Artículos (Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas)
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Artículo A methodology to identify the heritage attributes and values of a modernist landscape: Roberto Burle Marx’s Copacabana beach promenade in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)(Taylor & Francis, 2023) Rey Pérez, Julia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasAs new heritage categories have emerged, the process of identifying heritage value has become more complex, necessitating new tools to enable professionals to identify all attributes and values that determine the uniqueness of an asset before embarking upon its management and conservation. Burle Marx’s Copacabana promenade in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is representative of a modernist landscape design, and therefore, a cultural heritage asset. This article proposes a mixed methodology for identifying the heritage attributes and values of this modernist landscape through document analysis, site observations and surveys. This information is essential for the long-term conservation of the Copacabana promenade. Historical, aesthetic, technological and environmental values are represented in attributes that include the design itself, the calceteira technique and the selected tree species. The values and attributes of these assets inform the conservation strategies that are designed to end their abandonment and deterioration.Artículo Student Competitions as a Learning Method with a Sustainable Focus in Higher Education: the University of Seville “Aura Projects” in the “Solar Decathlon 2019”(MDPI, 2020) Herrera-Limones, Rafael; Rey Pérez, Julia; Hernández Valencia, Miguel; Roa Fernández, Jorge; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I (ETSA); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del TerrenoIn recent times, teaching in higher education has undergone a significant transformation. Current advances and innovative proposals in educational science research are centred around a transdisciplinary approach, the so-called integrated curriculum and the incorporation of the transversal concept of sustainability. In summary, the so-called learning processes through problem-solving. The Solar Decathlon Competition is the most prestigious international university student competition for sustainable habitat. The aim of this article is to show how the Aura Strategy, developed by the University of Seville Solar Decathlon Team to participate in the Solar Decathlon 2019 Latin America and Europe competitions, is aligned with the aforementioned proposals. Among the results, the generation of a transforming teaching network of the departmental structures in the University of Seville is to be highlighted. These transformations in teaching lead students to new, broader and more holistic approaches to study, as well as new capabilities and skills. The question of interdisciplinarity requires new tools and research lines to achieve successful implementation in higher education, and the participation in the Solar Decathlon Competition is one of them.Artículo Historic urban landscape: an approach for sustainable management in Cuenca (Ecuador)(Emerald, 2017) Rey Pérez, Julia; Siguencia Ávila, María Eugenia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology developed on the basis of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) notion applied for the city of Cuenca in Ecuador. The identification of cultural values – among all the actors involved in the city – draws up a series of sustainable urban development strategies. Design/methodology/approach – This methodology is based on the city analysis from the local community and multiple disciplines such as geomorphology, environment, urban planning, historic cartography, architecture, archaeology, anthropology, and economy. Further qualitative data collection methods included 16 workshops with 168 citizens, specific surveys, mapping, and on-site observations. The challenge of this methodology is not only its implementation in the world heritage city of Cuenca in Ecuador, but also the integration of the management of the historic centre within the overall city development plan. Findings – The application of the HUL concept has allowed the identification of a series of strategies for the urban development where the points of view coming from different stakeholders were gathered. The project reveals the existence of values and attributes, so far overlooked in the actual heritage management system. In addition, a Geographic Information System database has been created with all the information related to Cuenca with the possibility of making it available for the community in the future. Research limitations/implications – The project has been developed within one year with scarce economic resources: that is the reason why the planned activities took longer than expected. Social implications – Social participation has played a key role in the development of the project. Originality/value – This research process in Cuenca has led to its incorporation as a Latin-American pilot city for a programme developed by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific RegionArtículo Reuse of domestic vernacular architecture in the current context: residential analysis of the hallway, patio and backyard house(Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2025) Gómez Martínez, Vidal; Turco, Maria Grazia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en AndalucíaThis paper is the result of the joint research process carried out by the authors in the context of the visiting professor programme of Sapienza University of Rome, in which they have had the