Informes (Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones)
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Informe La respuesta de Europa a la crisis: ¿Está España protegida?(2020) Pérez López, Carmen; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de OperacionesInforme The third pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe: The RHOMOLO assessment(2018) Christensen, Martin; Conte, Andrea; Di Pietro, Filippo; Lecca, Patrizio; Mandras, Giovanni; Salotti, Simone; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de OperacionesThe Investment Plan for Europe aims at removing obstacles to investment, providing visibility and technical assistance to investment projects, and at making smarter use of financial resources. The Investment Plan is made up of three pillars: the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI); the European Investment Advisory Hub and the European Investment Project Portal; and the removal of regulatory barriers to investment. Policy simulations using the RHOMOLO dynamic CGE model show positive aggregate macro-economic effects of the EFSI. This Policy Insight contains the result of an additional set of RHOMOLO simulations aimed at quantifying the macroeconomic impact of the legislative proposals contained in the third pillar of the Investment Plan. The EU GDP is expected to be 1.5% higher by 2030 thanks to the removal of barriers to investment in the areas of the Capital Markets Union, the Single Market Strategy, the Digital Single Market, and the Energy Union. This entails the creation of about one million of jobs across the entire EU.Informe Regional economic resilience in the European Union: a numerical general equilibrium analysis(2020) Di Pietro, Filippo; Lecca, Patrizio; Salotti, Simone; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de OperacionesUsing a spatial general equilibrium model, this paper investigates the resilience of EU regions under three alternative recessionary shocks, each of them activating different economic adjustments and mechanisms. We measure the vulnerability, resistance, and recoverability of regions and we identify key regional features affecting the ability of regions to withstand to and recover from unexpected external shocks. The analysis reveals that the response of regions varies according to the nature of the external disturbance and to the pre-shock regional characteristics. Finally, it seems that resilience also depends on factors' mobility.Informe Managing Stakeholders in Megaprojects.The MS Working Group Report(2015) Littau, Paul; Burcar Dunović, Ivana; Pau, Louis-François; Mancini, Mauro; Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel; Medina López, Carmen; Spang, Konrad; Travaglini, Agnese; Colombo, Raffaello; Nahod, Maja-Marija; Lukasiewicz, Agnieszka; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de OperacionesStakeholder management (SM) in megaprojects was established as one of four working groups within the Megaproject COST Action. The critical importance of stakeholder management in megaprojects was identified in the first phase of the COST Action‘s research by case studies. It was obvious that stakeholder have huge impact on the performance of megaprojects. Thus, this working group started with the focus on this specific aspect of megaproject management. Thereby, the focus was aligned with the overall aim of the COSTAction: "…to understand how megaprojects can be designed and delivered more effectively to ensure their effective commissioning within Europe. Effective design and delivery means not only insuring that the megaproject is delivered on-time and to budget but that it satisfies the societal and commercial needs that motivated its creation and that it continues to do so throughout its entire life-cycle.Informe Spanish Metro Line: Metro De Sevilla(2015) Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel; Medina López, Carmen; Alfalla Luque, Rafaela; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones