Ponencias (Ingeniería Energética)
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Ponencia Herramienta para el diseño de estrategias de acondicionamiento térmico en espacios exteriores(Asociación Española de Direción e Ingenería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2023-10) Montero Gutiérrez, Paz; Guerrero Delgado, María del Carmen; Palomo Amores, Teresa Rocío; Monge Palma, Rafael; Álvarez Domínguez, Servando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP143: TermotecniaLa importancia del confort en los espacios urbanos se ha visto reforzada a nivel internacional, debido a la aparición del efecto de Isla de calor en las grandes ciudades del sur de Europa. El objetivo de planificadores, urbanistas, arquitectos e ingenieros es recuperar la habitabilidad de los espacios urbanos, luchando contra los efectos adversos del cambio climático. Asimismo, este personal técnico necesita una plataforma que ayude en la toma de decisiones para establecer estrategias de acondicionamiento de dichos espacios. Con este fin, en el marco de los proyectos europeos Cartuja-Qanat (UIA03-301) y LIFE-Watercool (LIFE18 CCA/ES/001122), se diseña una herramienta informática que permite analizar los elementos que integran el espacio urbano y propone mejoras para hacerlo más habitable. La herramienta cuenta con una base de datos capaz que cataloga y almacena la información técnica de diversos elementos: vegetación, técnicas naturales, coberturas y pavimentos. Asimismo, también puede analizar cualquier área de interés mediante conexión directa con Google Maps, incluyendo diferentes motores de cálculo, que genera un archivo de resultados a interpretar por el usuario de la herramienta, muestra el índice de confort mediante una representación espacio-temporal intuitiva y versátil, y recomienda tecnologías y elementos urbanos para resolver los problemas detectados.Ponencia Athilea, una herramienta de cálculo para el estudio de soluciones de aislamiento interior en fachadas(Asociación Española de Direción e Ingenería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2023-10) Monge Palma, Rafael; Guerrero Delgado, María del Carmen; Cerezo Narváez, Alberto; Sánchez Ramos, José; Álvarez Domínguez, Servando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP143: TermotecniaReformar un edificio puede ser un desafío cuando las condiciones urbanísticas, arquitectónicas o constructivas no permiten aislar desde el exterior. Especialmente, cuando supone aumentar la ocupación, reducir la separación a linderos y/o invadir medianeras colindantes. Para dar cumplimiento a la normativa y permitir que los edificios puedan proporcionar niveles adecuados de confort y demanda energética, la mejora de la envolvente térmica tendrá que ser ejecutada por el interior. Este trabajo presenta una herramienta VBA Excel® que permite evaluar el impacto del aislamiento de fachadas por el interior en la pérdida de suelo útil y mejora de demanda. A partir de un catálogo de seis edificios representativos del parque edificatorio español (tres edificios multifamiliares y tres unifamiliares con distinta compacidad, forma y volumetría), el usuario puede definir todos los elementos de la envolvente, así como la ciudad, zona climática y aislamiento a comparar, permitiendo cuantificar el coste esperado de la perdida de suelo y evaluar el cumplimiento de los requisitos normativos en materia de ahorro energético. De este modo, se consigue realizar una rápida y precisa toma de decisiones para la renovación profunda de un edificio hasta alcanzar el nivel de edificio nZEB o Passivhaus, conociendo sus implicaciones energéticas y económicas.Ponencia Estrategias de mitigación del efecto de isla de calor urbana y su impacto en los edificios(Asociación Española de Direción e Ingenería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2023-10) Palomo Amores, Teresa Rocío; Guerrero Delgado, María del Carmen; Montero Gutiérrez, Paz; Sánchez Ramos, José; Álvarez Domínguez, Servando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP143: TermotecniaLas temperaturas en el interior de las viviendas y su entorno urbano aumentan cada año, especialmente en climas cálidos, alejándose cada vez más de las condiciones de confort deseadas. La escasez de vegetación y el uso de materiales convencionales en las zonas urbanas llevan a un empeoramiento de las condiciones ambientales, alimentando el efecto de isla de calor urbana. Asimismo, este afecta el confort en el interior de los edificios, aumentando el gasto eléctrico en climatización y, consecuentemente, las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Este trabajo evalúa el impacto de la transformación urbana en la demanda y confort térmico de los edificios colindantes de un espacio urbano. Este se enclava en la Avenida Cruz Roja de Sevilla, objeto de una intervención real de diseño urbano bioclimático. Para ello, los edificios involucrados se organizan en clústeres, evaluando el impacto en la demanda y confort interiores de las distintas medidas de mitigación propuestas en cada clúster. De este modo, la adaptación al cambio climático no sólo proporciona las condiciones necesarias para que la ciudadanía vuelva a disfrutar de la vida en la calle, sino que también beneficia a los edificios, reduciendo su