NombreBenítez Lugo, María Luisa
Área de conocimientoFisioterapia
Categoría profesionalProfesora Contratada Doctora
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Bridging Gaps, Fostering Inclusion: A Gendered Look at Disability Support for Women in Higher Education

León Larios, Fátima; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Almendros-Caballero, Cristina; Meyer, Linnéa Stamatía; Corrales-Gutiérrez, Isabel; Casado Mejía, Rosa María (MDPI, 2024)
This study investigates the effectiveness of inclusion measures for women with disabilities at a public university in ...

Effectiveness of functional or biomechanical bandages with athletic taping and kinesiotaping in subjects with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Chamorro Moriana, Gema; Pérez-Cabezas, Verónica; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa (EFORT Open Reviews, 2024)
Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of functional or biomechanical bandages, whether elastic or ...

Efficacy of Therapeutic Exercise in Reducing Pain in Instrumental Musicians: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Iglesias-Carrasco, Cristina; Casa Almeida, María de la; Suárez Serrano, Carmen; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Medrano Sánchez, Esther Mª (MDPI, 2024)
Playing-related pain poses a significant health concern for musicians, often impacting their ability to perform. Therapeutic ...

Effectiveness of virtual reality and feedback to improve gait and balance in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathies: systematic review and meta-analysis

Alonso-Enríquez, Laura; Gómez-Cuaresma, Laura; Billot, Maxime; García-Bernal, María-Isabel; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Casuso-Holgado, María Jesús; Luque Moreno, Carlos (MDPI, 2023)
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the primary complication in patients with diabetes mellitus, characterized by loss ...

Analysis of physical–cognitive tasks including feedback-based technology for alzheimer’s disorder in a randomized experimental pilot study

Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Piñero Pinto, Elena; Chamorro Moriana, Gema; Pérez-Cabezas, Verónica; Suárez Serrano, Carmen (MDPI, 2023)
Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease causes great changes, with the prefrontal cortex being the most frequently damaged zone; ...

This Is My Baby Interview: An Adaptation to the Spanish Language and Culture

Pinero-Pinto, Elena; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Chillón Martínez, Raquel; Escobio Prieto, Isabel; Chamorro Moriana, Gema; Jiménez Rejano, José Jesús (MDPI, 2022)
Evaluating the emotional state of parents is important for determining the intervention in the context of a family with a ...

Effectiveness of feedback-based technology on physical and cognitive abilities in the elderly

Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Suárez Serrano, Carmen; Galvao Carmona, Alejandro; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Chamorro Moriana, Gema (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2022)
Aging raises a social and health challenge because the passing of time causes changes in cognitive and physical functions ...

Effect of the side of presentation in the visual field on phase‑locked and nonphase‑locked alpha and gamma responses

Sarrias Arrabal, Esteban; Martín Clemente, Rubén; Galvao Carmona, Alejandro; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (Springer Nature, 2022)
Recent studies have suggested that nonphase-locked activity can reveal cognitive mechanisms that cannot be observed in ...

Inclusive design in the field of education from the paradigm of early intervention

Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Piñero Pinto, Elena; León Larios, Fátima; Medrano Sánchez, Esther Mª; Casa Almeida, María de la; Suárez Serrano, Carmen (MDPI, 2021)
Inclusive education and early intervention go hand in hand in the early educational stages to reach the maximum potential ...

Mutation in ROBO3 Gene in Patients with Horizontal Gaze Palsy with Progressive Scoliosis Syndrome: A Systematic Review

Piñero Pinto, Elena; Pérez Cabezas, Verónica; Tous Rivera, Cristina; Sánchez González, José María; Ruiz Molinero, Carmen; Jiménez Rejano, José Jesús; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Sánchez González, María del Carmen (MDPI, 2020)
Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis (HGPPS) is a rare, inherited disorder characterized by a congenital absence ...

Effects of Massage Therapy on the Development of Babies Born with down Syndrome

Piñero Pinto, Elena; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Chillón Martínez, Raquel; Rebollo Salas, Manuel; Bellido-Fernández, Lorena María; Jiménez Rejano, José Jesús (Hindawi, 2020)
Objective. To determine the short-term effects of infant massage on the development of Down syndrome babies. Materials and ...

Altered individual behavioral and EEG parameters are related to the EDSS score in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients

Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Galvao Carmona, Alejandro; Caballero Díaz, Rocío; Borges, Mónica; Páramo Camino, María Dolores; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Ruiz Peña, Juan L.; Izquierdo, Guillermo (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2019)
Functional neuroanatomy of cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis is currently still a challenge. During the progression ...

Acciones innovadoras y Reflexión docente en la Asignatura "Fisioterapia en Atención Temprana" del Grado en Fisioterapia

Benítez Lugo, María Luisa (Universidad de Sevilla, 2018)
Se realizó un ciclo de mejora en la asignatura optativa: Fisioterapia en Atención Temprana del Grado en Fisioterapia, ...

Retest reliability of individual alpha ERD topography assessed by human electroencephalography

Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel; Galvao Carmona, Alejandro; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Ruiz Peña, Juan L.; Borges Guerra, Mónica; Izquierdo Ayuso, Guillermo (Public Library of Science, 2017)
Background Despite the immense literature related to diverse human electroencephalographic (EEG) parameters, very few ...

Reliability and Validity Study of the Chamorro Assisted Gait Scale for People with Sprained Ankles, Walking with Forearm Crutches

Chamorro Moriana, Gema; Ridao Fernández, María Del Carmen; Ojeda Granja, Joaquín; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Sevillano Ramos, José Luis (Public Library of Science, 2016)
Objective The aim of this study was to design and validate a functional assessment scale for assisted gait with forearm ...
Tesis Doctoral

Eficacia de un programa de motricidad realizado mediante nuevas tecnologías en el incremento de capacidades físicas y cognitivas en personas mayores sanas y con enfermedad de alzheimer

Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Suárez Serrano, Carmen; Rebollo Roldán, Jesús; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (2014)
Objetivo del estudio: El objetivo principal de este estudio es la demostración de la eficacia de una tarea de motricidad, ...

Disentangling the attention network test: behavioral, event related potentials, and neural source analyses

Galvao Carmona, Alejandro; González Rosa, Javier; Hidalgo Muñoz, Antonio Rafael; Páramo Camino, María Dolores; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Izquierdo Ayuso, Guillermo; Vázquez Marrufo, Manuel (Frontiers Media, 2014)
Background: The study of the attentional system remains a challenge for current neuroscience. The “Attention Network Test” ...

Acercamiento a la disfunción sexual femenina desde la fisioterapia : una cuestión de género y salud

Suárez Serrano, Carmen; Chillón Martínez, Raquel; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa; Medrano Sánchez, Esther Mª; Rebollo Roldán, Jesús (Unidad para la Igualdad, Universidad de Sevilla, 2010)
Existe un déficit de estudios que analicen la integración de la Fisioterapia en la disfunción sexual femenina en los ámbitos ...

Aportación de la fisioterapia perineal en la percepción que las mujeres con incontinencia urinaria tienen de su estado de salud

Suárez Serrano, Carmen; Rebollo Roldán, Jesús; Chillón Martínez, Raquel; Benítez Lugo, María Luisa (2009)
Según la Internacional Continente Society la incontinencia urinaria (IU) supone un problema social para la mujeres que la ...