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Artículo Fasciotomía percutánea ecoguiada con aguja. Serie de casos(Federación española de podólogos, 2024) Rayo Pérez, Ana María; Rayo Martín, Rafael; Rayo Rosado, Rafael; García de la Peña, Raquel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaIntroducción: Las talalgias son un motivo frecuente de consulta en las clínicas sanitarias y un pequeño porcentaje de ellas tienden a cronificarse, dando lugar a cuadros complejos que requieren de tratamiento quirúrgico para su resolución. Uno de estos casos en la fascitis plantar o fasciosis recalcitrante. Pacientes y métodos: Se exponen una serie de casos de diez pacientes con fascitis plantar crónica en los que ha fracasado el tratamiento conservador. A todos ellos se les realizó una fasciotomía parcial ecoguiada con aguja 14 G. Resultados: Tras la intervención, se consiguió una reducción considerable del dolor, medido a través de una Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), y del grosor de la fascia plantar, cuantificado mediante ecografía. También se consiguió una puntuación alta de satisfacción en la Escala Likert. Conclusión: La fasciotomía percutánea ecoguiada con aguja es una técnica eficaz y sencilla para el tratamiento de la fascitis recalcitrante, permitiendo una recuperación funcional rápida y con un riesgo bajo de complicaciones asociadas.Artículo Use of infrared thermography in podiatry: systematic review and meta-analysis(MDPI, 2024-12-15) García de la Peña, Raquel; Juárez Jiménez, José María; Cuevas Sánchez, José Manuel; Rayo Rosado, Rafael; Rayo Pérez, Ana María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS-589: Avances en cirugía podológicaBackground/Objectives: Infrared thermography is an advanced technique that detects infrared light emitted by the body to map thermal changes related to blood flow. It is recognized for being noninvasive, fast, and reliable and is employed in the diagnosis and prevention of various medical conditions. In podiatry, it is utilized for managing diabetic foot ulcers, musculoskeletal injuries such as Achilles tendinopathy, and onychomycosis, among others. The primary objective is to analyze the application of thermography in podiatry as a diagnostic evaluation tool. Secondary objectives include evaluating the use of thermography in diagnosing musculoskeletal injuries, determining its role in preventing diabetic foot ulcers and onychomycosis, assessing its utility in sports performance evaluation with plantar orthoses, and reviewing its cost-effectiveness in detecting common foot conditions and deformities. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the existing literature on the use of thermography in podiatry were conducted. Studies addressing various applications of thermography were included, focusing on its effectiveness, sensitivity, and specificity. Both studies comparing plantar temperature before and after interventions with orthoses and those exploring thermography in diagnosing specific pathologies were analyzed. Results: Ten randomized clinical trials on the use of infrared thermography in podiatric conditions were included, with participant ages ranging from 18 to 80 years (n = 10–223). Treatments for Achilles tendinopathy, diabetic foot ulcers, and peripheral arterial disease were explored. Infrared thermography was utilized to measure thermal changes, evaluate plantar orthoses, and diagnose onychomycosis. The findings underscore the potential of infrared thermography in preventing and diagnosing various podiatric pathologies. Conclusions: Infrared thermography is a noninvasive technique in podiatry that provides real-time imaging without radiation. It is useful for detecting musculoskeletal injuries, diabetic skin ulcers, and onychomycosis and contributes to enhancing sports performance. In conclusion, it is a valuable tool in podiatric practice to optimize therapeutic approaches.Artículo Iatrogenic Hallux Varus in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis(MDPI, 2025-01-21) Ortiz Romero, Mercedes; Fernández Garzón, Álvaro; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Gordillo Fernández, Luis María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de EnfermeríaBackground/Objectives: Iatrogenic hallux varus is a rare complication often arising after hallux valgus surgery, characterized by medial deviation of the hallux. This report presents the case of a 58-year-old female with iatrogenic hallux varus complicated by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The objective is to highlight the challenges and outcomes of surgical treatment in RA patients with complex foot deformities. Methods: The patient presented with severe medial deviation of the hallux and claw positioning of the lesser toes, resulting in pain and functional limitations. Radiological analysis indicated overcorrection of the first intermetatarsal angle and deformity of the lesser toes. Surgical management included arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint using K-wires and resection arthroplasty of the lesser metatarsals. Results: Postoperative outcomes revealed correct alignment, pain