Ponencias (Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática)

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  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Kalman-inspired distributed set-membership observers
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016) García Rodríguez, Ramón Andrés; Orihuela Espina, Diego Luis; Millán, Pablo; Ortega Linares, Manuel Gil; Rodríguez Rubio, Francisco; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    In this paper we propose a novel algorithm for distributed set-membership observation based on zonotopes. The method is able to estimate the dynamics of non-directly measured unstable modes. The distributed observer gains are optimally chosen to minimize the Frobenius norm of the prediction zonotope. The simulations show that the performance of the proposed distributed observation technique is comparable to that of a centralized observer.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Agent-based guaranteed estimation and control of nonlinear systems
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015) García Rodríguez, Ramón Andrés; Millán, P.; Orihuela Espina, Diego Luis; Rodríguez Rubio, Francisco; Ortega Linares, Manuel Gil; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
    This paper presents a distributed guaranteed estimation and control technique for a class of nonlinear system. The system outputs are being measured by a set of agents whose objective is the estimation of the whole state. Furthermore, one agent is responsible for the control of the plant. Compared to the case of distributed estimation, the joint problem becomes harder to solve due to the fact that the agents ignore the actual control action being applied to the plant. The solution proposed makes use to zonotopes to find a set that contains the control action. The proposed algorithm has been tested with a simulation example.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Guaranteed Estimation for Distributed Networked Control Systems
    (Springer, 2015) García Rodríguez, Ramón Andrés; Orihuela Espina, Diego Luis; Millán, Pablo; Ortega Linares, Manuel Gil; Rodríguez Rubio, Francisco; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Moreira, António Paulo; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España
    This paper proposes a distributed estimation and control scheme for discrete linear time-invariant systems. The plant is monitored and controlled by a network of agents that collect information about the system evolution and apply control inputs to drive its behavior. Bounded disturbances and measurement noises are considered through a zonotope-based approach. It is proven that the state of the plant belongs to the prediction and estimation zonotopes constructed by all the agents at every time instant. The performance of the proposed technique is tested by simulation using a classical system: the inverted pendulum on a cart.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Lightweight compliant arm with compliant finger for aerial manipulation and inspection
    (IEEE, 2016) Suárez Fernández-Miranda, Alejandro; Heredia Benot, Guillermo; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151: Robótica, Visión y Control
    This paper presents the design and experimental validation of a compliant and lightweight 3-DOF robotic arm - shoulder yaw, shoulder pitch and elbow pitch joints - equipped with a compliant finger module intended for aerial inspection and manipulation in contact with the environment. A simple transmission mechanism consisting in a pair of compression springs and a flange bearing is integrated in the shoulder pitch and elbow pitch joints between the servo shaft and the output frame. Joint deflection measurement with potentiometer allows joint torque but also contact force estimation and control. The low stiffness of the compliant finger has been exploited for soft collision detection and obstacle localization, in such a way that the contact forces do not significantly disturb the UAV. Fixed-base experiments have been performed with the arm, including the characterization of the compliant joints and the control of the contact force at wrist point.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Coalitional control: A bottom-up approach
    (IEEE, 2015) Fele, Filiberto; Maestre Torreblanca, José María; Camacho, Eduardo F.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
    The recent major developments in information technologies have opened interesting possibilities for the effective management of multi-agent systems. In many cases, the important role of central control nodes can now be undertaken by several controllers in a distributed topology that suits better the structure of the system. This opens as well the possibility to promote cooperation between control agents in competitive environments, establishing links between controllers in order to adapt the exchange of critical information to the degree of subsystems' interactions. In this paper a bottom-up approach to coalitional control is presented, where the structure of each agent's model predictive controller is adapted to the time-variant coupling conditions, promoting the formation of coalitions - clusters of control agents where communication is essential to ensure the cooperation - whenever it can bring benefit to the overall system performance.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    The speed assignment problem for conflict resolution in aerial robotics
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012) Alejo, David; Cobano Suárez, José Antonio; Trujillo, Miguel Ángel; Viguria, Antidio; Rodríguez Castaño, Ángel; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151: Robótica, Visión y Control
    This paper presents an efficient conflict resolution method for multiple aerial vehicles based on speed planning. The problem is assigning a speed profile to each aerial vehicle in real time such that the separation between them is greater than a minimum safety value and the total deviation from the initial planned trajectories is minimized. Also, the arrival time of each aerial vehicle at the end waypoint of the trajectory is taken into account to solve the conflicts. The proposed method involves the use of appropriate airspace discretization. The method consists of two steps: a search tree step, which finds if it exists a solution; and an optimization step by solving a QP-problem, which minimizes a cost function. The paper also presents simulations for several scenarios and experiments that have been carried out in the multivehicle aerial testbed of the Center for Advanced Aerospace Technologies (CATEC).
