Artículos (Geografía Humana)

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  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Flamboyance and wit. The promotion of film-induced tourism and Andalusian-inspired 'brand Spain' under the Ministry of Information and Tourism (1953-1959)
    (Taylor And Francis, 2022) Puche Ruiz, María del Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM875: Estudios territoriales y Turísticos
    This paper aims to demonstrate that Hollywood film-induced tourism strategies also resonated in Spain in the 1950s, coinciding with the arrival of large contingents of American tourists in historical European cities. The use of these techniques, at a key moment of the diffident opening-up of Franco's regime, was adopted as a new and promising means to diffuse the traditionally Andalusian-inspired brand, combining the wit of Bienvenido Míster Marshall with the flamboyance of Duende y Misterio del Flamenco (both winners at Cannes 1953), and taking as a model pioneering films such as Roman holiday, 1953 and Summertime, 1955. To this end, the promotional strategies of 6 films featuring tourists and shot in Andalusia during the period 1953–1959 are analysed. The results, computerised using NVivo software, suggest, not only the use of wit and flamboyance, but also the display of inductive techniques such as the depiction of an open tourist context, the mobilisation of tourist celebrities (Antonio ‘the dancer’, Pedro de Córdoba, Pastora Imperio, Dolores Vargas or Carmen Sevilla), as well as the portrayal of Spanish culture for foreign tourists in search of authenticity, with characters performed by international players (Geneviève Page, Merle Oberon, Vittorio De Sica or Ludmilla Tchérina).
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Audiovisual Fiction and World Heritage Sites in Medium-Sized Spanish Cities: The Alhambra of Granada and the Royal Alcazar of Seville (1905–2023)
    (MDPI, 2023) Puche Ruiz, María del Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM875: Estudios territoriales y Turísticos
    This article analyses the production of audiovisual fiction as an instrument for disseminating the image of the Alhambra (Granada) and the Royal Alcazar (Seville) for tourism purposes. The methodology used was twofold: qualitative, carrying out an exhaustive bibliographic review, but also quantitative, using primary sources, through the identification of the films shot, visualization and collection of metadata of the scenes filmed. The information, previously structured, also allows a double analysis: temporal, considering five stages, and spatial, identifying and mapping more than twenty significant places within both sites. In its temporal dimension, the main conclusion refers to the different significance of cinema in the dissemination of the image of both sites: very prominent during Franco’s regime, with a profusion of foreign productions (Alhambra), while from the democratic period onwards it is the Royal Alcazar which offers a greater number of filming. In its spatial dimension, it has been verified that the 19th century formats in charge of disseminating images established a canon of places according to a certain degree of exoticism, which has been perpetuated by cinematography without significant changes.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Methodologies, Knowledge Areas and Tourist Destinations Addressed in Scientific Research on Tourism Induced by Audiovisual Fiction (1988-2021)
    (2024) Puche Ruiz, María del Carmen; Crespo Almendros, Esmeralda; Sánchez Castillo, Sebastián; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM875: Estudios Territoriales y Turísticos
    This article analyses the methodological evolution experienced in academic research on the phenomenon of tourism induced first by the cinema and later by the audiovisual media in general during the period 1988-2021. Emphasis is placed on the methodological techniques employed and the tourist destinations considered from the perspective of marketing, communication and tourism studies. By means of a systematised analysis, 354 articles from the Scopus, WOS and Journal Citation Report databases were reviewed. The results suggest the existence of two main lines of analysis: conceptual theory (cultural geography and communication) and empirical analysis (analysis of specific products by marketing experts). Descriptive and quantitative analyses were found to be in the majority as opposed to causal and qualitative analyses. The predominance of researchers from the Anglo-Saxon and Asian spheres, who study the phenomenon of film-induced tourism within their borders, has been discovered.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    ¿Por qué se vacía la Andalucía rural según sus pobladores? Análisis de los factores de abandono y permanencia desde una perspectiva cualitativa
    (Universidad de Alicante, 2025-01-23) Valle Ramos, Carolina del; Nieto Calmaestra, José Antonio; Larrubia Vargas, Remedios; Natera Rivas, Juan José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM774: Geodemografía y sociedad. Análisis urbanos y territoriales
