Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Article

      Profile of inflammatory bowel disease nurses in Brazil 

      Ribeiro de Barros, Jaqueline; Ramdeen, Madhoor; Rivera Sequeiros, Adriana; Pinheiro Baima, Julio; Saad Hossne, Rogério; Aguiar Alencar, Rúbia de; Yukie Sassaki, Ligia (2023-09-25)
      Background: Nurses play a fundamental role within the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) multidisciplinary team. Objective: To ...
    • Article

      Quality of care in patients with inflammatory bowel disease from a public health center in Brazil 

      Mayumi Takamune, Debora; Astolfi Cury, Giovana Signorelli; Ferrás, Giulia; Herrerias, Giedre Soares Prates; Rivera Sequeiros, Adriana; Ribeiro de Barros, Jaqueline; Pinheiro Baima, Julio; Saad Hossne, Rogeiro; Yukie Sassaki, Ligia (Baishideng Publishing Group, 2022-11-26)
      BACKGROUND Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are chronic diseases that demand continuous interaction between patients ...
    • Article

      The impact of an educational intervention on inflammatory bowel disease for nurses in Brazil 

      Ribeiro de Barros, Jaqueline; Rivera Sequeiros, Adriana; Pinheiro Baima, Julio; Lofiego Renosto, Fernanda; Saad Hossne, Rogeiro; Yukie Sassaki, Ligia (Scientific Research, 2020)
      Background: The inflammatory bowel disease nurse plays a key role in the multidisciplinary team. The aim of the study was ...