reduction, and restoration of functional capabilities. However, a non-union was observed in the first MTP arthrodesis after 24 months, which remained asymptomatic. Conclusions: This case underscores the importance of careful surgical planning in RA patients to balance joint preservation and deformity correction. Arthrodesis proved effective for stability and pain relief in RA-associated deformities, although long-term follow-up remains critical to address complications. Tailored interventions are necessary to improve the quality of life in RA patients with complex foot deformities.Artículo Comparison between customised foot orthoses and insole combined with the use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in plantar fasciitis, medium-term follow-up results: A randomised controlled trial(Sage, 2021) Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Pérez Belloso, Ana Juana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de EnfermeríaObjective: To determine the clinical results of custom-made foot orthoses versus placebo flat cushioning insoles combined with an extracorporeal shock wave therapy on pain and foot functionality in patients with plantar fasciitis. Design and setting: A randomised controlled clinical trial with follow-up at six months. Faculty of Podiatry and Centre Clinical private of Physiotherapy, Seville, Spain. Subjects and interventions: Patients with plantar fasciitis were randomly assigned to either group A (n = 42), which received custom-made foot orthoses, or group B (n = 41), which received placebo insoles. All the participants received active extracorporeal shock wave therapy including stretching exercises. Recruitment period was from Mach 2019 to July 2020. Main measurements: The main outcome was foot pain, measured by visual analogue scale and the secondary outcome measures were recorded by Roles and Maudsley scores respectively, at the beginning and at one week, one month and six months. Results: Eighty-eight patients were assessed for eligibility. Eighty-three patients were recruited and randomised. This study showed significant differences between both groups according to the visual analogue scale. In control group, the difference was at baseline (P 0.01) and, in the experimental group was at the one- and six-month follow-up (P 0.001). The mean (SD) visual analogue scale at baseline were Control group 6.31 (1.69) and Experimental group 5.27 (1.64); and at six months were 7.52 (3.40) and 3.29 (4.26), respectively. The custom-made foot orthosis was perceived as ‘good’ (85%) and ‘excellent’ (97.5%) at medium-long term. Conclusion:Wearing a custom-made foot orthosis leads to a improvement in patients with plantar fasciitis; it reduced foot pain and improved foot functionalityArtículo Behavior of provisional pressure-reducing materials in diabetic foot(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016) Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Juárez Jiménez, José María; Reina Bueno, María; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaObjective: The main aim of this work is to assess the behavior of felts of latex foam, wool, wool on latex and 10 mm polyurethane foam as provisional pressure-reducing materials compared to foot hyperpressures. Secondary aims are to determine how Body Mass Index and Physical activity impact the pressure reducing capacity of these materials. The research hypothesis sets out that there are statistically significant differences between the pressure-reducing capacity of the different materials and that they are impacted by Body Mass Index and Physical Activity. Research design and methods: This study was descriptive, correlational and exper imental. The sample was comprised of 32 subjects, 64 feet aged between 19 and 76 years, with plantar hyperpressures of different etiologies. The pressure was as sessed using the platform pressures. Results: The results revealed an effective reduction of pressures for all materials; this was more durable for polyurethane. Conclusions: It was concluded that pressure-reducing materials are effective on the reduction of hyperpressures but there are differences between them as to duration of the effect.Artículo Limitación del movimiento de flexión dorsal del tobillo en sujetos pronadores con dolor lumbar crónico(Elsevier Doyma, 2019) Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Gago Reyes, Fernando; Fernández Seguín, Lourdes María; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de FisioterapiaAntecedentes: Estudios han relacionado la posible influencia entre los desequilibrios de la bio mecánica del pie y el dolor lumbar crónico (CLBP). Según indican algunos autores la limitación del movimiento de la flexión dorsal (FD) de la articulación tibioperonea-astragalina del pie (TPA) puede presentarse como un factor de riesgo en el dolor lumbar crónico. Objetivo: Evaluar el dolor lumbar crónico en sujetos con pies pronadores con limitación de la flexión dorsal del tobillo en al menos un pie, frente a sujetos pronadores con movilidad normal del tobillo. Material y método: estudio descriptivo transversal con muestreo por conveniencia realizado en una