Ponencias (Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/11429


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  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Water related heritage. The use of water for production of final or semi-final products in the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal
    (EDP Sciences, 2024) Marçal Gonçalves, Marta; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Rosendahl, Stefan; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en Andalucía
    The use of water as a driving force for the production of goods is very old. Over time, techniques and constructions were developed to make the most of water energy. There are elements that use water energy to obtain final or semi-final products, such as horticultural, touristic and thermal products. In the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal, there are several types of this kind of elements, such as dams and hotels related to agricultural production and tourism. The main objectives of this article are to characterize and analyze the current situation of this heritage and its dissemination, enhancement and subsequent protection. The methods used were based on bibliographic, photographic, cartographic and in situ surveys. The approach comprises the survey of the elements mentioned above, subsequent cataloguing and analysis regarding their objectives and their geographic distribution. With this analysis it is possible to group the elements into categories that facilitate their characterization. Up to the preparation of this article, no document or record was found about the described elements in the studied area, which is a major limitation of the investigation. The originality of this work is that this type of heritage has not yet been approached in the territory under study. The article contributes to another study about this parish. Being a vernacular heritage and already with few existing elements, it is intended to give to it the value it deserves and that it is appreciated as a collective memory of the territory where it is inserted.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Acueductos, Fuentes y Pozos. Memoria urbana de Sevilla (España).
    (2024-09-27) Martínez Roldán, María Nieves; Goytia Goyenechea, María Dolores; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; TIC-204
    El agua ha formado parte de la configuración urbana de la ciudad de Sevilla: patios, plazas y jardines generaron fuentes, estanques y aljibes suministrados por acueductos y pozos. La investigación de bibliografía histórica en referencia al suministro de agua hasta finales del siglo XIX y el análisis de descubrimientos arqueológicos recientes, nos permiten referenciar los datos obtenidos en el parcelario histórico generando dos planos inéditos sobre cómo el circuito natural del agua dio forma a la ciudad histórica que hoy conocemos. Water has been an integral part of the urban configuration of the city of Seville: courtyards, squares, and gardens generated fountains, ponds, and cisterns supplied by aqueducts and wells. The research of historical bibliography regarding the water supply until the end of the 19th century and the analysis of recent archaeological discoveries, allow us to reference the data obtained in the historical parcel map, generating two unpublished plans showing how the natural water circuit shaped the historical city we know today.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Más allá de la casa sin nombre. Nuevos estudios: Arahal
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019) Gómez Martínez, Vidal; Del Espino Hidalgo, Blanca; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Lerma García, José Luis; Maldonado Zamora, Alfonso; López-Menchero Benchido, Víctor Manuel
    Frente a los estudios generalizados de la arquitectura singular, de autor o con un amplio reconocimiento social, investigaciones sobre temas como la casa tradicional han sido más minoritarias. Trabajos realizados por los autores en los últimos años han permitido identificar y caracterizar una tipología de casa popular que se encontraba hasta entonces englobada en tipologías genéricas con las que comparte ciertos elementos pero en la que tienen cabida casas de diversa índole. Se trata de una casa asociada a los crecimientos y densificaciones de los tejidos urbanos medievales durante la época moderna en la provincia de Sevilla y territorios limítrofes, llegando en plenitud de uso hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX cuando cae en desuso por los cambios tecnológicos en el ámbito agropecuario. Esta casa ocupa parcelas de poco frente y mucho fondo, conformándose mediante cuerpos - normalmente de doble crujía - paralelos a fachada que se alternan con espacios libres interiores, mediante la secuencia tipológica constituida por un cuerpo de fachada, un patio, un cuerpo intermedio y un corral de fondo. Todo el conjunto se registra mediante un sistema de pasos independientes - zaguán y paso intermedio - que salvan las estancias de servidumbres de paso para permitir el acceso de animales y aperos de forma limpia hasta el corral. Tras el trabajo inicial titulado “La casa sin nombre. Una casa popular tradicional en la provincia de Sevilla” se han continuado los trabajos de investigación ampliando el ámbito de estudio y actualizando fuentes y referencias a partir del mismo procedimiento metodológico basado en el reconocimiento de esta arquitectura a través de publicaciones especializadas y sobre todo en el análisis de los contenidos de los Planes Especiales de Protección de los Conjuntos Históricos mediante un proceso de parametrización común de la información de los diferente planes. Concretamente, este trabajo se centra en el análisis del Plan Especial de Protección del Conjunto Histórico de Arahal, municipio de la provincia de Sevilla con un amplísimo caserío caracterizado por la conservación de su arquitectura popular doméstica donde se localiza claramente esta casa popular de zaguán, patio y corral.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    La interdisciplinariedad en la formación doctoral