demanda e incrementando el confort de sus ocupantes.Ponencia Solución radiante para el acondicionamiento térmico de estancias de corta duración(Asociación Española de Direción e Ingenería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2023-10) Montero Gutiérrez, Paz; Cerezo Narváez, Alberto; Otero-Mateo, Manuel; Pastor-Fernández, Andrés; Álvarez Domínguez, Servando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP143: TermotecniaEl espacio urbano es un lugar hostil para los ciudadanos de grandes urbes del sur de Europa. Asimismo, el uso de transporte público se ve reducido en temporada estival por efectos de la isla de calor. Estas circunstancias propician que los peatones no usen las áreas urbanas para ocio. Por este motivo, la creación de refugios climáticos es fundamental para mejorar el confort térmico de sus ocupantes. Este estudio propone el diseño de una parada de autobús autosuficiente, a instalar en la ciudad de Sevilla, que proteja a sus habitantes del clima. Su autosuficiencia es posible mediante la integración de la tecnología Falling-Film e incorporación de módulos radiantes de refrigeración. A partir del prototipado de una marquesina, se evalúa su comportamiento en el seno de una cámara climática, totalmente sensorizada, con el propósito de estudiar la eficiencia de los sistemas. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos en el experimento se centran en el análisis de flujos de calor convectivo y radiante en diferentes condiciones de funcionamiento, garantizando que el 60% del flujo de calor total se debe a la radiación. Igualmente, imágenes termográficas demuestran el correcto funcionamiento de la estancia, que alcanza condiciones de confort en 20 minutos.Ponencia Assessment of Part-Load Operation Strategies of Supercritical Power Cycles Using Carbon Dioxide Mixtures in CSP Plants, Including Air-Cooled Condenser Optimisation(American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023-09) Rodríguez de Arriba, Pablo Enrique; Crespi, Francesco Maria; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; García Rodríguez, Lourdes; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; European Union (UE). H2020; Ministerio de Universidades. España; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Maquinas y Motores TérmicosThis manuscript, developed in the framework of SCARABEUS project, presents an assessment of the part-load performance of a transcritical Recompression cycle running on a 80%CO2-20%SO2 mixture under different load-control schemes. The first part of the paper describes the computational platform of the integrated system, implemented in Thermoflex but with profuse use of in-house scripts, in order to accurately describe the off-design performance of key components when operating on CO2 mixtures with non-ideal gas behaviour. These off-design models make use of performance maps for turbomachinery -provided by the SCARABEUS partners- whereas the Conductance Ratio Method employed to model the counter-current heat exchangers is calibrated with in-house tools. The paper is specifically focused on the Heat Rejection Unit, for which a specific design tool accounting for accurate heat transfer between working fluid and cooling medium (air) and for auxiliary power consumption -both in off-design- has been developed by the authors. In the second part of the paper, different operating strategies of the power cycle are considered, based on keeping one of the following three parameters constant: turbine inlet temperature, turbine outlet temperature or return temperature of molten salts. Globally, plant operation is constrained by the need to keep the temperature of cold HTF returning to the storage system as close as possible to its rated (design) value and by the need to keep turbine outlet temperature below 450ºC to avoid the installation of an external cooling system in the low pressure section of this equipment. Therefore, the trade-off between these two parameters and system net efficiency are assessed in the paper. Regarding the Air-Cooled Condenser, the optimal operation strategy of this component found to be based on a combination of Single-speed and Variable Frequency Driver fans. The results show that the operation at constant turbine inlet temperature leads to the highest net efficiency of the power block, closely followed by the control scheme based on constant return temperature of the heat transfer fluid. Nevertheless, this latter option enables a perfect control on the other two figures of merit. As a consequence, the identification of the best operation strategy must be addressed in future works by means of a thorough techno-economic assessment considering the annual yield of the plant.Ponencia A Methodology to Quantify Product Competitiveness and Innovation Requirements for Micro Gas Turbine Systems in Hydrogen Backup Applications(American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2023-09) Tilocca, Giuseppe; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Torres García, Miguel; Escamilla Perejón, Antonio; Minett, Simon; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; European Union (UE). H2020; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosMicro gas turbines are an on-site power and heat generation technology with