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    The Impact of Public Funding to Private R&D: Evidence from Spain
    (Universidad de Valladolid, 2024) Fernández-Zubieta, Ana; García Sánchez, Antonio; Molero, José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía e Historia Económica
    The paper analyses the effects of public subsidies to private R&D in Spain. We carried out an evaluation assessment of the program aid of the Centre for the Development for Industrial Technology (CDTI) from 2015 to 2020. CDTI is the main public agency in Spain that grants public support for firms to carry out R&D projects. We combine information on public grants from CDTI with the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) that integrates information from the survey on innovation and R&D activities of companies (Innovation Survey). The sample is an unbalanced panel containing 57,988 observations of which 9,116 (16%) correspond to beneficiary companies. We use a mixed approach of Differences-in-Differences with propensity score matching (DD-PSM) in the common support to control for some of the biases that occur when analysing causal effects. We find that public support has positive effects on firms’ R&D resources (i.e. internal R&D investment and job creation) - input additionality- and cooperation -behavioural additionality. However, the impact of public support on firms’ technological outputs varies importantly across sectors, having a positive effect limited to traditional-oriented sectors.
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    Women, Work, and Globalization. Challenges and Opportunities [Reseña]
    (Emerald, 2015) Sánchez-Apellaniz García, Mercedes; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Women, Work and Globalization. Challenges and Opportunities by Bahira Sherif Trask addresses the relationship between the globalization process and its impacts on women’s paid and unpaid work and their life and families, from a cross-cultural perspective. The book stresses the idea that the neoliberal processes affecting globalization and their focus on markets have multiple effects. They impact the role of governments, the increasing participation of women in paid employment, the type of jobs held by women, migration processes, changes in gender roles, notions of a “good mother” and the balance between household and work responsibilities.
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    Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction-Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries
    (Wiley, 2024) Wojtczuk-Turek, Agnieszka; Turek, Dariusz; Edgar, Fiona; Klein, Howard J.; Bosak, Janine; Sánchez-Apellaniz García, Mercedes; Schmitz, Susana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Sustainable human resource management is gaining importance in organizations dueto its role in developing a sustainable work environment and well-being. This paperdiscusses the relationship between employee perceptions of sustainable humanresource management and job satisfaction in 54 countries. We propose that sustain-able HRM is positively associated with job satisfaction but that this relationship ismoderated by employees' identification with the organization and country-levelindividualism–collectivism. Thus, we suggest national culture functions as a second-level moderator of the relationship of sustainable HRM with organizational identifica-tion on job satisfaction. Findings from the multi-level analyses using data from14,502 employees nested within 54 countries provided support for our hypotheses,namely that employee perceptions of sustainable HRM were positively associatedwith job satisfaction and that this relationship was more pronounced for employeeswith lower levels compared to higher levels of organizational identification in individ-ualistic rather than collectivistic countries. These findings bear important implicationsfor both theory and practice.
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    Does sustainable consumption make consumers happy?
    (Sage, 2022) Ramos Hidalgo, María Encarnación; Díaz-Carrión, Rosalía; Rodríguez Rad, Carlos J.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    The importance of ethical behavior in consumers has never been so evident, and in recent years, researchers have generated a great deal of knowledge about ethical consumption. The search for happiness in consumption has been a recurrent line of research by academics of the management and, mainly, the marketing fields. Our study analyses the relationship between ethical and sustainable behavior in consumption and the achievement of consumer happiness. Employing structural equations, the findings of the study suggest that there is a positive relationship between consumers’ predisposition toward sustainable behavior and happiness. In addition, the findings indicate that, when there are reasons to justify unethical behavior in consumption, the consumer also manages to be happier. Important implications for theory and practice are derived from the results. Emphasizing the benefits of sustainable consumption for enhancing happiness might instigate sustainable consumption, especially in the case of those consumers who do not have a positive attitude toward sustainable consumption.