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    A 4D grid based approach for efficient conflict detection in large-scale multi-UAV scenarios
    (IEEE, 2019) Acevedo Báñez, José Joaquín; Rodríguez Castaño, Ángel; Andrade Pineda, José Luis; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresas I
    This paper proposes an algorithm to detect conflicts among UAVs from a strategic point of view. The method is based on the representation of the airspace as a 4D grid of cells. Given a set of UAVs with their scheduled 4D trajectories (their flight plans), the whole scenario is discretized as a 4D grid and the problem is solved by filling the appropriate cell for each way-point from the trajectories and checking the neighboring cells. The proposed method is tested and compared against a traditional algorithm getting a significantly better performance. The proposed method also scales very well with increasing number of UAVs and way-points per trajectory.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Thermal detection and generation of collision-free trajectories for cooperative soaring UAVs
    (IEEE, 2013) Cobano Suárez, José Antonio; Alejo, David; Sukkarieh, S.; Heredia Benot, Guillermo; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151: Robótica, Visión y Control
    This paper presents a cooperative system architecture that extends the flight duration of multiple gliding fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for long endurance missions. The missions are defined by a set of Points of Interest (PoI) and UAVs should pass through them. A module to detect and identify thermals is implemented to exploit their energy and extend the flight duration, known as static soaring. A collision-free trajectory planner based on the RRT∗ (Optimal Rapidly-exploring Random Trees) planning algorithm is implemented. The proposed system allows applications in real time because of its low computational needs. Simulations and experiments carried out in the airfield of La Cartuja (Seville, Spain) show the performance and advantages of the proposed system.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Multiple gliding UAV coordination for static soaring in real time applications
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013) Cobano Suárez, José Antonio; Alejo, David; Vera, S.; Heredia Benot, Guillermo; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Commission (EC); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Junta de Andalucía; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151: Robótica, Visión y Control
    This paper addresses the problem of extending the flight duration of cooperative missions with multiple gliding fixed-wing UAVs by using the energy that comes from static soaring. We consider exploration missions where UAVs should pass through a set of Point of Interest (PoI) with the presence of thermals in the space. These thermals can be exploited to provide energy in terms of altitude for each gliding UAV. The objective of the mission is to extend the flight duration of each UAV to explore the environment without landing and decreasing the time to perform the mission. An algorithm named Bounded Recursive Heuristic Search (BRHS), based on Depth-First search techniques, is applied to the PoIs and to the UAVs. The main advantage is the real time application because of the low computational load. The paper presents a set of simulations and experiments have carried out in the airfield of La Cartuja (Seville, Spain).
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Path planning based on Genetic Algorithms and the Monte-Carlo method to avoid aerial vehicle collisions under uncertainties
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011) Cobano Suárez, José Antonio; Conde, Roberto; Alejo, David; Ollero Baturone, Aníbal; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Commission (EC); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP151; Robótica, Visión y Control
    This paper presents a collision-free path planning method for an aerial vehicle sharing airspace with other aerial vehicles. It is based on grid models and genetic algorithms to find safe trajectories. Monte-Carlo method is used to evaluate the best predicted trajectories considering different sources of uncertainty such as the wind, the inaccuracies in the vehicle model and limitations of on-board sensors and control system.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    On the optimization of irradiance distribution in solar tower plants with flat receivers
    (IEEE, 2014-06) Gallego Len, Antonio Javier; Fele, Filiberto; Camacho, Eduardo F.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Ministerio de Educación. España; European Commission (EC)
    One of the most important problems in the operation of solar power towers is to achieve a uniform flux density distribution at the receiver, in order to avoid hot spots. An algorithm that computes the aim points for the heliostat field to obtain a uniform flux density distribution and optimize the solar irradiation collected by the receiver is presented in this paper. The algorithm is tested using a model of the heliostat field of the CESA-1 solar tower plant at the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in southern Spain.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    A Hierarchical MPC Framework to Mitigate Faults and Risks in Microgrids
    (Elsevier, 2024-07-01) Zafra Cabeza, Ascensión; Velarde Rueda, Pablo; Bordons Alba, Carlos; Ridao Carlini, Miguel Ángel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Union (UE); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP116: Automática y Robótica Industrial
