Elia - 2003 - Nº 4

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/2480


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    Autonomía y responsabilidad en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera en contextos formales. Una experiencia en el aula
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Rodríguez Parente, José Manuel
    It is widely accepted that the existance of compulsory general education until the age of 16 –in practice up to 18- is a valuable achievement of our society. Students are offered the opportunity to complete their secondary education reasonably well prepared. Nevertheless, good intentions cannot always be realized due to a variety of circumstances: high students numbers, an over-crowded curriculum, and too few teacher-student contact hours per week are among the more serious obstacles. However, in this paper we will try to prove that in spite this unfavourable scenario a degree of learner autonomy is posible, and even necessary, in formal contexts of education, since we defend that “knowing” is good but “learning to find out” is even better
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    Grammar instruction and the acquisition of gustar-type verbs by English-speaking learners of Spanish
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) López Jiménez, María Dolores
    Spanish gustar-type verbs form part of a group called psych verbs (Belletti and Rizzi 1988). These verbs pose potential learnability problems for English-speaking learners of college-level Spanish since the most frequent and unmarked word order with gustar-constructions is OVS in contrast to the obligatory SVO pattern in English. This study addresses two questions: a) Does instruction promote the acquisition of gustar-type verbs? b) If so, are there task effects1? A total of 24 upper-level beginners (first year, second semester) of Spanish as an FL participated in this study: 12 formed part of the treatment group and 12 were included in the control group. Two threepart tests were administered in a 3-week period. The pre- and post-teaching tests consisted of a multiple-choice task, a scrambled sentences task and a free production task, and were distributed during the first and third week, respectively. Teaching which consisted of grammar explanation and practice took place the third day of class of the first week. A total of six days of class elapsed between both tests. Results indicated that the treatment group outperformed the control group in the scrambled sentences and the multiplechoice tasks, but not in the free production task in the post-teaching test. A task effect was found: production of target-like forms by both the experimental and control groups decreased as production became less controlled.
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    La enseñanza de "colocaciones" en español como L2: una propuesta didáctica
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Álvarez Cavanillas, José Luis; Chacón Beltrán, Manuel Rubén
    Lexical collocations are groups of two or more words that come up together on a regular basis. In non-native language teaching, in general, and in the teaching of Spanish as an L2, in particular, it seems necessary to pay attention to this linguistic feature from a pedagogical point of view. Failure in the production of appropriate lexical collocations does not usually lead L2 learners to a communication breakdown, but students tend to produce unnecessary circumlocutions when trying to convey their messages. This study provides an overall perspective to the analysis of lexical collocations, takes up previous research on the topic and makes use of mental maps as a convenient teaching technique. Some teaching materials were designed and used with a group of students of Spanish as an L2. In this paper we report the effects of this empirical intervention and draw some pedagogical implications for the teaching of lexical collocations in Spanish as an L2.
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    La explotación lingüística de textos técnicos como complemento evaluativo y génesis de materiales pedagógicos en inglés para fines específicos
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Palacios Pablos, Andrés
    Teaching Technical English for Civil Engineering involves some limitations that must be overcome with initiative and imagination. On the one hand, the market provides no suitable pedagogical materials to meet the students´ needs, which often implies working with outdated textbooks, either too general or from other ESP fields like Business English. On the other hand, any serious analysis of the teaching conditions for this language in most Spanish universities shows that these are extremely inadequate: too short courses, a still high ratio of students per class, and contents far too extensive to be covered. Therefore, teachers must be practical while adjusting objectives to these restrictions. This paper makes an useful proposal to fulfil the challenge of teaching successfully within this context, by suggesting a method to produce plenty of materials and a complementary system for assessments. Basically it is about asking students to hand in written projects related to Civil Engineering issues. The teacher gives selection criteria for both text and exercises, which results in a wide range of updated readings. Secondly, the best works are used in class, increasing the students´ linguistic awareness and their interest in the subject.
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    A strategic, process-oriented approach for an ESP reading course in the humanities
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Placci, Graciela; Longhini, Ana María
    This paper aims at describing pedagogical materials especially designed for an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course for undergraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences (mainly majoring in Education, History, and Geography) at a national public university in Argentina. It expands on the rationale behind the methodology and its practical application. The lessons in the manual seek to transfer to practical application theories based on the latest findings in reading, cognitive psychology and educational psychology. The contribution of the learner's systemic knowledge, exploited in cross-reference with their schematic knowledge, plus the application of metacognitive and monitoring strategies have been our guidelines for the design of the activities. Since our main aim is to facilitate the learners’ interpretation of texts while simultaneously improving their language skills, we base our approach on systemic functional grammar. Each lesson we teach addresses questions aimed at unveiling the ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings of the reading texts that we use as didactic units.
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    The ESP teacher as a materials designer: a practical example
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Carbajosa Palmero, Natalia
    In this paper, a number of materials from different pedagogical sources will be analysed from the point of view of their suitability for the ESP class. Teaching English for Specific Courses has, in the last few decades, become an optimal way of adapting linguistic needs to increasingly diversified professional and social demands. Consequently, ESP teachers have to become materials designers, selectors and researchers of a multiple, complex reality to be brought to equally changing teaching settings. On the other hand, these materials must observe certain rules (above all, they will comply with the requirement of relevance), and be considered within the linguistic paradigms more favourable to this type of teaching. An example of material implementation through a concrete unit is provided, together with the sequencing, activities and skills involved. Special emphasis is placed on authentic texts and sources provided by the students themselves, who turn out to be, in many cases, the best orientation for the teacher.
