• Ponencia

      Architecture, design and source code comparison of ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators 

      Font Calvo, Juan Luis; Íñigo Blasco, Pablo; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio (ACM Digital Library, 2010)
      Ns-2 and its successor ns-3 are discrete-event simulators. Ns- 3 is still under development, but offers some interesting ...
    • Ponencia

      Error adaptive tracking for mobile robots 

      Díaz del Río, Fernando; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Civit Balcells, Antón (IEEE Computer Society, 2002)
      In mobile robots it is usual that the desired trajectory is memorized or previously generated. When following a trajectory, ...
    • Ponencia

      Function generator to study the dielectric breakdown in thin film structures 

      Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Frutos Rayego, Fabián; González Elipe, Agustín Rodríguez; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Acedo García, Miguel; Jiménez Marín, Alfonso; Díaz del Río, Fernando (IEEE, 2001)
    • Ponencia

      Performance evaluation over HW/SW co-design SoC memory transfers for a CNN accelerator 

      Ríos Navarro, José Antonio; Tapiador Morales, Ricardo; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (IEEE Computer Society, 2018)
      Many FPGAs vendors have recently included embedded processors in their devices, like Xilinx with ARM-Cortex A cores, ...
    • Ponencia

      Un simulador de memorias cache multinivel 

      Almisas, Ricardo; Paz Vicente, Rafael; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis (Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001)
      En este trabajo, se describe un simulador gráfico denominado Simula Cache 1.0, que facilita la realización de prácticas ...
    • Ponencia

      SIRIUS: Improving the maneuverability of powered wheelchairs 

      Civit Balcells, Antón; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Vicente Díaz, Saturnino (IEEE Computer Society, 2002)
      The indoor maneuverability of powered wheelchairs may be difficult or bothersome in several circumstances. In this paper, ...
    • Ponencia

      TetraNauta: a intelligent wheelchair for users with very severe mobility restrictions 

      Vicente Díaz, Saturnino; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Civit Balcells, Antón; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel (IEEE Computer Society, 2002)
      The TetraNauta project is a low cost, fully open steering system to allow people with heavy motor impairments to move in ...
    • Ponencia

      Using virtual potential fields for electric wheelchair guidance 

      Vicente Díaz, Saturnino; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Civit Balcells, Antón; Díaz del Río, Fernando (IEEE Computer Society, 2002)
      TetraNauta is an electric wheelchair guidance system intended for people with heavy motion impairments (such as persons ...