Artículos (Física Aplicada I)

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  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Compositional and microstructural study of joining methods in archaeological gold objects
    (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2017-03) Scrivano, Simona; Gómez-Tubio, Blanca María; Ortega-Feliú, Inés; Ager Vázquez, Francisco José; Paúl Escolano, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada III; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Materiales y del Transporte; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    This work arises in response to the need to understand the production techniques of pre-roman gold jewels, starting from the systematic characterization of the different methods of metal joining used in antiquity to produce these objects. To meet this requirement, different procedures used in antiquity were reproduced by means of experimental archaeology. These models correspond to three metal-joining methods reported by ancient recipes: solid-state diffusion with copper salt, brazing and autogenous welding. These techniques were studied by different analytical methods in order to characterize them at both compositional and microstructural level (SEM-EDS, metallography, μ-XRF and μ-PIXE). The results obtained show that the solid-state diffusion bonding with copper salt presents a crystal hexagonal structure without phase changes in the joining point, where only a variation in the grain size is observed. At the compositional level, this soldering method is characterized by a local increase in copper concentration and a small decrease in gold content. In contrast, brazing shows a dendritic-porous structure due to the superposition of the soldering alloy and the crystal structure of the original foils. Besides, the compositional analysis revealed an increment of silver and copper concentrations and a simultaneous reduction of gold concentration. Finally, in the autogenous welding, no changes at the microstructural and compositional levels were observed. The results obtained have also demonstrated the usefulness of a portable μ-XRF system for the in-situ characterization of ancient jewels.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Combining XRF and GRT for the analysis of ancient silver coins
    (Elsevier, 2016-05) Ager Vázquez, Francisco José; Gómez-Tubio, Blanca María; Paúl Escolano, Antonio; Gómez-Morón, A.; Scrivano, Simona; Ortega-Feliú, Inés; Respaldiza Galisteo, Miguel Ángel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada III; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Materiales y del Transporte; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    Archaeological silver-copper alloys are usually affected by silver enrichment of the near surface layers, either intentional or fortuitous. In previous studies we have shown that surface composition of archaeological bronzes and leaded copper coins obtained by XRF can be corrected by means of gamma-ray transmission (GRT) to obtain the bulk composition. In the present work, we have studied the applicability of this method to silver-copper alloys and established the most suitable conditions for the GRT correction calculation. The analysis of the microstructure of the core and the corrosion layers of a set of silver roman coins shows that copper could be leached from the surface during corrosion and cleaning treatments, resulting in an apparent silver surface enrichment. After the correction calculations by GRT method, the concentrations of the major elements, Ag and Cu, were found to be in good agreement with the bulk composition obtained by direct analysis of the cut cross-sections of the coins. The GRT method shows to be a useful tool to study metal artefacts having a surface composition modified by corrosion or cleaning treatments.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    The complete solution of the Schrödinger equation with the Rosen–Morse type potential via the Nikiforov–Uvarov method
    (Elsevier, 2024-02) Gordillo Núñez, Guillermo; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato; Quintero, Niurka R.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Granada; Andalusian research group; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM415: Modelado Físico-Matemático de Sistemas no Lineales
    We determine exact solutions of the time-independent Schrödinger equation for the Rosen–Morse type potential by using the Nikiforov–Uvarov method. This method allows us to write the eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger equation as the product of two simpler functions in a constructive way. The resolution of this problem is used to show that the kinks of the non-linear Klein–Gordon equation with 𝜑2𝑝+2 type potentials are stable. We also derive the orthogonality and completeness relations satisfied by the set of eigenfunctions, which are useful in the description of the dynamics of kinks under perturbations or interacting with antikinks.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Picosecond lifetimes of hydrogen bonds in the halide perovskite CH₃NH₃PbBr₃
    (American Chemical Society, 2024-11-26) Garrote Márquez, Alejandro; Lodeiro Moraga, Lucas; Cruz Hernández, Norge; Liang, Xia; Walsh, Aron; Menéndez-Proupin, Eduardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM401: Simulación y Aplicación de Materiales
