Academic Workshop between Spanish and Czech Researchers on Management (3ª. 2005. Sevilla)
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Ponencia Electronic marketing potentials(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Kříž, Jiří; Dvořák, Jiří; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioMarketing is an operative process of specifying, forecasting and satisfying customers needs along with generating profit. The privilege of success in times when marketing has become a luxury matter, is also for marketing managers in smaller businesses – if they understand they do not need to search for cheaper version of sophisticated and widely used marketing but to find new ways of marketing. The concept of intuitive marketing is based upon the principal advantage of small businesses – closeness to customers which provides them with greater sense for customer wishes and needs and allows them to respond without an expensive marketing apparatus. The ability to rapidly revise corporate strategy, promptly react to changes in demand, moves of competitors and external influences is based on more than regular account sheets. A company needs a marketing information system. The task of electronic marketing is not only to collect market data, but also to promote the company, its activity and products. It should manage communication with customers (consumers). Such communication can be performed by electronic media as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or by means of mobile communication, digital television and satellite systems of electronic business as well as the Internet.Ponencia Seasonal pattern in the tourist Spanish sector(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) López-Bonilla, Jesús Manuel; López-Bonilla, Luis Miguel; Sanz Altamira, Borja; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioThe seasonal variations materialize in different ways in the destinations. In this paper we try to analyze the seasonal typology that differs in the Spanish territory, especially, we refer to the Autonomous Communities. With this aim, we observe the levels of seasonality of the tourist demand and supply depending on different variables, such as: the number of tourists, the average days of stay of the tourists, the number of available rooms, and the personnel employed in the tourist housings.Ponencia Results of trends research development(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Němeček, Petr; Zich, Robert; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioWithin the framework of determined basic objective was more specific focus on the field of management, ownership structure, financial control, logistics and manufacturing control, marketing, education and risk management. In defining of the individual objectives, stress was put to factual status and potential benefit. Therefore, from wide quantity of possible evaluated subjects is the attention paid mainly to business companies of joint-stock type and limited liability type. These usually represent larger business scope in comparison to companies with personal participation and trade. Considering the fact that business is influenced by local conditions and specific possibilities of their formation, the analysis was related to companies operating in South Moravia region. Such defined targets established pre-requisite for acquisition of rather large quantity of unique data, for extensive publication activity and first-rate scientific development of participating employees and whole investigation team as such. In this relation we can mention as important outputs the preparation of dissertation thesis. In the course of the research the areas to be solved were gradually made more specific with respect to our capacity and knowledge possibilities, and - above all - with respect to continuously reached results, which showed the need to solve certain specific questions. Taking into account these facts, solved areas are delimitated as following: · top management · marketing · environmental management · crisis management · logistics · financePonencia Dealing with paradox -historical tourism in a non- touristic city: the case of Santiponce vs. Italica (Spain)(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Castellanos Verdugo, Mario; Moreno Menéndez, Ana María; Oviedo García, María de los Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioIn this ongoing research, we focus our attention in the origin and state of art in the analysis of local tourist sector potentialities4 in the municipality of Santiponce (Sevilla). This research is a consequence of the obtained results in this village in a previous investigation about the relationship between tourist development and community satisfaction in order to design methodological frameworks able to develop research which results will allow to plan patrimony tourist strategies. These strategies have to consider the relationships between resident’s perceptions of the tourist impact and their satisfaction These aspects directly influence in the tourist policies intended to design and execute. In general, Santiponce’s resident live apart from tourism. As it happens in Europe, is normal to find small cities and villages, more or less close to big cities that form standardised tourist circuits, with one or several tourist resources of great interest, but, paradoxically, never have developed a relevant tourist activity and where tourism is a marginal proportion of its common economic activity. Our research tries to analyse the paradox of this type of municipalities that, even having relevant patrimonial resources, do not develop an important tourist activity and, even, where tourism is not perceived as a development and welfare opportunity for the actual residents and, which is more important, for the future ones. This paradox exits in Santiponce, where we are developing an analysis model based on four sources of information: residents, experts’ opinions, businessmen and tourists.Ponencia Complex tasks in decision making versus economic theory(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Mezník, Ivan; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioEconomics provides natural situations for complex tasks in decision making. A complex task starts with an empirical investigation, continues by creating an economic model using mathematical modelling and ends with a decision making applying economic theory. The paper presents an example from demand analysis showing that a close interplay is needed between constructing a model and making consequent decision analysis.Ponencia Basic approaches to company performance measurements(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Bartoš, Vojtěch; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioOne of the most important management tools are the systems used to measure company efficiency. In the arena of global competition and constant environmental changes, the focus is permanently looking at the future - strategic company efficiency, that move away from the now out-dated systems, such as those based on DuPont´s philosophy. This contribution is focused on basic implementation of company efficiency management.Ponencia The internationalization of family business: a conceptual proposal(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Acedo González, Francisco José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioInternationalization means, for most firms, one of the main challenges that organizations must face in order to assure their survival in a global and complex environment. When looking at the family firms, this challenge presents another added aspect to be taken into account. As for any firm, entering in international markets means facing uncertain environments that require