Hábitat y sociedad - 2016 - Nº 9
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/54796
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Artículo El Forat de la Vergonya: entre la ciudad planificada y la ciudad habitada(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Hernández Cordero, AdriánForat de la Vergonya or Pou de la Figuera is a paradigmatic place that emerged from the public spaces strategy implemented by the government of Barcelona. This square is of great importance for the city because it higlighted conflicts between the planned city and inhabited city. Firstly, the article addresses the concept of public space and its use in the urban transforma- tion processes of Barcelona. Subsequently, the methodology is approached. Then, the Forat de la Vergonya is examined through the conflict between diverse social actors. In the next section, voices and feelings (at- tachment, fear and indifference) of some of its inhabitants are analyzed. Finally, the main conclusions are discussed.Artículo Los espacios públicos urbanos: lugares para el aprendizaje geográfico(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Delgado Acosta, Carmen Rosa; Calero Martíno, Carmen GloriaUrban public spaces display an interesting opportunity for teachers as places for learning. They are an excellent educational resource to accomplish programmed goals and competences in Geography for the Secondary and High school. Typological diversity of open public spaces allows analyzing not only elements of the structure and morphology in town, but also encouraged to reflect on the important role they represent for the whole society. We present a didactic proposal for the subject Geography and History at the Secondary School that includes a precise selection of the public spaces to analyses and the elaboration of specific worksheets, with the goal of exploring their role in organizing the urban fabric, environmental quality, security and accessibility; and in peoples’ uses and practices. Additionally, this exercise will foster observational, cartographic and communicative skills, collaborative work, critical capac- ity and participation.Artículo Movimientos sociales sevillanos: ¿preocupacciones ecologistas y feministas para construir otro modelo de ciudad?(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Pérez Prieto, Laura; Domínguez-Serrano, MónicaThe focus about sustainability in urban contexts since it became a concern, has been almost exclusively placed in politics coming from institutions and, specifically, in its environmental dimension. However, we believe that the communitarian sphere and the civil society is playing an essential role when it comes to promoting urban politics and opening the close debate about sustainability, to include not only ecological matters, but also social justice and gender equality issues. In fact, we argue that the urban social actors can contribute with their social and environmental practices to define political and ideological proposals to transform the biased and fragmented perspective of sustainability in the city. Therefore, using the case studies methodology, we will approach to the experiences developed in Seville, based on citizen empowerment and mainly aimed to design an urban model that respects the ecosystem and the people. We will also perform a critical analysis of those experiences, to reflect the reach of these movements when it comes to claiming and building a fair and equal city.Artículo Análisis de la implicación de la diversidad de actores en el Plan Integral del Polígono Sur: una mirada sistémica e integrada(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016-11) Gallego Gamazo, CristinaIn today’s urban context, characterized by the manifestation of more and new urban inequalities, it is worth inquiring how the complex condition of multi-deprived urban areas is being addressed, and analyze the level of involvement of the diversity of actors from a systemic and integrated approach. In order to face this challenge, it is proposed to advance the methods and tools for the analysis of the processes taking into consideration a multi-dimensional, multi-agent and multi-scale perspective, based on the analysis of the level and forms of participation of the diversity of actors. To that end, the transformation process driven by the Comprehensive Plan for the Polígono Sur in Seville is taken as reference. Specifically, the evaluation is done at a turning point due to the change of the management body, which is interesting to recognize the development and possible changes in this first stage to redirect the new one. As a result, the development and application of this method focused on the logic of the relations and forms of organization, facilitates the identification of those strategic relationships enhancing the options for change, which will be of great interest to the design, monitoring and evaluation of other local development processes in multi-deprived urban areas.Artículo Paisajesur, autoconstruyendo Usera-Villaverde Paisaje y Arte. Estrategias de la acción social en el espacio urbano(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Cabrerizo, China C.PaisajeSur is an experience of participatory intervention on public space, development in two southern districts of Madrid, Usera and Villaverde, in which landscape and art are used as strategics to reinforce the political and hereditary caracter of public space. It is the result of a dialogue between artists, colective of critical urban action, neighbours and a part of the public institution. Include some of the main agendas of the urban social movements like the defence