Capítulos (Matemática Aplicada I)

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  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Numerical assessment of the energy efficiency of an open joint ventilated façade for typical meteorological months data in Southern Spain
    (Springer, 2016) Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Domínguez Torres, Carlos Antonio; Iñesta-Vaquera, José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno
    A numerical evaluation of the energy efficiency of an open joint ventilated façade under climatic conditions operating in Southern Spain is made for typical meteorological month data for each month in the year. Results from CFD computation suggest that the combined effect of the shading of the external wall and the ventilation by the natural convection into the air gap may result in a significative reduction of the heat load during the summer period and a reduction in global energy consumption to get internal comfort in the building when compared with an unventilated one, although the rate of energy savings achieved is relatively sensitive to the combination of environmental conditions. The obtained results seem to indicate that for the whole year, the use of the studied ventilated façade could provide a global energy saving up to 13%when compared with the use of a standard non-ventilated façade within the orientation and climatic conditions framework considered.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Assessment of the energy efficiency of a “cool roof” for passive cooling. Comparative study of a case of tropical climate and a case of Southern Spanish climate
    (Springer Suiza, 2017) Domínguez Torres, Carlos Antonio; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno
    Over the last decades, extensive research in the field of energy efficiency has focused on the need to reduce energetic costs in the thermal conditioning of buildings by using techniques that take advantage of environmental and climatic resources in a suitable form. In hot climates, the high energy consumption needed to get internal comfort in buildings during the hot season poses a major problem. Hence the convenience of implementing techniques that minimize the cooling load.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    A Correction of the Friction Term in Depth-Averaged Granular Flow Models Related to the Motion/Stop Criterion
    (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 35, 2024-06-06) Bouchut, François; Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. FQM-120: Modelado Matemático y Simulación de Sistemas Medioambientales
    In the pioneer work of Savage and Hutter [ 7] the first depth-averaged model for granular landslides was proposed written in local coordinates over a reference plane. From then, there has been proposed a hugh amount of variations, corrections and generalizations. In particular, for their impact in real applications, we mention the work developed in [ 1] to include the topography curvature effects and the new friction law proposed in [ 6] to better reproduce the spread of the granular mass through a velocity dependent friction coefficient. In [ 3] a correction of the friction law has been proposed in order to improve the motion/stop criterion in terms of the repose angle of the material. This correction have any influence for uniform flows, nevertheless, it plays an important role in case of a free surface not parallel to the reference plane. In this work we show two new applications of this model to relevant situations. In the first one we show the influence of the correction on the spread area of the avalanche over variable topography. In the second one a comparison with experimental data of a submarine avalanche is presented.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    On irreductible triangulations of Punctured Torus and Punctured Klein Bottle
    (Editorial UCA, 2007) Chávez de Diego, María José; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geometría y Topología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII)
    We extend Lawrencenko and Negami’s results in [4, 5] by establishing lower and upper bounds for the number of irreducible triangulations of the punctured torus and the punctured Klein bottle.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Coupling Between Messenger RNA Synthesis and Degradation during Genome Expression
    (Fidetia, 2015) Chávez de Diego, Sebastián; Pérez Aguado, David; Chávez de Diego, María José; Romero Campero, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Genética; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial; Junta de Andalucía
    Genome expression involves the synthesis of messenger RNA (mRNA), a short lived molecule whose translation directs the synthesis of cellular proteins and that is subject to degradation after the translation process. Up to the date, mRNA synthesis and degradation has been considered as a linear phenomenon in which the above steps occur subsequently without a regulatory interconnection. However, gene expression can be studied as a global system in which all their stages are coupled and interconnected by regulatory mechanisms. We have contributed to demonstrate that the machineries of mRNA synthesis and degradation physically and functionally interact in the cell nucleus. We have proposed that it allows the cross-regulation of transcription with mRNA degradation and vice versa, giving rise to a circular system, which would explain the large robustness observed in gene expression (Haimovich et al, 2013).
