General statistics
Items with more visits and downloads
Shows a ranking with the number of visits or downloads by item.
Academic Works with more visits and downloads
Shows a ranking of the most visited or downloaded items within the Academic Works community.
Total visits and downloads
Shows total visits and downloads.
Items by author
Shows the number of items of each author with at least 10 publications.
Visits and downloads by author
Shows a top with the visits or downloads of the authors in idUS with more publications.
Items by collection
Shows the number of items in each collection.
Items by typology
Shows the number of items which belong to each typology.
Deposited items by year
Shows the number of items deposited by year, as well as the total items in idUS.
Academic Works deposited
Shows the number of items deposited in the Academic Works community.
Visits and downloads by country
Shows a ranking of visits or downloads by country.
Items by access type
Shows the number of items according to its access type: open or with embargo.
Collections with more alerts
Shows the number of alerts of each collection.