    The structures and properties of organic–inorganic perovskites are influenced by the hydrogen bonding between the organic cations and the inorganic octahedral networks. This study explores the dynamics of hydrogen bonds in CH3NH3PbBr3 across a temperature range from 70 to 350 K, using molecular dynamics simulations with machine-learning force fields. The results indicate that the lifetime of hydrogen bonds decreases with increasing temperature from 7.6 ps (70 K) to 0.16 ps (350 K), exhibiting Arrhenius-type behavior. The geometric conditions for hydrogen bonding, which include bond lengths and angles, maintain consistency across the full temperature range. The relevance of hydrogen bonds for the vibrational states of the material is also evidenced through a detailed analysis of the vibrational power spectra, demonstrating their significant effect on the physical properties for this class of perovskites.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Investigación multidisciplinar basada en el uso de aceleradores de partículas: el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores
    (Fundación General de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2024-09) López Gutiérrez, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM138: Física Nuclear Aplicada
    En este artículo se lleva a cabo un análisis descriptivo a distintos niveles del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, dedicado fundamentalmente a la realización de investigaciones multidisciplinares basadas en el uso de aceleradores de partículas y equipos asociados. En el artículo se hace así referencia a las seis instalaciones principales que posee este centro y a las distintas líneas de investigación asociadas a ellas. Igualmente se describe la estructura de recursos personales que posee, y que integra un conjunto de sesenta personas, mencionándose igualmente las características orientadas a los usuarios externos del centro a través de las actividades de carácter transversal que desarrolla y a las colaboraciones estratégicas con empresas e instituciones que viene poniendo en práctica en los últimos años.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Metal-only additive manufacturing of V-band lightweight waveguide and horn components
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-09) Chen, Mingzheng; Rico Fernández, José; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    Additive manufacturing (AM) is growing as a key technology for the miniaturization and integration of microwave components. Among several AM processes, laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) is especially convenient for waveguides and horns because it allows for 3-D printing of metal-only parts with high accuracy and low surface roughness. During the 3-D printing process, metallic powder materials are selectively consolidated by melting layer by layer together using a heat source, that is, a laser, allowing for adaptation to complex and shaped structures. The present study investigates the feasibility of using LPBF-AM to fabricate waveguides and geodesic H-plane horns in V-band. Geodesic H-plane horns comprise two parallel curved metallic plates to reduce phase errors and achieve high gain and aperture efficiency, and are particularly suited to be fabricated using LPBF. The monolithic waveguides demonstrate significantly better performance than their two-piece counterparts, achieving an average attenuation coefficient of 5.3 dB/m for the straight waveguide and 8 dB/m for the 90° E-plane waveguide bend at 50–70 GHz. Similarly, the monolithic geodesic H-plane horn has higher realized gains and radiation efficiencies with only a sixth of the weight compared to the two-piece version at 52–68 GHz. The results demonstrate that the LPBF-AM technique is a promising candidate to produce monolithic metal-only microwave components in V-band.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Theory and design of waveguide dual polarization-plane rotators based on rotational corrugations
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-11) García Contreras, Ginés; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Córcoles Ortega, Juan; Ruiz Cruz, Jorge Alfonso; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    This work presents a framework for the introduction of reciprocal dual polarization-plane rotators in waveguide technology. This concept is presented using rotational and longitudinal unit cells (rotational corrugations), stating rigorously the geometrical constraints required for its implementation. The devices have been studied from both a linear and a circular polarization modal perspective, using a mode-matching technique for rotationally symmetric modes and dispersion diagrams. Furthermore, various devices that use the proposed scheme have been designed to show the operation principle. A prototype has been built using additive manufacturing as a proof of concept. It has been measured using dedicated ortho-mode transducers (OMTs) for extracting the different involved signals and fully characterizing their performance.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Numerical modelling of higher-symmetric periodic structures with hexagonal lattice