of public space as a common heritage, the citizen participation and empowerment in thinking and build city, the search of new forms of governance and the roll of translation and dialectical mediation between institution and citizen. Also, the role of critical culture, art and aesthetics for the production of spaces of freedom and autonomy.Artículo Las redes de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible y la reactivación del Espacio Público: Alcosa(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Manuel Jerez, Esteban de; González Arriero, Conso; Donadei, Marta; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica; HUM810: Aula Digital de la CiudadThere is a direct relationship between use of public space and mobility model. Facing the problems regarding the reactivation of public space at neighbourhood scale goes through a change of metropolitan mobility model in favor of the alliance between public transport and active mobility: cycling and pedestrian. In the framework of the Participatory Action Research (PAR) project “Barrios en Transición”, carried out at the Sevillian neighbourhood of Parque Alcosa, we have made a diagnosis about the relationship between mobility model and public space occupancy. From the problems and neighboring claims found we have developed a proposal to reduce the dependency on private transport and reduce its occupation of public space, based on the alliance between an efficient public transport network and the improvement of the network and resources for cycling. Improving the efficiency of public transport network brings us to propose a basic network of Bus Rapid Transit for Seville. At neighbourhood scale we made a proposal to improve accessibility, pedestrian and cycling mobility and to stimulate the use of public space.Artículo Centopiazze. La ciudad periférica a través del vacío(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Sacristán Pérez, Claudia MaríaEn la ciudad de Roma en los años 90 el programa Centopiazze (Cien plazas), en la por entonces nueva línea conceptual de la Barcelona de Bohigas, pretendió, por primera vez, una recualificación profunda del complejo sistema urbano a través de una red capilar de intervenciones en el espacio público, de la mano de una importante reestructuración del sistema de movilidad y una reformulación del sistema urbanístico, apostando por la revisión del concepto mismo de espacio libre y por la intervención en las periferias como punto de partida para la renovación de una imagen unitaria de ciudad. Los objetivos de descentralización, coordinación y equilibrio del programa se organizaron en actuaciones inmediatas y pragmáticas, dando lugar a una serie de proyectos urbanos, aplicados simultáneamente en zonas centrales y en áreas periféricas, con resultados y éxitos diversos. El presente estudio plantea, a partir de la lectura de las dinámicas territoriales en que se encuadraron las actuaciones y la identificación de las distintas claves de implantación, un modelo posible de análisis y seguimiento de intervenciones en espacios libres así como una propuesta metodológica de evaluación de los resultados del programa.Artículo Una interpretación teórico-cultural de la ciudad de Sevilla. Reseña de Schwab (2013) Texturas de una ciudad(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Riesco Chueca, Pascual; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Mecánica de FluidosA city’s cultural profile is made up of a peculiar assortment of the dominant images and discourses brought forward in its presentation to the world. Schwab’s book focuses on the origins of Seville’s cultural capital, as well as the processes whereby themes and contents are selected and reproduced. In what ways are codes and values stabilized and transmitted; who were the intervening actors, at what times and with which aims, responsible for setting up the city’s imagery and keeping it alive under deep transformations of the production model: such are the core research topics of this book, which brings out the complexity of the dialogue / coproduction process sustained by natives and visitors in the making of the urban image.Artículo A “Pensar Tu Barrio”, proceso participativo para recuperar el espacio público del Casco Norte de Sevilla(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Jiménez López, Isabel María; Calvo Salazar, Manuel; Sánchez Díaz, Kiko; Ibáñez Reche, Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas IUrban renewal processes are essential for a better life in the city. Streets, squares and, ultimately, public spaces are where human interaction,, creativity, diversity and participation occur. Therefore, public spaces are where urban life unfolds, where contacts and connections are made and where the collaborative activities take place. The current urban model has pushed social interaction from public to private areas. This is mainly due to the presence of new elements which have gradually taken more and more space, such as cars, and also to the lack of equipment to empower public areas. Thus, La Revuelta Neighbourhood Association is promoting a participatory process to design our mobility and accessibility system. The main aim of this process is to joint- ly and democratically define and transform our neighbourhood regarding the use of our streets and public spaces. We believe that the role of public spaces should be recovered as a cornerstone in the revitalization of the city and its neigbourhoods, to encourage social interaction and to increase urban sociability and social cohe- sion.Artículo Sin espacio público no hay ciudad(Universidad de Sevilla, 2016) Benavides Solís, Jorge