Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics - 2015 - Vol. 7

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/72135


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  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Interpreting quantifiers in subject position
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2015) Ander Mendia, Jon
    In this paper we argue that collective readings of quanti!ed NPs in subject position involve a form of hidden distributivity (Dowty 1987). We argue that there are two different types of collective predicates, and that the best way to model this contrast is by means of two separate syntactic structures corresponding to different aktionsarten (Taub 1989, Brisson 1998). Borrowing the basic mechanism to exploit this idea from Brisson (2003), we argue instead that a semantics without covers (Schwarzschild 1996) is both empirically more adequate and conceptually more appealing.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    An (only) apparent case of hyper raising in Spanish
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2015) Fernández Sánchez, Javier
    This paper deals with an apparent case of hyper raising in Spanish (Juan parece que llegará tarde) and concludes that no actual raising takes place: that is, the allegedly A-moved subject (Juan) appearing at the left edge of the raising predicate is actually in an A’-position in the left periphery of the matrix clause. The thesis defended in this paper has been challenged recently by Fernández-Salgueiro (2011), who proposes an analysis in terms of A-movement. In this paper I will argue against this view (i) by showing that it leads to empirical and conceptual inconsistencies and (ii) by providing evidence of the A’-status of the subject. I will further reject a monoclausal analysis of this construction, which considers parecer a modal verb (Ausín 2001, (Torrego 2002) or a grammaticalized adverb as suggested by Cross (1945) and Bolinger (1946).