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dc.creatorMoreno-Fernández, Ana Maríaes
dc.creatorJiménez-Castellanos Ballesteros, Emilioes
dc.creatorIglesias-Linares, Alejandroes
dc.creatorBueso-Madrid, Déboraes
dc.creatorFernández Rodríguez, Anaes
dc.creatorMiguel Rodríguez, Manuel dees
dc.description.abstractObjectives: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) refer to a group of clinical picture affecting the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joint that are characterized by muscular or joint pain, dysfunction (limited or altered functions) and joint noises, as well as other associated symptoms, such as tension headaches, otalgia, dizziness, tinnitus and others. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome of unknown etiology involving generalized chronic pain accompanied, in a high percentage of cases, by other symptoms such as asthenia, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances and other less frequent symptoms, such as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Data: data were compiled by two experienced examiners following a specific form. Sources: An electronic search was carried out in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PUBMED, and SCOPUS electronic databases (up to April 2016, unrestricted by date or language) Study selection: comparative clinical studies with patients with both clinical pictures involving the study of pathogenic processes. Conclusions: Fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorders with muscle pain both have profiles that affect the muscular system and therefore share many epidemiological, clinical and physiopathological symptoms. Because of this, we are led to think that there is, if not a common etiology, at least a common pathogenesis. This article revises the physiopathological processes of both clinical pictures in an attempt to determine their similarities and likenesses. This would undoubtedly help in providing a better therapeutic
dc.subjectTemporomandibular Disorderses
dc.subjectOrofacial Paines
dc.titleFibromyalgia syndrome and temporomandibular disorders with muscular pain. A reviewes
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Citología e Histología Normal y Patológicaes
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estomatologíaes

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