Ponencias (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores)

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  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Incorporación y Evaluación de Metodologías Docentes basadas en Actividades Académicamente Dirigidas dentro de los Másteres de Ingeniería Informática
    (Universidad de Cádiz, 2008) Díaz del Río, Fernando; Vicente Díaz, Saturnino; Sevillano Ruiz, J.L.; López Torres, Miguel R.; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    En este trabajo se describen el método y los resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de innovación docente concedido dentro del PRMD (Plan de Renovación de Metodologías Docentes 2007) de la Universidad de Sevilla, para favorecer que las asignaturas del Máster de Ingeniería y Tecnología del Software (ITS) cambien del tradicional enfoque instruccional, hacia otro basado en métodos constructivistas. Para ello, se impulsó la introducción de metodologías activas en el máster, teniendo en cuenta las características distintivas de sus asignaturas. En concreto, se adaptó el llamado Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) a una de las asignaturas del máster, pues, aunque es un modelo pedagógico altamente satisfactorio en muchas materias, no es muy común en Ingeniería Informática. La evaluación de los resultados se realizó a través de comparativas de opiniones de alumnos y de todos los profesores del máster (incluyendo los que no usaron este método), arrojando unos valores muy positivos.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Nuclear reaction induced by halo nuclei around the Coulomb barrier
    (WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 1996) Dasso, Carlos Hugo; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Lenzi, S. M.; Vitturi, A.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    We investigate in the framework of the semiclassical approximation the relative importance onf the Coulomb and nuclear fields to induce the break-up of neutron rich nuclei such as LI at energies close to the Coulomb barrier. We assume that the mechanism that leads to the separation is the excitation of a low-lying dipole mode in wich the weakly-bound neutron halo performs a collective oscillation against the residual nuclear core. Consecuences of the couplings for elastic scattering and fusion processes are also discussed.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    (Springer, 2024) Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Morón Fernández, María José; Wainer, Gabriel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    Introduction to the proceedings of the 15th edition of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) International Conference on Simulation Tools and Tech niques (SIMUtools 2023).
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Simulation of Antiphase Dynamics in Lasers with Cellular Automata. A Work in Progress [Póster]
    (2016) Jiménez Morales, Eduardo; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Palmero Ramos, Faustino; Archilla, Juan F. R.
    The classical point of view to study the laser dynamics are the Maxwell-Bloch equations however the CA models are complementary tools that represent an advantage in cases in which the system of differential equations have convergence problems.
  • Acceso AbiertoCapítulo de Libro
    Efficient parallel implementation of cellular automata and stencil computations in current processors
    (Springer, 2022) Díaz del Río, Fernando; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    A Cellular Automaton is a bio-inspired discrete model of computation with multiple applications, consisting of a regular grid of cells that have different states a long time. Our research group at the University of Seville(Spain)collaborated in the past with Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat in the fusion of Cellular Automata(CA) with another bio-inspired approach, the Address-Event-Representation (AER) neuromorphic communication protocol, for implementing a vision filter based on 3×3 convolutions[22].In the last years, our group has continued working on the optimization of CA implementations in current high-performance computational systems. In this chapter, several of these optimizations will be described, focusing on those especially a mediated current processor, including hardware alternatives (e.g. GPUs, BTBs, etc.), different forms of parallelism such as instruction-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, data-level parallelism, as well as software approaches (such as ‘if-else’ statement elimination, loop unrolling, data pipelining and blocking, etc.). The effect of these optimizations will be qualitatively illustrated by means of the Roof line model, considering simple CAs such as the well-known Game-of-Life (GOL), which has been extensively used to explore CA characteristics. This CA was invented by John Horton Conway, an English mathematician that recently died of complications from COVID-19, so we want this case-study to serve also as a tribute to him.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    A cellular automaton model of a laser with saturable absorber reproducing laser passive Q-switching
    (Springer, 2022) Jiménez Morales, Francisco; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    In this paper, we present a cellular automata model for a two-level laser which includes a saturable absorber. We show that the model reproduces laser passive Q-switching, a behavior in which intense short pulses of laser radiation are produced. Depending on the concentration of the absorbent, the automaton model qualitatively reproduces two operating states of the laser: a stable state and another oscillatory or pulsed state.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Comparing the efficiency of traffic simulations using cellular automata
