NombrePabón Carrasco, Manuel
Área de conocimientoEnfermería
Categoría profesionalProfesor Ayudante Doctor
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Effectiveness of virtual reality for managing pain, fear, and anxiety in children and adolescents undergoing needle-related procedures: systematic review with meta-analysis

Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Castillo-García, Mario; Magni, Eleonora; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (MDPI, 2024)
The most frequently performed invasive procedures in hospitals and healthcare centers are needle-related procedures, such ...

Comparison of the Short-Term Effect between Iontophoresis and Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Pérez Belloso, Ana Juana; Algaba del Castillo, José; Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Castro Méndez, Aurora (MDPI, 2024)
Conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis have different levels of effectiveness, so it is necessary to personalize ...

Patients’ Opinions on Antibiotics in the Treatment of Dental Infections: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Domínguez-Domínguez, Laura; Castelo Baz, Pablo; Cabrera Fernández, Alberto; Cabanillas Balsera, Daniel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Segura Egea, Juan José; Martín González, Jenifer (MDPI, 2024)
The aim of this study was to evaluate patients’ knowledge and perceptions of the use of systemic antibiotics in the treatment ...

The effectiveness of cell salvage in extracorporeal circulation surgeries in relation to use of health resources after use: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Martínez-Flores, Salvador; Luque Oliveros, Manuel (Elsevier, 2024)
Background: Alternatives to allogeneic blood transfusions are sought for resource management reasons and it is necessary ...

The influence of ultra-processed food on colorectal cancer: a systematic review

Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Castro Méndez, Aurora; García-Domínguez, Marina; Pabón-Carrasco, Daniel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (MDPI, 2024)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a disease characterised by the development of malignant tumours in the colon or rectum; it is ...

Management of skin lesions in patients with epidermolysis bullosa by topical treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Roche-Campos, Marta; Hurtado-Guapo, María Antonia; Ortiz Romero, Mercedes; Gordillo Fernández, Luis María; Pabón-Carrasco, Daniel; Castro Méndez, Aurora (MDPI, 2024)
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is the overarching term for a set of rare inherited skin fragility disorders that result from ...

Understanding the Impact of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain on Daily Life from a Gender Perspective Using the PAIN_Integral Scale©

Cáceres Matos, Rocío; Vázquez Santiago, María Soledad; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Cabrera-León, Andrés; Gil García, Eugenia (MDPI, 2024)
The experience of chronic non-cancer pain differs between women and men due to genderrelated factors. This study (1) ...

Effectiveness and health outcomes of collaborative nurse prescribing for patients anticoagulated with antivitamin K in primary care: a study protocol

Lara, Juan Carlos Palomo; March-Cerdà, Joan Carles; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez Picón, Nerea (MDPI, 2024)
The development of collaborative nurse prescribing (NP) in Andalusia (Spain) in 2018 gives us the opportunity to measure ...

The relationship between neighborhood social capital and health from a biopsychosocial perspective: A systematic review

Magro-Montanes, Beatriz; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Jiménez Picón, Nerea (Wiley, 2024)
Background: The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) influence the health of people throughout their lives, and can be ...

Role of compliance in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori management

Huguet, Jose M.; Ferrer‐Barceló, Luis; Suárez, Patrícia; Barcelo‐Cerda, Susana; Sempere, Javier; Saracino, Ilaria Maria; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Gisbert, Javier P. (SAGE Publication, 2024)
Background: Adherence to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication treatment is a cornerstone for achieving adequate ...

Indications of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Treatment and Its Influence on Prescriptions and Effectiveness (Hp‐EuReg)

Martínez‐Domínguez, Samuel J.; Nyssen, Olga P.; Lanas, Ángel; Alfaro, Enrique; Jonaitis, Laimas; Mahmudov, Umud; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Gisbert, Javier P. (Wiley, 2024)
Background: The influence of indications for Helicobacter pylori investigation on prescriptions and effectiveness is ...
Tesis Doctoral

Efectos e influencia de la educación terapéutica en el control glucémico y el autocuidado en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1

Romero Castillo, Rocío; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (2023)
Introducción: La diabetes tipo 1 (T1D) es una de las enfermedades crónicas más comunes en todo el mundo y supone un mayor ...