    Aunque Andalucía no destaca por ser una región muy afectada por la despoblación, lo cierto es que buen número de sus núcleos rurales presentan dinámicas demográficas regresivas. En este contexto, el trabajo que se presenta indaga en las motivaciones y percepciones que tienen los habitantes que residen en dichos ámbitos sobre el proceso de despoblación de sus pueblos, así como en los factores de atracción y abandono y en sus consecuencias. La presente investigación se ha realizado bajo una metodología cualitativa a partir del análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas dirigidas a distintos perfiles de residentes en municipios afectados por la despoblación. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que el fenómeno de la despoblación es percibido por la población afectada como un hecho multicausal. Valoran positivamente sus territorios, pero muestran preocupación por el futuro y centran los motivos de dicha situación en factores económicos y laborales, que son contrarrestados por los valores de arraigo, el sentimiento de pertenencia al lugar y la familiaridad.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La gestión adaptativa del patrimonio hidráulico como estrategia para las ciudades sensibles al agua: el caso de la Quinta de Torre Arias (Madrid, España)
    (Universidad de Jaén, 2025-04-10) Lara García, Ángela; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM396: Estructuras y sistemas territoriales
    Se presentan los trabajos para la elaboración de las “Directrices de Actuación para la Gestión del Agua” del Plan Director de la Quinta de Torre Arias, una finca productiva y de recreo recuperada para uso público por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid (España). El objetivo es proteger el patrimonio natural y cultural de la Quinta, del que el agua constituye un elemento clave, a través de una metodología de gestión adaptativa de los recursos hídricos y el patrimonio hidráulico. Este trabajo constituye un ejemplo novedoso de mejora de la resiliencia urbana frente a los riesgos hidroclimáticos a través de la adaptación de las infraestructuras del patrimonio hidráulico a los nuevos retos del ciclo urbano del agua. La propuesta, combinando la lógica de los sistemas tradicionales con alternativas innovadoras, contiene un gran potencial para la consecución de ciudades sensibles al agua, que se explora en este trabajo.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Heller, Léo. 2023: Los derechos humanos al agua y el saneamiento, Jaén (España), Universidad de Jaén, UJA Editorial, 576 págs. ISBN 978-84-9159-539-7. Coedición con: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara (México). ISBN 978-607-581-155-0 [Reseña]
    (Universidad de Jaén, 2025) Lara García, Ángela; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM396: Estructuras y sistemas territoriales
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Food security and maritime security: A new challenge for the European Union's ocean policy
    (Elsevier, 2019-10) Suárez de Vivero, Juan Luis; Rodríguez Mateos, Juan Carlos; Florido del Corral, David; Barragán, María José; Calado, Helena; Kjellevold, Marian; Janowska Misik, Ewelina; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Antropología Social; European Union (UE); Universidad de Sevilla. RNM177: Ordenación del litoral y tecnologías de información territorial; Universidad de Sevilla. SEJ149: Grupo para el estudio de las identidades socioculturales en Andalucía (GEISA)
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Facing a New Ocean Decade: Geopolitical Change and Challenges in Ocean Governance
    (Routledge, 2023-01-02) Suárez de Vivero, Juan Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM177: Ordenación del litoral y tecnologías de información territorial
    The fifty-year period since UNESCO announced its ‘Decades’ devoted to the oceans has witnessed some deep changes in ocean geopolitics: a new international community made up of a greater number of nation-states that have transformed their territorial bases through the inclusion of large maritime jurisdictions. This, and the decline in the international regulatory ideal, have led to marine governance being addressed very differently from the way it was in the 1970s and presenting a challenge for the future governance of the oceans. This article explores the political change that has occurred during this time and focuses on the State, its maritime territory and the effects of jurisdictional expansion. Methodologically, the geopolitical focus is framed in geographical premises supported with data prepared by the author and premises formulated in the fields of law and political science. The conclusions include some of the effects of unilateral action in marine governance and show that differences and inequalities are the most visible aspects of this new marine territoriality.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Atlantismo no Atlântico Sul: Comunidade de interesses e governança oceânica
    (Escola de Guerra Naval, 2023-07-17) Suárez de Vivero, Juan Luis; Villela Morroni, Etiene; Rodríguez Mateos, Juan Carlos; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM177: Ordenación del litoral y tecnologías de información territorial