a certain restructuration (manufacturing process, new distribution channels, new financial sources, etc.). Besides, the family firms do not want to loose the control that the family exerts on the firm. Therefore, family firms must deal with two opposite forces: one force that favours their need to grow and enter in new markets, and other that seeks the stability and the development of low-risk projects in their traditional market. It is necessary to seek the underpinnings of the internationalization of these firms. Are they different from the rest of firms? What made them achieve their actual status? Can the existing theoretical models explain the internationalization process of these firms? How can we adapt these models to the family firms’ reality? In this work, we expose some of these questions and we propose a global model oriented to the understanding of the international strategy selection within the family firms. This model is aimed at orienting the internationalization phenomenon for those researchers interested in the international business and in the family firms, but also to the owners worried about their international expansion and the promotion agencies and consulting firms, public and private, related to the internationalization.Ponencia Development of the crude oil prices and the stock market(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Torre Gallegos, Antonio de la; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioIn this paper we analyze the development of the Crude Oil Prices and the Stock Market since the decade of the 70´s. We identify the cycles and the upward and downward phases of these series and analyze a number of their features: the period or length of cycle, the duration of the upward and downward phases, the relative position of the high, the percentage of return during periods of upward and downward phases and the percentage of retracement of movement from low to high. We also analyze the degree of correlation between the Oil Prices and the Stock Market. We will find if the crude oil prices will explain what “drives” the stock market. Time series theory is of interest primarily for this analysis because they help identify market cycles and turning points in those market cycles. In this work we extract the trend and the cycle with the Hodrick Prescott (HP) Filter. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 is an introduction. Section 2 uses the Hodrick-Prescott Filter to find the lows or turning points of the cycles. Section 3 develops a battery of measures of the behaviour of crude oil prices during the cycles and shows the results of applying these techniques to the cycles of the crude oil prices. Also, offers some comments on the similarities or differences of these phases with those of stock market. Section 4 concludes.Ponencia Top management team heterogeneity and firm performance(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Díaz Fernández, María del Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioAt this research will try to analyze the direct relation that the Upper Echelons Theory establishes between the diversity of the demographic characteristics of the top management teams and the performance. As Hambrick and Mason (1984: 193), we consider that “organizational outcomes are viewed as reflections of the values and cognitive bases of powerful actors in the organization: the top managers”. Moreover, “managerial characteristics of these top managers are indicators of firm performance” (1984: 196). Premise that we will try to test in this research across the empirical contrast of five hypotheses and a theoretical model. The results of our research reveal us how of five raised hypotheses, three are fulfilled in its entirety, one was fulfilling partially to the being the sense of the existing relation the inverse one to the raised one, and one is not fulfilled.Ponencia The relationship between tourist companies organizational culture and their competitiveness. A study on first class hotels in the Costa del Sol(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Martín Rojo, Inmaculada; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioThe present paper shows the conclusions of a research carried out on a representative sample of first class hotels in the Costa del Sol (an outstanding touristic region in Spain). The Organizational Culture of this group of hotels was previously analyzed in 1993, a series of problems related to management was detected at that time. After identifying the Organizational Culture as well as management weak points, a cultural change was proposed. Finally, ten years later, a cultural audit was carried out in these establishments, and the results show that these hotels Organizational Culture has changed, and that this change has rebounded in the improvement of competitiveness. Therefore, this research demonstrates the relationship between Organizational Culture and success in management companies.Ponencia Top management teams in the Spanish global business environment: an empirical study(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Díaz Fernández, María del Carmen; Gallego Agueda, María Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioThe use of top management teams is expanding in response to the turbulence and complexity of the global business environment (Cohen and Bailey, 1997). To perform well among growing competition greater efficiency is required and top management teams bring not only more resources into the organization but also different kinds of skills and knowledge to success it. Top management teams are very common and crucial subject of study in North American researches. Nerveless, in the Spain context exist a big empty in the literature. This absence is the main motivation for the current study.Ponencia Security management as a part of an it firm(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Koch, Miloš; Dydowicz, Petr; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioSecurity of information system being an integral part of a firm or organization must not be considered only from a technical point of view. The security of an IS is therefore understood as multi-level process that should be correctly planned and systematically realized. Such process is then a part of corporate security management. Its tasks and services (within IT environment) are a part of IT service management. General aim of security management is to secure and examine tasks as well as consider and assess on credibility, reliability and availability of current data. It is also necessary to secure hardware and software components and running processes.Ponencia The connection between management and strategy: an exploratory study(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Domínguez de la Concha-Castañeda, Marta; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioThere exists a lot of controversy about the actual ability of managers to influence their business. In this situation, the analysis of the consequences of managerial changes regarding the strategy of the company can help to clarify this debate. In this paper, an exploratory analysis is made of the history of the company Telepizza from 1992 to 2000. The informational analysis indicates that managerial changes seem to be necessary at the time a strategic reorganization of the company is carried out.Ponencia Impact of life cycle on strategic environmental management of the company(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Kocmanová, Alena; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioConsideration of the environmental protection requests a number of changes from each individual company which must concern not only specific corrective actions of usually technical and technological