NameRíos Carrasco, Blanca
Knowledge areaEstomatología
Professional categoryProfesora Sustituta Interina
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SEM analysis and micro-CT evaluation of four dental implants after three different mechanical requests. In vitro study

Vinhas, Ana Sofia; Salazar, Filomena; Mendes, José Manuel; Silva, Antonio Sergio; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Gil, Javier; Herrero-Climent, Mariano; Aroso, Carlos (Mdpi, 2024)
Statement of problem: Implant-supported rehabilitations are an increasingly frequent practice to replace lost teeth. Before ...

Influence of titanium surface residual stresses on osteoblastic response and bacteria colonization

Pereira, Rita; Maia, Paulo; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero-Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Aparicio, Conrado; Gil, Javier (Mdpi, 2024)
Grit basting is the most common process applied to titanium dental implants to give them a roughness that favors bone ...

Association between type 1 diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases

Costa, Rosana; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Monteiro, Luís; López-Jarana, Paula; Carneiro, Filipa; Relvas, Marta (MDPI, 2023)
Gingivitis and periodontitis are chronic inflammatory diseases that affect the supporting tissues of the teeth. Although ...

Relevant aspects of the dental implant design on the insertion torque, resonance frequency analysis (RFA) and micromobility: an in vitro study

Herrero-Climent, Mariano; Falcao, Artur; Tondela, Joao; Brizuela, Aritza; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Gil, Javier (MDPI, 2023)
The major problems for the osseointegration of dental implants are the loosening of the screw that fixes the dental implant ...

Investigation of the influence of roughness and dental implant design on primary stability via analysis of insertion torque and implant stability quotient: an in vitro study

Romero, Marta; Herrero-Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Brizuela, Aritza; Romero, Manuel María; Gil, Javier (Mdpi, 2023)
In the placement of dental implants, the primary fixation between the dental implant and the bone is of great importance ...

Corrosion Behavior of Titanium Dental Implants with Implantoplasty

Lozano, Pablo; Peña, Marta; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Brizuela, Aritza; Gil, Javier (MDPI, 2022)
The procedure generally used to remove bacterial biofilm adhering to the surface of titanium on dental implants is ...

Influence of Bone-Level Dental Implants Placement and of Cortical Thickness on Osseointegration: In Silico and In Vivo Analyses

Gil, Javier; Sandino, Clara; Cerrolaza, Miguel; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Brizuela, Aritza (MDPI, 2022)
The purpose of this research is to study the biomechanical response of dental implants in bone-level type locations, 0.5 ...

In Vitro Study of Preload Loss in Different Implant Abutment Connection Designs

Vinhas, Ana Sofía; Aroso, Carlos; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Fernández Palacín, Ana; Herrero Climent, Mariano (MDPI, 2022)
The stability and integrity of the abutment-implant connection, by means of a screw, is fallible from the moment the ...

Incidence of Peri-Implantitis and Relationship with Different Conditions: A Retrospective Study

Astolfi, Víctor; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Gil Mur, Javier; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Bullón de la Fuente, Beatriz; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Bullon, Pedro (MDPI, 2022)
Articles on the prevalence of peri-implant diseases showed that 90% of peri-implant tissues had some form of inflammatory ...

The Characterization of Titanium Particles Released from Bone-Level Titanium Dental Implants: Effect of the Size of Particles on the Ion Release and Cytotoxicity Behaviour

Callejas, Juan Antonio; Brizuela, Aritza; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Gil, Javier (MDPI, 2022)
Many studies are being carried out on the particles released during the implantoplasty process in the machining of dental ...

The Impact of Dental Midline on Asymmetric Faces: Perspective of Laypersons and Dentists

Martins, Joana Meneses; Costa, Liliana Gavinha; Carvalho, Ana Lidia; Manso, Maria Conceição; Gavinha, Sandra; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Falcão, Carlos; Ribeiro, Paulo (MDPI, 2021)
Background: The objective was to determine if asymmetric facial features, nasal and chin deviations, affect the perception ...

Effect of the Acid-Etching on Grit-Blasted Dental Implants to Improve Osseointegration: Histomorphometric Analysis of the Bone-Implant Contact in the Rabbit Tibia Model

Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Lemos, Bernardo Ferreira; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Gil Mur, Javier; Ríos-Santos, J.V. (MDPI, 2021)
Previous studies have shown that the most reliable way to evaluate the success of an implant is by bone-to-implant contact ...

