Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Final Degree Project

      Clasificación y su implementación en R 

      Castro Rey, Carlos (2018)
      La clasificación de datos es un proceso de aprendizaje estadístico que trata de agrupar en categorías conocidas los ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Combinatoria de permutaciones 

      Rodríguez Huertas, Rocío (2016-06)
      Permutations are perhaps one of the most basic and important combinatorial structures. They appear in Mathematics and other ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Estimación insesgada 

      Ramos Lucena, Isabel (2017-06)
      The main objective of this Project is the study of unbiased estimation in parametric models. We also introduce some important ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Ley de Benford 

      Lorite Budiño, Pablo (2022-06-22)
      Benford’s law is a statistical phenomenon that was documented for first time in the nineteenth century. This, also known ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Tablas de contingencia 

      Millán Díaz, Inmaculada (2017-09)
      Contingency tables show classifications of individuals under the possible combinations of the levels of two or more ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Urnas de Pólya y su conexión con los árboles aleatorios 

      Besson, Rémi (2015-06-22)
      My work deals with Pólya urns and their connections to random trees widely used in computer science in order to structure ...