    (Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual, 2018) Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Del Espino Hidalgo, Blanca; Macías Rodríguez, Damián; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Guillot Valdés, María; Guillén Riquelme, Alejandro
    Antecedentes. La evolución de normativas y cartas internacionales sobre patrimonio histórico ha conducido a la necesidad de incluir la componente interdisciplinar en el trabajo patrimonial. La regulación universitaria vigente permite la confluencia de doctorandos, directores y tutores procedentes de diferentes disciplinas, lo que es especialmente notable ante la naturaleza diversa y compleja del hecho patrimonial. Método. Para determinar la componente interdisciplinar en la formación doctoral sobre arquitectura y patrimonio histórico, su influencia sobre la generación de tesis doctorales que incorporan perspectivas, enfoques desde diferentes áreas de conocimiento, se efectuarán, dentro de una muestra de análisis seleccionada, análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos de los perfiles de los doctorandos, sus tutores y directores, incluyendo criterios de titulación y género. Se valorará la oportunidad de la componente interdisciplinar en vista a los resultados obtenidos. Resultados. Se discutirán y sintetizarán los datos obtenidos de modo que permitan establecer conclusiones sobre la distribución de disciplinas, la frecuencia con la que se relacionan en trabajos de doctorado y su impacto en los resultados obtenidos. Conclusiones. La introducción de la componente interdisciplinar en proyectos doctorales sobre arquitectura y patrimonio histórico supone una tendencia creciente y contribuye tanto a la mejora de las metodologías empleadas como a la obtención de resultados
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Public space after the ecclesiastical disentailments in Cordova
    (IOP Publishing, 2019) Morcillo Arencibia, José Antonio; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Royo Naranjo, María Lourdes; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en Andalucía; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM1050: Grupo Acción Patrimonial: Arquitectura, Lugares, Turismo y Género
    Cordova undergoes a major transformation in its city planning in the 19th century, after more than 500 years, as a result of one of the most relevant economic and social processes in the history of Spain: the eclesiastical disentailment. The city, on its almost 225 hectares, had 32 conventual complexes within its walls. They were, talking about size, really important Christian buildings, built in a city with an intricate and twisted street layout, inherited from the Islamic population who inhabited the city for 5 centuries. Changes experienced affected significantly the urban morphology. Thus, the research goes deeply into that process. After studying the 46 monasteries that existed in Cordova at the end of the Modern Age and their following evolution, we focus on some of the most important public spaces, derived from that transformation, that exist in the historic center of the Cordova, in order to understand the origin of the city's current configuration. After analysing all the convents, we distinguish two situations: on the one hand we have the ones that maintain their original use, on the other hand those that have lost it. Of this second group, some of them are preserved adopting different functions while others disappear. Those are the ones that are of special interest to us, as they have led to the appearance of some of the most emblematic public spaces in Cordova within the walls. A study of these urban changes has been carried out, methodologically relying on documentary research, historical layout and bibliographic. Therefore, we have been able to conclude that, of the 37 convents in the city center (5 of them bordering the outside of the wall), 26 lost their original use, of which 10 caused important changes in the plot, such as the opening of new avenues, squares or even neighbourhoods. The impact of these changes and how they had an essential influence on a key process of redefining the city throughout the 19th and 20th centuries will be highlighted.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Cultura y patrimonio industrial: la Fábrica de Conservas de Pescados de Villafría-Punta Arenilla (Fábrica Tejero). Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, Andalucía