a small footprint, low gaseous (NOx) and acoustic emissions, low maintenance and high-grade heat. They entered the market at the dawn of the twentieth century; nevertheless, they achieved minimal success and a marginal role in the microgeneration market. Reciprocating internal combustion engines raised considerable barriers hindering their market deployment, and Fuel Cells are also set to compete in this segment. In this scenario, this work presents an analysis of competitiveness grounded in the Theory of Constraints. To this end, a specific Key Performance Indicator has been produced, which combines technical, economic, and operational factors according to the end-user requirement. This indicator is a function of several penalty factors representing technology and market barriers, which aims to yield a unique insight into the most competitive technology for a given application, accounting for the uncertainty deriving from technical and economic elements. This novel methodology is applied to a new potential niche market: Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Power for remote applications. The methodology is applied to an independent rural community in South Wales, for which a backup power system is assessed. Four technologies are considered in the analysis: reciprocating engines, fuel cells and two different microturbines layouts. Finally, this work provides an overview of the possible R&D&I paths necessary to increase the competitiveness of micro gas turbines in certain markets.Ponencia Use of the ND tool: An open tool for the synthetic generation of 1-min solar data from hourly means with geographic flexibility(American Institute of Physics, 2022) Larrañeta, Miguel; Cantón Marín, Carlos; Silva Pérez, Manuel Antonio; Lillo Bravo, Isidoro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP122: Termodinamica y Energias RenovablesIn this paper, we present a description of how to use a web based tool employing the ND model by Larrañeta et al. [1]. The tool is suited for downscaling DNI, GHI or coupled DNI and GHI from 1-h to 1-min. It requires only an annual solar radiation dataset in the hourly resolution as input and provides 1-min data in any location without local adaptation. We have applied the tool in three locations with different climates. The similitude between measured and generated DNI distributions has been evaluated through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Integral (KSI) for annual synthetic 1-min datasets. Obtained KSI values range from 6.2 W/m2 to 11.5 W/m2.Ponencia Comparison of the representativeness of solar radiation type of days from the viewpoint of the production of parabolic trough and central receiver plants(American Institute of Physics, 2022-05) Moreno Tejera, Sara; Jiménez Valero, Paola; Pérez Aparicio, Elena; Lillo Bravo, Isidoro; Silva Pérez, Manuel Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP122: Termodinámica y Energías RenovablesThe classification of days according to the solar radiation features is one of the tools frequently used for the solar resource assessment, modelling or forecasting. Recent studies discuss the appropriate classification method or number of types of days, but these studies usually don’t take into account, at least in an explicit way, the relation between the types of days and the yield of solar plants. In this work, we compare the representativeness of the types of days defined by two classification methods from the viewpoint of the production of a Central Receiver (CR) and a Parabolic Trough (PT) solar plant. The selected classification methods are based on the daily solar radiation features: energy, variability and temporal distribution. So, in a first step, the days of a period of 16 years of measurements recorded in Seville (Spain) are classified by these two methods. In a second step, the daily gross productions of both CSP plants are estimated using System Advisor Model program. Then, the representativeness of the types of days of each classification method is evaluated according to the production of the CR and the PT plant by means of a methodology based on the clear sky yield index or kp index. Finally, the ARE and the annual relative RMSE and the MAE for the plants and classification methods analyzed are compared. Then, we can conclude, that the representativeness of the types of days of a classification method has a certain dependence on the plant that depends on the classification method applied.Ponencia A tool for the development of competencies in sustainability and carbon footprint reduction in schools(ECOS 2023, 2023-09) Marques-Valderrama, Israel; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio; Lechón Pérez, Yolanda; Serrano Jiménez, Antonio José; López Almeida, Susana Marta; Díaz López, Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I (ETSA); European Union (UE) H2020 nº 101036505; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores Térmicos; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP-206: SATH: Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura, Tecnología y Patrimonio: Materialidad y Sistemas ConstructivosThis work presents a tool for developing competencies in sustainability, focusing on evaluating the environmental impact and carbon footprint in