character, but particularly the whole corporate management system. The trends of waste and rejected product disposal are changed in the Czech Republic, which trends bring extension of preventive actions and minimization of waste generation. Incorporation of the environmental protection into the company practice requests implementation of the environmental approach to the whole company management system, incl. the strategic environmental management. Important point of applying active environmental strategy is to move from final actions to preventive actions. This application is necessary in the whole live cycle of the product. Incorporation of the environmental protection into the company practice requests implementation of the environmental approach to the whole company management system, incl. the strategic environmental management. Nowadays care of the environment and interest in the sustainable development are considered the characteristic features of the prudent management. There is no escape from serious problems of the future development in the environmental field; the problems will have to be resolved at all company levels. The strategic environmental management defines long-time objectives and spheres of business, where the company intends to be active, the competence to be obtained and the necessary resources for launching the market and for successful competing; in order to reach its environmental objective the company values up and utilizes its potential, thus being able to cope with the continuing changes in the conditions of the environment and also determines the methods how to reach these environmental objectives.The life cycle is an important factor affecting content of the strategic environmental management. The strategic environmental management should know contribution of the good environmental profile for the business and financial fields, influence of environmental aspects and impacts on the income of the company, on its financial situation, management and influence of the environmental costs on the economic situation of the company.Ponencia Advanced decision making tools in the production company(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Videcká, Zdeňka; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioToday’s companies collect a large amount of operational data relating to all kinds of activities. This data holds and hides the experience of company’s history. The impact of “flood of data” perform unsafe situation. If management use these data and don’t discover mutual relationship of these data it can lead to wrong decision. If right decision tools doesn’t exist in the frame of companies very often is decision based on the past experience of managers. It can lead to wrong decision if situation on the decision area is changed. Properly analyse of data can have significant effect on a company’s performance and profitability. This paper describe possibility of using advanced decision tools in day-to-day decision managers.Ponencia The internationalisation of SMEs in the environment of globalisation from the barriers point of view(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Šimberová, Iveta; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioA greater part of both international and national literature on internationalization SMEs and final theoretical models are derived from foreign activities of big companies. Scientists’ attention has been drawn to the problematic of integrating SMEs into international transformation especially in the last two decades. If the enterprise is to be successful (i.e. to be competitive, profitable and viable) under the current conditions and mainly under the conditions of the common European market, it is necessary to focus not only on domestic market but expand further beyond the country frontier. This trend is resulting from the instantly growing competitive pressure of globalised market. Internationalization seems to be one of the principal challenges for small and medium- size enterprises. The significant role of internationalizing activities of enterprises is the level of knowledge which the enterprise has available and what is the scope of utilization like. Globalisation is a big challenge for SMEs in transformation economies on the one side and big threat on the other side. Submitted paper deals with the question of identification of barriers of internationalization activities of SMEs. These barriers can come out from general as well as field and internal environment of the company. In the introduction are indicated theoretical starting points of research of this question. From the latest trends result that just scope and use of knowledge is becoming the motive force of successful business. Results were used from performed empiric research within the framework of the solution to the project GA/402/02/0106 "Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Czech Republic".Ponencia Reformulating international pricing: standardization vs. adaptation(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Rondán Cataluña, Francisco Javier; García Cruz, Rosario; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioWe have carried out a deep analysis (using of a meta-analytical approach) of the Literature published in relation to international pricing. We have formulated a series of theoretical propositions that we have contrasted with a company inside the countries of the European Union. We have joined countries of the EU according to the prices of the analysed product. So, the best statistical tool for that is the cluster analysis. The second stage of this process is to contrast the price differences between the countries classified in each cluster. The research reveals the existence of price adaptation of the analysed company to the diverse environments of the European Union members.Ponencia Main characteristics of spanish tourist firms in 2002(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Quirós Tomás, Francisco Javier; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados (Marketing); Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioThis paper aim is the analysis of some of the more important facts related with Spanish tourist sector in the year 2002. Number of companies and their legal condition and size, number of premises, number of workers and kind of labour relationship with the tourist firms and so on will be analysed. When possible, the analysis will be widened to the different tourist subsectors or branchs: hotels, restaurants and travel agencies and tour operators. Their figures will be compared with the same ones for the Spanish economy as a whole.Ponencia Cost reduction and continuous improvement: a longitudinal case study(Universidad de Sevilla, 2005) Escobar Pérez, Bernabé; González González, José María; Lobo Gallardo, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Contabilidad y Economía Financiera; Casillas Bueno, José Carlos; Castellanos Verdugo, MarioIn today’s environment one of the top priorities for organizations is to costs without affecting dramatically organization survival. Therefore, the aim of this paper is provide evidence on (1) the importance of Management Accounting information for cost reduction purposes and (2) the role of some Control System components in order to carry out this strategy. A longitudinal case study has been conducted to this purpose at a Spanish subsidiary of a multinational chemical group. This chemical plant introduced a cost reduction project in the mid 1990s. The most salient results were on the one hand, the implementation of quality circles and internal benchmarking practices and, on the other hand the importance of both formal and non-formal Control System components in order to successfully achieve the project’s objectives.