NameGordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel
DepartmentIngeniería Aeroespacial y Mecánica de Fluidos
Knowledge areaMecánica de Fluidos
Professional categoryCatedrático de Universidad
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The skating of drops impacting over gas or vapour layers

García-Geijo, P.; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
We report numerical simulations confirming the predictions in Gordillo & Riboux (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 941, 2022, A10), ...

Amplification of Supersonic Microjets by Resonant Inertial Cavitation-Bubble Pair

Bußmann, Alexander; Fan, Yuzhe; Reuter, Fabian; Bao, Hengzhu; Adami, Stefan; Adams, Nikolaus; Ohl, Claus-Dieter; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2024)
We reveal for the first time by experiments that within a narrow parameter regime, two cavitation bubbles with identical ...

Theory of the jets ejected after the inertial collapse of cavities with applications to bubble bursting jets

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Blanco Rodríguez, Francisco Jose (American Physical Society, 2023)
The dynamics of the axisymmetric jets originated from the bursting of bubbles in a liquid of density ρ, viscosity μ, and ...

Role of liquid viscosity and of air entrapped on the splashing of drops impacting over superhydrophobic substrates

García-Geijo, P.; Riboux Acher, Guillaume; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2022)
Here we analyze the splash transition of drops of liquids with different viscosities impacting normally over different ...

The initial impact of drops cushioned by an air or vapour layer with applications to the dynamic Leidenfrost regime

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
This work is devoted to the study of the conditions under which a drop directed normally towards a superheated or isothermal ...

Direction of the microjet produced by the collapse of a cavitation bubble located in a corner of a wall and a free surface

Kiyama, Akihito; Shimazaki, Takaaki; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Tagawa, Yoshiyuki (American Physical Society, 2021)
In this paper, we present a simplified theoretical model based on the method of images that predicts the direction of the ...

Large impact velocities suppress the splashing of micron-sized droplets

Usawa, Masashi; Fujita, Yuta; Tagawa, Yoshiyuki; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2021)
Here we investigate the transition from spreading to splashing of drops with radii R varying from millimeters to tens of ...

On the jets produced by drops impacting a deep liquid pool and by bursting bubbles

Blanco Rodríguez, Francisco Jose; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Here we provide a unified theoretical description of two different physical situations in which liquid jets are expelled ...

Spreading and splashing of drops impacting rough substrates

Garcia Geijo, Paula; Quintero, E. S.; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Publisher Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Here, we present experimental results of water and ethanol drops of radii R, density ρ and interfacial tension coefficient ...

Method of mass production of monodisperse microbubbles aided by intense pressure gradients

Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Wiley, 2020)
Here we present a method for producing noncoalescing monodisperse microbubbles in an efficient, massive and controlled ...

Inclined impact of drops

García-Geijo, P.; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
Here we extend the results in Gordillo et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 866, 2019, pp. 298–315), where the spreading of drops ...

Impulsive generation of jets by flow focusing

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Onuki, Hajime; Tagawa, Yoshiyuki (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
Here we characterize the origin and subsequent disintegration into droplets of the type of high-speed jets formed after ...

On the sea spray aerosol originated from bubble bursting jets

Blanco Rodríguez, Francisco José; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
Here we provide a theoretical framework revealing that the radius of the top droplet ejected from a bursting bubble of ...

Micron-sized double emulsions and nematic shells generated via tip streaming

He, Kunyun; Campo-Cortés, Francisco; Goral, Martyna; López-León, Teresa; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2019)
Here we show that the so-called Confined Selective Withdrawal technique [Evangelio, Campo-Cortés, and Gordillo, J. Fluid ...

Splashing of droplets impacting superhydrophobic substrates

Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
A drop of radius R impacting a superhydrophobic substrate at a velocity V keeps its integrity and spreads over the solid ...

Capillary waves control the ejection of bubble bursting jets

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Here we provide a theoretical framework describing the generation of the fast jet ejected vertically out of a liquid when ...

