Tesis (Electrónica y Electromagnetismo)
Recent Submissions
PhD Thesis
Passive balanced microwave devices
(2024-06-12)This thesis explores advances in microwave passive device design, focusing on balanced circuits (filters, diplexers, ...
PhD Thesis
Bioimpedance spectroscopy wearable system for noninvasive monitoring of heart failure
(2024-06-28)Esta tesis se centra en el avance de la eHealth a través del desarrollo y la validación de un dispositivo portátil de ...
PhD Thesis
Statistical evaluation of sensitivity to radiation-induced transient effects in complex mixed-signal circuits
(2024-05-08)Este trabajo de doctorado investiga la sensibilidad de circuitos electrónicos complejos de señal mixta a los eventos ...
PhD Thesis
Design of a hardware Root-of-Trust on embedded systems
(2024-03-13)Cybersecurity is a crucial component of the digital ecosystem in Europe, being fortified by global organizations like the ...
PhD Thesis
Design of readout channels for time-of-flight image sensors based on a 28-nm FPGA
(2023-03-24)This thesis presents a contribution to the design of readout channels for time-of-flight image sensors. Specifically, the ...
PhD Thesis
Behavioral Modeling of CMOS SPADs Based on TCAD Simulations
(2022-01-24)SPAD stands for Single Photon Avalanche Detectors. SPADs are photodiodes structurally similar to those used in conventional ...
PhD Thesis
Contributions to the realization of DNN-based visual inference on embedded systems
(2023-01-10)This thesis comprises a set of contributions to the state of the art of embedded computer vision systems. CNNs constitute ...
PhD Thesis
High-voltage compliant neurostimulator with on-chip power management in standard CMOS technology
(2022-11-11)Esta tesis se centra en el diseño y desarrollo de circuitos integrados (CIs) en tecnologías de fabricación CMOS estándar ...
PhD Thesis
Alternative Methods for Non-Linearity Estimation in High-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters
(2022-02-22)The evaluation of the linearity performance of a high resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) by the Standard ...
PhD Thesis
Proposal of Architecture and Circuits for Dynamic Range Enhancement of Vision Systems on Chip designed in Deep Submicron Technologies
(2012-09-11)El trabajo presentado en esta tesis trata de proponer nuevas técnicas para la expansión del rango dinámico en sensores ...
PhD Thesis
Modeling and simulation of non-linear bioelectronic systems applied to cell culture assays
(2021-12-12)Monitoring the properties of biological samples (BS) is expensive in terms of time consumption and cost in resources and ...
PhD Thesis
Study of variability phenomena on CMOS technologies for its mitigation and exploitation
(2021-11-12)Variability phenomena in CMOS technologies have become a growing concern in recent years. One of the main reasons for this ...
- PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
On The Design of Compressed Sensing CMOS Imagers
(2021-07-23)El muestreo compresivo (CS) es una teoría de muestreo y una alternativa al proceso de muestreo basado en el teorema de ...
PhD Thesis
Low-Power Artifact-Aware ImplantableNeural RecordingMicrosystem for Brain- Machine Interfaces
(2021-06-02)Neuroscience research into how complex brain functions are implemented at cell level requires in vivo neural recording ...
PhD Thesis
Analog-to-Digital Converters for Efficient Portable Devices
(2021-03-19)La transformación digital en la que se encuentra inmersa nuestra sociedad no hubiese sido posible sin el desarrollo ...
- PhD Thesis
- PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
Dinámica no lineal de una bola conductora inmersa en un líquido dieléctrico sometida a un campo eléctrico
(2003-12-26)Dinámica y carga de una bola conductora que bota sobre un electrodo bajo efecto de un campo eléctrico estático. Dinámica ...
PhD Thesis
Diseño de circuitos integrados para interfaces neuronales implantables
(2020-06-10)Progress in microfabrication technology has opened the way for new possibilities in neuroscience and medicine. Chronic, ...