opportunity to participate on several occasions. It focuses on the analysis of the methodological difficulties inherent to the documentation of vernacular domestic architecture and the possibilities opened up by new technologies. As a case study, we take the hallway, patio and backyard house, a typology typical of the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, identified and characterised by the authors in previous works. Starting from the typological definition of the hallway, patio and backyard house, the paper analyses the strategies used in Andalusia for the documentation of vernacular domestic architecture and contrasts them with the application of new survey systems based on laser scanning. Finally, as a reflection of the potential of these tools, the residential capacity of the hallway, patio and backyard house is analysed, an analysis that would be impossible to carry out with the techniques previously employed.Artículo Ollero Lobato, Francisco: Arcos de la Frontera durante el Franquismo (1936-1975): Arquitectura, imágenes y representaciones de su conjunto histórico(Universidad de Granada, 2023) Aladro Prieto, José Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasArtículo La evaluación del impacto patrimonial en bienes patrimonio mundial: El caso del Hotel Reuma en la ladera norte de la Alhambra(Junta de Andalucía: Patronato de La Alhambra y Generalife, 2024) García de Casasola Gómez, Marta; Aladro Prieto, José Manuel; García Fernández, Francisco José; Ostos Prieto, Francisco Javier; González Sancho, Beatriz; Rey Pérez, Julia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM711: Composite (Composición y Teoría de la Arquitectura); Universidad de Sevilla. HUM965: Transhumancias : Hábitat, Salud, Patrimonio, Tecnología y Arte; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM152: De la Turdetania a la Bética; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM666: Ciudad, Arquitectura y Patrimonio ContemporáneosLa Evaluación del Impacto Patrimonial es un tipo de documento técnico que surge ante la necesidad de objetivar la evaluación de la preservación de los bienes culturales, tratando de mitigar el impacto de intervenciones propuestas en bienes Patrimonio Mundial y sus entornos, facilitando el diálogo y la coordinación de todos los agentes implicados. Las Directrices Prácticas para la aplicación de la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial, invitan a los estados parte de la convención a informar sobre las actuaciones a realizar en bienes Patrimonio Mundial. Se entiende, por lo tanto, como una evaluación que se convierte en oportunidad para mejorar los procesos de gestión del cambio en este tipo de contextos de especial complejidad. Para ello, se requiere del desarrollo de metodologías que tengan como principal objetivo la identificación de valores culturales del bien objeto de estudio para su posterior monitoreo, implementando procesos transversales que garanticen la perspectiva transdisciplinar e integradora propia de la gestión sostenible de la conservación. La propuesta sigue las directrices marcadas por el documento publicado en 2011 por el Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios (Icomos): «Orientaciones relativas a las evaluaciones de impacto sobre el patrimonio para los bienes del patrimonio mundial cultural» y avanza sobre el posterior desarrollo metodológico publicado en 2022 por dicha institución, en colaboración con la Unesco, bajo el formato de Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context. En este caso, se aplica sobre el proyecto de rehabilitación del Hotel Reúma en la ladera norte de la Alhambra, un espacio caracterizado por su posición intermedia entre el bosque de la Alhambra y el barrio del Albaicín.Artículo The protection of traditional architecture in Spain and Italy(Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2025-01) Gómez Martínez, Vidal; Turco, Maria Grazia; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en AndalucíaThis paper is the result of the joint research process carried out by the authors in the context of the visiting professor programme of Sapienza University of Rome, in which they have had the opportunity to participate on several occasions. The work focuses on a comparative analysis of the treatment given to vernacular architecture in Spain and Italy (the authors' countries of origin). The subject is approached both from a conceptual and legislative point of view. Already at the conceptual level - from the very definition of the cultural phenomenon itself - a different approach to the matter can be appreciated, defining it as popular architecture in Spain and minor architecture in Italy. At the normative and legislative level, the three fundamental aspects in which the normative framework encompasses vernacular architecture in both Spain and Italy have been studied in depth: the valuation, protection and conservation of this architecture.Artículo El paisaje de la producción marítimo-industrial en Florianópolis: el astillero Arataca, patrimonio y proyecto(Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2024) Fiorin, Evandro; Pagliuso Rodrigues, Mara Regina; Larive López, Enrique; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasEste artículo forma parte de una investigación realizada por el Grupo de Investigación de Proyecto, Patrimonio, Percepción y Paisaje, afiliado a la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, en Brasil. La región de la Gran Florianópolis posee vestigios de un valioso patrimonio industrial en desuso y, en este sentido, seleccionamos aquí las ruinas del Estaleiro Arataca, cerca del puente Hercílio Luz, para un estudio más detallado. Esto se debe a que esta investigación