NombreVázquez Román, María Victoria
DepartamentoCitología e Histología Normal y Patológica
Área de conocimientoHistología
Categoría profesionalProfesor Permanente Laboral - Mod. PCD
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Effects of polyphenolic maqui ( Aristotelia chilensis ) extract on the inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome and activation of mast cells in a mouse model of Crohn's disease-like colitis

Ortiz Cerda, Tamara Andrea; Argüelles Arias, Federico; Macías García, Laura; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Tapia, Gladys; Xie, Kangzhe; García-García, María Desirée; Merinero de los Santos, Manuel; García Montes, Josefa María; Alcudia Cruz, Ana; Witting, Paul K.; Miguel Rodríguez, Manuel de (Frontiers Media S.A., 2024)
Introduction: Crohn’s disease (CD) involves activation of mast cells (MC) and NFкB in parallel with the PPAR-a/NLRP3 ...

Dietary oleacein, a secoiridoid from extra virgin olive oil, prevents collagen-induced arthritis in mice

Rosillo Ramírez, María de los Ángeles; Villegas Lama, Isabel; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Fernández-Santos, José María; Ortega Vidal, Juan; Salido, Sofía; González Rodríguez, María Luisa; Alarcón de la Lastra Romero, Catalina (ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, 2024)
Olacein (OLA), one of the main secoiridoids derived from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), has been shown to modulate oxidative ...

Effects of Dietary Oleacein Treatment on Endothelial Dysfunction and Lupus Nephritis in Balb/C Pristane-Induced Mice

Muñoz García, Rocío; Sánchez Hidalgo, Marina; Alcarranza Saucedo, Manuel; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Álvarez de Sotomayor Paz, María; González Rodríguez, María Luisa; Andrés, María C.; Alarcón de la Lastra Romero, Catalina (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic immune-inflammatory disease characterized by multiorgan affectation and ...

C-cell differentiation in the wall of an aberrant ultimobranchial sinus in the thyroid gland of an old rat

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Fernández-Santos, José María; Martín Lacave, Inés María (Wiley, 2022)
Background In mammals, the thyroid gland possesses two types of endocrine cells, follicular cells and C cells, which have ...

Histopathological Features of Pendred Syndrome Thyroids Align with Differences in the Expression of Thyroid‑Specific Markers, Apical Iodide Transporters, and Ciliogenesis Process

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Cameselle Teijeiro, J. M.; Fernández-Santos, José María; Ríos Moreno, M. J.; Loidi, L.; Ortiz Cerda, Tamara Andrea; Martín Lacave, Inés María (HUMANA PRESS INC, 2022)
Pendred syndrome (PDS) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene that encodes pendrin. Pendred ...

Native Chilean Berries Preservation and In Vitro Studies of a Polyphenol Highly Antioxidant Extract from Maqui as a Potential Agent against Inflammatory Diseases

Ortiz Cerda, Tamara Andrea; Argüelles Arias, Federico; Begines Ruiz, Belén; García Montes, Josefa María; Pereira Yáñez, Alejandra; Victoriano Rojas, Montserrat; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Pérez Bernal, Juan Luis; Callejón Fernández, Raquel María; Miguel Rodríguez, Manuel de; Alcudia Cruz, Ana (MDPI, 2021)
The best conservation method for native Chilean berries has been investigated in combination with an implemented large-scale ...

Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin Mucoadhesive Delivery System for Helicobacter pylori Infection in a Mouse Model: Characterization, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy

Villegas Lama, Isabel; Rosillo Ramírez, María de los Ángeles; Alarcón de la Lastra Romero, Catalina; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Llorente, María; Sánchez, Susana; Fernández Campos, Francisco (MDPI, 2021)
Helicobacter pylori is the main pathogen responsible for gastric ulcers and a predisposing factor of stomach cancer. ...

Polyphenolic Maqui Extract as a Potential Nutraceutical to Treat TNBS-Induced Crohn' s Disease by the Regulation of Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Pathways

Ortiz Cerda, Tamara Andrea; Argüelles Arias, Federico; Illanes Moreno, Matilde; García Montes, Josefa María; Talero Barrientos, Elena Mª; Macías García, Laura; Alcudia Cruz, Ana; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Motilva Sánchez, Virginia; Miguel Rodríguez, Manuel de (MDPI, 2020)
Nutraceuticals include a wide variety of bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, which have been highlighted for their ...

Primary Cilium in the Human Thyrocyte: Changes in Frequency and Length in Relation to the Functional Pathology of the Thyroid Gland

Fernández-Santos, José María; Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Villar Rodríguez, José Luis; Gutiérrez-Avilés, Lorenzo; Martín Lacave, Inés María;  (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers, 2019)
Background: Primary cilia (PC) are conserved structures in the adult thyroid gland of different mammals. We have recently ...

Immunohistochemical profiling of the ultimobranchial remnants in the rat postnatal thyroid gland

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo; Fernández-Santos, José María; Martín Lacave, Inés María (Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2017)
Ultimobranchial (UB) remnants are a constant presence in the thyroid throughout rat postnatal life; however, the difficulty ...
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis de la contribución de los restos ultimobranquiales a la glándula tiroidea: estudio morfológico e inmunohistoquímico

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Martín Lacave, Inés María; Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo (2015)

Comparative study of the primary cilia in thyrocytes of adult mammals

Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo; Gordillo Martínez, Flora María; Gómez Pascual, Amparo; Fernández-Santos, José María; Garnacho Montero, Carmen; Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Morillo Bernal, Jesús; García Marín, Mª del Rocío; Jiménez García, Antonio; Martín Lacave, Inés María (Anatomical Society, 2015)
Since their discovery in different human tissues by Zimmermann in 1898, primary cilia have been found in the vast majority ...

Postnatal Fate of the Ultimobranchial Remnants in the Rat Thyroid Gland

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo; Fernández-Santos, José María; Conde Amiano, Esperanza; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Sampedro, Consuelo; Martín Lacave, Inés María (Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2013)
The ultimobranchial follicles (UBFs) areconsidered embryonic remnants from the ultimobran-chial body (UBB). ...