    This paper presents a hierarchical MPC-based control framework for a real microgrid including solar panels and batteries, that considers the uncertainty from the point of view of faults and risks (F&R) mitigation. While fault management is applied during plant operation, risk management considers external factors that can change microgrid planning in the medium-long term. Due to their different time-scales, a two-layer control scheme is proposed using Model Predictive Control (MPC) at both levels. At the bottom layer, the fault-tolerant predictive controller optimizes the operation by manipulating inputs to follow microgrid set-points. A reconfiguration strategy is implemented using structured residuals and stochastic thresholds. On the other hand, the upper layer develops an optimal mitigation strategy, also based on MPC, to reduce the effects of risks obtained from external information, i.e., unexpected changes in demands, maintenance costs, or deviations in generation. The decision variables of this layer are the selection of mitigation actions to be undertaken, which minimise a proposed multicriteria objective function. different simulations have been carried out to show the efficacy of this methodology in a F&R scenario from a stochastic point of view.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Robust FOPID Control of an After-Cooler Heat Exchanger with TES
    (Elsevier, 2024-06-01) Schiavo, Michele; Garrido Satué, Manuel; Beschi, Manuel; Visioli, Antonio; Arahal, Manuel R.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Union (UE); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP201: Ingeniería de Automatización, Control y Robótica; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC275: Investigación y Desarrollo en Electrónica, Automática y Tecnologías Emergentes
    In this paper the temperature control of an after-cooler heat exchanger (AHX) with Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is considered. The AHX can be modelled as a nonlinear system whose gain strongly depends on the operating point. This can cause the reduction of the phase margin which translates into the risk of excessive temperature overshoots. The generalized isodamping approach has been applied to design a fractional-order robust PID controller that guarantees the invariance of the phase margin despite the gain variations. Simulation results performed on a realistic model of the system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design approach.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Modeling and control scheme of the absorption machine of a solar cooling plant
    (Elsevier, 2024-06-01) Garrido Satué, Manuel; Castilla Nieto, María del Mar; Rodríguez Rubio, Francisco; Ortega Linares, Manuel Gil; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP201: Ingeniería de Automatización, Control y Robótica
    The article presents the modeling of an absorption machine and a low level control system necessary to ultimately control the cooling power demanded by air conditioning systems. The modeling of the components has been implemented in Simulink in order to obtain a simulator of an absorption-machine-based cooling plant for controller design purposes. In the simulator, the proposed refrigeration system presents control loops to maintain the output variables of the flow rates and temperatures in established references. Finally, the results of the simulation are presented, which show the behavior of the absorption machine system and support the good performance of the proposed low level control system.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Pareto Analysis of PI Tuning in Direct Digital Control of Multi-phase Drives
    (Elsevier, 2024) Garrido Satué, Manuel; Álvarez, J.D.; Perales Esteve, Manuel Ángel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Union (UE); European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP201: Ingeniería de Automatización, Control y Robótica; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP203: Física Interdisciplinar Fundamentos y Aplicaciones
    PI tuning for variable-speed multi-phase drives is a complex task. In this paper, a Pareto analysis is introduced to reveal not previously reported links between figures of merit. The drive used for the study includes a 5-phase induction motor supplied by a voltage source inverter. A finite state predictive method is used for the inner loop (current control). The outer loop (speed control) is governed by a PI. The analysis is done experimentally thus including all sorts of non-idealities not appearing in commonly found models. The experimental results show how the pursuit for better performance is hindered by the existence of links between figures of merit. The importance of the result lies in showing that arbitrary performance enhancements are not possible in a general case.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Bridging Time and Frequency for Low-Order, Model-Based PID Control
    (Elsevier, 2024-06-01) Ortega Linares, Manuel Gil; Vargas Villanueva, Manuel; Garrido Satué, Manuel; Arahal, Manuel R.; Berenguel, Manuel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. TEP201: Ingeniería de Automatización, Control y Robótica; Universidad de Sevilla. TIC275: Investigación y Desarrollo en Electrónica, Automática y Tecnologías Emergentes
    In the context of traditional PID model-based control, where sinusoidal or PRBS excitation on a real plant is not advisable or desirable, this paper outlines a method to obtain some relevant information by merely comparing model-based and actual time-domain reaction curves. This comparative analysis yields valuable information that can be subsequently translated into a practical estimate of uncertainty in the frequency domain. This, in turn, will enable the control designer to gain some insight into imposing realistic boundaries for closed-loop response specifications, which will ultimately be consistent with what can be expected from the actual plant response. The conditions for robust stability and robust performance are outlined and further assessed through academic simulation experiments.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Fault Data Injection Detection on a Digital-Twin: Fresnel Solar Concentrator