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Sobre el número de Ramsey r(K3 , ... , K3 , K 1 , 2 , . . . , K 1 , 2)
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2007) Boza Prieto, Luis; Revuelta Marchena, María Pastora; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII)
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Application of the Representative Measure Approach to Assess the Reliability of Decision Trees in Dealing with Unseen Vehicle Collision Data
    (Springer, 2024-07) Perera Lago, Javier; Toscano Durán, Víctor; Paluzo Hidalgo, Eduardo; Narteni, Sara; Rucco, Matteo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII)
    Machine learning algorithms are fundamental components of novel data-informed Artificial Intelligence architecture. In this domain, the imperative role of representative datasets is a cornerstone in shaping the trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI) development. Representative datasets are needed to train machine learning components properly. Proper training has multiple impacts: it reduces the final model’s complexity, power, and uncertainties. In this paper, we investigate the reliability of the ε-representativeness method to assess the dataset similarity from a theoretical perspective for decision trees. We decided to focus on the family of decision trees because it includes a wide variety of models known to be explainable. Thus, in this paper, we provide a result guaranteeing that if two datasets are related by ε-representativeness, i.e., both of them have points closer than ε, then the predictions by the classic decision tree are similar. Experimentally, we have also tested that ε- representativeness presents a significant correlation with the ordering of the feature importance. Moreover, we extend the results experimentally in the context of unseen vehicle collision data for XGboost, a machinelearning component widely adopted for dealing with tabular data.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Aplicación web Calinged: coordinación del calendario de evaluación del alumnado en el grado en edificación
    (Dykinson, 2024) García Soria, María del Valle; Rico Delgado, Fernando; Martín del Río, Juan Jesús; Garrido Vizuete, María de los Angeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas II (ETSIE); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Expresión Gráfica e Ingeniería en la Edificación; Llorente Cejudo, María del Carmen; Barragán Sánchez, Raquel; Pérez Rodríguez, Noelia; Martín Párraga, Lorena; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP977: BIM: Construcción y Edificación; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP198: Materiales y Construcción; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM164: Matemática Discreta: Teoría de Grafos y Geometría Computacional
    La mejora continua en los procesos que impulsan a los estudiantes a la adquisición de conocimientos, capacidades y habilidades académicamente relevantes como principios para una enseñanza universitaria enfocada en el estudiantado y en sus competencias, debería sostenerse en unos mecanismos eficientes de coordinación que garanticen una coherencia en los resultados del plan de estudios. Desde la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación (ETSIE) de la Universidad de Sevilla (US), creemos que dichos métodos de coordinación dentro del contexto del Grado en Edificación son recursos fundamentales para garantizar la adquisición por parte de los estudiantes de competencias que cumplan los estándares de calidad establecidos en las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y que están de acuerdo con el Sistema de Garantía de Calidad de los Títulos de la US (SGCT_US, 2016). En este sentido, La Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) tras su informe provisional fruto del proceso de renovación del Grado en Edificación en el curso 2021/22 escribió: Se recomienda poner en marcha los criterios de coordinación vertical y horizontal y formalizar las conclusiones cada año de forma documental (por ejemplo, a través de calendarios de actividades formativas y de evaluación continua, actas o acuerdos de reuniones, etc). Por todo lo anterior, la Dirección de la ETSIE propuso crear un grupo de trabajo formado por profesorado del Grado en Edificación, que examinara la situación real actual en lo que a coordinación horizontal y vertical se refiere para promover la puesta en marcha de la forma más satisfactoria posible, las recomendaciones reflejadas en el informe de la DEVA. Para ello, durante los cursos 2021/22 y 2022/23, se han llevado a cabo sendos proyectos de innovación docente (Martin-del-Rio. et al 2021) (López. et al 2022) enmarcados en los Planes Propios de Docencia de la Universidad de Sevilla (III Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla, 2023; IV Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla, 2023), los cuales están teniendo continuidad mediante el desarrollo de un tercer Proyecto de Innovación Docente en el presente curso académico 2023/24. En esta comunicación queremos presentar uno de los resultados que han visto la luz tras dos años de dedicación por parte de los grupos de trabajo de los proyectos de innovación docente anteriormente referenciados. Este logro es una aplicación web que presenta en un calendario del correspondiente curso en vigor todas las pruebas de evaluación, entregas, prácticas, etc. de cada actividad formativa de las asignaturas, y que creemos será de mucha utilidad tanto para las coordinaciones horizontal y vertical, así como para la organización por parte de los estudiantes en relación con la evaluación de sus asignaturas.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Polynomials and graph homomorphisms
    (Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2022) Garijo Royo, Delia; Goodall, Andrew; Nesetril, Jaroslav; Regts, Guus; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII)
    We develop in the language of graph homomorphisms the connection between the Tutte polynomial and the state models of statistical physics. • The Tutte polynomial and homomorphism numbers. • Spin models and edge coloring models. • Connection matrices and the characterization of graph invariants arising from spin models. • Homomorphism numbers and invariants of the cycle matroid of a graph. • Graph homomorphism numbers as evaluations of graph polynomials. • Other graph polynomials from counting graph homomorphisms such as the independence polynomial, the Averbouch–Godlin–Makowsky polynomial, and the Tittmann–Averbouch–Makowsky polynomial.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Flows and colorings
    (Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2022) Garijo Royo, Delia; Goodall, Andrew; Nesetril, Jaroslav; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII)