Aesthetic Preference in the Transverse Orientation of the Occlusal Plane in Rehabilitation: Perspective of Laypeople and Dentists

Carvalho, Ana Lidia; Costa, Liliana Gavinha; Martins, Joana Meneses; Manso, Maria Conceição; Gavinha, Sandra; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Falcão, Carlos; Ribeiro, Paulo (MDPI, 2021)
The present study had a convenience sample with 236 laypeople and 242 dentists who completed an online questionnaire to ...

High-power LED units currently available for dental resin-based materials—A review

Almeida, Rita; Manarte-Monteiro, Patricia; Domingues, Joana; Falcão, Carlos; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Lemos, Bernardo Ferreira (MDPI, 2021)
The pursuit of less time-consuming procedures led to the development of high-power light-curing-units (LCU) to light-cure ...
Master's Final Project

Toma de impresión sobre implantes: Precisión de las técnicas convencionales frente a digitales

García de Lara Fernández, Angélica; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2021)
El principal objetivo a la hora de fabricar una prótesis implantosoportada es conseguir un buen ajuste pasivo que evite ...
Master's Final Project

Manejo de los tejidos blandos en la prevención de las complicaciones estéticas en implantología. Revisión bibliográfica

Minsé, Mathilde; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2021)
Antecedentes y justificación: En la actualidad la rehabilitación mediante implantes dentales constituye un procedimiento ...
Master's Final Project

Evidencia científica sobre el uso de biomateriales en la elevación de suelo de seno cerrada

García Pérez, Bárbara; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2021)
La hiperneumatización del seno y reabsorción de la cresta alveolar en maxilar posterior tras la pérdida dentaria; hace ...
Final Degree Project

Colocación inmediata de implantes en alveolos infectados. Revisión de la literatura

Pérez León, Ana; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2021)
La pérdida de dientes a lo largo de los años, ha supuesto un gran problema para el desarrollo de la función masticatoria, ...

Complications in the use of deepithelialized free gingival graft vs. connective tissue graft: a one-year randomized clinical trial

Ripoll Silvestre; Fernández de Velasco Tarilonte, Ángela; Bullón de la Fuente, Beatriz; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Fernández Palacín, Ana (MDPI, 2021)
: In the treatment of gingival recession, different surgical options have been described: free gingival grafts (FGG), ...

Sinus Floor Elevation via an Osteotome Technique without Biomaterials

Andrés García, Rodrigo; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Bullon, Pedro; Fernández-Farhall, Javier; Gómez Menchero, Alberto; Fernández Palacín, Ana; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (MDPI, 2021)
According to classic Hirschfeld studies, the first teeth to be lost are the first and second maxillary molars. After the ...

Digital Impressions in Implant Dentistry: A Literature Review

Marques, Simone; Ribeiro, Paulo; Falcao, C.; Ferreira Lemos, Bernardo; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero Climent, Mariano (MDPI, 2021)
Introduction. Digital impressions in implant dentistry rely on many variables, and their accuracy, particularly in complete ...

Influence of Removing or Leaving the Prosthesis after Regenerative Surgery in Peri-Implant Defects: Retrospective Study: 32 Clinical Cases with 2 to 8 Years of Follow-Up

Astolfi, Víctor; Gómez Menchero, Alberto; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Bullon, Pedro; Galeote, Francisco; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Bullón de la Fuente, Beatriz; Herrero Climent, Mariano (MDPI, 2021)
Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the influence of removing or not removing a prosthesis after ...

One Abutment One Time: a multicenter, prospective, controlled, randomized study

Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Tello González, Gregorio; Lázaro Calvo, Pedro; Gil Mur, Javier; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Fernández Palacín, Ana; Herrero Climent, Mariano (MDPI, 2020)
Aim: (PRIMARY) Assess the changes in bone level (6 and 12 months after implant placement) between the test (definitive ...

Reliability of the Resonance Frequency Analysis Values in New Prototype Transepithelial Abutments: A Prospective Clinical Study

Guerrero-González, M.; Monticelli, Francesca; Saura García-Martín, David; Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Fernández Palacín, Ana (MDPI, 2020)
Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) requires abutment disconnection to monitor implant stability. To overcome this limitation, ...