Evaluation of gait parameters on subjects with hallux limitus using an optogait sensor system: a case–control study

Castro Méndez, Aurora; Canca-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María; Córdoba Fernández, Antonio (MDPI, 2023)
Background and Objetives: The foot is a part of the body’s kinetic chain and needs to be efficient during the entire gait ...

Comparison of the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Private Healthcare Workers with Respect to Employed Public Healthcare Workers: Three-Wave Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Vilar Palomo, Samuel; González Elena, María Luisa; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Castro Méndez, Aurora (MDPI, 2022)
Background: Coronavirus disease, also called COVID-19, is a worldwide pandemic with a major impact on all aspects of the ...

The Short-Term Effect of Dynamic Tape versus the Low-Dye Taping Technique in Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Castro Méndez, Aurora; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ortiz Romero, Mercedes; Fernández Seguín, Lourdes María (MDPI, 2022)
Background: Plantar fasciitis is a painful disorder that affects the plantar fascia of the foot, with a multifactorial ...

Effects of a Diabetes Self-Management Education Program on Glucose Levels and Self-Care in Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Romero Castillo, Rocío; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio (MDPI, 2022)
Background: Several factors have been associated with the success of health education programs, such contact time, with ...

Competência comunicativa: uma avaliação inicial em estudantes de formação de professorado

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Martínez-Sánchez, Alina de las Mercedes; Rodríguez Gallego, Margarita R. (UFGD Editora, 2022)
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as percepções sobre a competência comunicativa, nas funções de ...

Prevention of peripheral distal polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes: a systematic review

Carvajal-Moreno, Lidia; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; García-Ventura, Irene; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Pérez Belloso, Ana Juana (MDPI, 2022)
Background: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the most frequent chronic complica- tion and is that which generates ...

Experience with Rifabutin-Containing Therapy in 500 Patients from the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)

Nyssen, Olga P.; Vaira, Dino; Saracino, Ilaria María; Fiorini, Giulia; Caldas, María; Bujanda, Luis; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Gisbert, Javier P. (MDPI, 2022)
Background: First-line Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) treatments have been relatively well evaluated; however, it remains ...

Diabetes Management after a Therapeutic Education Program: A Qualitative Study

Romero Castillo, Rocío; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio (MDPI, 2022)
Background: Structured education has been used in patients treated with insulin, promoting their ability to adhere to and ...

Effects of Nursing Diabetes Self-Management Education on Glycemic Control and Self-Care in Type 1 Diabetes: Study Protocol

Romero Castillo, Rocío; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio (MDPI, 2022)
(1) Background: Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that creates a high demand and responsibility for patient self-care. ...

Análisis de las actitudes hacia el hecho multicultural en una muestra de estudiantes españoles de Magisterio

Martínez Sánchez, Alina M.; Esteban Moreno, Rosa María; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (ASOC UNIV FORMACION PROFESORADO-AUFOP, 2022)
La multiculturalidad es un hecho que tiene su impacto en el sistema educativo y demanda atender a la formación del profesorado ...

Anxiety and Perceived Risk in Red Cross Volunteer Personnel Facing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Jiménez García, Victor Manuel; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Calabuig Hernández, Roger (Frontiers Media, 2021)
In the current situation of sanitary emergencies, humanitarian organizations and their volunteers are playing an important ...

Lived Experiences of African Migrants Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar to Europe: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Healthcare from a Qualitative Methodology

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Palomo Lara, Juan Carlos; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (MDPI, 2021)
The migratory flow from the African continent to Europe is intense and the European countries should apply a humanitarian, ...

Dental malocclusion and its relation to the podal system

Cabrera Domínguez, María Eugenia; Domínguez Reyes, Antonia; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Pérez Belloso, Ana Juana; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Galán González, Antonio Francisco (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2021)
Background and Objective: This study analyzes the possibility that Stomatognathic and Postural systems are related by ...

Assessment of selected spatio-temporal gait parameters on subjects with pronated foot posture on the basis of measurements using optogait. A case-control study

Requelo-Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Jiménez Cebrián, Ana María; González Elena, María Luisa; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (MDPI, 2021)
Walking is part of daily life and in asymptomatic subjects it is relatively easy. The physiology of walking is complex and ...