    (Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2024-01) Goytia Goyenechea, María Dolores; Martínez Roldán, María Nieves; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM240: Invariantes en Teoría de Grafos y Optimización
    Entre el Estero Domingo Rubio y Canal Padre Santo, y contigua al Puerto de Palos de la Frontera en Huelva desde donde partieron Las Carabelas, se localiza en la actualidad los restos edilicios de una de las más importantes fábricas conserveras de pescados del litoral onubense: la Fábrica de Villafría-Punta Arenilla o más conocida por Fábrica Tejero, apellido de su patrocinador, el empresario y político onubense José Tejero González-Vizcaíno. Aunque inicia su historia en 1910 como instalación o fábrica de salazones y conservas, no será hasta 1928 cuando obtenga el permiso para la construcción de un muelle embarcadero o hasta 1939 cuando se reformen las instalaciones para ampliar tipo de producto y sistema de conservación, para finalmente quedar en 1945 registrada oficialmente como Fábrica de Conservas de Pescados en la Delegación de Industria del momento; la fábrica favoreció positivamente la economía local y la cultura conservera en el lugar histórico de Villafría-Punta Arenilla junto a la Torre Almenara del siglo XVI del mismo nombre, hasta que en 1980 la marca Tejero es traspasada. En 1987 el PEPMF_HU aprovecha la desaparición del uso industrial y califica a la zona como Espacio Natural Protegido, y en 1995 las NNSS_PALOS FRONTERA la clasifica como Sistema General de Espacios Libres en Suelo No Urbanizado Especialmente Protegido; de este modo comienza la desaparición de la identidad de la fábrica y en 2023, viendo el estado en que se encuentra, se hace necesario dar a conocer este patrimonio industrial y la incorporación de los restos como bienes culturales.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Traditional houses in the South-Western Iberian Peninsula: Themes for across-border comparative typological study
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022) Costa Rosado, Ana; Gómez Martínez, Vidal; Reimão Costa, Miguel; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en Andalucía
    Up until the 13th century, the South-western Iberian Peninsula shared the same cultural and political conditions under the rule of garb-Al-Andaluz. The administrative separation of this territory between two different kingdoms led to deep changes in the culture and daily life on either side of the border, which may have reflected on housing structures. Did the 13th-century border between Spain and Portugal trigger divergent paths in housing types? Or has the previous common background prevailed in shaping house models in the territory around the Guadiana Valley? This paper proposes a set of themes to begin a crossborder study on the traditional house, its changes and continuities. The research is based on in loco architectonic surveys of common houses in the Algarve, Alentejo (Portugal) and Andalusia (Spain). The buildings are analysed as regard their spatial organizations, constructive techniques and urban implantation allowing some themes of change and continuity to emerge. This then allows comparisons between the types of traditional houses in these border regions, their common characteristics, differences and evolution paths. It is noticeable that, given how the South-western Iberia represents the same territorial unit in terms of climate and orography, and – until the 13th century – shared the same historical context, the urban similarities were profound. It is therefore almost surprising how divergent the housing evolution between the two sides would become. The study of housing architecture is of particular relevance to the history of people as the variations reflect how the habits and customs of societies. Especially in societies sharing the same starting point, it shows how habits and customs may diverge after separation into two different administrative entities.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Lorenzo de Solís y La Almina de Ceuta. Análisis gráfico de su cartografía histórica
    (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 2022) Montes de la Vega, José Francisco; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Queiro Quijada, Ramón; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en Andalucía
    A principios del siglo XVIII era escaso el número de ingenieros militares que formaban parte del ejército; la llegada de Felipe V al trono de España, propició un claro intento de modernización del país, sus comunicaciones, ciudades e infraestructuras. Para llevar a cabo esta dura empresa, el monarca se apoyó en el Real Cuerpo de Ingenieros Militares, creado para tal fin mediante el Real Decreto de 17 Abril de 1711, siendo el sitio de Cardona, donde tomó parte por primera vez. En pocos años, fue notoria la influencia de este nuevo cuerpo de ingenieros en todo el territorio nacional; pronto se impulsó la realización de las obras de reformas del sistema defensivo existente, así como la construcción de nuevas fortalezas, ciudadelas, cuarteles, hospitales, almacenes o polvorines, todas ellas encaminadas a poder establecer una férrea y segura defensa del territorio. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar el análisis de la influencia de los ingenieros militares a través de su cartografía histórica en el desarrollo urbano de Ceuta, centralizado en la figura del ingeniero asturiano Lorenzo de Solís y La Almina de Ceuta.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Characterization and territorial distribution of religious heritage in the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal
    (IOP Publishing, 2020) Marçal Gonçalves, Marta; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Rosendahl, Stefan; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM700: Patrimonio y Desarrollo Urbano Territorial en Andalucía
    Since Portugal is a mainly Catholic country, there are several testimonies of the practice of this religion and the faith of the people. In the parish of Cernache do Bonjardim, Central Portugal, birthplace of São Nuno de Santa Maria (canonized on April 26, 2009), there are several types of buildings related to religion, such as churches, chapels, field crosses and built sets. The number of churches and chapels is impressive: 18 religious buildings exist in a territory with about 7000 Ha and 3000 inhabitants (Census 2011). These buildings dated from different periods, have different characteristics and, within the same category, interesting differences can also be found. The main objectives of this article are to characterize and analyse the current situation of this heritage and its dissemination, enhancement and subsequent protection. The methods used were based on bibliographic, iconographic, photographic, cartographic, webgraphic research, in situ surveys and interaction with local residents. The approach comprises the survey of the religious heritage mentioned above, subsequent cataloguing and analysis regarding the orientation chosen for its construction, its age and its geographic distribution. With this analysis it is possible to group the elements into categories that facilitate their characterization. One of the main limitations of the investigation was the lack of documents and registrations about the described elements, which is partly due to the fire of 1917, in the City Hall, which destroyed all existing documents, and partly due to the disappearance of some of those elements and the subsequent reuse and relocation of the materials that made them up, making it difficult to recognize them, as well as the geographical and temporal location of their construction. The main conclusions are that most of the churches and chapels, against all expectations, do not respect the traditional canonical orientation and, that the majority of them was built in the 20th century and (probably) in the 17th century. Although distributed uniformly throughout the territory of the parish, the religious heritage is mostly found in the village of Cernache do Bonjardim and in the area of Serra da Santa, the highest point in this territory (475 m). This work does not intend to influence even more the attitudes of the population because they already value, appreciate and care for this heritage. However, the point of view presented in this article is different from the usual one and may open a new way of looking at this heritage. The originality of this work is that this type of heritage has not yet been approached in the territory under study. The article contributes to another study about this parish. As future developments, an analysis of the relationship between the dominant terrain orientations and the location of these patrimonial elements is suggested in order to be able to estimate more relationships that may exist.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Atlas of rites: festivity, occupation and movement in the public space of Seville
    (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2021) Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Gómez Hernández, Raúl; Sánchez García, Nagore; Benítez Márquez, Jessica
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Dibujando el rito urbano: gestos y movimientos en el espacio público de Sevilla
    (DINÂMIA’CET-ISCTE, 2021) Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; André, Paula
    Esta investigación busca profundizar en las dinámicas de ocupación del espacio público a través del rito, la fiesta, el evento o el acontecimiento en la ciudad de Sevilla. A pesar de ser fenómenos propios de otros campos de estudio como la antropología o la sociología, dependen fundamentalmente del espacio en el que se desarrollan. Formalizados a través de procesiones, construcciones efímeras y objetos móviles, carecen de sentido funcional y formal sin edificios, umbrales, puertas, calles y plazas. Además de la mitología popular que generan, son grandes ejercicios de arquitectura y urbanismo que consienten, siguiendo las normas e indicaciones de un proyecto cíclico y colectivo, la aparición de una serie de “ciudades efímeras” que conviven dentro de la “ciudad permanente”. Este proceso de proyecto y construcción requiere un importante movimiento de materia, de cuerpos y masas que, con la repetición ritual, acaban dejando ciertas marcas y huellas en el tejido urbano. El rito, por lo tanto, no es únicamente un instrumento de cohesión social sino una herramienta ligada, desde la creación de las primeras ciudades, al hecho urbano y arquitectónico. A pesar de la profusión de estudios en torno a la ciudad efímera, al escenario urbano barroco sevillano y a su ciclo de fiestas y tradiciones, son escasos los que abordan la forma y el espacio transitorios, los que utilizan la cartografía como instrumento de expresión del movimiento o los que parten del entendimiento de estos ritos como un sistema integral. En este sentido, la investigación busca complementarlos interpretando cada procesión, ocupación o transición como parte de un todo, de una arquitectura absoluta1 ; un todo en el que la ciudad, los fragmentos que la componen y los eventos que la recorren y transforman responden a una misma lógica y a un único proyecto colectivo; un todo que construye múltiples Sevillas dentro de Sevilla.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Use value vs technical requirements: Methodology for assessing potential uses in heritage buildings: the case of Lucena (Cordoba)