schools. The tool is based on sustainability indicators and follows a methodology derived from the ClimAct and ECF4CLIM projects. It is conceived as a support for the users and the schools to identify and evaluate the relative impact of different actions and measures, to engage them in a sustainable pathway to low-carbon schools supporting their decision-making at the different levels of users. The areas are transport, waste, green procurement, green spaces, energy, water, and indoor air quality. The tool aims to support users and schools in identifying and evaluating the impact of various actions and measures, facilitating decision-making for a sustainable and low-carbon school environment. To quantify sustainability performance, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been established for each area. The results from schools that tested the tool revealed low scores in green procurement (0.59/5) and water (2.03/5), while achieving higher scores in green spaces (3.46/5) and indoor air quality (3.92/5). These findings highlight the areas where improvement is needed and provide a basis for targeted interventions. Developed on the PowerApps platform, supported by Microsoft, the tool allows access to users of different ages and knowledge levels. It has been successfully tested in six schools in Andalusia, Spain, obtaining relevant results in the seven sustainable areas defined. Based on the results, this tool will be used within co-creation and co-implementation processes for more sustainable schools and competencies acquisition by the participants.Ponencia A methodology to design air-cooled condensers for supercritical power cycles using carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide mixtures(Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2023-04) Rodríguez de Arriba, Pablo Enrique; Crespi, Francesco Maria; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Muñoz Blanco, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N ° 814985; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosThe SCARABEUS project investigates the use of CO₂–based mixtures as working fluid in power cycles for nextgeneration Concentrated Solar Power plants. These fluids exhibit a critical temperature higher than pure CO₂, enabling dry condensation of the working fluid even at the high ambient temperatures typical of sites with a high solar radiation. As a consequence, the SCARABEUS power cycle achieves higher thermal efficiency than standard sCO₂ cycles, whose performance deteriorates significantly with ambient temperature. In any case, the actual feasibility of this concept is still to be confirmed by a complete techno-economic assessment. To that purpose, it is critical to accurately estimate the power consumption of the Heat Rejection Unit (HRU), which is one of the most important parasitic loads of the system. Bearing all this in mind, this manuscript presents the design of a horizontal, direct air-cooled condenser (ACC). The bundle geometry proposed is comprised of seven tubes in three passes, with a staggered arrangement. The complete thermal model, developed in MatLab, has been already disclosed by the SCARABEUS consortium in a previous paper, and validated both experimentally in a dedicated test rig and against results obtained by the commercial software Xace®. The novelty in the present manuscript lies in the integration of this thermal model of the tubes with a complete design and integration tool of the whole heat rejection sub-system, including the design of a rotoronly axial fan and supporting frame. The impact of several design parameters (i.e., air temperature rise, acceptable hot pressure drops, tube length) is studied, taking into account auxiliary power consumption, footprint and cycle efficiency as main figures of merit. Two candidate mixtures are taken into account, identified in previous works by the same authors (85%CO₂-15%C6F6 and 80%CO₂-20%SO₂), and a pure sCO₂ case is also considered for the sake of comparison. The results show that, for a given gross cycle output, using pure sCO₂ yields the smallest ACC with the lowest fan power consumption. Moreover, tube length and air face velocity are found to be the key-parameters driving the design process of an ACC, for which increasing tube length is always beneficial as far as the ACC design is concerned. Finally, various considerations regarding the role played by the optimum design of the ACC within the global optimisation of the power plant are made. It is found that the rationale employed for the design of the ACC may be in conflict with that used from an overall plant optimisation standpoint. It is hence concluded that the definition of the optimal design space of an Air-cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE) must be included in the global optimisation of the power plant.Ponencia Methanol-based thermochemical storage for energy-saving district heating networks(ECOS 2023, 2023-07) Rodríguez Pastor, Diego Antonio; Carvajal Trujillo, Elisa; Soltero Sánchez, Víctor Manuel; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio; ; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosWith the increasing volatility in natural gas markets and the need for residential heat, research for alternative fuels is necessary