Ponencias (Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno)
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Ponencia Assessing overheating and undercooling risks in existing public secondary schools in Mediterranean climate(IOP Publishing, 2024) Calama-González, Carmen María; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Llanos-Jiménez, Jesús; Suárez, Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas I (ETSA); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Junta de Andalucía; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP130: Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Sostenibilidad: Acústica, Iluminación, Óptica y EnergíaDuring the last years, there has been a significant increase in temperatures, as well as in the intensity and duration of heatwaves due to climate change, which noticeably affects summer, but also winter conditions. Thus, assessing overheating and undercooling risks in the existing stock is of the utmost importance, especially in highly occupied educational buildings with natural ventilation systems. These risks do not only affect students' thermal comfort but their health and academic performance. Besides, COVID-19 has highlighted the energy vulnerability of schools and the complexity to adopt adequate strategies to enhance indoor environmental quality. To assess overheating and undercooling risks in educational buildings in southern Spain, a parameterized and validated building simulation model has been constructed from a representative school using monitored data. Through sensitivity analysis techniques, the most critical variables on adaptive thermal comfort in summer and winter have been determined. The study highlights the difficulty of guaranteeing a balance between indoor air quality and thermal comfort, since not only infiltration and ventilation rate have a key impact on thermal comfort, but also and more importantly ventilation schedules. These conclusions are vital to propose retrofit strategies to mitigate climate change while tackling undercooling, using parameterized building-archetype models, which allow to simulate other representative case studies in the area.Ponencia Spatio-temporal prediction surface displacement in urban underground excavation: a case study in Seville(Scipedia, 2024) Bahri, Maziyar; Mascort-Albea, Emilio J.; Romero-Hernández, Rocío; Soriano-Cuesta, Cristina; Jaramillo-Morilla, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP018: Ingeniería del TerrenoOne of the primary challenges in excavating underground in urban areas is controlling and mitigating ground surface displacement caused by Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) tunneling. It is crucial to avoid damaging historical monuments and buildings in these areas. This paper presents a new method for predicting the surface displacement caused by EPB in Seville. A spatiotemporal dataset was generated for this study using numerical simulation in FLAC3D. The simulation replicates the excavation process of the Seville metro line in real-time, and records the surface displacements at selected points in the dataset. The last 20-time steps of excavation are predicted, and the first 80-time steps are chosen for training and tuning hyperparameters, as the dataset is spatiotemporal. A recurrent neural network (RNN) is used to detect and predict patterns between surface displacement and input features at different time steps and locations of the excavation. After fine-tuning the RNN, the model achieved an accuracy of 0.91 for the evaluated R-squared (R2), indicating its practicality for real-time prediction of surface displacement in underground excavations in Seville. The model's performance can be further improved with a larger data range. By deploying it as a hazard detector, the model can issue a warning if the ground displacement exceeds the limit, thereby preventing potential hazards. This approach can help control and mitigate potential hazards in underground excavations in historical cities.Ponencia The shell structures of the Baroque(WIT Press, 2003) Escrig Pallarés, José Felix; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Sánchez Sánchez, José; Pérez Valcárcel, Juan; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología ArquitectónicaThe Baroque has been traditionally a style minimized by its tendency to decoration and its lack of the systematic. Gradually it has left demonstrating that this was a prejudice and that the architectural values were of first magnitude, comparable to the biggest landmarks of classic styles. As for the structural aspects we want to demonstrate that they overcome to as much as it was made previously by their space wealth, their economy of means and the intelligence of their solutions. Somehow they represent an antecedent of the shell architecture that so much it would make an exhibition with the Reinforced Concrete and the analytic techniques of dimensioning. With less means but with great intuition, the Baroque, invented forms of a complexity that today is still difficult to understand, at least geometrically. Paradoxically there