    (Universidad de Cantabria, 2022) Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Lora, Juan Andrés; Navas Carrillo, Daniel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Blanco, Haydee; Bofill, Yosbel
    The present study aims to propose a methodology for adaptive reuse in municipal buildings in medium-sized cities. This investigation has been developed as part of the Strategic Plan for Intervention and Reuse of the municipal buildings of Lucena (Cordoba, Spain). Moving beyond the strictly utilitarian character of the historical object defended by Riegl, the use-value of Cultural Heritage has been established as a criterion of analysis. The advantage of this method was to evaluate the potential uses not yet activated, following the theory of cultural change or adaptation. Also, the additional conservation effort and functional value of these properties have been assessed, seeking to give continuity to the original and traditional functions of the building to reinforce its cultural significance. Therefore, the current study adopts the case study approach of the intervention plan for two municipally owned buildings in Lucena. Both are listed or proposed for their inclusion: La Tercia and the old winery Los Víbora. The research establishes a list of possible uses and the necessary interventions for rehabilitating each of these buildings, representatives of the extensive industrial legacy of the city of Lucena, based on their typological, constructive, and structural characteristics, together with their state of conservation. Additionally, the study has relied upon participant observation to examine the degree of recognition of these edifications within the collective needs of the population of Lucena. In both cases, they have lost their original use, due to their poor conservation. In this sense, they could be considered to have lost their functional validity. However, in a broad understanding of the use-value, the work has aimed to establish the building potential to overcome this situation adapting to the original use complementary functionalities. Therefore, a delicate reflection to propose new uses for them was especially relevant. In this respect, the paper addresses the idea of optimising public resources and the possible repercussions of multiple actions on the value of authenticity, from a current approach to the rehabilitation of heritage buildings based on the concept of sustainability
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Transferencias urbanas en la collación de Santa María de Sevilla (s. XIX-XX): recomposición planimétrica e hipótesis secuencial
    (Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida, 2019) Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Mateos Cruz, Pedro; Morán Sánchez, Carlos Jesús
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Rethinking teaching material in urbanism and architecture: the use of digital diptychs during lockdown
    (IATED Academy, 2020) Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín; Candel Torres, Ignacio
    This communication aims to show the evolution in the teaching supports and the communication with the students of the Architecture Degree of the University of Seville, applied to the teaching of Urbanism during the last year. More specifically, it will show the experience carried out in the subjects of Urbanism I (taught in the first year of the degree course) during the lockdown imposed in Spain on March 13, 2020. Justification and objectives: Communication methods between teachers and students are essential to improve teaching results in university education, both in the classroom and virtually. Following the general confinement decreed on 13 March 2020, these communication strategies have had to adapt to a new landscape of difficulties and obstacles, especially in disciplines where the handling of physical materials (planimetry, mapping, technical reports, etc.) remains indispensable. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has been used as an opportunity to rethink the role of these physical supports, as well as strategies to ensure that they do not fall into disuse in the new virtual landscape. In this way, we intend to show the results of the implementation of digital diptych formats as a support that then, from home, students should print physically and interact with it. Results: Having implemented, developed and made this material more complex throughout the course of the course, the experience in the use of hybrid supports (printable digital files and virtual teaching) has shown an improvement in the times of understanding and conceptualisation of the subjects, as well as a very positive evaluation by the students, who, in addition to perceiving a close and current visual language, preserve the material as an object of design. These first indicators obtained (academic performance and satisfaction with teaching) validate the relevance of this method as a strategy for better teacher-student communication during periods of confinement. Keywords: Iockdown, urbanism, teaching supports, digital diptychs.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Internship programmes in Architecture. Towards a new model of relationship between University and business community