    Tutte first introduced the dichromate of a graph in large part motivated by the fact that it contained the flow polynomial and chromatic polynomial as univariate specializations. The latter receives attention in Chapter 11. In this chapter we consider flows. • Flows of graphs taking values in a finite abelian group, colorings and tensions (dual to flows). • The flow polynomial, chromatic polynomial and dichromatic polynomial as specializations of the Tutte polynomial. • Coloring-flow convolution formulas for the Tutte polynomial. • “A-bicycles” (called bicycles when A = Z2), the Tutte polynomial evalu ated at (−1, −1), (e2πi/3, e4πi/3) and (i, −i). • Tutte’s flow conjectures.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Theoretical progress on infinite graphs and their average degree: applicability to the European Road Transport Network
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2015) Cera López, Martín; Fedriani, E.M.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I
    There are many problems in Graph Theory for finite graphs relating the number of vertices and the number of edges and, therefore, related to the average degree for finite graphs. However, when dealing with real-life problems involving networks, it is often useful to model the situation by using infinite graphs, which can represent extendable systems. In this paper, we will generalize the concept of average degree for infinite graphs in a family of graphs that we call average-measurable. Besides, this new definition allows the generalization of the universal formulae for evaluation of percolation thresholds
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Aplicaciones de la teoría de grafos en la neurogénesis
    (Universidad de Almería, 2015) Cera López, Martín; Desplan, C.; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Valle, A. del; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I; Cáceres, José; Luz Puertas, María
    El l´obulo ´optico de la Drosophila (mosca de la fruta) es una estructura altamente sofisticada con m´as de 60.000 neuronas de m´as de 70 tipos diferentes que permite realizar una serie de tareas altamente complejas como el procesamiento del color, la detecci´on de movimiento o el seguimiento de cambios ambientales. En un cerebro tan peque˜no alcanzar estas tareas requiere un alto nivel organizativo y estructurado con diferentes tipos neuronales especializados en funciones espec´ıficas. Para analizar el complejo linaje celular del l´obulo ´optico se ha generado una gran cantidad de clones y se han modelizado las relaciones usando t´ecnicas de detecci´on de comunidades en grafos ponderados.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Theoretical progress on infinite graphs and their average degree: applicability to the European Road Transport Network
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2015) Cera López, Martín; Fedriani Martel, Eugenio Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I
    There are many problems in Graph Theory for finite graphs relating the number of vertices and the number of edges and, therefore, related to the average degree for finite graphs. However, when dealing with real-life problems involving networks, it is often useful to model the situation by using infinite graphs, which can represent extendable systems. In this paper, we will generalize the concept of average degree for infinite graphs in a family of graphs that we call average-measurable. Besides, this new definition allows the generalization of the universal formulae for evaluation of percolation thresholds.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Modelling of bedload sediment transport for weak and strong regimes
    (Springer, 2021) Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Greiner, David; Montenegro Armas, Rafael; Asensio Sevilla, María Isabel; Gobierno de España; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. FQM120: Modelado Matemático y Simulación de Sistemas Medioambientales
    A two-layer shallow water type model is proposed to describe bedload sediment transport for strong and weak interactions between the fluid and the sediment. The key point falls into the definition of the friction law between the two layers, which is a generalization of those introduced in Fernández-Nieto et al. ( Moreover, we prove formally that the two-layer model converges to a Saint-Venant-Exner system (SVE) including gravitational effects when the ratio between the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic time scales is small. The SVE with gravitational effects is a degenerated nonlinear parabolic system, whose numerical approximation can be very expensive from a computational point of view, see for example T. Morales de Luna et al. ( In this work, gravitational effects are introduced into the two-layer system without any parabolic term, so the proposed model may be a advantageous solution to solve bedload sediment transport problems.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Towards the Use of Hypergraphs in Multi-adjoint Logic Programming
    (Springer, 2019) Díaz Moreno, Juan Carlos; Medina, Jesús; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Cornejo, María Eugenia; Kóczy, László T.; Medina, Jesús; Barros Ruano, Antonio Eduardo de; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM-164: Matemática Discreta: Teoría de Grafos y Geometría Computacional
    The representation of a logic program by a graph is a useful procedure in order to obtain interesting properties of the program and in the computation of the least model, when it exists. In this paper, we consider hypergraphs for representing multi-adjoint logic programs and, based on this representation, the hypotheses of an interesting termination result have been weakened.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Versatilidad y eficiencia de los autómatas celulares para la simulación y análisis de sistemas complejos en Ingeniería
    (3ciencias, 2022-02) Sánchez Cuevas, Pablo; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Morón Fernández, María José; Real Jurado, Pedro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151: Robótica, Visión y Control; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP108: Robótica y Tecnología de Computadores; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC-171 Diseño de Interfaces Avanzados (Diana); Universidad de Sevilla. TIC245: Topological Pattern Analysis, Recognition and Learning
    Los autómatas celulares se componen de un conjunto de celdas (generalmente simples) interactuantes que evolucionan en pasos discretos, formando un sistema dinámico. Sus aplicaciones son múltiples y en muy diversos campos, no sólo dentro de la ingeniería sino dentro de las ciencias sociales, la economía, la biología, o las ciencias en general. Actualmente son una de las mejores maneras de simular un problema espacio-temporal, donde la vecindad y colaboración entre agentes (celdas) sea clave y resulte finalmente en uno o varios fenómenos emergentes. Además, su ventaja es que son intrínsicamente paralelos, permitiendo predecir el comportamiento de sistemas complejos con entradas diversas en muy poco tiempo, al poder repartirlos fácilmente en múltiples procesadores o en GPUs (Graphic Processing Units).