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar em que medida a governança da bacia Sul Atlântica leva à construção de uma comunidade transatlântica no Hemisfério Sul com foco na economia e política marítima, bem como conceitos jurisdicionais da governança no Atlântico Sul. Também visa compreender como a configuração de estruturas institucionais interferem nesse sistema e se configuram como frágeis laços político-culturais e econômicos transatlânticos. Embora no Atlântico Sul – diferentemente da Bacia do Norte – não tenha sido construída uma poderosa rede de interesses comuns, a expansão jurisdicional exige que Estados Costeiros adotem políticas marítimas proporcionais à magnitude da responsabilidade territorial adquirida, a qual a sub-bacia americana (especificamente Brasil e Argentina) propugna por uma posição de dominância ao sul do paralelo zero.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    The flow of digital transition the challenges of technological solutions for hotels
    (Springer Nature, 2025-01-09) García López, Ana María; Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga, Luis; Foronda Robles, Concepción; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM875: Estudios territoriales y turísticos
    The incorporation of digital technologies in hotels worldwide is moving forward at the same pace as the recovery of the tourism sector itself following the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers have looked at this topic from the perspective of suppliers and consumers, but little research has been carried out on hotels’ internal digitalisation processes and understanding their technological priorities to become more competitive. Atomization of hotel business structure and its characteristics and composition have traditionally hindered data collection. This research addresses this gap through close collaboration with the regional associative structure. The initial hypothesis is that digitization in Andalusian hotels flows at different speeds. The aim of the present study is to establish both the current state and the speed of digital transformation in hotels. To this end, there is an analysis of the degree of implementation of digital technologies in the hotel sector based on a case study of Andalusia (Spain). A mixed method approach is used, combining two focus groups that together contain 14 stakeholders, with 183 technological implementation surveys sent to hotels. This approach allows differentiation between the values of hotels specifically and those of accommodation as a whole, using two blocks of questions: technological solutions and tools; and infrastructures, integrations and data analysis. The results allow the validation of the initial hypothesis and show digital transition at two different speeds. The solutions and tools implemented, the technological priorities of future implementation and the use of digital enablers each display very disparate realities. Accelerating the rhythm of digitalisation is a great challenge for all hotels, whatever their category. The study contributes an original theoretical-practical model, whose method can be applied to other tourist destinations, regardless of their nationality. It enables comparisons and measurements, addressing both the typology of technological tools and solutions, and digitalisation issues.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Energy transition and community participation in Portugal, Greece and Israel: regional differences from a multi-level perspective
    (Elsevier, 2022-05) Prados Velasco, María José; Iglesias Pascual, Ricardo; Barral, Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana
    This paper addresses regional differences in community participation in renewable energy installations in Portugal, Greece and Israel. Authors follow the Multi-level Perspective and Multi-actor Perspective as frame works for specifying power relations between different actors with different levels of aggregation. The paper applies these models for a comparative analysis of two large-scale renewable wind projects and a micro-grid solar photovoltaic project at different stages of execution in local communities on Paros Island, in the Golan Heights and in the Alentejo region. The study cases form part of the Project Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable Energy LandscapeS (PEARLS) research study, which examines the relationships between renewable energy landscapes and the population in four countries in the south of Europe and Israel. PEARLS investigates whether, and how, the transition to a low carbon economy is taking place in a great variety of renewable energy landscapes as focus areas regarding the population's energy behaviour and population engagement. This analysis of regional differences in three study areas executing renewable energy projects will contribute to the literature. Analysing the research questions on community participation in the energy transition in relation to the targeted actors and their levels of aggregation enables two main conclusions to be drawn; the importance of considering regional differences when implementing renewable energy landscapes, especially when these are generated by large renewable projects with a non-place focus, and secondly, related to the relevance of regional uniqueness: the feeling of place attachment is highlighted as a key factor in social acceptance by local communities.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Gentrificación ¿colonialismo cultural o urbanismo crítico? Una aportación al debate