    (Elsevier, 2024-07-01) Chicaiza Salazar, William David; Ortiz Machado, Diogo; Sánchez, Adolfo J.; Escaño González, Juan Manuel; Normey Rico, Julio Elías; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Union (UE). H2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Brasil; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP116: Automática y Robótica Industrial
    This work focuses on developing a neurofuzzy detector capable of identifying a cyber attack of false data injection into the outlet temperature sensor of a Fresnel-type solar field which has a PI+FF controller to control the refered temperature. A digital twin of the Fresnel plant and its controller are used for simulation purposes. The digital twin is situated in the domain of behavior and rules, as it contains a set of models, including a partial Differential equation (PDE) model and a neurofuzzy model. Results from simulation are shown using three different scenarios: (1) without fault, (2) a ramp and threhold with negative injection and (3) the last scenario with positive injection. The presented fault data injection detector has solid performance with more than 97% detection accuracy and precision.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Automatic Drawbridge Scheduling by Integrating Highway and Waterway Traffic Flow Information
    (Elsevier, 2024-07-01) Mooij, M. J.; Domínguez Frejo, José Ramón; Reppa, Vasso; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; European Union (UE). H2020
    As inland waterway usage intensifies, it increasingly intersects and conflicts with railway and road transportation modes, highlighting the need for efficient management of these critical junctures. In particular, movable bridges represent a key intersection of highway and waterway Traffic but also a potential source of conflict. This paper proposes and analyzes the use of automatic schedulers that consider both highway and waterway Traffic, reduce conflicts, and make key decisions about bridge use. The METANET macroscopic Traffic model is elaborated to allow the simulation of drawbridge openings on the highway mainline, based on the modelling of mainstream metering. Several MPC-based schedulers are proposed using the designed highway Traffic model and key vessel information, aiming to study the impact of the bridge opening and scheduling on highway Traffic. The simulation results indicate a significant reduction in Traffic conflicts at drawbridge intersections due to the implementation of these schedulers. The functioning of the schedulers is shown to be robust and demonstrate verifiable behavior, indicating their high potential in real-world applications.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Multi-set based model predictive control to explore large freshwater resources
    (Elsevier, 2024-06-01) García Martín, Javier; Anderson, Alejandro; Sánchez, Ignacio J.; D'Jorge, Agustina; Duviella, Éric; Maestre Torreblanca, José María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP116: Automática y robótica industrial
    Unmanned surface vehicles can become cutting-edge aquatic laboratories for real-time water quality assessment, evaluating the physical, chemical, and biological profiles of water to detect degradation in freshwater resources. The development of control strategies for surface scanning missions is essential for efficient and effective water resource management. This paper introduces novel exploration methods for analysis experiments. Our approach is founded on an optimizing target-set tracking controller and innovates by adopting a dynamic target-switching method. The target transitions to a further objective once the current target is assured, result in smoother system behavior, as shown by the simulations using the nonlinear model of a commercial surface vehicle tasked with covering a designated area of Heron Lake, located in Villeneuve d’Ascq. The method is implemented in two distinct ways: the first prioritizes passing through all the sets, while the second compromises between passing through and computational cost.
  • Acceso AbiertoPonencia
    Nonlinear MPC for Thermal Balancing of the TCP-100 Parabolic Trough Collectors Solar Plant
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023-07) Gallego Len, Antonio Javier; Yebra, Luis J.; Sánchez del Pozo Fernández, Adolfo Juan; Escaño González, Juan Manuel; Camacho, Eduardo F.; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Agencia Estatal de Investigación. España; Universidad de Sevilla. TEP116: Automatica y Robotica Industrial
    The efficiency of the solar plants is conditioned by the control strategies applied in their operation. In this paper, an application of a Model Predictive Controller based on nonlinear models of the TCP-100 parabolic trough collector solar plant is presented as one example of the advanced control techniques that can contribute to enhance the efficiency of this type of plants. Both types of nonlinear models of the TCP-100 facility are applied for this application: lumped and distributed parameter ones. The objective of the proposed control strategy is to face a problem that arises in current commercial solar trough plants, with hundreds of loops, where in practice each of those loops get a different outlet temperature of the heat transfer fluid. These temperature differences might cause inefficiency in the operation and/or irreversible damages by overheating, if not properly controlled. The presented control strategy computes the set-points of the control valves of each of the loops to achieve a good thermal balance of the solar plant. The proposed strategy implements also a heuristic based algorithm when strong transients are affecting the field. The simulation results show that the application of the proposed control technique balances the outlet temperatures of the loops, protecting the TCP-100 facility from damages and increasing its efficiency in the operation.