Now showing items 1-20 of 210

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      Sobre el test de máxima potencia para hipótesis nula simple contra hipótesis alternativa simple 

      Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Springer-Verlag, 1984)
      El propósito de este trabajo es dar una construcción explicita del test de máxima potencia para un constraste de hipótesis ...
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      Sobre el test de máxima potencia para hipótesis nula simple contra hipótesis alternativa simple. 

      Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 1984)
      El propósito de este trabajo es dar una construcción explícita del test de máxima potencia para un constraste de hipótesis ...
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      Some results on diagonal maps 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 1986)
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      A note on the Köthe dual of Banach-valued echelon spaces 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen (Universitat de Barcelona. Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, PPU, 1988)
      Several different ways of defining the Köthe dual of echelon spaces of Banach-valued functions are shown to be equivalent
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      in λ-sums of normed spaces 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen (Guy Hirsch, 1989)
      Let E n , n=1,2,··. be a sequence of normed spaces and λ an AK-Köthe sequence space. The λ-sum of the spaces E n is defined ...
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      Extensions of topological algebras 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Fernández Carrión, Antonio; Müller, Vladimir (Springer, 1989)
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      On completely continuous maps from locally convex spaces to L1 

      Díaz Madrigal, Santiago (European Mathematical Society, 1990)
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      Complemented copies of c0 in vector-valued Köthe-Dieudonné function spaces 

      Díaz Madrigal, Santiago; Fernández Carrión, Antonio; Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Springer, 1992)
      Let [Lambda] be a barrelled perfect (in the sense of J. Dieudonné) Köthe space of measurable functions defined on an ...
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      The space of Pettis integrable functions is barrelled 

      Drewnoswki, Lech; Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (American Mathematical Society, 1992)
      It is well known that the normed space of Pettis integrable functions from a finite measure space to a Banach space is not ...
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      Duals of vector-valued Köthe function spaces 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen (Cambridge University Press, 1992)
      Let Λ be a perfect Köthe function space in the sense of Dieudonné, and Λ× its Köthe-dual. Let E be a normed space. Then ...
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      On the Mikusiński-Antosik diagonal theorem 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Virués Gavira, Juan Manuel (De Gruyter Open, 1992)
      We give and improvement cf de Mikusinski-Antosik Diagonal Theorem. From this result we obtain as corollaries the other matrix lemmas used by P. Antosik and C. Swartz, showing that they have a common character
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      The space of countably simple bounded functions with values in a DF-space 

      Díaz Madrigal, Santiago; Fernández Carrión, Antonio; Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1994)
      We study the possibility of lifting some properties, as being a (barreled, quasi-barreled, bornological, or ultrabornological) ...
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      Köthe echelon spaces à la Dieudonné 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen (Elsevier, 1994)
      Let (gn) be a sequence of locally integrable functions defined on a Radon measure space. The echelon space associated to ...
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      Enseñar con mathematica 

      Díaz Madrigal, Santiago; Fernández Carrión, Antonio; Rodríguez Luis, Alejandro José (Universidad de Sevilla, 1994)
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      MATLAB y algunas de sus aplicaciones 

      Montes Contreras, Celestino; Navarro Domínguez, María de los Ángeles (1995)
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      Lifting the solutions of a Toeplitz type equation; the semigroup case X = TsXT*s 

      Bermudo Navarrete, Sergio; Hernández Mancera, Carmen; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Universita del Salento, 1995)
      A Toeplitz operator with respect to a contractive representation {Ts} of an abelian semigroup Σ in a Hilbert space H is ...
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      A Wide Class of Ultrabornological Spaces of Measurable Functions 

      Díaz Madrigal, Santiago; Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José (Elsevier, 1995)
      Our main result states that a bornological locally convex space having a suitable Boolean algebra of projections is ...
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      El Potencial de Hart y Mas-Colell para Juegos Restringidos Por Grafos 

      Bilbao Arrese, Jesús Mario; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996)
      This paper analyzes a model of formation of connected coalitions in a cooperative game. This model is a communication ...
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      Práctica con matlab en álgebra lineal en ingeniería industrial 

      Basallote Galván, Manuela; Contreras Márquez, Manuel Domingo; Heredia Zapata, Manuel; López Armenteros, A.; Oliveros Troncoso, José (Universidad de Sevilla., 1997)
      En este trabajo, presentamos las principales íneas del desarrollo de la práctica con el programa MATLAB realizada en la ...
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      Hopf-Like Bifurcations in Planar Piecewise Linear Systems 

      Freire Macías, Emilio; Ponce Núñez, Enrique; Torres Peral, Francisco (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions, 1997)
      Continuous planar piecewise linear systems with two linear zones are considered. Due to their low differentiability specific techniques of analysis must be developed. Several bifurcations giving rise to limit cycles are pointed out.