    (Universitat de Barcelona, 2023-07-15) Díaz Parra, Ibán; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana
    En las últimas décadas, el vocablo gentrificación ha captado mucha atención de los estudios urbanos en castellano, sin llegar a ser plenamente aceptado por la comunidad científica. Reconocidos académicos críticos, tanto del Mediterráneo europeo como de América Latina, han cargado contra el término, acusándolo de ser una falsa generalización de un fenómeno particular del urbanismo anglosajón. Estas posiciones podrían ser alimentadas tanto por el carácter problemático del término, una adaptación de un neologismo anglófono, como por el uso no siempre preciso que se hace del mismo entre aquellos que lo han adoptado. El presente artículo polemiza con los estudios sobre gentrificación en castellano y con las posiciones críticas que han venido a rechazarlo. Frente a unos y otros, se propone que la gentrificación es un fenómeno de creciente importancia en el urbanismo latinoamericano y del sur de Europa, cuyo análisis necesita de un uso más preciso del concepto.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Energías renovables y cambios de usos del suelo en el sur de la Península Ibérica: una lectura territorial de la política energética
    (Asociación Española de Geografía, 2023-06-26) Barral, María Ángeles; Ruíz Díez, Alba; Prados Velasco, María José; García Marín, Ramón; Delicado, Ana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana
    La lucha contra el cambio climático necesita de una transformación del modelo energético que está siendo fuertemente apoyado desde las políticas de la Unión Europea y de los estados miembros. La materialización espacial de la política energética de fomento de las energías renovables es un elemento crucial que ha de concretarse sobre los usos de suelo pre-existentes, lo que a su vez provoca cambios sobre los ecosistemas y los paisajes. Este artículo investiga la implantación territorial de las plantas eólicas y solares en la Península Ibérica para evaluar qué tipos de usos del suelo están siendo más afectados. A partir de la evolución de la política energética en España y Portugal se analizan de forma comparada los desarrollos de plantas eólicas y solares y los usos del suelo utilizando la cartografía temática publicada tanto en España como en Portugal entre 2005 y 2020. Los resultados de la investigación constatan la exclusividad de estos desarrollos en ámbitos rurales, destacando la sustitución de cultivos herbáceos junto con cubiertas de matorral y pastizal, provocando una alteración significativa de las economías y los paisajes rurales.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Incorporating public perception of Renewable Energy Landscapes in local spatial planning tools: A case study in Mediterranean countries
    (Elsevier, 2024-09-01) Codemo, Anna; Ghislanzoni, Michela; Prados Velasco, María José; Albatici, Rossano; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana
    The European energy transition requirements have been posing many questions on the deployment of renewable energy sources. The development of renewable energy infrastructures entails landscape transformations affecting the perceived landscape quality and local acceptance. Sustainable energy spatial planning considers environmental, cultural, ecological needs but often neglect community perception of landscape transformations including both the physical landscape structures and the meanings associated to them. To address this issue, the paper aims to explore public perception and incorporate it in the planning tools. The research draws on a survey of residents of Arcos de la Frontera, Spain, conducted with the visual Q methodology, and on structured interviews with local experts. A selection of 36 different photovoltaic applications in urban and rural areas was evaluated by 21 citizens. The analysis identified four distinct viewpoints on photovoltaic applications in urban and rural landscapes. Local experts provided feedback on the current local spatial planning tools and on their consideration of landscape transformations. Considering both citizens and experts, we provided landscape integration strategies linked to siting and landscape design of solar power plants to be included in urban planning tools.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Social movements in crisis? From the 15-M movement to the electoral shift in Spain
    (Emerald, 2016) Díaz Parra, Ibán; Jover Báez, Jaime; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM177: Geografía y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano
    Purpose Social left-wing political contestation and activism in Spain have undergone great changes over the past four years. First, there has been a shift from the 15-M movement that took over public plazas with its ambiguous claims basically related to radical democracy and rejection of institutional politics, to a new focus on social problems generated by the crisis, highlighting issues such as housing and cutbacks in social rights. Second, there has been a shift towards institutional politics in 2014. How should this recent whirlwind evolution in political contestation to status quo be understood? What is the relation between the changing material conditions of the population and the extremely shifting shape of left-wing militancy in Spain? The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The arguments put forward here are based on the authors’ involvement in social movements in the city of Seville between 2011 and the current time. They have been complemented with in-depth interviews of social activists who have taken part in the movements: 15-M assemblies, the housing movement, general strikes and, in more recent times, electoral initiatives (Podemos and Ganemos). The interviews were done between 2012 and 2014. The fieldwork has been complemented with an exploration of documentary sources: the manifests and writings of the various organisations that are being addressed. Findings In the transition from 15-M assemblies to the recent shift in electoral initiatives, social protest have turned from direct democracy demands and the rejection of institutionalised politics to a progressively pragmatic and short-term position where institutions are targeted. This paper argues that the generalised impoverishment of the population, increased numbers of evictions and consistently high unemployment rates have broadened the social framework for the action of social movements. The political and ideological crisis, rooted in the majority of the population’s crumbling expectations of social progress has enabled the array of possibilities to be opened up to emancipatory politics. Originality/value It is argued that massive deprivation provoked by the economic crisis has been a fundamental factor in the movements’ new orientation, what as a consequence, and until certain extent, throws the New Social Movements discourses into crisis itself, at least with regard to its post-materialistic nature and its opposition to institutions of the State.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Overtourism, place alienation and the right to the city: insights from the historic centre of Seville, Spain
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Díaz Parra, Ibán; Jover Báez, Jaime; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM177: Geografía y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano
    Increasing international travel flows across the planet have drawn attention to socio-spatial justice concerning the impact of tourism and transnational gentrification in cities. We suggest that the growth of tourists and lifestyle migrants can potentially shrink or even deprive a social right to the city. The early work of philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre, particularly The Right to the City (1968), offer valuable elements to understand the potential alienation of local residents from the city centre in the context of a tourism-led urban economy. Several questions arise in this context that are explored here: What injustices arise through the socio-spatial processes and transformation of social spaces due to rapid tourism growth and overtourism? What contribution does Lefebvre’s theoretical work make to current studies on overtourism overall? We examine these questions through a case study in Seville, Andalusia (Spain). It illustrates how its residents lose the right to everyday life in the historic centre and become alienated from their local spaces. Mechanisms of commodification and gentrification contribute to socio-spatial injustices and also make the city “inauthentic” for visitors and residents. In this sense, the right to live and enjoy the city are lost to both groups.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Who is the city for? Overtourism, lifestyle migration and social sustainability
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Jover Báez, Jaime; Díaz Parra, Ibán; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Portuguese Science and Technology Research Council (FCT); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM177: Geografía y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano
    Seville, Spain’s fourth largest city and the capital of Andalusia, is one of the most visited cities in the country and increasingly in Europe. Tourism has traditionally been an important sector for the urban economy, but after the 2008 financial crash it has become the city’s main source of income. Tourist numbers have soared over the last decade and they are likely to keep growing now that the Lonely Planet has labelled Seville the best city to visit in 2018 and Airbnb has chosen Andalusia as one of the top destinations for 2019. There has also been an increase in the number of migrants from wealthy countries over the last few years. Not surprisingly, these migrants and tourists share spatial patterns: both generally concentrate on Seville’s historic district and urban centre. We argue that the rapid increase of tourism and the settlement of lifestyle migrants in this part of the city have triggered spatial processes that have resulted in social injustice. Therefore, we explore whether the growth of visitor numbers has reached the extent of overtourism, because the tourist infrastructure and its activities may clash with those of local residents. We also study whether the socio-economic profile of many of these residents has changed due to migration, which could potentially mean the beginning of a transnational gentrification process. Seville’s city centre is becoming a privileged place, where the average Sevillian cannot afford to live and increasingly feels out of place. Our argument is supported by a combination of quantitative data analysis (demographic, housing and tourism statistics) and qualitative research (interviews) analyses. Our case illustrates how tourism helps to reshape historic urban districts and becomes socially unsustainable, as it gradually excludes local communities.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    When tourism disrupts it all: An approach to the landscapes of touristification
