Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Final Degree Project

      Algunos aspectos de la teoría de (ultra)filtros 

      Planás Hernández, Francisco (2022-06-03)
      The notions of filter and ultrafilter are introduced in the field of General Topology to extend the notion of convergence ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Convergencia de sucesiones en espacios topológicos 

      Salguero González, Claudia (2023-07)
      En este trabajo, se trata el problema del papel de las sucesiones en los espacios topol´ogicos, desde dos puntos de vista. ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Espacios de clausura de Čech 

      Rodríguez Gómez, Manuel (2021)
      Čech closure spaces were defined by Čech in [3] and are obtained from Kuratowsky closure operator by omitting the idempotent ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Espacios de Convergencia 

      Guillén Guillén, Urbana (2022-06-22)
      The main goal of this proyect is to deepen in the study of the Convergence Spaces which are a generalization of the ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Espacios pretopológicos: algunas aplicaciones 

      González Puntas, Gloria (2018)
      The goal of this work is to study the theory of pretopological spaces and some applications. Starting with the key notion ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Una Introducción a la pretopología 

      Velaure Valera, Elena (2019)
      The main goal of this Final Degree Project is the study of pretopological spaces. Being more precise, certain properties ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Sobre las diferentes nociones topológicas de complejo y algunas de sus aplicaciones 

      Núñez de Arco Valenzuela, Laura (2016-12)
      The main goal of this work is to introduce the different kinds of combinatorial structures used in topological data ...
    • Final Degree Project

      Topologías en el plano digital 

      López Carmona, José Luis (2022-06-24)
      In this work we present the basic properties of the Khalimsky topology on Z 2 . This topology is compared with the ...