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-11) Petek, Martin; Rico Fernández, José; Tobón Vásquez, Jorge Alberto; Valerio, Guido; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Vipiana, Francesca; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    This paper presents the development of the multi-modal transfer matrix method (MMTMM) to deal with periodic structures with hexagonal unit cells and higher symmetries. The method is able to calculate complex modal solutions, including the attenuation in the stopband. A key feature is the reformulation of the MMTMM into an eigenvalue problem whose eigensolutions in the complex plane can be systematically obtained for the boundaries of the irreducible Brillouin zone, where the phase-shift conditions are linearly dependent. The obtained phase-shift dispersion diagrams are verified against a commercial software, while the attenuation constant is validated with a developed method of moments. A glide-symmetric structure and a mirror half-turn structure are investigated. The latter is found to possess a highly isotropic stopband with a fractional bandwidth of 94.9%, wider than previously reported for holey structures. Finally, the operation of the unit cell is demonstrated with a practical implementation for preventing leakage in a waveguide flange.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Mechanisms of de-icing by surface rayleigh and plate lamb acoustic waves
    (Wiley, 2024-12) Pandey, Shilpi; Moral Jalón, Jaime del; Jacob, Stefan; Montes Montañez, Laura; Gil Rostra, Jorge; Frechilla Zabal, Alejandro; Karimzadeh, Atefeh; Rico Gavira, Victor J.; Kanter, Raul; Kandelin, Niklas; López Santos, Carmen; Koivuluoto, Heli; Angurel Lambán, Luis Alberto; Winkler, Andreas; Borrás Martos, Ana Isabel; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Union (UE). H2020
    Acoustic waves (AW) have recently emerged as an energy-efficient ice-removal procedure compatible with functional and industrial-relevant substrates. However, critical aspects at fundamental and experimental levels have yet to be disclosed to optimize their operational conditions. Identifying the processes and mechanisms by which different types of AWs induce de-icing are some of these issues. Herein, using model LiNbO3 systems and two types of interdigitated transducers, the e-icing and anti-icing efficiencies and mechanisms driven by Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (R-SAW) and Lamb waves with 120 and 510 μm wavelengths, respectively, are analyzed. Through the experimental analysis of de-icing and active anti-icing processes and the finite element simulation of the AW generation, propagation, and interaction with small ice aggregates, it is disclosed that Lamb waves are more favorable than R-SAWs to induce de-icing and/or prevent the freezing of small ice droplets. Prospects for applications of this study are supported by proof of concept experiments, including de-icing in an icing wind tunnel, demonstrating that Lamb waves can efficiently remove ice layers covering large LN substrates. Results indicate that the de-icing mechanism may differ for Lamb waves or R-SAWs and that the wavelength must be considered as an important parameter for controlling the efficiency.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Improving the scanning coverage of array antennas with multilayer lenses designed with a ray tracing
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-11) Castillo Tapia, Pilar; Flores Espinosa, Núria; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Viganó, María Carolina; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    Integrating dielectric lenses with phased array antennas can be beneficial in numerous applications, yet the design procedure typically requires significant computational effort. In this work, we employ a streamlined in-house two-dimensional ray-tracing model to design dielectric lenses, with the goal of enhancing the gain of an array antenna at large scanning angles. The ray-tracing model also accounts for losses from material absorption and reflections. The interfaces between the dielectric layers of these lenses devised in this study are defined using splines to allow a large flexibility of their shape. First, dielectric lenses consisting of a core layer supplemented by two matching layers are investigated. The results show better performance compared to the lens constructed using the conic equation. In addition, multilayer dielectric lenses also provide more flexibility, as proved by the proposed configuration with five layers which also minimizes reflections in the optimized direction. Finally, a nonuniform multilayer lens, featuring two layers on the sides and a single layer near to broadside can improve gain at 60° while maintaining efficiency at smaller angles.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    The dissipative effect of Caputo–time-fractional derivatives and its implications for the solutions of nonlinear wave equations
    (Elsevier, 2024-09) Bountis, Tassos; Cantisán Gómez, Julia; Cuevas-Maraver, Jesús; Macías Díaz, Jorge Eduardo; Kevrekidis, Panayotis G.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. FQM280: Física no Lineal