    (Taylor & Francis, 2023) Jover Báez, Jaime; Barrero Rescalvo, María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM177: Geografía y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano
    Touristification refers to an intense tourism expansion and appropriation in a specific area due to the activity’s rapid growth in a short period of time. COVID-19 meant a halt to touristification disruption of urban life—affecting housing markets, cultural expressions, public spaces, or the environment—that is growing again as global mobilities have recently resumed. In cities that have become important tourist destinations, touristification intertwines with other urban processes, such as built environment renovation or people and retail gentrification. We explore these processes linking them to the concept of landscape, understood as space socially produced, perceived, and shaped, looking into the transformations in the physical, social, symbolic, and emotional arenas inspired by previous studies on the landscapes of gentrification. Drawing on landscape, urban, and tourism theorizations, we come up with the landscapes of touristification as an integrative approach that enable us to comprehend a multi-faceted process of tourism-led urban transformation. Through qualitative analyses, we study San Luis Street, an axis that connects traditionally non-tourist neighborhoods in Seville’s historic district in the years before the pandemic.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    ‘All our eggs in one basket’: touristification and displacement amidst the pandemic in Seville, Spain
    (Taylor & Francis, 2023) Jover Báez, Jaime; Barrero Rescalvo, María; Díaz Parra, Ibán; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM177: Geografía y Desarrollo Regional y Urbano
    Touristification refers to the multi-dimensional transformation of an area due to severe and rapid tourism intensification, which can harm that place's inhabitants in different ways. The activity’s boom in the 2010s brought about an exponential increase in short-term tourist rentals (STRs) in traditionally non-tourist areas across cities worldwide, triggering or expanding displacement dynamics. The study delves into the connections between touristification and displacement and how the latter has conditioned neighbors’ lives. As the health crisis abruptly stopped tourist hypermobility, we also question how displacement has been affected and the ways in which it might evolve in the post-pandemic city. We focus on Seville, the capital of Andalusia in southern Spain, a region highly dependent on the tourism and real estate sectors that has annually broken its visitors’ records until the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. We reflect upon how local populations in central and increasingly tourist neighborhoods have experienced expulsion before and amidst the pandemic through thirty interviews with residents and displacees from different socio-economic backgrounds in Seville's historic district. We conclude that the reconversion of STRs into long-term leases during and after the pandemic has resolved little compared with the damage already done.
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Island geography shaping maritime space in Macaronesia
    (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019) Pina Calado, Helena María Gregório; Caña Varona, Mario; Suárez de Vivero, Juan Luis; Cordeiro Moniz, Fabiana; Halim, Firdaous; de Lima Gabriel, Daniela; Salvador Hipólito, Claudia Luísa; Menini, Elisabetta; Kramel, Diogo; Horta de Sousa Vergílio, Marta; Ferreira, María Adelaide; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Geografía Humana; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
    This paper explores how geography shapes human uses of the maritime space along the Atlantic archipelagic territories of Macaronesia, a biogeographical region that includes the archipelagos of the Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cape Verde. The way specific geographic characteristics of these islands influence and even determine maritime uses and activities is analyzed in a three-layers ap proach in the following order: socio economic analysis, sectorial analysis and uses and activities analysis. The biophysical and geographical characteristics of each archipelago will be considered throughout the analysis, highlighting the common aspects and peculiarities between each region. After a comprehensive overview of the main economic activities, the discussion suggests that certain specificities need to be taken into account in maritime spatial planning processes when planning and managing human uses at sea, to promote the sustainable development of local communities, particularly in archipelagic regions.