A theory on the spreading of impacting droplets

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Here we provide a self-consistent analytical solution describing the unsteady flow in the slender thin film which is ...
PhD Thesis

Fragmentación de corrientes gaseosas y de masas líquidas en flujos naturales y de interés tecnológico

Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux Acher, Guillaume (2019)
Master's Final Project

Desarrollo e implementación en Matlab de un código numérico para la resolución de problemas de Aerodinámica potencial linealizada no estacionaria

Moreno Pino, Fernando; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (2019)
En el presente trabajo se desarrollado e implementado un método numérico para la resolución de problemas de aerodinámica ...

Production of monodisperse microbubbles avoiding microfluidics

Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús; Evangelio Sánchez, Álvaro; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Here we report the production of monodisperse microbubbles by taking advantage of the large values of both the pressure ...

Sistema agitador y difusor de un gas en líquidos

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Evangelio Sánchez, Álvaro; Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas , 2018)
Sistema agitador y difusor de un gas en líquidos que comprende un eje rotatorio, accionado por un sistema motriz de velocidad ...

Boundary layer effects in droplet splashing

Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Adrop falling onto a solid substrate will disintegrate into smaller parts when its impact velocity, V , exceeds the so ...
PhD Thesis

Generación controlada de microburbujas y microemulsiones. Estabilidad de burbujas en interfaces

Evangelio Sánchez, Álvaro; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (2017)
A lo largo de esta Tesis se exponen tres proyectos de investigación asociados a tres problemas de índole fundamental y ...
Master's Final Project

Producción masiva de microburbujas monodispersas para aplicaciones reales evitando la microfluídica

Sánchez Quintero, Enrique Jesús; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (2017)
La producción de microburbujas monodispersas hoy en día ha alcanzado un importante desarrollo. Por su parte, las aplicaciones ...

Numerical simulation of axisymmetric drop formation using a coupled level set and volume of fluid method

Chakraborty, Indranath; Rubio Rubio, M.; Sevilla, A.; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Elsevier, 2016)
Numerical simulations have been carried out to examine the axisymmetric formation of drops of Newtonian liquid injected ...

Simple and double microemulsions via the capillary breakup of highly stretched liquid jets

Evangelio Sánchez, Álvaro; Campo Cortés, F.; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2016)
We present an exhaustive experimental and theoretical study of the shapes of simple and compound jets formed when one ...

Maximum drop radius and critical Weber number for splashing in the dynamical Leidenfrost regime

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux, Guillaume Maurice (Cambridge University Press, 2016)
At room temperature, when a drop impacts against a smooth solid surface at a velocity above the so-called critical velocity ...
Final Degree Project

Aplicación de la Teoría Potencial para el estudio de las fuerzas ejercidas por una corriente incidente sobre placas rectangulares oscilantes

Flores Caballero, Miguel Ángel; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (2016)
El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado consiste en desarrollar un método numérico que nos permita resolver ...

The diameters and velocities of the droplets ejected after splashing

Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
When a drop impacts a smooth, dry surface at a velocity above the so-called critical speed for drop splashing, the initial ...
Final Degree Project

Efecto de la interacción en la resistencia aerodinámica de la estela de cuerpos romos

Blanco Espinar, Moisés; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Romano, Giovanni Paolo (2015)
En este TFG se prentende estudiar los resultados de algunos experimentos en túnel de viento para determinar ...
Final Degree Project

Medida de las fuerzas aerodinámicas sobre un modelo de colector solar

Márquez Acedo, Jorge; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux Acher, Guillaume (2015)
Este trabajo se basa en el estudio de las fuerzas aerodinámicas que el viento ejerce sobre un modelo de colector solar ...
Final Degree Project

Cálculo de la sustentación en alas en flecha fluctuantes con aplicaciones aerolásticas

López Pujazón, Anabel; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux Acher, Guillaume (2015)
Final Degree Project

Método numérico basado en el potencial de velocidades para la resolución de problemas linealizados no estacionarios

Remesal Nogales, Pedro; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Riboux Acher, Guillaume (2015)

On the cusps bordering liquid sheets

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Lhuissier H.; Villermaux E. (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
The edge of a stationary radially expanding liquid sheet and the receding rim bordering a plane sheet are naturally indented. ...

