguez-Juan, E.; Rodriguez-Gutierrez, G.; Fernández Prior, África; Fernandez-Bolanos, J. (MDPI, 2021)
The aim of this research was to investigate the interaction of phenols and pectic polysac- charides during the olive oil ...

Bayesian Analysis of the Effects of Olive Oil-Derived Antioxidants on Cryopreserved Buck Sperm Parameters

Arando Arbulu, Ander; Navas González, Francisco Javier; Bermúdez-Oria, Alejandra; Delgado Bermejo, Juan Vicente; Fernández Prior, África; Pérez-Marín, Carlos Carmelo (MDPI, 2021)
The present study evaluates the effect of olive oil-derived antioxidants, hydroxytyrosol (HT) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol ...

New Liquid Source of Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds in the Olive Oil Industry: Alperujo Water

Fernández Prior, África; Pérez Fatuarte, Juan Carlos; Bermúdez Oria, Alejandra; Viera Alcaide, Isabel; Fernández Bolaños, Juan; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo (MDPI, 2020)
The current management of alperujo as the main solid by-product from the two-phase olive oil extraction system has led to ...

Strawberry Puree Functionalized with Natural Hydroxytyrosol: Effects on Vitamin C and Antioxidant Activity

Bermúdez Oria, Alejandra; Bouchal, Yougourthane; Fernández Prior, África; Vioque, Blanca; Fernández Bolaños, Juan (MDPI, 2020)
The natural antioxidant hydroxytyrosol (HT) was used to functionalize a strawberry puree. The effect of the antioxidant ...

Confirmation by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of a strong complex phenol-dietary fiber with retention of antioxidant activity in vitro

Bermúdez Oria, Alejandra; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Fernández Prior, África; Knicker, Heike E.; Fernández Bolaños, Juan (Elsevier, 2020)
The aim of this study was to prepare a complex between the olive phenolic compounds, hydroxytyrosol (HT), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol ...

Biogas Potential of the Side Streams Obtained in a Novel Phenolic Extraction System from Olive Mill Solid Waste

Fernández Prior, África; Trujillo Reyes, Ángeles; Serrano, Antonio; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Reinhard, Claudio; González Fermoso, Fernando (MDPI, 2020)
The olive oil production is an important industrial sector in many Mediterranean areas, but it is currently struggled by ...

Deep eutectic solvents improve the biorefinery of alperujo by extraction of bioactive molecules in combination with industrial thermal treatments

Fernández Prior, África; Charfi, Akram; Bermúdez Oria, Alejandra; Rodríguez Juan, Elisa; Fernández Bolaños, Juan; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermo (Elsevier, 2020)
Thermal treatments are the latest developments in the olive oil biorefinery industry to extract bioactive compounds from ...