    In honor of the great Russian mathematician A. N. Kolmogorov, we would like to draw attention in the present paper to a curious mathematical observation concerning fractional differential equations describing physical systems, whose time evolution for integer derivatives has a time-honored conservative form. This observation, although known to the general mathematical community, (Achar et al., 2001; Stanislavsky, 2004; Diethelm and Ford, 2010; Chung and Jung, 2014; Olivar-Romero and Rosas-Ortiz, 2017; Baleanu et al., 2020) has not, in our view, been satisfactorily addressed. More specifically, we follow the recent exploration of Caputo–Riesz time–space-fractional nonlinear wave equation of Macias Diaz (2022), in which two of the present authors introduced an energy-type functional and proposed a finite-difference scheme to approximate the solutions of the continuous model. The relevant Klein–Gordon equation considered here has the form: 𝜕𝛽𝜙(𝑥, 𝑡) - 𝜕𝑡𝛽 − 𝛥 𝛼𝜙(𝑥, 𝑡) + 𝐹′(𝜙(𝑥, 𝑡)) = 0, ∀(𝑥, 𝑡) ∈ (−∞, ∞) (0.1) where we explore the sine-Gordon nonlinearity 𝐹(𝜙) = 1 − cos(𝜙) with smooth initial data. For 𝛼 = 𝛽 = 2, we naturally retrieve the exact, analytical form of breather waves expected from the literature. Focusing on the Caputo temporal derivative variation within 1 < 𝛽 < 2 values for 𝛼 = 2, however, we observe artificial dissipative effects, which lead to complete breather disappearance, over a time scale depending on the value of 𝛽. We compare such findings to single degree-of-freedom linear and nonlinear oscillators in the presence of Caputo temporal derivatives and also consider anti-damping mechanisms to counter the relevant effect. These findings also motivate some interesting directions for further study, e.g., regarding the consideration of topological solitary waves, such as kinks/antikinks and their dynamical evolution in this model.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Evaluation of losses in 3D-printed geodesic lenses using a ray-tracing model
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-01) Castillo Tapia, Pilar; Rico Fernández, José; Clendinning, Sarah; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    This article applies an in-house generalized ray-tracing (RT) model to efficiently compute both the radiation pattern and the efficiency of geodesic lenses with nonrotationally symmetric shapes. Losses due to ohmic effects and surface roughness are included in the model. These losses are very relevant for monolithic geodesic lens antennas as postprocessing techniques cannot be applied to reduce the surface roughness of internal part of the metallic plates. The model is validated by comparison with full-wave simulations for three different lenses: a circular flat parallel-plate waveguide (PPW), an elliptically compressed geodesic lens, and a water-drop lens. These results show a reduction in computational time by a factor of 600 using the RT model. A non-rotationally symmetric water drop lens has been manufactured in a monolithic piece using the laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) technique with successful experimental results.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    The validity of physical optics for microwave analysis: accuracy through simplicity
    (2025) Mesa Ledesma, Francisco Luis; Quevedo Teruel, Óscar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC112: Microondas
    Traditionally, the optics and microwave communities have been separated not only by the THz band but also by differences in technical knowledge, analytical and computational approaches, design processes, and measurement methodologies. In this contribution, we aim to bridge this divide by leveraging a computational asymptotic technique from optics, known as physical optics, which holds significant potential for the microwave/antenna community. This technique allows for precise microwave calculations for radiation patterns, reflection coefficients, material losses, and mutual coupling between antennas.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    On the fractional dynamics of kinks in sine-Gordon models
    (MDPI, 2025-01-10) Bountis, Tassos; Cantisán Gómez, Julia; Cuevas-Maraver, Jesús; Macías Díaz, Jorge Eduardo; Kevrekidis, Panayotis G.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; National Science Foundation (NSF). United States; European Union (UE); Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM280: Física no Lineal
    I the present work, we explored the dynamics of single kinks, kink–anti-kink pairs and bound states in the prototypical fractional Klein–Gordon example of the sine-Gordon equation. In particular, we modified the order 𝛽 of the temporal derivative to that of a Caputo fractional type and found that, for 1<𝛽<2, this imposes a dissipative dynamical behavior on the coherent structures. We also examined the variation of a fractional Riesz order 𝛼 on the spatial derivative. Here, depending on whether this order was below or above the harmonic value 𝛼=2, we found, respectively, monotonically attracting kinks, or non-monotonic and potentially attracting or repelling kinks, with a saddle equilibrium separating the two. Finally, we also explored the interplay of the two derivatives, when both Caputo temporal and Riesz spatial derivatives are involved.