    (Springer, 2024) Díaz del Río, Fernando; Ragel Díaz Jara, David; Morón Fernández, María José; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    The shift toward electric vehicles requires the development of an extensive public electric charging infrastructure. With the aim of simulating hundreds of configurations for charging stations, street direc tions, crossing, etc., we need to find the best solution in short periods of time to predict and prevent traffic congestion. Thus, we study dif ferent models to discretize and manage vehicle movements using a syn chronous cellular automata, with an emphasis in reducing the amount of (frequently accessed) memory and execution time, and improving the thread parallelism. This is guided by the classical lemma of computer architecture “make the common case fast”, thus optimizing those code sections where most of the execution time is spent. Experiments carried out for microscopic traffic simulations indicate that compiled languages increase run-time efficiency by more than 70×. Then several strategies are studied, such as storing future velocities of each vehicle so that neigh bor vehicles can benefit from this information. Using a single 12-core PC, we get to a total run-time for a unidimensional simulation that is very close to that reached by supercomputers composed of thousands of cores that use interpreted languages. This may also greatly reduce the energy consumed. Although some performance degradation may occur when complex situations are introduced (crossroads, traffic lights, etc.), this degradation would not be significant if the length of the streets were large enough
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Integrating efficient routes with station monitoring for electric vehicles in urban environments: simulation and analysis
    (Springer, 2024) Ragel Díaz Jara, David; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Morón Fernández, María José; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Cerezuela Escudero, Elena
    The electrification of road transportation requires the devel opment of an extensive infrastructure of public charging stations (CSs). In order to avoid them contributing to increased traffic congestion and air pollution in a city, it is very important to optimize their deployment. To tackle this challenge, we present microscopic traffic simulations with a hybrid cellular automata and agent-based model to study different strate gies to route electric vehicles (EVs) to CSs, when their battery level is low. EVs and CSs are modeled as agents with capability to demonstrate complex behaviors. Our models take into account the complex nature of traffic and decisions about routes and their predicted behavior. We show that a synthetic city is very useful for investigating the routing behavior and traffic patterns. We have found that a smart routing strategy can contribute to balancing the distribution of EVs among the different CSs in a distributed network, which is the CS layout that produces less traffic congestion. Contrary to our initial expectations, ensuring a balanced dis tribution throughout the city did not necessarily result in an increase in overall productivity. This observation led to a deeper exploration of the nuances of urban transport dynamics. Furthermore, our study empha sizes the superiority of time-based routing over its distance-based coun terpart and highlights the inherent limitations of transportation within acity.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Designing ev charging stations deployment through holistic simulations: the sanevec project
    (Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2023) Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Jiménez Moreno, Gabriel; Díaz del Río, Fernando; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Morón Fernández, María José; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; Jiménez Morales, Francisco; Cerezuela Escudero, Elena; Montes Sánchez, José Manuel; Casanueva Morato, Daniel; Ayuso Martínez, Álvaro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    To determine the optimal location of the large number of urban public charging stations that will have to be deployed in the following years to transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is a challenging task, as it is intimately interconnected with the complexity of urban traffic and electric grid operation. The city is a complex system in which emerging patterns such as traffic jams, and instabilities or even outages in the electric grid are difficult to predict. The layout of charging stations can alter those patterns in traffic and electric grid operation, with consequences to mobility, air quality, and electric system. The present article presents the concept under the research project SANEVEC. It will build a framework for the optimal determination of the location of EV charging stations in a city based on simulation, which will be able to reproduce the feedback effects between all the variables involved: locations of the stations, traffic patterns, characteristics, and operation of the electricity grid, charging fees and air quality in the city. It will employ artificial intelligence methods to find high-quality station location solutions from the simulations and to predict the air quality in the city.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Integrating a hippocampus memory model into a neuromorphic robotic-arm for trajectory navigation