for several regions. This paper presents a high-duration thermochemical energy storage system (TCES) based on methanol, evaluating its integration with district heating networks, offering a renewable solar-based storage solution and low-temperature heat generation from the exothermic discharge reaction heat. The system eliminates greenhouse gas emissions by using concentrated solar thermal energy to decompose methanol into synthesis gas. Applying the optimised operational thermodynamic parameters, it is possible to satisfy the thermal demand of 892 households in Spain through 12 MW of concentrated solar energy supported by 10 hours of energy storage. Storage efficiencies exceeding 30% and chemical conversion efficiencies exceeding 65% have been demonstrated, resulting in a combined efficiency of 55% for the heating network and methanol TCES. The results show a levelized cost of storage (LCOS) highly competitive with other storage systems (<100 €/MWh), given the simplicity and flexibility of the proposed system.Ponencia Los ruedos agrícolas de la Sierra de Huelva caracterización y líneas de intervención en paisajes sostenibles(Asociación Interprofesional de Ordenación del Territorio FUNDICOT, 2016) Ghislanzoni, Michela; Bernal Márquez, Manuel; Torres García, Miguel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosLos ruedos agrícolas de la Sierra de Huelva son parte de un sistema agrario vernáculo heredado de una economía aislada de subsistencia. Poseedores de unas cualidades materiales e inmateriales específicas, su supervivencia peligra debido a la crisis del modelo agrícola tradicional. Este artículo describe los estudios previos a un futuro Plan de Ordenación del Territorio Subregional, referidos a la identificación, delimitación, caracterización, cualificación y diagnóstico de los ruedos agrícolas de un total de sesenta núcleos de población para, finalmente, elaborar criterios para una ordenación, uso y gestión sostenibles.Ponencia New Concept for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Using a Concrete Tank(EuroSun, 2022) Cabesa, Luisa F.; Vérez, David; Zsembinszki, Gabriel; Borri, Emiliano; Prieto Ríos, Cristina; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; European Union (UE); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). EspañaThe use of concrete is showing great potential as thermal energy storage material for concentrating solar power plants (CSP) due to its versatility, relatively low cost, and the possibility to reach a high operating temperature, above 500ºC thus increasing the plant efficiency. However, actual configurations based on concrete show different drawbacks including difficulties during the manufacturing on-site, different thermal expansion coefficients between concrete and pipes, and poor thermal conductivity of concrete. In order to address those challenges, this study proposes a new TES concrete tank concept based on three main pillars: modularity, improved concrete formulation, and direct contact concept. A preliminary assessment of the thermal performances of the new concept was analyzed through simulations showing the temperature distribution of the modules.Ponencia Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Concentrated Solar Power Plants Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Mixtures(ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022-10-28) Liao, Xun; Chalumeau, Sophie; Crespi, Francesco Maria; Prieto Ríos, Cristina; López Román, Antón; Rodríguez de Arriba, Pablo Enrique; Martínez Sanz, Noelia; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Paggini, Andrea; David, Pierre-Luc; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº814985; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosThe SCARABEUS project, funded by the European Commission, is currently investigating the potential gains brought about by the utilization of carbon dioxide mixtures in supercritical power cycles of Concentrated Solar Power plants, in lieu of the common Rankine cycles based on steam turbines or even pure carbon dioxide cycles. The analysis has already confirmed that it is possible to attain thermal efficiencies higher than 51% when ambient temperatures exceed 40°C, which is unheard of when conventional technology or standard CO₂ technology is used. Additionally, this extraordinary performance is achieved with simpler cycle layouts, therefore with lower capital costs. The additives considered include organic and inorganic compounds which are added to the raw carbon dioxide in a variable proportion, depending on the composition of the additive and on ambient temperature. Regardless, it is important to assess whether or not there is an additional environmental advantage in terms of carbon dioxide and other potential hazards brought about by the new chemicals in the system. This is presented in this paper where the results obtained so far by the consortium for the carbon footprint from a Life Cycle perspective are discussed. Along with the assumptions and methodology, the results are compared for three reference plants: state-of-the-art CSP plant based on steam turbines, innovative CSP plant using pure supercritical CO₂ technology, and the SCARABEUS concept using supercritical CO₂ mixtures. The results are promising