es una parte de un proyecto de investigación más amplio que aquí se destaca para inte-grar trabajos en los campos de arquitectura e ingeniería, centrándose en el relevamiento, análisis e intervención en un patrimonio industrial en un punto emblemático de la capital de Santa Catarina. Una forma integral de concebir un proyecto para su rehabilitación. Por lo tanto, este trabajo es la oportunidade para la comprensión del contexto histórico y su transformación en una acción conjunta y sostenible. Queremos comprender la im-portancia del complejo como un hito de la época marítimo-industrial en la cabecera insular de la Isla de Santa Catarina y, además, conocer más sobre su nuevo contexto a través de la práctica de caminar. La comprensión de su espacialidad se logra a través de cartografías, así como el diagnóstico de las patologías constructivas de estos edificios. Nuestro objetivo es crear un proyecto que reinterpreta el papel de las ruinas en la ciudad, dándole a este espacio la capacidad de poner en marcha iniciativas culturales, artísticas y digitales sin menospreciar los usos actuales. Un lugar que sea alternativo, creativo y abierto a la invenciónArtículo Red CARVEland para la investigación de valores patrimoniales en paisajes extractivos de las canteras de mármol(Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, 2024) Loren-Méndez, Mar; Larive López, Enrique; Rodríguez Segura, Adrián; Sorbo, Emanuela; Tonello, Sofia; Cardoso de Matos, Ana; Quintas, Armando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasEn el ámbito de la Cátedra UNESCO en Patrimonio urbano contemporáneo CREhAR (Creative Research and Education on heritage Assessment and regeneration) y dentro de su trayectoria investigadora en patrimonio y paisaje contemporáneos, proponemos una aproximación a los paisajes culturales extractivos del mármol desde su condición de patrimonio emergente. En concreto, inaugura una línea vinculada a los paisajes con intensas transformaciones y a sus procesos de patrimonialización activa (, que propone explorar la dimensión cambiante de estos patrimonios, parte central de su esencia extractiva. Un equipo experto propone su aproximación como patrimonio emergente, desde lecturas transversales e innovadoras en el margen, partiendo para ello de procesos, métodos e instrumentos experimentales sobre sistemas posindustriales en desuso, infraestructuras, y paisajes históricos de la producción, incidiendo en la singularidad patrimonial de estos paisajes desde su continua transformaciónArtículo American laboratory of historical production landscapes(TICCIH, 2022) Sobrino Simal, Vicente Julián; Larive López, Enrique; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasArtículo Cultural assessment as the meeting point in the dialogue between heritage studies and architectural practice - the adaptive reuse of Trinity College, Coimbra (Portugal)(MDPI, 2024-11-06) Loren-Méndez, Mar; García de Casasola Gómez, Marta; Galán Caro, Domingo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM666: Ciudad, Arquitectura y Patrimonio Contemporáneos; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM711: Composite (Composición y Teoría de la Arquitectura)More than a century after Riegl took the first steps in the theory of value that characterised the 20th century, conservation is now being challenged from the perspective of understanding heritage intervention projects. Critical transformation of heritage, based on knowledge, modifies the characteristics of what is of value, its significance and its materiality. This work process deals with questions related to citizens’ perceptions, where consensus is sought to agree on what has value in a heritage context and how intervention projects affect this consideration. This article represents a revision of heritage methodology insofar as it establishes a contemporary dialogue between architectural practice and heritage studies through the identification and management of cultural values. It takes as a case study the Trinity College in Coimbra, by Aires Mateus. This work is framed within the declaration of the University of Coimbra as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This methodology can be extrapolated to other case studies, providing a necessary framework for understanding design action in different heritage contexts. This research attempts to equate the heritage asset’s initial values with those generated or activated after the intervention, highlighting the recognition of these values as a key objective of heritage studies and design action.Artículo Ciudad, infraestructuras y singularidad estructural: Estación de Servicio CAMPSA, Huelva (1955-1959) del arquitecto Alejandro Herrero Ayllón(CSIC, 2024) Oliveira, Silvana Rodrigues de; Carbajal Ballell, Rodrigo; Loren-Méndez, Mar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasLa Estación de Servicio CAMPSA de Huelva (1955-1959), obra de Alejandro Herrero Ayllón, está protegida a nivel autonómico y municipal, e incluida en DOCOMOMO Ibérico. A pesar de su relevancia, carece de un estudio monográfico sobre su proceso de diseño. Esta investigación, basada en documentos originales y parcialmente inéditos, revela decisiones clave del proyecto, como la estratégica elección del emplazamiento, colindante con el ensanche urbano y principales accesos a la ciudad, así como su formalización estructural, con objetivos de alcance urbano, le confiere un valor singular. La configuración triangular y aislada de la parcela permitiría al arquitecto aplicar sus teorías de separación de circulaciones y articular accesos en sus tres vértices. El núcleo central recibe audaces marquesinas de hormigón armado y una torre que consolidan este hito urbano integrado