    (IEEE Circuits and Systems Society., 2024) Casanueva Morato, Daniel; López Osorio, Pablo; Piñero Fuentes, Enrique; Domínguez Morales, Juan Pedro; Pérez Peña, Fernando; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    Neuromorphic engineering endeavors to integrate the computational prowess and efficiency inherent in biological neuronal systems, such as the brain, into contemporary technological systems, primarily through the deployment of spiking neural networks. This research delineates the development and implementation of a bio-inspired sequential hippocampus memory model, which can effectively learn and sequentially recall memories, within a robotic infrastructure. The hippocampus memory model, implemented on the SpiNNaker platform, has been tactically utilized to control a 4-joint event-based robot arm, the ED-ScorBot, by learning and then recalling trajectories via a sequence of memories regarding joint positions. The conveyed spiking information from SpiNNaker is interpreted by an FPGA in real-time to command the event-driven motors of the robotic arm, integrating learned trajectories into physical robotic movement. An empirical exploration validates the model’s capability to govern the robotic arm’s trajectory with precision and dependability while simultaneously demonstrating the potential for incorporating spike-based memory models in robotic applications. This synergistic convergence of neuromorphic engineering and robotics illustrates a viable pathway towards sophisticated, efficient, and adaptable robotic systems capable of learning and reproducing complex tasks, with significant implications for future developments in autonomous robotic applications.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Climate Change monitoring with Art-Risk 5: New approach for environmental hazard assessment in Seville and Almería Historic Centres (Spain)
    (Elsevier, 2024) Moreno Falcón, Mónica; Barea, Rafael; Castro, Luis; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Ortiz, Rocío; Ortiz, Pilar; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; European Union; Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. España; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP108: Robótica y Tecnología de Computadores
    Currently, climate change is significantly impacting historic cities, altering energy demands, and influencing tourism patterns. In this context, the analysis of extensive datasets derived from satellite imagery offers a means to monitor the effects of climate change on both urban and territorial scales. Art-Risk 5.0 is an open digital tool designed to easily track temperature variations, precipitation patterns, urban heat islands, and vegetation health using satellite resources. The applications in two historic cities in southern Spain, Almeria and Sevilla was analyzed to assess the impact of climate change. The outcomes of Art-Risk 5.0 have provided valuable data for diagnosing the impact of climate change in these historic cities. The major climatic hazards identified in southern Spain are high temperatures, torrential rainfall, and droughts. Additionally, over the past 20 years, an increase in maximum temperatures and drought intensity has been observed in Sevilla and Almeria. On the urban scale, urban heat islands are concentrated in neighborhoods with limited green and blue infrastructure. The ability to analyze time series of climate data from satellite images makes Art-Risk 5.0 an extremely useful tool for monitoring the impact of climate change and promoting sustainable adaptation policies.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Un simulador de memorias cache multinivel
    (Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2001) Almisas, Ricardo; Paz Vicente, Rafael; Linares Barranco, Alejandro; Amaya Rodríguez, Claudio Antonio; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    En este trabajo, se describe un simulador gráfico denominado Simula Cache 1.0, que facilita la realización de prácticas sobre jerarquía de memoria en cursos de arquitectura y estructura de computadores. Está inspirado en el conocido Dinero III [1], aunque diseñado para un entorno W9x-NT, con una interfaz gráfica muy intuitiva y fácil de utilizar. Además, incluye algunas características avanzadas (hasta tres niveles de cache, prebúsqueda, subbloques, etc.) así como parámetros normalmente no incluidos en otros simuladores. Por ello, puede también ser útil para evaluación de sistemas realistas o como validación de modelos de prestaciones
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Foveal-pit inspired filtering of DVS spike response
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE), 2021) Gupta, Shriya T.P; Linares Serrano, Pablo; Sen Bhattacharya, Basabdatta; Serrano Gotarredona, María Teresa; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); Science and Engineering Research Board; Comisión Europea
    In this paper, we present results of processing Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) recordings of visual patterns with a retinal model based on foveal-pit inspired Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filters. A DVS sensor was stimulated with varying number of vertical white and black bars of different spatial frequencies moving horizontally at a constant velocity. The output spikes generated by the DVS sensor were applied as input to a set of DoG filters inspired by the receptive field structure of the primate visual pathway. In particular, these filters mimic the receptive fields of the midget and parasol ganglion cells (spiking neurons of the retina) that sub-serve the photo-receptors of the foveal- pit. The features extracted with the foveal-pit model are used for further classification using a spiking convolutional neural network trained with a backpropagation variant adapted for spiking neural networks.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    SciArt: Prácticas transdisciplinares en la sinergia del Arte y la Ciencia
    (Universidad de La Laguna, 2022) García Robles, Rocío; Bustamante Gallardo, Claudio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    Una posible definición del término SciArt incluiría su caracterización como práctica post-disciplinar y post-mediática fusionando elementos típicamente asociados con las Artes y las Ciencias, generando una investigación en ambas áreas, sin olvidar a la tecnología como facilitadora y producto del ámbito científico en el que se sustenta. En este contexto, y desde nuestra investigación, (proyecto ASTER, fondos FEDER78), pretendemos arrojar algunas evidencias sobre la caracterización de las prácticas SciArt en sus múltiples dimensiones, entre las que se encuentran las siguientes: inspiracional, discursiva, procedimental y ejecutiva.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    An educational approach to Computational Thinking through Arts and Creativity