as they suggest that it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint of a 110 MWe CSP plant to be significantly less than 27kgCO₂/MWh from the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5).Ponencia Deep Energy Retrofit of Residential Buildings in the Mediterranean Area: The MedZEB Approach(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Capogrosso, R.; Menconi, E.; Pecchia, F.; De Aloysio, G.; Laghi, L.; Malvezzi, R.; Padula, M.; Scala, P. L.; Ruiz Cruceira, Ángel; Salmerón Lissén, José Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; European Union (UE). H2020Mediterranean deep retrofit markets are characterized by common barriers and bottlenecks, which barely have been identified as shared challenges, and this has led to a lack of dedicated solutions and to a substantial delay in achieving the 2020 EU policy targets. This situation is addressed by the H2020 HAPPEN project by proposing a new MedZEB approach characterized by the following features: Holistic, i.e., aimed at integrating the most relevant aspects of the retrofitting supply chain;Transparent, i.e., aimed at putting on the market novel tools for enhancing investors’ trust;Adaptive, i.e., aimed at enhancing “added values” of the retrofitting such as flexibility, well-being, etc. Having arrived at its midpoint, HAPPEN has produced an advanced version of its main outputs, among which are: the HAPPEN cost-optimal technical solutions, developed according to a step-by-step logic;the HAPPEN financial solution, fully integrated with the step-by-step logic, and aimed at funding the retrofitting process by relying on the energy savings achieved;the MedZEB protocol conceived as a guarantee scheme for the achievement of retrofit targets;the HAPPEN platform, an assisted digital marketplace aimed at matching demand and offer according to a one-stop-shop logic, at defragmenting the retrofit value chain, and at supporting actors with dedicated tools. These outputs have been developed also thanks to an extensive living laboratory and pilot-building program, carried out within ten pilot sites across seven EU Med countries; this has made it possible for a large engagement of potential users, which resulted in the ideation of the HAPPEN program, an overall framework aimed at integrating project outputs into an exploitable renovation procedure powered by the HAPPEN platform. This paper describes the first simulation of such a procedure in its entirety based on a real case study. After characterizing the building according to the HAPPEN reference buildings and climates lists, a step-by-step cost-optimal package of solutions was calculated, followed by the application of the HAPPEN financial solution, and by the draft issue of the MedZEB protocol. Results provide the first evidence of the effectiveness of the MedZEB approach in potentially unlocking the deep retrofit market in the Med area, with special attention to the possibility of funding the interventions by relying on the economies generated by the energy savings achieved. Further, the project activities will be aimed at co-creating, together with relevant stakeholders, a go-to-market strategy for the HAPPEN program.Ponencia Adoption of CO2 blended with C6F6 as working fluid in CSP plants(AIP Publishing, 2022-05-12) Manzolini, Giampaolo; Binotti, Marco; Morosini, Ettore; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Crespi, Francesco Maria; Marcoberardino, Gioele Di; Iora, Paolo; Invernizzi, Costante Mario; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Motores TérmicosThe adoption of CO2-based mixtures as power block working fluid for CSP plant can turn supercritical CO2 cycles into efficient transcritical cycles even at high ambient temperature, with significant performance improvement and potential power block cost reduction. In this work, the use of CO2+C6F6 mixture as working fluid for a power cycle coupled with a solar tower is analyzed. Two different cycle maximum temperatures (550°C and 650°C) are considered and for both configurations the overall plant design is performed. The yearly energy yield is computed with hourly data and the LCOE is minimized varying storage and cycle recuperator sizes. Results show comparable results for the innovative working fluid and for the sCO2 cyclesArtículo The potential of supercritical cycles based on CO₂ mixtures in Concentrated Solar Power plants: an exergy-based analysis(Technical University of Munich, 2021-10-13) Crespi, Francesco Maria; Rodríguez de Arriba, Pablo Enrique; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Muñoz Blanco, Antonio; Sánchez Lencero, Tomás Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Unión Europea (Horizonte 2020); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Motores TérmicosThis paper, developed in the context of the SCARABEUS project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, focuses on the thermodynamic comparison between pure supercritical Carbon Dioxide and blended transcritical Carbon Dioxide power cycles by means of a thorough exergy analysis. A reference power plant based on a steam Rankine cycle and representative of the current state of the art of Concentrated Solar Power plants is selected as base-case. Afterwards, four cycles are added to the comparison. Two of these cycles employ pure CO2, with either a Recompression or a Partial Cooling layout, whereas two cycles employ CO2-based mixtures with either Hexafluorobenzene (CO2-C6F6) or Titanium Tetrachloride (CO2-TiCl4) with a Precompression and a Recuperated Rankine. The figures of merit used to carry out the second-law analysis are exergy efficiency and exergy destruction in the main components of the cycle. Two different cases are identified, corresponding to two temperatures of the energy (heat) source: 575oC and 725oC. The first one is representative of the peak temperatures achieved by the molten salts used in modern Concentrated Solar Power plants. 725oC will expectedly be achieved by next generation systems and it is hence assessed with the aim to unfold the true potential of the concept proposed. The results show that at 575oC pure sCO2 power cycles are clearly outperformed by steam Rankine cycles whilst, at 725oC, they are able to achieve higher thermal and exergy efficiencies, in the order of 49% and 72% respectively. When compared to state-of-the-art Rankine cycles using steam, blended-sCO2 power cycles enable thermal efficiency gains of up to 1.1 and 6 percentage points at 575oC and 725oC respectively, with exergy efficiencies of up to 75.2%.Ponencia Potential and challenges of the utilization of CO2-mixtures in supercritical power cycles of Concentrated Solar Power plants(2022-02-22) Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Crespi, Francesco Maria; Rodríguez de Arriba, Pablo Enrique; Muñoz Blanco, Antonio; Manzolini, Giampaolo; Invernizzi, Costante Mario; Di Marcoberardino, Gioele; White, Martin; David, Pierre-Luc; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Sánchez Martínez, David Tomás; Unión Europea; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP137: Máquinas y Motores TérmicosThe potential of supercritical Carbon Dioxide power cycles to supersede subcritical steam turbine technology in Concentrated Solar Power applications is widely acknowledged. Some differential features of the former are higher efficiency at similar temperatures (in the range from 600 to 750ºC), smaller footprint, higher flexibility and lower cost. Several theoretical and experimental R&D projects are currently working on aspects such as component development (turbomachinery and heat exchangers), system integration into the solar subsystem (receiver and thermal energy storage system), operability, materials… Nevertheless, whilst progress is being made at a very high pace, there is still a great deal of uncertainty regarding how much sCO2 technology will be able to reduce the cost of solar thermal electricity with respect to contemporary CSP technology. This is mostly caused by the sensitivity of cycle performance to ambient temperature, bringing about a large efficiency drop when this temperature exceeds 35ºC. The root cause for this performance drop is the unfeasibility of compression near the critical point, where the very high density of the fluid reduces density and, therefore, compression work. The SCARABEUS project is based on the addition of certain dopants to carbon dioxide in order to yield a working mixture with higher critical pressure and temperature. As a consequence of these modified critical properties of the fluid, compression near the critical point is enabled even at ambient temperatures as high as 40-45ºC. Moreover, at these high temperatures, condensation and compression in liquid state are still possible. The characteristics of the new working fluids have been proved to enable thermal efficiencies higher than 50% for minimum cycle temperatures as high as 60ºC, hence boosting the performance of CSP plants well beyond of the capabilities of systems based on steam turbines. This implies a substantial reduction of the cost of the plant. Nevertheless, whilst the thermal and economic performances are more favourable for CO2-mixtures, new technical challenges must be faced if the technology is to be mature: thermal stability and potential hazards of the dopants, new turbomachinery and heat exchanger designs adapted to the composition of the mixture, phase separation, materials (selection, compatibility and degradation) and others. This paper introduces the main advantages and technical potential of the SCARABEUS technology along with a discussion of the main challenges faced by the consortium in order to demonstrate the technology and beyond.Ponencia Poloidal impurity asymmetry studies using the upgraded high field side edge CXRS diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade(European Physical Society (EPS), 2019) Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Plank, U.; Dux, R.; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Pütterich, T.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; EUROfusion ConsortiumPonencia Experimental study of the impact of ion orbit losses on the edge radial electric field at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak(European Physical Society (EPS), 2021) Cano Megías, Pilar; Viezzer, Eleonora; Brzozowski, R. W.; Plank, U.; Cavedon, M.; Happel, T.; Höfler, K.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Energética; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; EUROfusion Consortium