A case-control study of the effects of chronic low back pain in spatiotemporal gait parameters

Castro Méndez, Aurora; Requelo-Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; González Elena, María Luisa; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción (2021)
Chronic low back pain and biomechanical walking imbalances are closely related. It is relevant to identify if there are ...

Repercusión biomecánica derivada de un osteoma en el tercio proximal del fémur: a propósito de un caso

Calvo-Sánchez, Eloísa; Muñóz-Repiso, Daniel Cansino; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (Ecimed. Editorial ciencias médicas, 2021)
Introducción: El osteoma osteoide es un tumor óseo benigno, que no tiene potencial de crecimiento por lo que su tamaño no ...

Custom-made foot orthoses as non-specific chronic low back pain and pronated foot treatment

Castro Méndez, Aurora; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ramos Ortega, Javier; Díaz Mancha, Juan Antonio; Fernández Seguín, Lourdes María; Fernández Seguín, Lourdes María (MDPI, 2021)
Excessive foot pronation has been reported as being related to chronic low back pain symptoms and risk factors in ...

Analysis and Assessment through Mechanical Static Compression Tests of Damping Capacity in a Series of Orthosis Plantar Materials Used as Supports

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Reina Bueno, María; Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción; Ramos Ortega, Javier; Juárez Jiménez, José María (2021)
High plantar pressure is the cause of multiple types of foot injuries and one of the main rea- sons for patient visits in ...

European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management: Effectiveness of First and Second-Line Treatment in Spain

Caldas, María; Pérez-Aisa, Ángeles; Castro Fernández, Manuel; Bujanda, Luis; Lucendo, Alfredo J.; Rodrigo, Luis; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Gisbert, Javier P. (MDPI, 2020)
The management of Helicobacter pylori infection has to rely on previous local effectiveness due to the geographical ...

Effects of Advertising on Food Consumption Preferences in Children

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Romero Martín, Macarena; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Lomas Campos, María de las Mercedes (MDPI, 2020)
Childhood obesity is a public health problem. The purpose of this study was to know if exposure to commercial messages ...

Assessment of the Anxiety Level of Andalusian Podiatrists during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Increase Phase

Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; González Elena, María Luisa; Ramírez Baena, Lucía; Rodríguez Gallego, Isabel; Castro Méndez, Aurora (MDPI, 2020)

Nursing Students’ Perception on the Effectiveness of Emergency Competence Learning through Simulation

Guerrero Martínez, Ignacio Manuel; Portero Prados, Francisco Javier; Romero González, Rocío Cándida; Romero Castillo, Rocío; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio (MDPI, 2020)
Background: Simulation is a part of the day-to-day of the learning method in health sciences. The objective is to determine ...

Prevalence of depression in retirees: a meta-analysis

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ramírez-Baena, Lucía; López Sánchez, Raúl; Rodríguez-Gallego, Isabel; Suleiman-Martos, Nora; Gómez-Urquiza, José L. (MDPI, 2020)
Background: Retirement is a final life stage characterized by the ceasing of work and the loss of a routine, social ...

Probiotics as a Coadjuvant Factor in Active or Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease of Adults—A Meta-Analytical Study

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ramírez Baena, Lucía; Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Martos García, Raúl; Rodríguez Gallego, Isabel (2020)
(1) Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases are pathologies of unknown etiology and auto-immune pathogenia. The use of ...

Randomized Clinical Trial: The Effect of Exercise of the Intrinsic Muscle on Foot Pronation

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Jiménez Cebrián, Ana María; García Paya, Irene; Palomo Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción (MPDI, 2020)
Background: There is little scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of strengthening exercises on the foot’s ...

Prevalence of Depression in Retirees: A Meta-Analysis

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ramírez Baena, Lucía; López Sánchez, Raúl; Rodríguez Gallego, Isabel; Suleiman Martos, Nora; Gómez Urquiza, José L. (MDPI, 2020)
Background: Retirement is a final life stage characterized by the ceasing of work and the loss of a routine, social ...