  • EmbargoArtículo
    Thermal lifetime of breathers
    (Elsevier, 2025-03) Archilla, Juan F. R.; Bajārs, Jānis; Flach, Sergej; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Archilla, Juan F. R.; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU). España; Universidad de Sevilla; Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Latvia; Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in the Republic of Korea; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM280: Física No Lineal
    In this article, we explore the lifetime of localized excitations in nonlinear lattices, called breathers, when a thermalized lattice is perturbed with localized energy delivered to a single site. We develop a method to measure the time it takes for the system to approach equilibrium based on a single scalar quantity, the participation number, and deduce the value corresponding to thermal equilibrium. We observe the time to achieve thermalization as a function of the energy of the excited site. We explore a variety of different physical system models. The result is that the lifetime of breathers increases exponentially with the breather energy for all the systems. This increase becomes observable when this energy is larger than approximately ten times the local average thermal energy. These results may provide a method to detect the existence of breathers in real systems.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Discrete derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations
    (MDPI, 2024-12-30) Hennig, Dirk; Cuevas-Maraver, Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM280: Física no Lineal
    We consider novel discrete derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations (ddNLSs). Taking the continuum derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation (dNLS), we use for the discretisation of the derivative the forward, backward, and central difference schemes, respectively, and term the corresponding equations forward, backward, and central ddNLSs. We show that in contrast to the dNLS, which is completely integrable and supports soliton solutions, the forward and backward ddNLSs can be either dissipative or expansive. As a consequence, solutions of the forward and backward ddNLSs behave drastically differently compared to those of the (integrable) dNLS. For the dissipative forward ddNLS, all solutions decay asymptotically to zero, whereas for the expansive forward ddNLS all solutions grow exponentially in time, features that are not present in the dynamics of the (integrable) dNLS. In comparison, the central ddNLS is characterized by conservative dynamics. Remarkably, for the central ddNLS the total momentum is conserved, allowing the existence of solitary travelling wave (TW) solutions. In fact, we prove the existence of solitary TWs, facilitating Schauder’s fixed-point theorem. For the damped forward expansive ddNLS we demonstrate that there exists such a balance of dissipation so that solitary stationary modes exist.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Nitrogen plasma functionalization of low density polyethylene
    (Elsevier, 2011-02-25) López Santos, Carmen; Yubero Valencia, Francisco; González-Elipe, Agustín R.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación. España; Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM196: Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma
    Low density polyethylene (LDPE) films have been treated with different nitrogen containing plasmas with the purpose of incorporating nitrogen functional groups on its surface and analyzing the changes experienced in their surface tension. Effects of a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure and a microwave discharge (MW) at reduced pressure are compared with those obtained by using an atom source supplied with N₂ and mixtures Ar + NH₃ as plasma gas. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis has provided information about the chemical surface changes whereas the surface topography of the treated samples has been examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Non-destructive depth profiles of oxygen and carbon have been obtained for the treated and one month aged samples by means of the non-destructive Tougaard's method of XPS background analysis. Generally, an oxygen enrichment of the deeper region of treated LDPE surfaces has been observed. Chemical derivatization of the treated samples has shown that a DBD plasma with a mixture of Ar + NH₃ was the most efficient treatment for nitrogen and amine group functionalization. It is argued that the high concentration of NH* species in this plasma is the most important factor in enhancing the nitrogen functionalization of this polymer. It has been also found that the observed increase in hydrophilicity and surface tension cannot be attributed to the anchored nitrogen functional groups formed on plasma treated LDPE. Differences in the plasma activation behaviour of LDPE and that of other polymers subjected to similar treatments are stressed.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Investigation of the Growth Mechanisms of a-CHₓ Coatings Deposited by Pulsed Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