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    On (−1, 1)-Matrices of Skew Type with the Maximal Determinant and Tournaments
    (Springer, 2014) Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Junta de Andalucía
    Skew Hadamard matrices of order n give the solution to the question of finding the largest possible n by n determinant with entries ± 1 of skew type when n≡0(mod4) . Characterizations of skew Hadamard matrices in terms of tournaments are well-known. For n≡2(mod4) , we give a characterization of (−1, 1)-matrices of skew type of order n where their determinants reach Ehlich–Wojtas’ bound in terms of tournaments.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Covariants Vanishing on Totally Decomposable Forms
    (Birkhäuser Verlag, 2010) Briand, Emmanuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Alonso, María Emilia; Arrondo, Enrique; Mallavibarrena, Raquel; Sols, Ignacio; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Junta de Andalucía
    We consider the problem of providing systems of equations characterizing the forms with complex coefficients that are totally decomposable, i.e., products of linear forms. Our focus is computational. We present the well-known solution given at the end of the nineteenth century by Brill and Gordan and give a complete proof that their system does vanish only on the decomposable forms. We explore an idea due to Federico Gaeta which leads to an alternative system of equations, vanishing on the totally decomposable forms and on the forms admitting a multiple factor. Last, we give some insight on how to compute efficiently these systems of equations and point out possible further improvements.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Some Covariants Related to Steiner Surfaces
    (Springer, 2008) Aries, Franck; Briand, Emmanuel; Bruchou, Claude; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Jüttler, Bert; Piene, Ragni; European Research Training Network RAAG (Real Algebraic and Analytic Geometry)
    A Steiner surface is the generic case of a quadratically parameterizable quartic surface used in geometric modeling. This paper studies quadratic parameterizations of surfaces under the angle of Classical Invariant Theory. Precisely, it exhibits a collection of covariants associated to projective quadratic parameterizations of surfaces, under the actions of linear reparameterization and linear transformations of the target space. Each of these covariants comes with a simple geometric interpretation. As an application, some of these covariants are used to produce explicit equations and inequalities defining the orbits of projective quadratic parameterizations of quartic surfaces.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Rescheduling Railway Timetables in Presence of Passenger Transfers Between Lines Within a Transportation Network
    (Springer, 2014) Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Ortega Riejos, Francisco Alonso; Pozo Montaño, Miguel Ángel; Puerto Albandoz, Justo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I (ETSII); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada II (ETSI); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa; Sousa, J.; Rossi, R.; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Junta de Andalucía
    The problem of coordinating transfers consists of determining timetables which ensure the transfer of passengers between trains from different line runs at interchange stations. Two strategies can be considered: (1) Forcing the line runs to be synchronized; that is, a solution can be accepted only if there exists a connection between them, while the goal is minimizing travel times for passengers by using the minimum number of vehicles needed. (2) Minimizing an objective function that penalizes the lack of synchronization between line runs. The problem of transfer coordination turns out to be NP-hard even in the simple case of periodic timetables. Therefore, the problem is usually treated sequentially in two stages: first, determine the frequency of service according to the rate of demand, and then solve the problem of coordination by means of heuristics. This chapter considers a transit line where a train fleet circulates and stops at the stations according to a predetermined timetable which is known by the users. At any instant, passengers arrive at different stations in order to board these vehicles according to an assumed deterministic model of arrivals. In this scenario, a service rescheduling forced by an incidence is determined in order to minimize the loss of passengers who require transfers between different lines at the interchange stations. A case study consisting of a railway line with several equi-spaced stations, where it is possible a connection to other lines at intermediate stations is analyzed for different scenarios where the loss of transfers is penalized.