Improvement of Periodontal Parameters with the Sole Use of Free Gingival Grafts in Orthodontic Patients: Correlation with Periodontal Indices. A 15-Month Clinical Study

Orsini, Marco; Benlloch, Dunia; Aranda Macera, Juan José; Flores, Karina; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Pedruelo, Francisco Javier; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Cesare, Massimo di (MDPI, 2020)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in periodontal parameters solely using free gingival grafts during ...

Influence of implant design and under-preparation of the implant site on implant primary stability. An in vitro study

Herrero Climent, Mariano; Ferreira Lemos, Bernardo; Herrero Climent, Federico; Falcao, C.; Oliveira, Helder; Herrera Martínez, Manuela; Gil, Francisco Javier; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Ríos-Santos, J.V. (2020)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different implant sites an under-preparation sequence associated with ...
Master's Final Project

Revisión sobre las aplicaciones y efectividad de la cirugía guiada de implantes

Arazola Graña, José Ángel; Ríos Santos, J.V; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2020)
Actualmente, la implantología se ha convertido en un tratamiento con una alta demanda en las clínicas dentales. Además, ...

Assessment of the Simultaneous Use of Biomaterials in Transalveolar Sinus Floor Elevation: Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial in Humans

Millán, Adrián Maximiliano; Bravo Álvarez, Rocío; Plana Montori, Miguel; Guerrero González, María; Saura García-Martín, David; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Monticeli, Francesca; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Fernández Palacín, Ana (2020)
Implants inserted in the posterior maxilla frequently need additional surgery for successful bone augmentation. One of the ...

Relevant Design Aspects to Improve the Stability of Titanium Dental Implants

Herrero Climent, Mariano; López-Jarana, P.; Lemos, B.F.; Gil, Francisco Javier; Falcao, C.; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2020)
Post-extractional implants and immediate loading protocols are becoming much more frequent in everyday clinical practice. ...

Effects of different undersizing site preparations on implant stability

Ferreira Lemos, Bernardo; Lopez-Jarana, Paula; Falcao, Carlos; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Gil, Javier; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero-Climent, Mariano (MDPI, 2020)
As immediate loading protocols are becoming more frequent, the primary stability of implants has become an essential ...
Final Degree Project

Regeneración ósea previa o simultánea a la colocación de implantes. Indicaciones, ventajas e inconvenientes

Ridaoui El Khattabi, Wahiba; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2020)
Hoy día, la creciente demanda de rehabilitación de perdidas dentarias mediante implantes, ha supuesto el desarrollo de ...
Master's Final Project

Conexión y desconexión de los aditamentos protésicos. ¿Cómo afectan a tejidos blandos y duros?

Sevilla García, Rosa María; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2020)
La implantología busca continuamente actualizarse para ir optimizando sus resultados a través de pequeñas mejoras como el ...

Influence of a Novel Surface of Bioactive Implants on Osseointegration: A Comparative and Histomorfometric Correlation and Implant Stability Study in Minipigs

Romero Ruiz, Manuel María; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (MDPI, 2019)
Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the influence of a novel surface of dental implants (ContacTi®) on the ...

Is It Possible to Monitor Implant Stability on a Prosthetic Abutment? An In Vitro Resonance Frequency Analysis

López-Jarana, P.; Díaz-Castro, Carmen M; Falçao, Arthur; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Fernández Palacín, Ana; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero Climent, Mariano (MPDI, 2018)
In order to apply the “one-abutment–one-time” concept, we evaluated the possibility of measuring resonance frequency ...
Final Degree Project

¿Existe evidencia científica que garantice que los implantes con cambio de plataforma cumplen el objetivo para el que fueron diseñados?

Corredera Mellado, Javier; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca (2018)
En la actualidad, el tratamiento de implantes es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más habituales para solucionar ...

Unravelling the effect of macro and microscopic design of dental implants on osseointegration: a randomised clinical study in minipigs

Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Menjívar Galán, Ana María; Herrero-Climent, Mariano; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Fernández Palacín, Ana; Pérez, Román (Springer, 2018)
Several dental implants are commercially available and new prototype design are constantly being fabricated. Nevertheless, ...

Burnout, depression and suicidal ideation in dental students

Galán, Fernando; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Polo Padillo, Juan; Ríos Carrasco, Blanca; Bullon, Pedro (Medicina oral S.L, 2014)
Objectives: To investigate the prevalence, gender influence, and relationships between burnout, depression and suicidal ...