muestra compuesta por 126 sujetos con dolor lumbar crónico y pies pronados. Se comparó un grupo de sujetos con CLBP que presentaron limitación de la flexión dorsal de al menos un tobillo, frente a otro grupo de pronadores con CLBP y rango de movimiento normal de tobillo. Como herramientas de valoración de la variable dependiente se utilizó la escala visual analógica (EVA) y el Índice de discapacidad por dolor lumbar de Oswestry (ODI). Resultados: Se encontró correlación positiva entre la limitación de FD de la TPA en sujetos pronadores con CLBP frente al grupo de pronadores con CLBP y FD normal (EVA 4 ± 0,22; ODI: 11,85% ± 1,21). La limitación del movimiento de FD de TPA parece mostrarse como un factor de riesgo en el CLBP (EVA 5,3 ± 0,22; ODI: 17,90% ± 1,42; valor de p ODI = 0,004; EVA 0,009). Conclusiones: Se evidencia un mayor CLBP en el grupo de pronadores con limitación de FD de al menos una TPA frente al grupo de sujetos pronadores con rango normal de movimiento.Artículo Dolor lumbar crónico y pronación unilateral o bilateral del pie(Elsevier Doyma, 2019) Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Fernández Seguín, Lourdes María; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de FisioterapiaAntecedentes y objetivo: Diferentes estudios han defendido la relación entre la pronación del pie y el dolor lumbar crónico (DLC). Sin embargo, no se hallan artículos que analicen la reper cusión que puede existir entre la postura en pronación de un solo pie y su influencia en el DLC frente a la pronación en ambos pies. Por ello, se ha planteado evaluar la intensidad del dolor lumbar en sujetos pronadores con un índice de postura del pie (IPP) superior a +6 en un pie comparado con sujetos con pronación superior a +6 en ambos pies. Material y método: Estudio observacional transversal con muestreo por conveniencia en una muestra total de 116 sujetos. Se comparó el DLC en un grupo con dolor lumbar crónico y posición pronada de un pie (IPP, superior a +6), frente a un grupo de sujetos con DLC e IPP superior a +6 en ambos. Como herramientas de valoración de la variable dependiente se utilizó la escala visual analógica (EVA) y el Índice de discapacidad de Oswestry (IDO) para dolor lumbar. Resultados: No se encontró correlación entre la posición unilateral o bilateral en pronación y la intensidad del DLC. La pronación de un solo pie no pareció mostrarse como mayor factor de riesgo en el DLC que la bilateral (IDO p = 0,700; EVA p = 0,235). Conclusiones: No se encuentran diferencias estadísticas en el DLC en el grupo de pacientes con un IPP del pie en pronación frente a los sujetos con posición en pronación bilateral. Futuros estudios son necesarios.Artículo The Effectiveness of Topical Treatment for Plantar Warts: A Retrospective Cohort Study(Mdpi, 2024-11-26) Rayo Pérez, Ana María; Juárez Jiménez, José María; Rayo Rosado, Rafael; García de la Peña, Raquel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaAbstract: Background: Plantar warts, caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), are a common condition that can be painful and resistant to treatment. There are various therapeutic options for managing them, but it is not always clear which are the most effective and tolerated by patients. Among the most commonly used treatments are a zinc and nitric complex (nitrizinc complex), cantharidin, and bleomycin, each with different mechanisms of action and profiles in terms of pain and patient satisfaction. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate and compare the clinical efficacy, post treatment pain, and patient satisfaction among three common treatments (zinc and nitric complex, cantharidin, and bleomycin) in subjects with plantar warts, as well as identify the most effective and best-tolerated treatment. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective case series study analyzing 60 records of subjects aged 18 to 40 years diagnosed with plantar warts without systemic diseases or allergies and without any prior treatment. Complete records from 2020 to 2023 were selected. Subjects were divided into three groups according to the treatment received (zinc and nitric complex, cantharidin, bleomycin), and demographic variables, post-treatment pain (measured using the visual analog scale), the number of sessions required, and satisfaction after discharge (evaluated with the Likert scale) were analyzed. Results: Of the 60 subjects included, the group treated with bleomycin experienced higher levels of pain after the first session (mean of 7.1 points on the VAS) compared to the cantharidin group (2.7 points) and the zinc and nitric complex group). However, the bleomycin group required fewer sessions for complete healing (an average of 1.8 sessions), while the nitric acid group needed more (3.4 sessions), with cantharidin falling in between (2.5 sessions). Regarding post-discharge satisfaction, all groups showed comparable scores (between 7.9 and 8.5 points), although cantharidin demonstrated slightly higher satisfaction. Astatistical analysis showed significant differences in the number of sessions and post-treatment pain between treatments (p < 0.05) but not