Influence of dental malocclusion on body posture and foot posture in children: a cross-sectional study

Pérez Belloso, Ana Juana; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Cabrera Domínguez, María Eugenia; Galán González, Antonio Francisco; Domínguez Reyes, Antonia; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (MDPI, 2020)
The number of studies that investigate the correlations between the temporomandibular system and body posture, postural ...

Influence of Personality Traits and Its Interaction with the Phenomenon of Bullying: Multi-Centre Descriptive Study

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Ramírez Baena, Lucía; Jiménez Picón, Nerea; Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Martínez Montilla, José Manuel; Martos García, Raúl (MDPI, 2019)
Bullying affects thousands of teenagers worldwide and has devastating consequences. Various studies suggest that the ...

Prescripción enfermera en salud laboral: una revisión integrativa

Japón Vélez, Eva; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Vega Escaño, Juan (2019)
Introducción. La prescripción enfermera actualmente es un hecho en pleno auge. Internacionalmente, son muchos los países ...

Percepción del dolor según el modo de punción de la fístula arteriovenosa en pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis. Revisión sistemática

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Martínez Alfonso, Eva del Rocío; Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Lopez Leiva, M. Inmaculada (Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica, 2019)
Objetivo: Valorar la posible asociación entre la forma de punción de la fístula arteriovenosa y el dolor ...

El movimiento anti-vacunas como problema de salud pública: Una revisión integrativa de la literatura

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Díaz-Ruiz, Marina; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Lomas Campos, María de las Mercedes (Editoras da REUFSM, 2018)
Objetivo: Conocer la situación actual de los grupos del movimiento antivacunas, su presencia social y comprender mejor los ...

Therapeutic alternatives in painful diabetic neuropathy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Vilar Palomo, Samuel; Castillo López, José Manuel; Munuera Martínez, Pedro Vicente; Reina Bueno, María; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (KOREAN PAIN SOC, 2018)
Background: One of the most frequent problems caused by diabetes is the so called painful diabetic neuropathy. This condition ...

Análisis de contenido de la publicidad de productos alimenticios dirigidos a la población infantil

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Lomas Campos, María de las Mercedes (ELSEVIER, 2017)
Objetivo: Conocer los contenidos y los mecanismos de persuasión utilizados en los anuncios de productos alimenticios ...
Tesis Doctoral

Comportamiento de los materiales de descarga

Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Juárez Jiménez, José María; Reina Bueno, María (2015)
Introducción Los podólogos disponen de diferentes técnicas para hacer frente a las hiperpresiones plantares; entre ellas, ...

Método clínico podológico básico: protocolo adaptado a paceintes suseptibles de tratamiento quiropodológico

Espinosa Moyano, Isidoro; Limón Pérez, Diego; Reina Bueno, María; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Pastor Ortega, Raquel (Federación Española de Podólogos, 2013)
Este trabajo presenta un protocolo básico de atención al paciente podológico denominado Método Clínico Podológico Básico ...

Estudio descriptivo de los pacientes asistidos en el servicio de Pie de Riesgo del Área Clínica de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla

Reina Bueno, María; Vázquez-Bautista, Carmen; Coheña Jiménez, Manuel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel (Federación Española de Podólogos, 2013)
El Área Clínica de Podología de la Universidad de Sevilla cuenta entre sus servicios con la Unidad de Pie de Riesgo. Donde ...

Limitación de la movilidad articular del pie en la diabetes mellitus y su influencia en las presiones plantares

Calvo Sánchez, Eloisa; Ramos Ortega, Javier; Aranda Bolívar, Yolanda; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Carrizosa Rodríguez, Manuel; Ortega Jiménez, Alba (Elsevier, 2013)
Este estudio se plantea con el objetivo principal de analizar cuáles la influencia de la diabetes mellitus en la limitación ...

International Multicenter Study on Drug Consumption in Nursing Students

Ponce Blandón, José Antonio; Martínez Montilla, José Manuel; Pabón Carrasco, Manuel; Martos García, Raúl; Castro Méndez, Aurora; Romero Castillo, Rocío (MDPI, 21-0)
Background: The prevalence of illicit drug use among young people is high, with many being highly vulnerable to substance ...