Experiments of Drops Impacting a Smooth Solid Surface: A Model of the Critical Impact Speed for Drop Splashing

Riboux, Guillaume Maurice; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2014)
Making use of experimental and theoretical considerations, in this Letter we deduce a criterion to determine the critical ...

Global stability of stretched jets: conditions for the generation of monodisperse micro-emulsions using coflows

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Sevilla, A.; Campo Cortés, Eduardo del (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
In this paper we reveal the physics underlying the conditions needed for the generation of emulsions composed of uniformly ...

Microbubble generation in a co-flow device operated in a new regime

Castro Hernández, Elena De; Hoeve, Wim Van; Lohse, Detlef; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011)
A new regime of operation of PDMS-based flow-focusing microfluidic devices is presented. We show that monodisperse ...
PhD Thesis

Análisis de los mecanismos de generación y rotura de burbujas y gotas en corrientes gas-líquido y líquido-Líquido Analysis of the mechanisms of generation and breakup of bubbles and droplets in gas-liquid and liquid-liquid streams

Castro Hernández, Elena De; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (2011)
La presente tesis doctoral trata de profundizar en los mecanismos de generación y rotura tanto de gotas como de burbujas empleando distintas configuraciones.

Scaling the drop size in coflow experiments

Castro Hernández, Elena De; Gundabala, V.; Fernández Nieves, A.; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (IOPscience, 2009)
We perform extensive experiments with coflowing liquids in microfluidic devices and provide a closed expression for the ...

Satellites in the inviscid breakup of bubbles

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Fontelos López, Marco Antonio (American Physical Society, 2007)
In this Letter, we stress the essential role played by gas inertia in the breakup of gas bubbles. Our results reveal that, ...

Bubbling in a co-flow at high Reynolds numbers

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Sevilla, A.; Martínez Bazán, C. (AIP Publishing, 2007)
The physical mechanisms underlying bubble formation from a needle in a co-flowing liquid environment at high Reynolds ...

Dispositivo y procedimiento para romper gotas y burbujas de tamaño milimetrico y micrometrico.

Dávila Martín, Javier; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas , 2006)
Dispositivo y procedimiento para romper gotas y burbujas de tamaño milimétrico y micrométrico.La presente invención describe ...

Axisymmetric bubble pinch-Off at high reynolds numbers

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Sevilla, A.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, J; Martínez Bazán, C. (American Physical Society, 2005)
Analytical considerations and potential-flow numerical simulations of the pinch-off of bubbles at high Reynolds numbers ...

A new device for the generation of microbubbles

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Cheng, Zhengdong; Gañán-Calvo, Alfonso M.; Márquez, M.; Weitz, D. A. (Elsevier, 2004)
In this paper we present a new method for the production of bubble-liquid suspensions (from now on BLS) composed of ...
PhD Thesis

Estudio teórico y experimental de la estabilidad lineal de corrientes co-axiales líquido-gas aplicación a la micro-atomización de líquidos y formación de micro-burbujas

Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel; Pérez-Saborid Sánchez-Pastor, Miguel; Gañán-Calvo, Alfonso M. (2001)

Perfectly Monodisperse Microbubbling by Capillary Flow Focusing

Gañán-Calvo, Alfonso M.; Gordillo Arias de Saavedra, José Manuel (The American Physical Society, 2001)
Here we report a simple microfluidics phenomenon which allows the efficient mass production of micron size gas bubbles ...