in final satisfaction. Conclusions: Although bleomycin treatment is more painful, it is the most effective in terms of reducing the number of sessions required for complete healing. Cantharidin offers a good balance between efficacy and patient satisfaction, while a zinc and nitric complex, although less painful, requires more sessions for complete treatment. Each treatment has specific advantages, suggesting that therapeutic choices should be personalized according to the patient’s needs and preferences.Artículo A big synovioma in foot of unfrequent location. A proposal of a case(Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences , 2024) Rayo Pérez, Ana María; Rodríguez Castillo, Francisco Javier; García de la Peña, Raquel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaDigital synovial is a soft tissue tumor that primarily affects adolescents and adults, with 30% of cases occurring in individuals under 20 years of age. It is found in the synovial sheaths of the fingers and toes and can impact the flexor and extensor tendons. These tumors are biphasic, featuring clefts lined with epithelioid cells and excessive mucin production, which can histologically resemble mucous cysts. Clinical diagnosis is challenging due to mild symptoms and general absence of pain unless the mass rubs against footwear, necessitating histological and imaging tests for confirmation. As a neoplasm, its treatment is surgical.Artículo Calcaneal bone edema. A case of series(Auctores Publishing LLC, 2024-10-24) Ana María, Rayo-Pérez; Rodriguez Castillo, Francisco Javier; García de la Peña, Raquel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaBone edema or bone edema is an uncommon pathology in podiatric practice. However, there are some cases we can detect within it. This bone alteration results from trauma, degenerative lesions, or metabolic processes, with the first being the most common cause. It is characterized by acute pain in the heel area, which gradually becomes more generalized, as well as redness and swelling of the area. In the initial stages, the use of NSAIDs or analgesics is recommended, and in more advanced stages, drainage of the area. This study is aa prospective observational study analyzing 20 subjects with calcaneal bone edema. Various surveys such as AOFAS, SF-36, and VAS are conducted to fully analyze the condition and its evolution after 3 months and 6 months post-treatment. Following the intervention, there is a notable improvement in the patients' quality of life, as well as a significant reduction in pain. In conclusions calcaneal bone edema is an underdiagnosed pathology mainly due to its lack of recognition and low prevalence. It is essential to know the differential diagnosis with other heel pains to comprehensively address this condition.Artículo Self-Perception of Physical Problems in Patients with Non-Vascular Type of Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome: A Qualitative Study(MDPI, 2024) Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Reina Bueno, María; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Vázquez-Bautista, Carmen; Domínguez-Maldonado, Gabriel; León Larios, Fátima; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM873: Centro de Investigación y Acción Comunitaria de la Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS1136: Patología y Función del PieBackground/Objectives: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders characterized by joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility, and tissue fragility. Ehlers–Danlos syndrome is associated with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, including chronic pain, severe fatigue, and a range of physical and psychological complications. This study aims to identify, in patients with non-vascular type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, the most common physical symptoms, the impact of these symptoms on daily life, and individuals’ perceptions of their health. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study based on content analysis was employed, reviewing 24 individual interviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of participants’ experiences. The study was conducted in accordance with the COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research) guidelines, which include a 32-item checklist commonly used in qualitative research. Results: Four main themes were identified: (1) Common physical symptoms, (2) Impact on daily life, (3) Impact on social and family relationships, and (4) Health perception and well-being. Conclusions: The analysis of the interviews reveals that individuals with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome face significant physical and emotional challenges. Physical symptoms, particularly chronic pain, fatigue, and joint issues, severely impact their ability to lead a normal life. These symptoms, along with perceived uncertainty and stress, contribute to a reduced quality of life, affecting both physical and emotional well-being.Artículo Flexor digitorum longus transfer in chronic plantar plate tears: two case reports and literature review(MDPI, 