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    Network resources and social capital in airline alliance portfolios
    (Elsevier, 2013) Casanueva Rocha, Cristóbal; Gallego Agueda, María Ángeles; Sancho Mejías, María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España
    The airline sector is a mature industry in which a wide range of competitive practices reflect highly intense levels of rivalry. This is evident from the alliance portfolios of airline companies that are composed of mutually advantageous agreements between firms in the aviation sector. In this context, we examine the influence that access to valuable network resources may have on company performance (in operational and financial terms). Moreover, as network resources come under the resource dimension of a firm's social capital, we also study the way the resource dimension is affected by other dimensions of social capital (network position, network structure formed by the alliance portfolio and the quality of the relations). We study the alliances agreed between 214 mainstream airlines, up until 2007, during which time 351 airlines formed various types of partnerships. The results suggest, on the one hand, that access to partner resources is influenced by structural and relational factors. However, on the other hand, the structure of each airline's alliance portfolio has more influence than its position in the global network of alliances. These results point to the need for satisfactory governance of the composition and management of an airline's alliance portfolio.
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    Metric proposal for customer engagement in Facebook
    (Emerald, 2014) Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles; Muñoz Expósito, Miriam; Castellanos Verdugo, Mario; Sancho Mejías, María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a comprehensive metric for customer engagement in Facebook, the top social networking site. Design/methodology/approach – The approach is conceptual and it makes operative customer engagement concept in the specific context that is Facebook. Findings – In the new dynamic business environment fostered by Internet, where customer value goes beyond what the customer spends on a brand or a firm, firms will be able to fine-tune their customer engagement strategy by means of the metric results and its evolution. Research limitations/implications – The paper, which provides insight and a metric for customer engagement in Facebook, is a starting point for future conceptual and empirical research that might be conducted to further refine the proposed metric. The assessment of engagement achieved as a result of actions on Facebook will allow marketers to evaluate the efficiency of the action and, through its longitudinal evaluation, the fluctuation according to different posting strategies used, so managers can see whether engagement or disengagement is happening and then make decisions about which type of content generates better engagement. Originality/value – The metric offered is unique, as it focuses on customer engagement on Facebook, and to the best of author’s knowledge, there is not any previous attempt to measure it.
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    Airline alliances: Mobilizing network resources
    (Elsevier, 2014) Casanueva Rocha, Cristóbal; Gallego Agueda, María Ángeles; Castro Abancens, Ignacio; Sancho Mejías, María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España
    Airline alliances represent examples of resource utilization across a network. This paper examines the need to distinguish between access to and mobilization of the resources held by allies. An ordinary least squares regression was applied to a sample from the Top International Airlines database. Our findings show that mobilization of the destinations of the partner companies through codeshare alliances has a positive and significant influence on the performance of airlines. Moreover, they suggest that the development of network resources mobilizing capability in increasingly dynamic and global environments will only generate an important source of competitive advantage when acted upon.
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    The mediating effects of community support for sustainable tourism, community attachment, involvement, and environmental attitudes
    (Sage, 2022) Orgaz Agüera, Francisco; Castellanos Verdugo, Mario; Acosta Guzmán, José Alberto; Cobeña Ruiz-Lopera, María del Mar; Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Community attachment is a key factor for both the perceptions and the attitudes of residents including the tourism activities within it. Besides, residents’ participation in the tourism development process influences their support for the development of tourism activities. Finally, the environmental attitudes of residents are essential for the sustainability of natural resources. A total of 722 structured questionnaires to residents of the city of Santiago de los Caballeros gathered information about community attachment, environmental activity, support for tourism, perceptions, and involvement toward the natural resources of the Yaque del Norte River (the longest of the Dominican Republic). The results, using partial least squares, showed the relevant relations between the variables researched and offer a new framework on which to reflect, for the assessment of the relations between community attachment and support for sustainable tourism, together with the involvement and the attitudes of the community.