are no investigations that help us to clarify the structural miracle of the Baroque since up to now it has been in historians' hands and not those of architects or engineers. This article tries to open the road in this unexplored field.Ponencia The SMA properties in civil engineering applications. The SMARTeR project: Use of SMA in damping of stayed cables for bridges(EDP Sciences, 2009) Torra Ferre, Vicenç; Isalgué Buxeda, Antonio; Carreras, G.; Lovey, Francisco C.; Soul, H.; Terriault, Patrick; Zapico Blanco, Beatriz; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Šittner, Petr; Paidar, Václav; Heller, Luděk; Seiner, Hanuš; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP107: Estructuras y GeotecniaOne of the classical applications of the SMA is based on the used of the hysteresis cycle associated to the martensitic transformation (classically, described as a first order phase transition) for damping devices. For each application a detailed knowledge of the conditions to be accomplished by the material is absolutely necessary. For the stayed cables in bridges of the Iroise bridge, the oscillation frequencies are 1 and 3 Hz; and the peak to peak oscillation amplitude is close to 10 cm and, also, the SMA works in close contact with the external ambient temperature. In fact, the bridge is a 2*2 lanes free highway situated between Brest and Plougastel (France). The main requirement is related to several days of intense winds or rain associated to strong storms. The conditions imposed to the samples suggest appropriate behavior for, at least, 500000 cycles of working. The experimental analysis, centered in NiTi, is focused in 1) the fatigue life of the samples, 2) the evaluation of the Clausius-Clapeyron coefficient, 3) assuring that the degradation of the material properties remains below a safety limit in the expected time scale of application, 4) modeling the cable behavior to show the positive damping capacity of SMA and 5) studying the applications in semi-realistic scale in the ELSA-JRC (a civil engineering facility in Ispra, Italy) demonstrating the positive effect of the SMA.Ponencia Preserving the Great Mosque of Cordoba (Spain): a preliminary mechanical characterization of its original natural stone(MDPI, 2023-10-24) Zapico Blanco, Beatriz; Rodríguez Mariscal, José Daniel; Zapata Rodríguez, Elena; Romero Arroyo, José Antonio; Fernández Ancio, Fernando; Solís Muñiz, Mario; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP107: Estructuras y Geotecnia; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP963: Ingeniería de Estructuras y Materiales; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las EstructurasThe Mosque of Cordoba (Spain) is an emblem of the rich cultural heritage of Western Andalusia. This research focuses on the mechanical characterization of the natural stone used in the building. Determining its properties is crucial to understanding the structural behaviour of the entire building. An experimental campaign with various mechanical tests, such as density, compression, indirect tensile, and bending tests, was conducted on more than 100 cubic and prismatic specimens obtained from the main quarry that supplies material for the mosque’s restoration. The results indicated the stone’s isotropic behaviour for the studied properties. Further analysis established correlations between compressive strength (averaging 6 MPa) and other mechanical properties. This preliminary characterization provides valuable information for future in situ testing and more sophisticated lab techniques.Ponencia Geodetic fundamentals in the development of a voxel model for the subsoil of the city of Sevilla (Spain)(Science and Technology Publications, 2024) Fuls, Andreas; Mascort-Albea, Emilio J.; Hidalgo Sánchez, Francisco Manuel; Kada, Martin; Soriano-Cuesta, Cristina; Romero-Hernández, Rocío; Jaramillo-Morilla, Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas II (ETSIE); Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Grueau, Cédric; Rodrigues, Armanda; Ragia, Lemonia; Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP018: Ingeniería del TerrenoCurrent global challenges require a better understanding of the subsoil to optimise underground resources and plan for sustainable development. This is a key issue in anthropised metropolitan environments, where the high density of elements makes difficult to gain knowledge of this reality. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) enables spatial management and visualisation of the underground data obtained from geotechnical surveys. The creation of 3D models in voxel format constitutes a pioneering and relevant line of research. This paper evaluates the main factors resulting from the integration of different topographic sources at a territorial level for the creation of surface models that efficiently adjust the geotechnical data collected, which usually lacks global height values. This task involved designing a coordinate system and a reference grid, as well as adjusting elevation data for the selected study case: the metropolitan area of Sevilla, Spain.Ponencia The restoration of San Pedro cliff at La Alhambra(IOS Press, 2005) Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Saura Martínez, Juan Francisco; Vázquez-Boza, Manuel; Durand Neyra, Percy; Justo Alpañés, Enrique; Azañón Hernández, José Miguel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del TerrenoSan Pedro cliff is a dihedral 65.5 m high, which has progressed to place itself at 23.8 m from the Alhambra wall-palace that is a heritage of the Humankind. A deep research on the Tectonics of the z.one, and an insight into the topographic measurements taken during several years, has shown that active normal faults surrounding the cliff have created an extension tectonic regime that loosens the ground and activates the ground falls. One major fault coincides with one of the faces of the dihedral. The factor of safety of the cliff subject to the 100 years period earthquake is O.73. The preservation solution proposed is a post-tensioned high elastic limit wire mesh and autochthonous vegetation. With this reinforcement, the factor of safety lmder that earthquake mises to a value around one. Inthis way, the environmental impact is negligble.Ponencia Prediction and performance for the foundation of a 40-storied tower in Tenerife Island(IOS Press, 2005) Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Justo Alpañés, Enrique; Durand Neyra, Percy; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del TerrenoA tower, 114.2 m high, has been successfully ended at Tenerife Island. The ground is mainly made up of fractured and weathered lava flows, alternating with scoria, which present cavities of variable size. The installation of rod extensometers at different depths below the foundation slab and clinometers has permitted a comparison between measured and calculated displacements, and the estimate of in situ moduli. A first class prediction (before construction) has allowed establishment of an upper and a lower limit for the settlements of the tower slab. The measured settlement is near the geometric mean of these values.Ponencia Ground improvement and reinforcement in four dikes on soft soil(International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2005) Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Durand Neyra, Percy; Soriano Cuesta, Cristina; Saura Martínez, Juan; Marco, José Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del TerrenoThe final stretch of the Low Guadalquivir Canal includes an irrigation control pond, closed by four homogeneous embankments, three of which are placed on marshland. Figure 2 shows the final design that incorporates the following elements: a geotextile with a stiffness of 8333 kPa at the base, band shaped drains and upper sand blankets, a chimney drain and widened berms. During 1157 days measurements have been taken at topographical stakes, settlement plates, piezometers and inclinometers placed within and below the embankments. Several rheological models have been employed to interpret the measured displacements and pore pressures.Ponencia Dynamic calculation for the dry closure of Almagrera tailings dam(Presses des Ponts, 2013) Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Morales Esteban, Antonio; Durand Neyra, Percy; Vázquez-Boza, Manuel; Jiménez, F. A.; Rossi, E.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Delage, Pierre; Desrues, Jacques; Frank, Roger; Puech, Alain; Schlosser, FrançoisAn original model, including dynamic calculation, has been developed for the dry closure of Almagrera tailings dam and is described herein. A dynamic analysis of a structure requires the previous definition of the accelerograms and the structure characteristics. A probabilistic method for selecting calculation accelerograms is presented in this paper. First, the probabilistic hazard equation for site is solved. Based on the hazard curves obtained, the uniform seismic hazard acceleration response spectrum (USHARS) is constructed for the location, according to the type of soil and the required hazard level (exposure time and exceedance probability). Then, calculation accelerograms are selected. Based on this methodology, real accelerograms, for a return period of 975 years, have been obtained.Ponencia A simplified model for collapse using suction controlled tests(Presses des Ponts, 2013) Vázquez, M.; Justo Alpañés, José Luis de; Durand Neyra, Percy; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Delage, Pierre; Desrues, Jacques; Frank, Roger; Puech, Alain; Schlosser, FrançoisAlonso et al. (1990) have presented the most comprehensive theory for partly saturated soils. Their constitutive equations present very complex formulations that rely on a large number of parameters, which are difficult to achieve unless advanced laboratory tests are performed. This paper presents a simple model for predicting the oedometric collapse of soils compacted with low density. The model has a minimum complexity, only needs two parameters, and establishes a linear relationship between log suction and volume change for different vertical pressures, until the moment when suction reaches the field capacity; then volume change remains at a constant value. This linear relationship is controlled by the Instability Index, Ipt. Suction controlled oedometer test have been carried out, and the results agree with sufficient degree of accuracy with the proposed model.Ponencia Interrelaciones de la docencia e investigación en las estructuras arquitectónicas para cursos superiores(2010) Escrig Pallarés, José Felix; Sánchez Sánchez, José; Cobreros Vime, Miguel Ángel; Vázquez Vicente, Enrique; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Rodríguez-León, María Teresa; Bueno Maldonado, Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología ArquitectónicaSe trata de exponer los avances obtenidos a al aplicar metodologías docentes en que se combinan los procesos de investigación que conduce este grupo de autores con los contenidos de los conocimientos que se pretende transmitir y las habilidades que proporcionan. Los alumnos se sumergen en un método en que nada se les da como inventado sino que tienen que participar en el descubrimiento.Ponencia Soil-structure interaction in the seismic vulnerability analysis of RC buildings. Application to a case study building located in southwestern Spain(2021) Requena García de la Cruz, María Victoria; Morales Esteban, Antonio; Durand Neyra, Percy; Romero Sánchez, Emilio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Papadrakakis, M.; Fragiadakis, M.; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP107: Estructuras y GeotecniaMost seismic vulnerability analyses do not consider the Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI). However, it has been proved that SSI does not equally affect all types of structures and all types of soils. The analysis of the state of the art reveals that SSI especially affects the performance of mid/high-rise buildings under soft/inelastic soil conditions. This leads to overestimating the capacity of buildings and to obtaining unreliable results. This paper aims to assess the soil influence in the seismic vulnerability analysis of a reinforced concrete (RC) building. Three models of a real case study building have been determined (low-rise (real), mid-rise and high-rise). A pre-code 1970s case study building, located in Huelva, has been selected. This building shares typical constructive and structural characteristics with most RC buildings constructed during that period. The 3D continuum model of the soil has been carried out to simulate its nonlinear behaviour. The most probable soil profile has been defined, observing a clayey soil. Therefore, the analyses have been performed under undrained conditions. Nonlinear static analyses have been carried out to determine the seismic capacity of the models through the finite element method (FEM). The damage has been assessed by means of the local procedure, defined in the European seismic code, and the global fragility procedure. The results have shown that the soil does not significantly influence the behaviour of low-rise buildings. However, in the case of mid- and high-rise buildings, the maximum capacity can be reduced by up to 10% and 30%, respectively.Ponencia Environmental benefits of using activated sugarcane bagasse ash in cementitious materials(2023) Torres de Sande, Verónica; Sadique, Monower; Pineda Palomo, Paloma; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Leathem, Tom; Collins, Wesley; Perrenoud, Anthony J.; Universidad de Sevilla. HUM965: Transhumancias: Hábitat, Salud, Patrimonio, Tecnología y ArteIn this research, a comprehensive environmental-based approach is applied to evaluate the effectiveness of biomass ashes processing methods to produce cementitious materials. Efforts are put in research to obtain new low-carbon cementitious materials by incorporating waste, such as sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA). Processing methods are commonly used to counteract the drawbacks linked to the nature of ashes and boost their benefits, but the energy needed to do this, can jeopardize their environmental interest and is commonly disregarded by researchers. This research investigates the benefits of processing SCBA by mechanical activation in the production of mortars and its environmental impact. It was found that treated ashes outperforms when substituting fine aggregates, increasing the compressive strength (CoS) of plain mortars by 62%. Despite the higher embodied carbon (EC) per cubic meter, treated SCBA in substitution of fine aggregates result in higher eco-strength efficiency, +32%. This enables the reduction of structural elements’ sections diminishing the material use and the ultimate EC, named in this research as specific embodied carbon, up to 40%.Artículo Robust improvement of the finite-element-model updating of historical constructions via a new combinative computational algorithm(Elsevier, 2024-04) Naranjo Pérez, Javier; Rodríguez Romero, Rubén; Pachón García, Pablo; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Sáez Pérez, Andrés; Pavic, Aleksandar; Jiménez Alonso, Javier Fernando; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Andalusian Regional Government (Spain) grant number US-1381164; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain and FEDER, European Union grant number PID2021-127627OB-I00; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología ArquitectónicaFinite-element-models are usually employed to simulate the behaviour of historical constructions. However, despite the high complexity of these numerical models, there are always discrepancies between the actual behaviour of the structure and the numerical predictions obtained. In order to improve their performance, an updating process can be implemented. According to this process, the value of the most relevant physical parameters of the model is adjusted to better mimic the actual behaviour of the structure. For this purpose, the actual structural behaviour is usually characterized via its experimental modal properties (natural frequencies and associated vibration modes). For practical engineering applications, the maximum likelihood method is normally considered to cope with this problem, due to its easy implementation together with an understandable interpretation of the updating results. However, the complexity of these numerical models makes unfeasible the practical implementation of the process due to the simulation time required for its computation. In order to shed some light to this problem, a new combinative computational algorithm is proposed herein. Additionally, the performance of the proposal has been assessed successfully via two applications: (i) a validation example, the model updating of a laboratory footbridge, in which the practical implementation of the algorithm has been described in detail; and (ii) a case-study, the model updating of a complex historical construction, in which the main advantage of the proposal has been highlighted, a clear reduction of the simulation time required to solve the updating problem without compromising the accuracy of the solution obtained.Ponencia Dynamic identification for structural analysis of Santa Ana church in Seville(2019) Aguilar Valseca, Jaime; Rodríguez-León, María Teresa; Pachón García, Pablo; Vázquez Vicente, Enrique; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería del Diseño; Pinto Puerto, Francisco Sebastián; Verhagen, Philip; Prieto Ibáñez, Andrés José; Ortiz Calderón, Pilar; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología Arquitectónica; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las EstructurasSanta Ana Church (1.266) is one of the main milestones in the heritage of Seville for being the first Christian church built outside the city walls and on the other side of the river, after the Reconquest of the city. The singularity of the geometry of its vaults together with its execution in brick and stone masonry make complex to determine the properties of materials. The impossibility of characterizing these materials by means of destructive tests leads to the application of other non-destructive technologies that allow us to approach the behavior of the numerical models to the reality performed. This paper tries to determine the mechanical properties of the materials that constitute the structure of the church of Santa Ana, which are brick and stone masonry, through analyzing its dynamic behavior with environmental vibration techniques and modal operations analysis (OMA). After having carried the campaign out using the methods of modal identification in the stochastic subspace and in the frequency domain, four vibration modes are obtained that adjust to the modal behavior of the current building, within a frequency range between 2 and 4 Hz. Initially, and thanks to new techniques such as photogrammetry, it has been possible to develop a finite element model (FEM) to analyze the structure with theoretical parameters of its materials. With this model and through the environmental vibration technical it is possible to conclude with the suitability of the application of a non-destructive method in heritage buildings to extract the mechanical properties of the materials that constitute its structure through its dynamic behavior.Ponencia Application of operational modal analysis method in the Monastery of San Jeronimo (Seville, Spain)(2014) Pachón García, Pablo; Sáez Pérez, Andrés; Cámara Pérez, Margarita; Rodríguez-Mayorga, Esperanza; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología ArquitectónicaThe use of Operational Modal Analysis is establishing as an acceptable tool for the update of numerical models. Through its application, mechanical properties of structural elements, as stiffness or mass, can be obtained with great accuracy. The analysis of the current structural state of the Monastery of San Jerónimo, an important piece of heritage located in Seville (Spain), is presented in this paper. The monastery dates from the XV century. The cloister has been analysed by OMA in order to update a FE model, to subsequently carry out the structural assessment of the Monastery.Ponencia Consideration of the non-linear behavior materials in the structural analysis of the church of Santa Ana in Sevilla by finit elements