Elia - 2020 - Nº 20

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/107191


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    Intercultural development during short-term study abroad: the role of intensity of interaction on cross-cultural sensitivity
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Alonso Marks, Emilia; Sánchez Hernández, Ariadna
    The present study examines second language (L2) learners’ development of cross-cultural sensitivity (CCS) during short-term study abroad (STSA) programs and explores the role intensity of interaction may play on CCS. Participants in this study were 19 US college students enrolled in an 8-week STSA program in Spain. Before they went abroad, learners completed the Inventory of Cross-Cultural Sensitivity (ICCS, Mahon & Cushner, 2014), which consists of 4 subscales: cultural behavior integration, cultural anxiety, cognitive flexibility, and cultural inclusion. While overseas, they completed 10 weekly journal entries about their experiences. At the end of their stay, they retook the ICCS, and completed a language contact survey, which measured the amount and nature of their interactions in Spanish in different situations. Results revealed that their STSA program afforded gains in their overall CCS, and more specifically in their cultural behavioral integration. Interestingly, the participants experienced a decrease in their cognitive flexibility, suggesting that after participating in an STSA program, they still felt like tourists and did not have time to develop a positive attitude toward local folks. As for the role of intensity of interaction, a partial effect on CCS was observed. This is due to the fact that only the subscale of cultural anxiety was related to amount of interaction in Spanish. All in all, this study represents a key contribution to the fields of intercultural competence and the study abroad (SA) context, providing data relevant for program planning decisions and for preparation of students prior to undertaking an international experience.
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    One generation after the bilingual turn: results from a large-scale clil teachers’ survey
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Lorenzo, Francisco; Granados, Adrián
    The bilingual turn required education systems to undergo structural changes in order to adapt to the new situations. These adjustments included better language training for teachers, the adoption of alternative teaching methods, the increased use of ICT and self-designed materials, the curricular integration of content and language and the creation of competence-based assessment guidelines. In order to evaluate the depth of this transformation and the actual effect that it had on students and schools, a sustained observation covering a sufficiently wide timespan needed to be performed. Two decades after the inception of bilingual education in Andalusia—Southern Spain—, this paper will describe the configuration of the Bilingual Program as perceived by the change agents: the school teachers. L1 Spanish teachers, L2 teachers and content teachers adopted different practices and therefore hold slightly divergent opinions. Nevertheless, there exists a consensus on the general benefits of CLIL bilingual education. Drawing from their perceptions, which will be presented for each of the above-mentioned aspects, this paper will counter the most recurrent criticisms that CLIL education meets.
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    Key concepts in applied linguistics. The use of previously known languages by L2 learners: a not so clear-cut phenomenon
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Martínez -Adrián, María
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    Language contact in the media discourse: anglicisms in section leisure in the newspaper La Provincia
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Luján-García, Carmen
    The presence of English is undeniable in various areas of Spaniards’ daily lives, and the domain of leisure activities is not excluded of such a trend. This paper examines the presence of Anglicisms in sections: “Life and style”; “Culture, leisure and society” and “Sports” of the digital edition of the newspaper La Provincia (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) during the period from 1st March to 31st May 2019. The use of Anglicisms has apparently been increased throughout the last decades, considering a similar previous analysis (Luján-García, 1999). The compilation of a corpus of 207 Anglicisms reveals that the section “Life and style”, which compiles news of various fields (fashion, beauty, people, pets, gastronomy) presents the highest percentage of Anglicisms (65.2%). In the second position, “Culture, leisure and society” contains a percentage of 21.7% of the compiled corpus, and this is followed by “Sports”, with 12.9% Anglicisms of the sample. In qualitative terms, some examples of particular uses of the examined Anglicisms are studied in context.
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    The dynamics of typographical error reproduction: optimising formal correctness in three specialised bilingual dictionaries
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Rodríguez-Rubio, Santiago; Fernández Quesada, Nuria
    It is only through an extreme concern for accuracy and the understanding of typographical errors that authors can turn specialised dictionaries into high quality reference works. This paper describes patterns of typographical error reproduction in three specialised English-Spanish dictionaries. We approach intratextual error reproduction (within a particular dictionary), either through related subentries or through non-related subentries. In addition, we compare the frequency of errors between dictionaries written by institutional lexicographers and works written by freelance professionals. The purpose is to provide a model for typographical error detection and analysis that may contribute to formal correctness in reference works. The reason is twofold: a) dictionaries are expected to be high-standard primary tools for language professionals; b) data quality is essential for a wide variety of utilities, ranging from dictionary writing systems and writing assistants to corpus tools.
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    The use of evaluative language in efl teachers’ reflective journal writing: a corpus based study
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Alonso-Belmonte, Isabel
    This article presents a computer-assisted discourse analysis of the main topics and evaluative parameters used by student teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in their reflective journals. By applying Bednarek’s parameter-based approach to the study of evaluation, 329 reflective journals (aprox. 90,000 words) were analyzed by using the UAM Corpus Tool. The correlation of three sources of data – topic analysis, evaluative parameters and keywords – allowed to uncover the most typical evaluative language choices made by EFL student teachers in their reflective journals and their overall evaluation of their training process during their practicum studies. Results show that most journal entries pivot around the figure of the secondary student of EFL and that student teachers feel confident enough as to explicitly assess products, performances, and human behavior along the emotivity and the expectedness parameters. Findings are discussed in relation to the development of the EFL student teachers’ professional teaching identity and on the contextual factors that promote it or hinder it.