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    The closer the better to the Great Pit of Daznak movie set? Residents of a rural town and their perceptions of film tourism
    (Taylor and Francis, 2024) Cobeña Ruiz-Lopera, María del Mar; Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles; Vega Vázquez, Manuela; Correal, Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Films are a powerful medium to promote destinations, particularly to attract tourists to film locations. Moreover, the economic development film tourism brings with it can revitalise rural areas undergoing economic decline. The attitudes of residents toward tourism are a key factor in the development of tourism-related economic activity. In this study, the perceptions of the residents of a rural Spanish town, Osuna, are explored after the filming of Game of Thrones. A difference-in-means analysis was employed with data collected through a questionnaire that was published in a local newspaper and posted on several Facebook pages whose members were Osuna residents. The conclusions suggested that the local residents perceived the film set as a positive development for attracting tourists. Additionally, the influence of distance from the film-set location was evident in only three aspects: impact on the traditional lifestyle of the residents, higher prices, and conflicts between film crews and residents.
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    Diversity in airline alliance portfolio configuration
    (Elsevier, 2019) Cobeña Ruiz-Lopera, María del Mar; Gallego Agueda, María Ángeles; Casanueva Rocha, Cristóbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    Alliances in the airline industry operate as a basic strategy to stimulate competition and both the number and the types of alliances have increased over time. Each airline maintains alliances simultaneously with a variable number of partners. The set of airline's alliance partners constitutes its alliance portfolio. A central theme of these portfolios is the way in which partner selection improve performance. Is the alliance portfolio configuration based on either similar or different partners? We examine how the differences can arise from differences between the partners themselves, from resource complementarity, and from the partners structural positions in the network. The relations between these types of differences and whether they affect firm performance are studied. Codeshare alliances established between airline companies at a global level are analyzed to establish their effects on performance. In particular, the study comprises 135 alliance portfolios all of which from major airlines. The results suggest that structural homogeneity and complementarity improve performance and that alliance portfolio diversity favors network resource complementarity.
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    Speed of the internationalisation process. The role of objective vs. subjective perceptions of time
    (Springer, 2024) Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Moreno Menéndez, Ana María; Acedo González, Francisco José; Ramos Hidalgo, María Encarnación; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España
    Time is often neglected as a factor in international business research. In this paper, objective and subjective perspectives of time are incorporated into the study of speed of a firm's internationalisation process. The concept of speed is defined as the relationship between distance and time, and therefore we propose a theoretical framework that applies these two perspectives of time both to distance and to time, and differentiate between three levels of analysis: individual, organisational, and environmental. Our framework also incorporates two mediating constructs: learning speed and risk perception. Ten hypotheses are proposed that contribute towards a better understanding of the temporal dimension of the internationalisation process.
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    Imitation and speed of the internationalisation process: an analysis of market selection process
    (Inderscience, 2021) Edeh, Jude N.; Acedo González, Francisco José; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Ramos Hidalgo, María Encarnación; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    The role of speed in the internationalisation process of firms is increasingly becoming an important research question for international business scholars. In this regard, prior research raised the importance of experiential knowledge for understanding internationalisation speed, but neglected other sources of knowledge acquisition in the internationalisation process. This paper addresses this gap by examining the impact of inter-organizational imitation on the speed at which firms locate their operations in foreign markets. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of 479 Spanish international firms covering a 23-year period (1986–2008). The results show that a higher number of prior entries carried out by firms from the same industry and home country accelerated the speed of international operations. Besides, the results reveal a curvilinear relationship between the number of prior entries and the speed of locating operations in targeted foreign markets. The results suggest that the impact of imitation on the speed of international operations decreases when the targeted foreign market becomes less attractive due to saturation.
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    Maturing international new ventures: Short- and medium-term Insights
    (Springer, 2023-03) Agustí Pérez, María de las Aguas; Kuivalainen, Olli; Ramos Hidalgo, María Encarnación; Acedo González, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Contabilidad y Economía Financiera; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    This paper investigates whether the decision to internationalize early in a firm’s life affects its later development in new and adolescent venture phases. To observe this post-entry evolution, this paper analyzes a set of Spanish firms (N = 106) from a longitudinal perspective (8-year panel data), trying to depict these firms’ short- and mid-term behavior in relation to their sales growth and export intensity. The results show that early internationalization among Spanish firms lead to positive sales growth and increased export intensity, but the “age effect” phases out soon, and many international new ventures (INVs) may stagnate. The paper contributes to the discussion of the learning advantage on newness in early and adolescent phases of internationalization and, subsequently, to the discussion about the role of time and experience in the internationalization process.