en el paisaje. Por último, se exploran intercambios epistolares entre Herrero y Félix Candela que sugerían una deseada colaboración.Artículo Hybrid ventilation in a nearly Zero-Energy Building as a function of Users' 2 habits for better indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a warm climate(Taylor & Francis, 2024) Borrallo Jimenez, Milagrosa; Esquivias Fernández, Paula Matilde; Fernández-Agüera, Jessica; López de Asiain Alberich, María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I (ETSA)During the design stage of a detached house located in warm climate, passive strategies were integrated and a high-energy efficiency qualification was achieved in accordance with the Spanish Building Technical Code (CTE). During the execution phase, an elevated level of control was carried out to guarantee airtightness and thermal insulation quality according to the specifications of the project. A hybrid ventilation system was designed and installed as it was allowed under Spanish regulations for residential buildings, but as a legislative exception. The mechanical part of the hybrid ventilation system was deactivated by the owner due to his cultural perception that effective ventilation can only be achieved by opening windows. Consequently, with the operable aerators closed, ventilation relied solely on traditional Mediterranean airing habits, impacting both the indoor air change rate and subsequently, indoor air quality and thermal comfort. This research aims to assess whether satisfactory levels of thermal comfort and indoor air quality can be attained solely through these airing habits, thus questioning the necessity of active strategies to meet the indoor air change rate requirements. Thermal comfort and indoor air quality are evaluated based on indoor environmental data correlated with users’ declared ventilation habits.Artículo From Verifiable Authenticity to Verisimilar Interventions: Xintiandi, Fuxing SOHO, and the Alternatives to Built Heritage Conservation in Shanghai(Taylor & Francis, 2019) González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasThe introduction of contemporary architecture into historic urban environ-ments creates an open heritage discussion that includes the underlyingrelationship between development and conservation. This discussion requirestheoretical clarification, as heritage conservation is frequently mistaken forother architectural design approaches that, even though they may operatewithin the historic environment as their primary source, do not comply withthe complex definition of heritage authenticity used today. This article aimedto contribute to this debate, offering a characterization of such architecturaldesign strategies operating through principles of verisimilitude that targetauthentication for tourists and the creative classes in a global city likeShanghai. Comparative studies of Xintiandi (Ben Woods, 2001) and FuxingSOHO (Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, 2015) provided an insight into theconcepts of historic re-creation and abstract inheritance, currently used asways of interpreting the historic residential typology of the Shanghai lilongaccording to the economic and political aims of the entrepreneurial model ofgovernance. This allowed a critical evaluation of the growing attention paid toheritage in Shanghai in the last 25 years, and whether the substitution of theprinciple of authenticity for authentication has solved the contradictionsbetween urban conservation and development in contemporary ChinaArtículo Integrating heritage assets in large commercial complexes: de-contextualization and re-signification of memory in Shanghai(Elsevier, 2022) Den Hartog, Harry; González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasSince early this century, multiple large-scale commercial projects in Shanghai and other Chinese cities incorporate heritage assets for the creation of new identities after de-contextualisation trough demolition of complete city blocks. This tabula rasa approach resulted in a discontinuity of the meaning and use that local communities gave to these heritage buildings and a re-appropriation by new users in a context of consumerism. This paper studies two cases in Shanghai city center: Jing An Kerry Centre and Greenland Bund Centre, where heritage buildings related to the memories of Communism, trading societies and Christianity are incorporated into high-density high-end commercial redevelopment. As we argue, the study of heritage conservation methods and urban design approaches reveals profound discontinuities in the position and meaning of heritage assets, which respond to important political and economic performance requirements. This paper puts forward two main arguments. Firstly, that the choice of heritage conservation methods and design approaches aligns with the new official narrative of the desired image of Shanghai as a prosperous global city rooted in Communism. Secondly, that the de-contextualisation of heritage assets within a new corporate urban context motivates specific heritage-related landscape, urban and architectural design responses, that contribute to their re-contextualisation in a new sanitized urban environment.Artículo Curating the selective memory of gentrification: the Wulixiang Shikumen Museum in Xintiandi, Shanghai(Taylor & Francis, 2021) González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasThe relationship between micro-narratives of house museums and themacro-narrative of urban development constitutes a gap in the researchon the gentrification of historical urban areas in China. The commercialredevelopment of two blocks of Xintiandi, located in the core of Shanghai’sformer French concession