2024-10-24) Córdoba Fernández, Antonio; Mateos-Carrasco, Rocío; García-Gámez, Antonio Jesús; Córdoba-Jiménez, Victoria Eugenia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS-589: Avances en cirugía podológicaBackground and Clinical Significance: The plantar plate (PP) tear of the second metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) is a common cause of forefoot pain in clinical practice. The PP is the main stabilizing structure of the joint and, together with the collateral ligaments, is the key to maintaining the stability of the MTPJ. Many surgical procedures have been described to repair PP tears. Currently, there is still controversy regarding which is the surgical superior option (direct versus indirect PP repair techniques). Transfer of the flexor digitorum longus tendon to the dorsum of the proximal phalanx is one of the surgical techniques described to treat PP tears associated with MTPJ instability. Case Presentation: We present two cases that developed instability of the second MTPJ secondary to chronic PP tear with symptoms resolved after transfer of the flexor digitorum longus (FDL). Conclusions: Currently, the literature review shows that the procedure seems to be the most consistent surgical option in chronic cases of PP tears.Artículo Effect of foot orthoses and footwear in people with rheumatoid arthritis: an updated systematic review(MDPI, 2024-10-11) Cabrera-Sánchez, José Manuel; Reina Bueno, María; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Vázquez-Bautista, Carmen; Nuñez Baila, María de los Ángeles; González López, José Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Enfermería; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS-1136: Patología y función del pie.; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS-601: HERMES; Universidad de Sevilla. CTS-284: Promoción de la saludBackground/Objectives: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease of an autoimmune nature that causes pain and disability in affected patients. Foot pain has become a challenge due to its negative impact on physical function. The objective of this updated systematic review is to describe the effect of foot orthoses and/or footwear in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and foot problems. Methods: Scopus, PubMed, CINALH, WOS, and Dialnet were searched for all articles published from January 2013 to September 2024. Inclusion criteria included randomised clinical trials and crossover trials (level of evidence I), published within the last 10 years, involving adults with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, with no restrictions on gender, race, or ethnicity. All studies that addressed the use of foot orthoses and/or shoe therapy in any type of comparison between these interventions were considered relevant. Review Manager was used to carry out the bias analysis of the selected studies. The reporting was based on the new PRISMA guidelines. Results: A total of 9 relevant articles were selected from an initial sample of 438. These articles analyse and compare the effectiveness of various types of foot orthoses in reducing pain, functional limitation, and disability, as well as improving balance and kinetic and kinematic parameters affected by rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusions: Foot orthoses reduce pain and disability in rheumatoid arthritis, improving balance and kinematic parameters. However, no significant improvements in the patients’ functionality and walking ability have been demonstrated. Customised ones with good arch control, heel reinforcement, and metatarsal pad are more effective. No results on the impact of footwear on patients with rheumatoid arthritis have been found in the last 10 years. This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023405645).Artículo Update of modified version of the foot function index tool Spanish version (FFI-Sp), in patients with rheumatoid arthritis:cross sectional study(MDPI, 2024-08-18) Gamez-Guijarro, María; Reinoso-Cobo, Andrés; Gordillo Fernández, Luis María; Ortiz Romero, Mercedes; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Gijon-Nogueron, Gabriel; Lopezosa-Reca, Eva; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaBackground and Objectives: The Foot Function Index (FFI) is a widely recognized patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for assessing foot functionality and its impact on quality of life in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study aimed to observe the behavior of the tool in the Spanish population with RA, optimize the tool, and check its functionality. Materials and Methods: A total of 549 RA patients, with a predominant female participation (75.6%). This study involved a comprehensive statistical analysis, leading to a refined version of the FFI for a Spanish-speaking population. Results: The original 23-item FFI was revised, resulting in a 15-item version by excluding items that caused confusion or were considered redundant. This modified version maintained the original’s subscales of pain, disability, and activity limitation, but with an adjusted item distribution. The construct