Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Article

      Heisenberg superalgebras 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Gómez Martín, José Ramón; Navarro, R. M. (Taylor and Francis, 2009)
      Heisenberg algebras are the only Lie algebras (g, [, ]) which verify [g, g] = Z(g) and dim(Z(g)) = 1, where Z denotes the ...
    • Article

      Leibniz Algebras Associated to Extensions of sl 2 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Gómez Vidal, S.; Omirov, Bakhrom Abdazovich (Taylor and Francis, 2015)
      In this work, we investigate the structure of Leibniz algebras whose associated Lie algebra is a direct sum of sl2 and ...
    • Article

      Naturally graded (n-3)--filiform Leibniz algebras 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Gómez Martín, José Ramón; Omirov, Bakhrom Abdazovich (Elsevier, 2010)
      Naturally graded nilpotent p-filiform Leibniz algebras are studied for p > n − 4, where n is the dimension of the algebra. Using linear algebra methods we describe the naturally graded (n − 3)-filiform Leibniz algebras.
    • Article

      Some cohomologically rigid solvable Leibniz algebras 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Kaygorodov, Ivan; Omirov, Bakhrom Abdazovich; Solijanova, Gulkhayo (Elsevier, 2020)
      In this paper we describe solvable Leibniz algebras whose quotient algebra by one-dimensional ideal is a Lie algebra with ...
    • Article

      The Classification of Naturally Graded p-Filiform Leibniz Algebras 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Gómez Martín, José Ramón; González, A. J.; Omirov, Bakhrom Abdazovich (Taylor and Francis, 2010)
      In the present article the classification of n-dimensional naturally graded p-filiform (1 ≤ p ≤ n − 4) Leibniz algebras ...