• Artículo

      LRH-1 agonism favours an immune-islet dialogue which protects against diabetes mellitus 

      Cobo Vuilleumier, Nadia; Lorenzo, Petra I.; García Rodríguez, Noelia; Herrera Gómez, Irene G.; Fuente Martín, Esther; López Noriega, Livia; Mellado Gil, José Manuel; Romero Zerbo, Silvana Y.; Lachaud, Christian; Hmadcha, Abdelkrim; Sánchez Palazón, Luis; Martín Montalvo, Alejandro; Soria Escoms, Bernat; Gauthier, Benoit R. (Nature Publishing Group, 2018-04-16)
      Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is due to the selective destruction of islet beta cells by immune cells. Current therapies ...