method(2023) Aguilar Valseca, Jaime; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Baeza Álvarez, Juan Ramón; Garduño Ferreras, Carlos; Pachón García, Pablo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería del Diseño; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas II (ETSIE); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología Arquitectónica; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP198: Materiales y Construcción; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las EstructurasThe purpose of this paper is to bring the numerical models' structural behavior closer to the real behavior of the Church of Santa Ana in Seville, in Triana, through the development of high-definition geometric models that incorporate the non-linear materials' behavior. This church is presented as a unique case study due to the geometric complexity of its vaults and the influence on the structural behavior of the constructive solution of its passable roof. A geometrical model has been developed “as i”t, adapting the various constructive solutions to the real building. The result is a ”high definition geometrical model”. To define the materials a dynamic identification campaign has been carried out using OMA (Operational Modal Analysis) that has allowed us to adjust the mechanical properties of these materials in the numerical models. Modal shapes and frequencies of vibration similar to those obtained in the environmental vibration campaign has been obtained. A first linear analysis give us an approximation and a magnitude order of the displacement levels and the stress state, and let us to locate areas that exceed the admissible level stresses of the defined materials. With these results and analyzing in situ the displacement levels using photogrammetry, we decide to implement in the numerical analysis a constitutive model that contemplates the nonlinear behavior of these materials with Concrete Damage Plasticity model in Abaqus Cae. A non-linear analysis has been performed increasin the gravity factor until the structural collapse to determinate the structural safety factor.Ponencia Meta-modelling for fast prediction of the effective elastic properties of cement mortar doped with CNT(2023) Rodríguez Romero, Rubén; Pachón García, Pablo; Aguilar Valseca, Jaime; Baeza Álvarez, Juan Ramón; Garduño Ferreras, Carlos; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería del Diseño; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas II (ETSIE); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología Arquitectónica; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP198: Materiales y ConstrucciónThis article presents an innovative metamodeling approach for predicting the effective elastic properties of cement grouts containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs), for the purpose of structural rehabilitation. The study addresses the homogenization of nano- and micro- scales through a Representative Volume Element (RVE). The numerical model consists of a cement matrix doped with randomly oriented CNTs, yet the computational load associated with this model poses a significant processing limitation. To overcome this challenge, a metamodeling approach based on a Kriging surrogate model is proposed. This approach provides a fast and accurate alternative to bypass the timeconsuming numerical homogenization process. The surrogate model establishes a connection between the microstructural characteristics of CNTs, cement, and the effective elastic properties of the composite grouts. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed metamodel are demonstrated through detailed analyses.Ponencia A hybrid UKF-MGA algorithm for finite element model updating of historical constructions(2019) Naranjo Pérez, Javier; Sáez Pérez, Andrés; Jiménez Alonso, Javier Fernando; Pachón García, Pablo; Compán Cardiel, Víctor Jesús; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Estructuras de Edificación e Ingeniería del Terreno; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP245: Ingeniería de las Estructuras; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP114: Tecnología ArquitectónicaThe finite element model (FE) updating is a calibration method that allows minimizing the discrepancies between the numerical and experimental modal parameters. As result, a more accurate FE model is obtained and the structural analysis can represent the real behaviour of the structure. However, it is a high computational cost process. To overcome this issue, alternative techniques have been developed. This study focuses on the use of the unscented Kalman filter (UKF), which is a local optimization algorithm based on statistical estimation of parameters taken into account the measurements. The dome of a real chapel is considered as benchmark structure. A FE model is updated applying two different algorithms: (i) the multi-objective genetic algorithm and (ii) a hybrid unscented Kalman filter-multi-objective genetic algorithm (UKF-MGA). Finally, a discussion of the results will be presented to compare the performance of both algorithms.