    (IATED, 2019) Navas Carrillo, Daniel; Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín; Candel Torres, Ignacio
    This paper aims to recognise the possibilities that Spanish architecture students currently have for the acquisition of professional competencies collaborating as interns in an architecture office. Since the approval in 2007 of the Royal Decree which establishes the new structure of the official university diplomas within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), bachelor studies have progressively adapted to a new system based on a competence perspective, as a way to guarantee the learning of skills and abilities for the development of the future professional activity. The increase in the degree of employability of graduates should be a priority objective of the degrees. Thus, it is necessary to analyse the mechanisms that the different Spanish Schools of Architecture are currently developing to achieve this goal. In Architecture, compared to other professions regulated by the Government, professional internships are optional, whereas in others as is compulsory. However, in other European countries such as France or the Netherlands, they are compulsory -in some cases, only if graduates want to exercise professional architectural on their own-. Many authors emphasise on the practical experience as one of the main tools to guarantee the success of graduates in their job search. The level of unemployment among recent graduates in Spain is at a 30%, three times higher than the European average, according to the latest CYD Foundation report. Undoubtedly, internships represent an opportunity to generate professional synergies, in which students can acquire complementary skills to face their future work with higher guarantees. The research will start analysing the architectural internship programmes trajectory in Architecture after the adjustment of the Bachelor of Architecture to the Bologna Process. The first stage for this connection with the profession may appear from the teaching methodologies used. Traditionally, in Architecture, they have been based on problem-based learning approaches since students are required to make decisions, evaluate actions, and make judgments for architectural and urban designs. The link of architecture students with professional firms during their university education has also been a common practice. These internships have been linked to local companies and, more recently, to international internship programmes such as Erasmus or Faro. The trajectory of Arquia Foundation is highlighted, although its scope is quite low. Since 1999, this organisation has annually awarded around 15 and 20 internships for students and young architects. However, many of them were not included in the pre-Bologna curriculums. The conclusions of this retrospective analysis will be confronted with the professional competencies currently required for architects, through the revision of the present regulatory framework. We will consider the European guidelines and the specific competence content included in the White Paper on Architectural Education. In this sense, the revision of the curricula of different Spanish Architecture Schools will be approached from various perspectives. The selection procedures of companies and candidates would be analysed, as well as and their degree of adaptation to the new professional demands and the existence or not of a remuneration. Finally, they will be compared to references in architectural internship programmes in other European contexts.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Virtual visits as an alternative approach to learn urban and architectural heritage preservation during lockdown
    (IATED, 2020) Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Mosquera Adell, Eduardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín; Candel Torres, Ignacio
    Among the challenges faced at the university, during the lockdown from mid-March 2020, it was the need to give continuity to the learning of subjects that involve a direct approach to cultural property. In "Architectural History, Theory and Composition 3 - Rehabilitation", undergraduated students of the University of Seville’s Degree studies of Fundamentals in Architecture and teachers have practiced new ways of distance learning. Traditionally, reading and consulting materials are provided in digital formats (catalogues and urban plans, publications on buildings, urban history, cartography). Complementary, the visits of immersion in the heritage reality are especially productive in academic terms. Buildings, spaces, and urban perceptions are identified, so that students develop ways of seeing and recognize their complexity. The social, cultural, artistic, archaeological, landscape dimension prepares preservation or rehabilitation practices. This includes a visit to a qualified sector of the historic centre of Seville. This experience was initially planned to be onsite but due to the pandemic became virtual. The possibilities offered by the digital resources resulted in deeper approaches to other features of cultural property that were not frequently repaired by Architecture students.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    The Urban Resilience of Monastic Architecture and the Heritage Management: The Case of Seville’s Saint Augustin Convent
    (AIP Puiblishing, 2022) Mosquera Adell, Eduardo; Mosquera Pérez, Clara; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Ostos Prieto, Francisco Javier; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
    The aim of this communication is to develop how to preserve the permanencies and losses of old convents and monasteries after urban transformations, as well as to review the instruments of heritage protection that have failed. It is a common process that has been experimented in many European cities and whose protagonist are the cloistered convents. Pieces that have served to make city and help to build its periphery. But, with the passage of time they were submerged in abandonment, fragmentation, forgetfulness and even loss their memory. This situation remains until a fresh impulse transforms it into a new object of patrimonial value, resource for tourist use, and rejoints the city. The methodology followed is based on the simultaneous use of different 2D and 3D assisted drawing tools, always supported by historical cartography and written documentary sources. In Spain, the city of Seville stands out as one of the settings for the development of religious orders, more than one hundred. As a result of historical events and developments, many of Seville's convents and monasteries have disappeared completely. The number of monasteries that have remained intact, preserving their use value as a religious institution are very small, only 15. However, it is common to find remnants in the present-day city where their remains are still visible. Saint Augustin monastery was founded in the 13th century outside the city walls, 15,016 m2 next to the Carmona Gate. Its location was bounded by the city and the city walls to the west, the aqueduct to the south and the Tagarete River to the east. Both the aqueduct and the river allowed for the location of the building as well as the extensive development of its orchards. The importance of water in the conventual space is due to the need for irrigation and cultivation of the green area. In 1835, the convent was disentailed, and the building was divided up. New dwellings were also built on the site of the former convent, which was in a privileged location. New streets appeared, the site was completely divided and cloisters, parts of the old convent and its church disappeared. The remains of the building have not been adequately protected for decades. The convent of Saint Augustin is an outstanding example of urban resilience, how a building of great importance and size has managed to survive. Some valuable spaces of the original building are still preserved, such as the refectory, the staircase, and the main cloister. The understanding and protection of Seville's convent heritage requires specific planning tools to address the urban condition of the convents. In addition, their determining role in the morphological construction of the city and the configuration of the historic urban landscape will be stablished. Unpublished material of the urban and architectural research process will be provided under a methodological approach of renewed heritage management, clearly useful for European historic cities.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    A Casa Portuguesa: Between Tradition and Avant-Garde: The First Social Housing Neighbourhoods in Setúbal (Portugal)
    (AIP, 2022) Costa Rosado, Ana; Rodríguez Lora, Juan Andrés; López Bravo, Celia; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Navas Carrillo, Daniel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
    In Portugal, the first public housing policies were developed in a high state-control context: the Salazar dictatorship (1933-1968). Until the 1950s, the Estado Novo (the dictatorial regime) actions had an evident paternalistic character by constructing small-scale housing focused on the most urgent cases or aimed at controlling specific sectors of the population. The public effort focused on promoting housing in the country's central districts and cities, given that the population was abandoning rural areas to seek better living conditions in the large cities with a higher level of industrialisation. In this context, the official architectural discourse defended the ideal of the Casa Portuguesa [Portuguese House] as an affirmation of the ideological discourse of the regime. This model advocated a ruralising architecture style by integrating architectural and decorative elements of the region's traditional architecture, including an outdoor garden to grow vegetables, store agricultural, farming or fishing tackle. The single-family dwelling was presented as the only residential