validity was confirmed through exploratory factor analysis, demonstrating excellent fit indices (Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test = 0.926, Bartlett’s test of sphericity = 4123.48, p < 0.001). The revised FFI demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.96) and test–retest reliability (ICC = 0.89). Conclusions: This study highlights the applicability of the FFI in Spanish-speaking RA populations, offering a valid and reliable tool for clinicians and researchers. The modifications enhance the FFI’s relevance for RA patients, facilitating better assessment and management of foot-related functional impairments.Artículo Intravascular myopericytoma in the heel: case report and literature review(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2015) Valero, José; Salcini Macías, José Luis; Gordillo Fernández, Luis María; Gallart, José; González, David; Deus, Javier; Lahoz, Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; European Social Fund; Government of AragonIntravascular myopericytoma (IVMP), regarded as a variant of myopericytoma, is a rare tumor. Very few cases have been described, none in the foot. The first case of IVMP located in the heel of the foot is described in this article. A literature review is reported of all cases of IVMP published in the English literature. A 48-year-old man possessed an IVMP on the heel of the right foot. The physical examination and histopathological and ultrasound studies are described. The literature review yielded 5 cases of IVMP, 2 of which were in the thigh and 1 each in the oral mucosa, the periorbital region, and the leg. The possibility that these lesions may be malignant suggests that the histopathological study of vascular tumors should include immunohistochemical tests.Artículo A new surgical procedure for hallux limitus treatment double-V osteotomy on the base of the proximal phalanx of the hallux(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2017) Valero, J.; Moreno, M.; Gallart, J.; González, D.; Salcini Macías, José Luis; Gordillo Fernández, Luis María; Lahoz, Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Podología; European Social Fund; Government of AragonThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the new Double-V osteotomy of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (1st MPJ) in patients with hallux limitus (HL). A study of 66 patients was performed, 33 patients were treated Cheilectomy and 33 were treated Double-V. All patients underwent an assessment of the passive mobility of the 1st MPJ before the procedure, reevaluated 12 months later evaluating dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, and patients status using both the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) for Hallux Metatarsophalangeal–Interphalangeal Scale. In comparing the improvement achieved regarding the increase of mobility obtained with surgical treatment, the feet operated with procedure Double-V gained significant degrees of movement increased in all analyzed parameters (P < .05). We achieved 13.33° more than average in dorsiflexion motion and 2.12° more than average in plantarflexion with regard to the feet that were operated with Cheilectomy procedure. Double-V scores on the AOFAS scale improved significantly (P = .000) 91.48 points postoperative, while with the following Cheilectomy only 79.30 points. This new surgical technique, easy to perform and with low complexity in surgical execution and a minimum of complications, produces better clinical and functional results that Cheilectomy alone. Abbreviations: 1st MPJ = first metatarsophalangeal joint, HL = hallux limitus, HR = hallux rigidus.Artículo Length of the first metatarsal and hallux in hallux valgus in the initial stage(Springer, 2008) Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Polo Padillo, Juan; Rebollo, Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaThe aim of this study was to confirm whether the length of the first metatarsal and the length of the hallux are greater than normal in the initial phase of the hallux valgus deformity. In a sample of 152 radiographs (98 of normal feet and 54 of incipient hallux valgus feet), the length of the first metatarsal and the hallux was measured according to methods previously described. Comparisons were made between normal and hallux valgus feet, and between male and female feet. The results show significant differences between the two groups in the first metatarsal (P<0.0001) and hallux (P<0.001). In the male feet, these differences are more marked (when comparing the length of the hallux between the female hallux valgus feet and the female normal feet, P>0.05). This indicates that in men with hallux valgus, the excess in length of the first metatarso-digital segment is greater than in women that develop this deformity, at least in its initial phase. According to these results, the size of the first metatarso-digital segment could be involved in the development of the hallux valgus deformity.Artículo Infiltrative Treatment of Morton's Neuroma: A Systematic Review(Elsevier, 2024) María Oliva Millán-Silva; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Tavara-Vidalón, Sandra