    (Alma Mater Press, AMEU – ECM, 2022) Rodríguez, J.M.; García Robles, Rocío; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Ministerio de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades (Junta de Andalucía)
    The popularization of digital and electronic devices in recent years is produc ing technological and social changes. In current curricula, whether formal or informal education, it is becoming common to read Computational Thinking as a teaching subject. The approach in the high school is potentially interesting beyond its usefulness to get a future job. Organizations such as UNESCO or the European Commission have considered this skill essential for citizens [1]. However, teaching computational thinking is likely to be approached merely as teaching how to program computers, losing the opportunity to experiment with its broad scientific and cultural substrate
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Mind the (Earth) Gap
    (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021) García Robles, Rocío; Muñoz del Amo, Áurea; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    We present a digital interactive installation about how individu als’ tiny actions impact on climate change. The viewer is asked, through a digital interface, for a series of binary questions about daily behaviors. The system runs an algorithm that statistically analyzes the answers, which influence into two videos to be pro jected simultaneous and synchronously. The objective is to make everybody aware of his/her individual decisions influencing the collective destiny of the planet.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Syntactic Analysis of Digital Artworks
    (ARTECH, 2021-10) García Robles, Rocío; Muñoz del Amo, Áurea; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    Digital artworks have specific features to be analyzed compared to others. In current paper, a methodology for analyzing digital artworks is presented. Firstly, some features proposed by relevant academics are reviewed. Secondly, an integrated methodology is suggested. Finally, four digital installations are further explored based on the afore-mentioned methodology.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Improved Least-Square DV-Hop Algorithm for Localization in large scale wireless sensor network
    (IEEE Xplore, 2022-08) Mani, Rahma; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Liouane, Noureddine; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
    Certain applications of wireless sensor networks require that the sensor nodes should be aware of their position relative to the sensor environment. Generally in the applications of positioning in the internet of things (IoT), there is a deficiency of localization precision and concrete results. It is really important to maintain high-efficient localization schemes for the Internet of things, especially for wireless sensor networks. For that, an improved DV-hop algorithm is proposed in this paper to move for more accurate results based on the least square method. Therefore, the weight coefficient is calculated between an anchor node and the other anchor nodes using the mean square method. Then, this weighting coefficient, the hop size, will be applied between the unknown nodes and the anchor nodes in order to determine the distances. The computed hop-size average significantly enhances the positioning accuracy which is approved by the experiments that explain how suitable this improved Last- Square DV-hop Algorithm is for localization in WSN.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Design, Implementation and Validation of a Simulation Tool for Networked Virtual Environments
    (IEE Xplore, 2012-06) Font, Juan Luis; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis; Cascado Caballero, Daniel; López Muñoz, Gema; Regassa, Berhanu; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
    The popularisation of Networked Virtual Environment (NVE) applications in several context, including social interaction and e-Health fields, makes them an interesting subject of study. The proper estimation of their network requirements are key to ensure a good user experience, an important factor that determines the acceptance and success of the applications. The studies focused on NVE with an important social component are relatively scarce. This paper presents the design, implementation and validation of a simulation tool to assist in the study of the requirements of a NVE application, Open Wonderland. This tool will facilitate the study of several parameters that define the user experience. The study describes the overall structure, development framework and models that define the traffic generation patterns and validates the simulation results by comparing its traces with real traffic from previous studies.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Toward Dependency-Aware API Gateways
    (SISTEDES: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2023-09-12) Barakat, Saman; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España
    Web APIs often include inter-parameter dependencies that constrain how input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service. API requests violating one or more of these dependencies result in an unnecessary exchange of messages, causing a waste of time and user quota. Also, dependencies are often not correctly checked by the servers, resulting in critical failures or uninformative error responses. In this paper, we propose extending API gateways to support the detection and explanation of inter-parameter dependencies violations. To achieve this goal, we leveraged IDL4OAS, an OAS extension for describing the dependencies among input parameters in web APIs, and IDLReasoner, a constraint-based IDL reasoner. Both were integrated into a prototype tool using Spring Cloud Gateway. Preliminary evaluation results on five industrial API operations show that our approach can successfully detect and explain all invalid requests, reducing the response time by around 80.31% and minimizing potential input validation failures.