and a major tourism destination, embodies oneof four major urban heritage conservation methods applied in the city. Weargue that the Wulixiang Shikumen Museum, which is Xintiandi’s primarycultural facility, reinforces an argument of ‘modern nostalgia’ that hascharacterised heritage production in Shanghai. Our discursive analysis,based on site visits and interviews, focused on the museum’s architecturallayout and the collection and interpretation of materials relating toa nostalgia discourse that integrates cosmopolitanism, tradition and culti-vation, considered as attributes of Shanghai’s modernisation during itsheyday in the 1920s and 1930s. We argue that the micro-narrative of thismuseum contributes to a macro-narrative of development, which, as exem-plified by Xintiandi, encourages the gentrification of Shanghai’s historicalneighbourhoods. We further argue that an authorised version of Shanghai’ssemi-colonial past legitimises wider social and economic changes, whileobscuring memories associated with decades of collectivisationArtículo Lights and shadows over the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape: ‘managing change’ in Ballarat and Cuenca through a radical approach focused on values and authenticity(Francis & Taylor, 2017) Rey Pérez, Julia; González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasThe 2011 Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) is themost recent incorporation to the global process of heritage production thatwas triggered by the 1972 World Heritage Convention. Five years since thepublication of the Recommendation, it is clear that, despite UNESCO’s efforts,opportunities for the implementation of the HUL on a global level have beenscarce. An increasing awareness regarding public participation has providedan additional opportunity for the HUL, due to an enhanced understandingof an ideal urban heritage management that, avant la lettre, disregardstraditional up-down decision-making processes. Our paper provides a criticalevaluation of the positive and negative aspects which have arisen from theimplementation of HUL Recommendation with regards to charters andtheory. We have also taken into consideration the risks that are concomitantto its ambitious holistic approach, as well as the ambiguities with regardsto the definition of landscape on which the HUL is based. This paper alsoidentifies the opportunities that a renewed focus on heritage values andauthenticity management, as reflected in the cases of Cuenca (Ecuador)and Ballarat (Australia), may offer for the successful implementation of theHUL approachArtículo Urban authenticity at stake: A new framework for its definition from the perspective of heritage at the Shanghai Music Valley(Elsevier, 2017) González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasThe field of urban heritage conservation calls for a new understanding of authenticity, given the influence of the tourism industries and the creative city ideal in the contemporary renovation of heritage areas. This has become a relevant issue after the 2011 UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape Recommendation withdrew its call for authenticity from the forefront of urban heritage conservation. This paper will develop a framework for a valuebased assessment of urban heritage authenticity beginning with a review of heritage conservation theory confronting it to a study of this concept in the fields of tourism and the creative city. The proposed value-based approach to urban heritage authenticity will determine two series of attributes: the first comes from the specific field of heritage, and the second relates heritage with tourism and the creative city ideal. This framework will be used to evaluate heritage authenticity in the ongoing development of the Shanghai Music Valley (SMV) initiative in Shanghai's Hongkou district. This evaluation, from an architectural and urban point of view, will point to the inconsistencies that result when authenticity criteria based on the interests of tourism and the creative city are used for heritage conservation, especially, when it appears as a consequence of the atomization of heritage management among an unbalanced landscape of stakeholders.Artículo Atlantropa. Arquitectura y ciudad para un sueño eléctrico del Mediterráneo(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, 2010) González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición ArquitectónicasHermann Sörgel tenía por objeto la desecación parcial del mar Mediterráneo para producir energía eléctrica a una escala desconocida. Mediante una colosal presa en el estrecho de Gibraltar se produciría, por evaporación y trasvases, un descenso final de hasta 200 metros del nivel del mar. Sorprendentemente, arquitectos como Behrens, Poelzig, Mendelsohn, Van Eesteren, Fritz Höger o Emil Fahremkamp llegaron a apoyar o colaborar en este sueño desmedido.Artículo Atlantropa. El sueño del Mediterráneo(2006) González Martínez, Plácido; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM666: Ciudad, Arquitectura y Patrimonio ContemporáneosEn el año 1929 el arquitecto alemán Hermann Sorgel visita las ciudades de Tarifa y Gibraltar acompañado por el ingeniero suizo Bruno Siegwart con el propósito de realizar mediciones en el Estrecho. Ambos son presa del asombro propio de quien contempla por vez primera la distancia ínfima que separa los dos continentes, reafirmándose en el convencimiento de la viabilidad técnica de la gran obra con la que arrancaría el proyecto Atlantropa: un dique de 56 km de longitud entre España y Marruecos como inicio de un sistema de presas que permitiese alcanzar el objetivo megalómano de embalsar y desecar parcialmente el mar Mediterráneo.