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    Analysis of FIFA referees and assistant referees’ motivational factors towards the Multimedia Teaching Materials
    (Springer, 2017) Armenteros, M.; Liaw, Shu-Sheng; Sánchez Franco, Manuel Jesús; Fernández, M.; Arteaga Sánchez, Rocío; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    The aim of our study is to improve the understanding of the different behavioral intentions of referees and assistant referees in different FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) confederations towards Multimedia Teaching Materials as learning tools. To achieve this goal, we carry out a survey of 214 elite referees and assistant referees and we propose a research model with the variables perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, perceived self-efficacy, multimedia instruction, previous experience with technology and self-paced learning. These variables were taken from previous educational technology research. Among these models we mainly take into account the Technology Acceptance Model, the Motivational Model and the Social Cognitive Theory. To assess the relationships between the constructs, we develop an analysis based on a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), specifically Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results of this study confirm that referees and assistant referees are willing to use Multimedia Teaching Materials to assist them in their learning activities as long as they perceive the materials to be useful, enjoyable and easy to use and whenever the course contents are multimedia.
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    Sustainable fashion knowledge: nurturing individual responsibility through spiritual and emotional sustainable capacities in the fashion industry
    (Emerald, 2024) Martínez-Martínez, Aurora; Martelo-Landroguez, Silvia; Cepeda-Carrión, Gabriel; Cegarra Navarro, Juan-Gabriel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Purpose This study aims to explore the role of sustainable fashion knowledge in shaping individual sustainable responsibility within the dynamic landscape of the fashion industry from a novel perspective, by exploring the intricate interplay between sustainable fashion knowledge, emotional and spiritual sustainable capacities. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study was used, and a causal model with partial least squares structural equation modeling was developed. A total of 211 valid responses were obtained, and data were analysed to confirm the proposed hypotheses. Findings The findings confirm the positive impact of sustainable fashion knowledge on individual sustainable responsibility, mediated by both spiritual and emotional sustainable capacities. This study underscores the significance of individuals in influencing societal norms, prompting fashion companies to adopt sustainable practices. Research limitations/implications The proposed conceptual framework integrates insights from the emotional and spiritual knowledge dynamics. This study uncovers the pathways through which individuals contribute to a more sustainable society. Originality/value The study not only advances the understanding of sustainable fashion practices but also provides actionable insights for policymakers, businesses and individuals seeking to foster a culture of sustainability in the fashion ecosystem.
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    Fostering financial literacy in high school education through a game: the experience of RANOKA
    (AECA, 2024) Miras Rodríguez, María del Mar; Martelo-Landroguez, Silvia; Fresneda Fuentes, Maria Silvia; Rodríguez-Castro, Paula; Escobar Pérez, Bernabé; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Contabilidad y Economía Financiera
    According to the official educational curricula, formal financial training in Spain has been and still is limited. Consequently, the level of financial competences of Spanish students in their last year of high school remains below the average level of OECD’s countries. This research aims to highlight the importance of complementing the formal high school education with non-formal activities. Such non-formal activities could help in the acquisition of economic- financial knowledge and skills at an early age. Specifically, an activity based on a game denominated “Ranoka” was designed and implemented to contribute to enhancing the financial literacy levels of young people. Therefore, our challenge is to increase the level of financial competence in a fun way to capture the attention of these young students when faced with content that might be tedious or unattractive for them. The activity was carried out in 2021 in the Southwest of Andalusia. Five different educational institutions and a total of 224 students from the last course of mandatory high school in Spain participated in the activity. The participants valued positively the proposed activity with an average score of 8.4 points out of 10. The students who participated in the game also answered a questionnaire. Five questions from the PISA report were used to test their level of financial competence. Results have been analysed by gender, type of school, and enrolment in Finance or Economics subjects. Therefore, the insights of this research could be useful for education authorities when developing the educational curricula of high school students.
