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dc.creatorRallo, Pilares
dc.creatorTrentacoste, Eduardoes
dc.creatorRodríguez Gutiérrez, Guillermoes
dc.creatorJiménez González, María Rocíoes
dc.creatorCasanova Lerma, Lauraes
dc.creatorSuárez, María Pazes
dc.creatorMorales Sillero, Ana Maríaes
dc.identifier.citationRallo, P., Trentacoste, E., Rodríguez Gutiérrez, G., Jiménez González, M.R., Casanova Lerma, L., Suárez, M.P. y Morales Sillero, A.M. (2024). Yield and physical -chemical quality of table olives in different hedgerow canopy positions (cv. Manzanilla de Sevill a an d Manzanilla Cacereña ) as affected by irradiance. Scientia Horticulturae, 325, 112699.
dc.description.abstractUnlike oliv e orchards intended fo r oliv e oil, th e pr odu ction of tabl e olives in na rro w hedgerow s is very recent an d th e info rmation avai lable abou t this cropping sy ste m is ye t very scarce . In this work , we studie d fo r th e firs t time in tabl e oliv e hedgerow s (3.75m x 1.35m, N - S or iented) of Ma nzanill a de Sevill a an d Ma nzanill a Ca cereñ a cu lti - vars , th e di str i b ution within th e canopy of yiel d co mponent s an d phys ica l -chemical frui t qualit y traits in re - sponse to th e incident irradiance . Hedgerow canopies were divide d into four position s on each side (Eas t an d West ) accordin g to height abov eground : 0. 5 –1.0m , 1. 0 –1.5m , 1. 5 –2.0m , 2. 0 –2.5m , an d an additional to p canopy position (> 2.5m ) integrated fo r both sides. Tota l pr odu ction , nu mbe r of fruits an d size di str i b ution were recorded fo r each position an d th e fo llo win g frui t traits were assessed : fres h weight , length , equato ria l diam eter, pulp -to -pi t ratio, colo r index, brui sin g pe rcentage, oi l co ntent , wate r co ntent , tota l su gar s an d tota l ph enols . Indi - vi dua l ph enoli c co mpounds were also quantified . Th e incident irradiance at each position wa s ca lculate d over th e frui t growth period usin g a mode l base d on hedgerow parameters , resultin g in a po s itive gr adien t from base to to p canopy positions. Fo r both cu ltivars , yiel d co mponent s an d most qualit y traits were po s itively affected by incident irradiance as they fo llowe d a si m ila r tren d showin g larger mean va lue s with increa sin g canopy heights. Co nversely, th e tota l co ntent s in suga r an d ph enols an d indivi dua l ph enoli c co mpounds were no t affected by th e canopy positions. No remarkable di ffe rence s betwee n East an d West side s of th e hedgerow were observed .es
dc.relation.ispartofScientia Horticulturae, 325, 112699.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectOlea europaea
dc.subjectFruit sizees
dc.subjectPulp-to-pit ratio bruisinges
dc.subjectSuper-high-density orchardses
dc.subjectColor indexes
dc.subjectOil contentes
dc.titleYield and physical -chemical quality of table olives in different hedgerow canopy positions (cv. Manzanilla de Sevill a an d Manzanilla Cacereña ) as affected by irradiancees
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Agronomíaes
dc.journaltitleScientia Horticulturaees

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