    (American Chemical Society, 2012-05-08) López Santos, Carmen; Colaux, J. L.; González, J. C.; Lucas, S.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; European Commission (EC)
    The study of the growth mechanisms of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings (a-CHₓ) deposited by reactive pulsed magnetron discharge in Ar + C2H₂, Ar + H₂, and Ar + C₂H₂ + H₂ low-pressure atmospheres is presented in this work. Hydrogen-containing species of the reactant gas affect the microstructure and surface properties of the a-CHₓ thin films. The dynamic scaling theory has been used to relate the main reactive species involved in the deposition process to the growth mechanisms of the thin film by means of the analysis of the roughness evolution. Anomalous scaling effects have been observed in smooth a-CHₓ coatings. Dynamic scaling exponents α, β, and z indicate a general growth controlled by surface diffusion mechanisms. Hydrogen species have an influence on the lateral growth of the a-CHₓ coatings and are involved in the development of a polymeric-like structure. Meanwhile, hydrocarbon species promote the generation of higher aggregates, which increases the roughness of a more sp² clustering structure of the a-CHₓ coating.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Lateral and in-depth distribution of functional groups on diamond-like carbon after oxygen plasma treatments
    (Elsevier, 2011-02) López Santos, Carmen; Yubero Valencia, Francisco; Cotrino Bautista, José; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear; Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación. España; Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM-196: Nanotecnología en Superficies y Plasma
    A diamond like carbon material has been exposed to a low pressure microwave and atmospheric pressure plasma of oxygen to enhance its hydrophilicity and surface energy. For comparison, data are also reported after activation with a beam of neutral atoms of oxygen. The surface incorporation of oxygenated functional groups and the determination of the in-depth distribution of this element have been analysed by means of the X ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to get information of the surface topography and, by recording friction maps of the surface, the lateral distribution of oxygenated functional groups formed after the different activation treatments. Differences in surface composition, topography and in-depth and lateral distribution of oxygen have been correlated with the intrinsic characteristics of the activation plasma processes.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Bioactivity and hemocompatibility study of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings produced by pulsed magnetron discharge
    (Wiley, 2012-12-05) López Santos, Carmen; Colaux, J. L.; Laloy, J.; Fransolet, M.; Mullier, F.; Michiels, C.; Dogné, J. M.; Lucas, S.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Física Aplicada I
    Literature contains very few data about the potential biomedical application of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) thin films deposited by reactive pulsed magnetron discharge even so it is one of the most scalable plasma deposition technique. In this article, we show that such a C2H2 pulsed magnetron plasma produces high quality coating with good hemocompatibility and bioactive response: no effect on hemolysis and hemostasis were observed, and proliferation of various cell types such as endothelial, fibroblast, and osteoblast-like cells was not affected when the deposition conditions were varied. Cell growth on a-C:H coatings is proposed to take place by a two-step process: the initial cell contact is affected by the smooth topography of the a-C:H coatings, whereas the polymeric-like structure, together with a moderate hydrophilicity and a high hydrogen content, directs the posterior cell spreading while preserving the hemocompatible behavior.