Now showing items 1-20 of 53

    • Presentation

      A Dynamic Equilibrium View of Caching Systems 

      Díaz del Río, Fernando; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Rodríguez Corral, José María (IEEE Computer Society, 2009)
      In this paper, we present a simple analytical study of caching systems based on the idea of dynamic equilibrium of cache ...
    • Presentation

      A Low-power, Reachable, Wearable and Intelligent IoT Device for Animal Activity Monitoring 

      Durán López, Lourdes; Gutiérrez Galán, Daniel; Domínguez Morales, Juan Pedro; Ríos Navarro, José Antonio; Tapiador Morales, Ricardo; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (ScitePress Digital Library, 2019)
      Along with the proliferation of mobile devices and wireless signal coverage, IoT devices, such as smart wristbands for ...
    • Article

      A Middleware-based Approach for Context-aware Computing 

      Salvador Artola, Zigor; Larrea Álava, Mikel; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Casas Nebra, Roberto; Marco Marco, Álvaro (CEPIS: Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, 2007)
      Ubiquitous computing environments integrate a large number of heterogeneous devices, which convey an increasing level of ...
    • Presentation

      A Mobile Memory Game for Patients with Acquired Brain Damage: A Preliminary Usability Study 

      Morón Fernández, María José; Yáñez Gómez, Rosa; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Suarez Mejias, Cristina; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis (IEEE Computer Society, 2014)
      Memory rehabilitation and training is an important activity for patients with Acquired Brain Damage, including Cerebral ...
    • Article

      A PCI AER Co-Processor Evaluation Based on CPUs Performance Counters 

      Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Íñigo Blasco, Pablo; Font Calvo, Juan Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis (JIT Editorial Office, Library and Information Center, National Dong Hwa University, 2012)
      Image processing in digital computer systems usually considers the visual information as a sequence of frames. These frames ...
    • Presentation

      A Real-Time Wireless Sensor Network for Wheelchair Navigation 

      Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Vicente Díaz, Saturnino; Luján Martínez, Carlos Daniel; Díaz del Río, Fernando (IEEE Computer Society, 2009)
      Today, the availability of inexpensive, low power hardware including CMOS cameras and wireless devices make it possible ...
    • Chapter of Book

      A Smart Electric Wheelchair Using UPnP 

      Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Vicente Díaz, Saturnino; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Civit Balcells, Antón (Springer, 2006)
      People with disabilities in general, and wheelchair users in particular, are one of the groups of people that may benefit ...
    • Article

      Academic methods for usability evaluation of serious games: a systematic review 

      Yáñez Gómez, Rosa; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis (Springer, 2017)
      In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in the design of video games as a tool for education, training, ...
    • Presentation

      AER Filtering Using GLIDER: VHDL Cellular Automata Description 

      Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Obaidat, Mohammad S.; Ferrando, N.; Cerdá, J.; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Civit Balcells, Antón (IEEE Computer Society, 2008)
      Cellular Automata (CA) is a bio-inspired processing model for problem solving, initially proposed by Von Neumann. This ...
    • Presentation

      An AER to CAN Bridge for Spike-Based Robot Control 

      Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Paz Vicente, Rafael; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Coronado, J.L.; Muñoz, J.L.; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel (Springer, 2011)
      Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a bio-inspired communication protocol between chips. A set of AER sensors (retina ...
    • Presentation

      An analytical model of inter-channel interference in Bluetooth-based systems 

      Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Civit Balcells, Antón (IEEE Computer Society, 2002)
      One of the main advantages of the Bluetooth standard is that it provides a way to support ad-hoc connectivity between a ...
    • Presentation

      An experimental evaluation of server performance in Networked Virtual Environments 

      Font Calvo, Juan Luis; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel (IEEE Computer Society, 2012)
      Several works in the literature have recently addressed the study of different Networked Virtual Environments (NVE) due ...
    • Presentation

      Application-transparent integration of simulation tools in a WSN development environment 

      Font Calvo, Juan Luis; Íñigo Blasco, Pablo; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
      The use of simulation tools in the development of new Wireless Sensor Networks protocols and applications should be ...
    • Article

      Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Identifying Critical Issues and Future Perspectives in Image Acquisition 

      Monterroso Muñoz, Alberto; Morón Fernández, María José; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Real Jurado, Pedro (MDPI, 2023-05)
      Underwater imaging has been present for many decades due to its relevance in vision and navigation systems. In recent ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks 

      Barbancho Concejero, Julio; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; León de Mora, Carlos; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Molina Cantero, Francisco Javier (John Wiley and Sons, 2011)
    • Presentation

      Design, Implementation and Validation of a Simulation Tool for Networked Virtual Environments 

      Font, Juan Luis; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; López Muñoz, Gema; Regassa, Berhanu (IEE Xplore, 2012-06)
      The popularisation of Networked Virtual Environment (NVE) applications in several context, including social interaction ...
    • Presentation

      Determination of a Power-Saving Method for Real- Time Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Civit Balcells, Antón; Íñigo Blasco, Pablo; Font Calvo, Juan Luis (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
      In wireless sensor networks, battery life is a key resource that must be conserved as much as possible. Nowadays, the ...
    • Presentation

      Diseño de material específico docente para el aprendizaje de microcontroladores y sistemas USB 

      Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Cerezuela Escudero, Elena; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Gómez Rodríguez, Francisco de Asís; Rivas Pérez, Manuel; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (AENUI: Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de Informática, 2011)
      En la enseñanza en profundidad y especializada en materias de tipo informática nos encontramos con que los contenidos ...
    • Presentation

      Diseño, implementación y evaluación de clúster rb-pi para el procesamiento de visión en paralelo 

      Muñoz Saavedra, Luis; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (3 ciencias. Área de Innovación y Desarrollo,S.L., 2019)
      En este proyecto se presenta la creación de un clúster de micropcs para análisis de imágenes. Para su creación partimos ...
    • Presentation

      ED-Scorbot: A Robotic test-bed Framework for FPGA-based Neuromorphic systems 

      Gómez Rodríguez, Francisco de Asís; Jiménez Fernández, Ángel Francisco; Pérez Peña, Fernando; Miró Amarante, María Lourdes; Domínguez Morales, Manuel Jesús; Ríos Navarro, José Antonio; Cerezuela Escudero, Elena; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Linares Barranco, Alejandro (IEEE Computer Society, 2016)
      Neuromorphic engineering is a growing and promising discipline nowadays. Neuro-inspiration and brain understanding applied ...