type capable of assuming the Nation's principles as seen by the regime, with low-rise and low-density urban designs typical of the garden city. It would become an excellent instrument to enforce the traditional family model and preserving the existing social order. In this regard, the paper proposes to study the first social housing neighbourhoods built in the medium-sized city of Setúbal: Afonso Costa, Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Pescadores and Famílias Pobres. Setúbal has historically played a significant role in the region due to its strategic location within its territorial structure around the Sado Estuary. Linked to the fishing tradition, the city overgrew in the first decades of the 20th century thanks to the canning industry, making it a recipient of the migratory processes that gave rise to social housing construction. The research has identified that these four neighbourhoods respond to a simple-line architecture close to the Modern Movement, especially in their spatial organisation. However, their external image and their urban planning link them to the “Portuguese House” ideals. Most of them consist of one- or two-storey houses, detached or semi-detached with gardens, and their façades incorporate elements typical of the popular architecture.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Gender incidence in the development of teaching practice. The case of urban planning 1 in the degree in fundamentals of architecture
    (IATED, 2021) Rodríguez Lora, Juan Andrés; Navarro De Pablos, Francisco Javier; Costa Rosado, Ana; Navas Carrillo, Daniel; Pérez Cano, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Gómez Chova, Luis; López Martínez, Agustín; Candel Torres, Ignacio
    The paper is situated in a global context where the gender gap in society is still evident. Traditionally, architecture has been a profession for men, and women have only recently begun to enter it. Urban planning is no stranger to this situation within architecture, suffering a great inequality in the low number of women working in this field. We propose a study and analysis based on gender perspective results obtained by the different students in the last two editions of Urban Planning 1 of Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. In previous years, the number of women enrolled has increased by 4%, reaching almost 50% in the 2020-2021 academic year of enrolments of both genders. In this sense, differences have been detected between men and women in aspects such as attendance and class participation, adding the results obtained in this subject. Specifically, the subject Urban Planning 1 is a compulsory subject taught by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning in the first year of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. The teaching objective of the subject is to provide students with a solid knowledge base of the city as an Urban and Territorial Fact. The teaching and knowledge methodology is fundamentally morphogenetic. In this way, students understand the city and the urban as a reality built and transformed over time. They analyse its origin to the present day, whose keys can be identified in its plots, parts and elements. The subject is organised by four hours of each weekly class. In this way, the first two hours are devoted to theory and the next two to practice. Therefore, the evaluation is divided into two. The first one is based on a theory exam and level tests. The second evaluates the practical development of the subject based on collaborative work in groups. These groups are usually composed randomly and are made up of men, women, or both. Each group works in a medium-sized Andalusian city, showing their progress weekly. Interestingly, the results obtained by the exercises differ according to gender, both in theory and in practice. Thus, it is proposed to identify gender patterns in the results in both parts to discern the gender incidence in the subject.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Turismo de tramas urbanas históricas: Colonia Federal, Ciudad de México, México
    (Investur, 2023-02-23) Goytia Goyenechea, María Dolores; Martínez Roldán, María Nieves; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; Universidad de Sevilla. FQM240
    A finales del siglo XIX en el Distrito Federal de Ciudad de México, en concreto en la Delegación de Venustiano Carranza, surge entre otras la Colonia Federal. Esta Colonia comienza a construirse en 1924 con un origen peculiar y una curiosa planimetría donde se combina el cuadrado y círculo creándose una trama radial y concéntrica formando un octógono a similitud de las propuestas de los tratadistas del Renacimiento Italiano europeo, que interpretan estas formas geométricas como puras para establecer los nuevos trazados urbanos de los siglos XV y XVI. A pesar del paso del tiempo y las transformaciones en el trazado y parcelario original debido a nuevas necesidades sociales, Colonia Federal no ha perdido su concepción primitiva y cualquier modificación ha apostado por mantener su identidad. La proximidad a la celebración de su centenario la convierte en una interesante trama urbana histórica de estudio para urbanistas, arquitectos, geógrafos e historiadores que la convierten en una oferta turística nueva y diferente que se debe potenciar.