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    Integración de estudiantes con deficiencias visuales en el aula de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en la enseñanza superior
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Luo, Beate
    At colleges or universities students with visual impairments have to be mainstreamed. Therefore, each year quite a lot of students with visual impairments can be found in classes scattered over the different colleges and universities in every country. However, most teachers have not been instructed how to teach students with visual impairments in a mainstream classroom. Thus, they worry about changes in the syllabus, availability of suitable textbooks, and how to teach all students together in an effective way. Obtaining necessary information about the students’ problems and sources for help are paramount for the successful integration of students with visual impairments into the mainstream classroom. This paper, therefore, aims to provide information for teachers with little or no background knowledge in special education. Several of the problems discussed in this paper are of concern for teachers of students with visual impairments in general, but some aspects are of special interest for foreign language teachers and are not normally found in guidelines provided to teachers of students with visual impairments in mainstream classes.
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    El bilingüismo simultáneo familiar: un estudio contrastado de las estrategias discursivas de los padres según los investigadores y los padres
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Ruiz González, María Gloria
    This paper focuses on family bilingualism, that is, the situation in which a child is exposed to at least two languages, one in the community and the other at home, from early childhood on. Whereas all children who are in contact with one language from birth acquire parallel levels of competence in it, provided that circumstances are normal, those who are in contact with two develop different levels of competence in the L2.1 Thus, their bilingualism can be receptive or productive, balanced or nonbalanced. To a large extent, these differences are due to the kinds of strategies used by the parents when interacting with their bilingual children. According to recent research, the use of certain discourse strategies by the parents plays an essential role in the development of the children’s ability to speak the L2. A study was conducted in order to find out whether parents in situations of family bilingualism are aware of the existence of these strategies and of the potentially beneficial effects of using some over the others.
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    La traducción en la enseñanza y en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa: materiales de estudio
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Enríquez Aranda, María Mercedes
    Translation has been used as a procedure in second language teaching and learning from time immemorial. Its use has been restricted by the English language teaching and learning prevailing methods of different periods. Nowadays controversies arisen in this field are updated because of the development of translation studies as an autonomous academic discipline. Although interesting, there is scarce theoretical research on the topic. The most important studies are English and they are an essential starting point of later research. In practice, didactic handbooks used for English language and English literature teaching and addressed to advanced students illustrate the use of translation in this field. A careful exam of some sample cases of these two kinds of theoretical and practical materials shows the state of the art in the field.
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    Promoting learning autonomy in self-access centres: the key role of material
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Navarro Coy, Marta; Brady, Imelda Katherine
    Self-access centres (SACs) have in the abundant literature on the theme been subject to quite a number of definitions and classifications. The many types of so called SACs can all be considered valid within their particular context. However, it is the aim of this paper to study the role that materials can play in this type of learning context and, especially, in those SACs that have been created with the aim of promoting learner autonomy. With this purpose in mind we shall outline the different types of materials usually encountered in a self-access centre in an attempt to reflect their relevance within those centres that aim at helping learners in becoming fully responsible for the learning process and, in consequence, in becoming autonomous learners.
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    La incidencia de los textos mediáticos en la enseñanza/aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Segovia Martín, Raquel
    Apart from the book as a traditional medium for printed texts, there are other types of media, including newspapers, films, and television programs, which are also important in the transmission of texts of a different nature. On the other hand, it is also a fact that English today has become the most important language in the world of communications. Taking these considerations into account, the aim of this paper is to establish a relationship between mass media and the academic world, in order to see how the (re)productions of English language texts by several media can also provide important research and educational material for English language departments. However, the exploration of the many possibilities that media texts have in the acquisition of the English language and culture, requires an adequate development of alternative modes of text analysis as well as methodological principles on the part of researchers and instructors.
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    Requests in films and in efl textbooks: a comparison
    (Universidad de Sevilla, 2003) Fernández Guerra, Ana; Martínez Flor, Alicia
    Research in the field of interlanguage pragmatics has shown that foreign language learners’ grammatical and pragmatic competences do not always match, this can perhaps be due to a lack of appropriate pragmatic presentation in current EFL textbooks. Hence, there seems to be a necessity of bringing authentic discourse into the classroom. One of the possibilities could be using films as input to develop classroom tasks. In this paper we analyse and compare the type, strategy and frequency of requests in both textbooks and films, in order to realise whether they provide an adequate treatment of this pragmatic issue. Results show an insufficient, unreal, decontextualised, and pragmatically inappropriate use of requesting strategies in the EFL textbooks analysed. We therefore propose using scenes from films as an authentic and motivating type of material which provides instances of real use of language and presents different requests in contextualised situations.
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    Aspectos pragmáticos en los trabajos teóricos sobre traducción
    (2003) Hernández Cristóbal, Alicia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua Inglesa)
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    El diccionario como material de referencia múltiple para el aprendizaje del inglés como L2
    (2003) Rodríguez Romero, Luis Fernando; Díaz Vidal, Jesús; Velázquez Ahumada, Irene; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Lengua Inglesa)
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    Phonological competence or component phonology?
    (2003) Moubarik Moubarik, Mustapha; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura y Filologías Integradas
    In this paper we discuss whether the learner of English should aim at acquiring native-like pronunciation, or instead, intelligible pronunciation, i.e. competent phonology, is sufficient for his/her needs. It offers a brief review of research in language acquisition in general and phonological competence in particular. We draw on our lengthy experience as a learner and teacher of foreign languages at both secondary and tertiary levels. We also discuss pedagogical implications, insisting on the pressing need to enhance home-made materials designed and produced by non-native speakers, because these are better placed to know the needs of their learners on the one hand, and the goals of language learning in their own environments on the other.