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    Tourism in protected areas and the impact of servicescape on tourist satisfaction, key in sustainability
    (Elsevier, 2019-06) Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles; Vega Vázquez, Manuela; Castellanos Verdugo, Mario; Orgaz-Agüera, Francisco; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Natural areas, when protected, conserve the natural environment and function as social spaces in which tourism brings increased income, employment and financial support for conservation. In this context, the satisfaction of tourists through their experiences in the protected area (PA) is an important objective that not only depends on the PA tourist site, but also on the services that are provided. This paper addresses the impact of the service environment (servicescape) on tourist satisfaction in the context of a PA through the perceived value of a PA tourist site. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 520 tourists visiting the PA of the Natural Monument Saltos de la Damajagua in Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic). Using variance-based structural equation modelling based on the partial least squares method, facilities were identified as satisfiers, while informational services and food were perceived as dissatisfiers. The dissatisfiers are essential services and their absence/poor performance produce dissatisfaction, while improvements in the satisfiers will increase tourist satisfaction in the PA. These results have implications for the management of the PA, providing tools that can inform PA managers on how to fulfil their goals: the protection of the ecological integrity of the PA and tourist satisfaction.
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    Influence of Perceived Legitimacy and Perceived Value of Professional Association Members on Attitudinal Loyalty
    (MDPI, 2024-12-25) Sánchez del Río Vázquez, María Elena; Rodríguez Rad, Carlos J.; Orta Pérez, Manuel; Revilla Camacho, María Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Contabilidad y Economía Financiera
    This article explores the discoveries related to organizational legitimacy, focusing on its three key types: pragmatic, moral, and cognitive. It examines how perceived value plays a crucial role in the generation of legitimacy and its direct impact on attitudinal loyalty. The study, based on a survey of 156 members of the Professional Association of Economists of Seville, demonstrates the significant influence of perceived value and legitimacy on the three dimensions of organizational legitimacy and attitudinal loyalty. Based on the findings, the paper recommends a management approach that emphasizes perceived value to reinforce legitimacy, which in turn strengthens loyalty. Another important contribution of our work is that it fills a gap in the literature related to professional association membership loyalty and its antecedents. Further research is suggested to investigate the causes and effects of legitimacy in different organizational contexts.
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    Integrating the board's resources to achieve a firm's internationalisation
    (Emerald, 2015) Pérez-Calero Sánchez, Leticia de los Ángeles; Barroso Castro, Carmen; Villegas Periñán, María del Mar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing)
    Purpose – From the resource-based view (RBV), the purpose of this paper is to argue that the board has the capability to participate in international strategic decisions and deal with the environmental complexities that internationalisation brings; and moreover, to achieve better performance than its competitors. Design/methodology/approach – This paper highlights the active participation of the board in firm internationalisation using a sample of 78 Spanish firms quoted on Madrid Stock Exchange. The authors used a longitudinal analysis from 2005 through 2010. Findings – The results show that while the resources provided by the directors through their level of education and international experience, help them learn and process information, and they are a source of expertise representing “board potential”. A board that functions well through the directors’ relationships allow the proper integration and use of these resources, and helps create sustainable competitive advantages in an international context. Originality/value – From a RBV, this paper refines and extends the concept of “board capability” as the combination of potential and internal relations that allow boards to undertake their roles competently over time. Additionally, the paper empirically examines the effect of board capability on firm internationalisation.
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    How boards' internal and external social capital interact to affect firm performance
    (Sage, 2016) Barroso Castro, Carmen; Villegas Periñán, María del Mar; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    Board social capital encompasses two types of relationships: external and internal ties. This study examines the effects of board social capital on firm performance using a sample of the 103 companies listed on The Madrid Stock Exchange (2008). In order to measure board internal social capital, we consider the directors’ co-working experience on the board. On the other hand, to measure external board social capital, we rely on the directors’ ties to other organizations through interlocking directorates. We introduce internal social capital as a necessary variable for a more complete understanding of the external social capital/firm performance relationship. Our results have important implications for corporate governance practices. When firms propose reconsidering the composition of boards, they should not be guided solely by the intention of maximizing external connections. On the contrary, they should really take into account the fundamental role of internal social capital, which (1) intensifies the positive effects of the external capital when its level is low and (2) attenuates the negative effects of an excess of the board’s external social capital.