Priscila; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaMorton's neuroma (MN) is one of the most frequent neurological pathologies in feet, affecting approximately 4% of the general population. The treatment of MN can be surgical, conservative, and infiltrative, with different substances used in the injections for MN, as steroids, sclerosing solutions, and others. This review aims to evaluate the efficacy of current infiltrative therapy for Morton's neuroma and, additionally, to define adverse effects of this therapy. Material and Methods A literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, CINHAL, Epistemonikos, Web of Science (WOS), SPORTSDiscus and Cochrane Library. This search involved the application of all types of infiltrative treatment applicable to MN. The search was limited to original data describing clinical outcomes and pain using the Visual Analogue pain Scale (VAS) or the Johnson Satisfaction Scale, between February and June 2023. Results Twelve manuscripts were selected (six randomized controlled trials and six longitudinal observational studies) involving 1,438 patients. Capsaicin was reported to produce a VAS score reduction of 51.8%. Corticosteroids also reported a high level of efficacy. Alcohol and Hyaluronic Acid injections are well tolerated, but the effects of their application need further research. There were no serious adverse events. Conclusions Corticosteroids, sclerosant injections, hyaluronic acid and capsaicin have been shown to be effective in reducing the pain related to MN.Artículo Corrective bandage for conservative treatment of metatarsus adductus: Retrospective study(Oxford University Press [University Publisher], 2016-01) Utrilla Rodríguez, Elia María; Guerrero-Martínez-Cañavete, María Jesús; Albornoz Cabello, Manuel; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Fisioterapia; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaBackground. Metatarsus adductus (MA) is the most common congenital foot deformity observed in children. Objectives. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the evolution of a corrective bandage for semirigid MA in newborns and (2) to recommend the age interval at which to start treatment of MA with the corrective bandage alone, without the need of splints. Design. An observational clinical study was conducted. Methods. The study was conducted at Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville, Spain. Children born with semirigid MA at the hospital during the years 2010–2011 were included. Corrective bandaging was applied to all children until clinical correction of the deformity. Sex, laterality of the deformity, weight and length of the newborn, age at the start of treatment, antecedents related to the pregnancy and birth, type of treatment (bandaging, splints), and correction or no correction with bandaging alone were recorded. Age differences at the start of the bandaging treatment between children whose deformity was corrected with and without the need of splints were examined. The receiver operating characteristic curve method was applied to analyze the predictive ability of the age at the start of bandaging treatment relative to whether the deformity was corrected or not corrected with bandaging alone. Results. The bandage achieved complete correction in 68.1% of the children and corrected the deformity more frequently in girls compared with boys. Of the 56 children who began the treatment within the first month of life, 92.8% achieved correction of the foot deformity with the corrective bandaging alone. Limitations. Patients’ follow-up time was only 2 years, so it was only feasible to analyze the corrective bandaging method over the short term and medium term. Conclusions. Corrective bandages showed high effectiveness, particularly in girls, and overall when started within the first month of life.Artículo Antero-posterior position of the cleat for road cycling(Elsevier, 2012-11) Ramos Ortega, Javier; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Domínguez-Maldonado, Gabriel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de PodologíaObjective This work aims at determining the antero-posterior position of the cleat based on various morphological characteristics of the cyclist's lower limb. Method Two tests were used to quantify this position: a photograph-based one and a radiograph-based one. Both, the photograph and the radiograph were digitalized to enable measurements by means of the software AutoCAD® 2006. Two linear regression models were constructed from the variables cleat/first metatarsal distance and tip/cleat distance, which were invalidated by the low squared-R coefficient value (0.106 and 0.057, respectively). Results Participants presented almost constant values of 3.6 ± 0.8 cm for the cleat/first metatarsal distance and 0.43 for the tip/cleat distance. As the distance from the base of the cleat to the pedal spindle is 3.6 cm, it may be stated that the pedal spindle may coincide with the head of the first metatarsal by positioning the base of the cleat at 43% of the length of the shoe measured from its distal end.