NombreRojas León, Antonio
Área de conocimientoÁlgebra
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Monodromy of local systems and applications to coding theory

García Cortés, Francisco; Rojas León, Antonio (2023)
The present work concerns the study of monodromy of ℓ-adic sheaves with an strong focus on computational matters. After ...

An Effective Criterion for Finite Monodromy of ℓ-Adic Sheaves

Rojas León, Antonio (Springer, 2023)
We provide an effective version of Katz’ criterion for finiteness of the monodromy group of a lisse, pure of weight zero, -adic sheaf on a normal variety over a finite field, depending on the numerical complexity of the sheaf.
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Representación de primos mediante formas cuadráticas

Domínguez Gutiérrez, Álvaro; Rojas León, Antonio (2023)
Este trabajo busca dar una primera idea de la teoría algebraica de números y de su método. Partimos de una premisa sencilla: ...
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Factorización de ideales y último teorema de Fermat

López Díaz-Jorge, Fernando; Rojas León, Antonio (2022)
The objective in the present work is to explain the proof of the famous Fermat’s Last Theorem in the particular case of ...
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Teoría de cuerpos de clase

García Cortés, Francisco; Rojas León, Antonio (2021)
Class field theory studies abelian extensions of a given field using only intrinsic data of the field itself. Moreover, ...
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Teorema de Dirichlet para Progresiones Aritméticas

Garrido López, Verónica; Rojas León, Antonio (2020)
Prime numbers aroused the curiosity of many for centuries, and they keep answering many questions that come up currently. Euclid ...
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Funciones zeta de variedades sobre cuerpos finitos

Linares Torres, Javier; Rojas León, Antonio (2020)
La función zeta de una variedad sobre un cuerpo finito se define como la función generatriz asociada a la sucesión obtenida ...

A rigid local system with monodromy group 2.J2

Katz, Nicholas M.; Rojas León, Antonio (Elsevier, 2019)
We exhibit a rigid local system of rank six on the affine line in characteristic p = 5 whose arithmetic and geometric ...

Finite monodromy of some families of exponential sums

Rojas León, Antonio (Elsevier, 2019)
Given a prime p and an integer d > 1, we give a numerical criterion to decide whether the ℓ-adic sheaf associated to the ...
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Teoría de cuerpos de clase y aplicaciones

Daza García, Alberto; Rojas León, Antonio (2019)
One problems which has lead the advance of number theory since the 20th century until now, is Hilbert’s twelfth problem, ...
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Dominios de Dedekind, factorización de ideales y aplicaciones

Daza García, Alberto; Rojas León, Antonio (2018)
In order to study some number theoretical problems, algebraic number fields and their ring of integers have being introduced. ...

Explicit local multiplicative convolution of ℓ-adic sheaves

Rojas León, Antonio (European Mathematical Society, 2018)
We give explicit formulas for the local multiplicative convolution functors, which express the local monodromies of the ...
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Representación de números primos mediante formas cuadráticas

Mazuelos Jiménez, Elisa; Rojas León, Antonio (2017)
The well-known seventeenth century mathematician Pierre de Fermat left some interesting results on integers and how to ...
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Sumas de Gauss y funciones zeta de hipersuperficies diagonales

Chiara Llanos, Olmo; Rojas León, Antonio (2017)
A lo largo de este trabajo abordaremos algunos casos particulares de las conjeturas de Weil. En primer lugar estudiaremos ...

7o Congreso Europeo de Matemáticas

Rojas León, Antonio (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2016)
La séptima edición del Congreso Europeo de Matemáticas, evento que tiene lugar cada cuatro años bajo los auspicios de la ...

Decomposing Jacobians of curves over finite fields in the absence of algebraic structure

Ahmadi, Omran; McGuire, Gary; Rojas León, Antonio (Elsevier, 2015)
We consider the issue of when the L-polynomial of one curve over Fq divides the L-polynomial of another curve. We prove a ...

Mesa Redonda «Investigación: Presente y Futuro», Granada, 6 de febrero de 2015

Rodríguez Pérez, Magdalena; Rojas León, Antonio (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2015)
Tesis Doctoral

D-Módulos algebraicos y cohomología de familias de Dwork

Castaño Domínguez, Alberto; Narváez Macarro, Luis; Rojas León, Antonio (2014)
Una familia de Dwork es una deformación monomial uniparamétrica de una hipersuperficie de Fermat. Debido a su conexión con ...

Local convolution of l-adic sheaves on the torus

Rojas León, Antonio (Springer, 2013)
For K and L two l-adic perverse sheaves on the one-dimensional torus Gm,k¯ over the algebraic closure of a finite field, ...

Pierre Deligne

Rojas León, Antonio (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2013)

On the number of rational points on curves over finite fields with many automorphisms

Rojas León, Antonio (Elsevier, 2013)
Using Weil descent, we give bounds for the number of rational points on two families of curves over finite fields with a ...

Rationality of trace and norm L-functions

Rojas León, Antonio (Duke University Press, 2012)
For a given l-adic sheaf F on a commutative algebraic group G over a finite field k and an integer r ≥ 1 we define the ...

Estimates for exponential sums with a large automorphism group

Rojas León, Antonio (American Mathematical Society, 2012)
We prove some improvements of the classical Weil bound for one variable additive and multiplicative character sums associated ...

Katz-Radon transform of l-adic representations

Rojas León, Antonio (Duke University Press, 2012)
We prove a simple explicit formula for the local Katz-Radon transform of an l-adic representation of the Galois group of ...

L-functions of symmetric powers of the generalized Airy family of exponential sums

Haessig, C. Douglas; Rojas León, Antonio (2011)
This paper looks at the L-function of the kth symmetric power of the -sheaf Aif over the affine line associated to the ...

Improvements of the Weil bound for Artin-Schreier curves

Rojas León, Antonio; Wan, Daqing (Springer, 2011)
For the Artin-Schreier curve y q − y = f(x) defined over a finite field Fq of q elements, the celebrated Weil bound for ...

Purity of exponential sums on An, II

Rojas León, Antonio (De Gruyer, 2007)
We give a purity result for exponential sums of the type P x∈kn ψ(f(x)), where k is a finite field of characteristic p, ψ ...

Moment zeta functions for toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces

Rojas León, Antonio; Wan, Daqing (International Press, 2007)
Moment zeta functions provide a diophantineformulation for the distribution of rational points on afamily of algebraic ...

Purity of exponential sums on An

Rojas León, Antonio (Kluwer, 2006)
We give a purity result for two kinds of exponential sums of the type ∑x∈knψ(f(x)), where k is a finite field of characteristic ...

Estimates for singular multiplicative character sums

Rojas León, Antonio (Duke University Press, 2005)
We give some estimates for multiplicative character sums on quasiprojective varieties over finite fields depending on the ...

Continuous division of linear differential operators and faithful flatness of D∞X over DX

Narváez Macarro, Luis; Rojas León, Antonio (Société Mathématique de France, 2004)
In these notes we prove the faithful flatness of the sheaf of infinite order linear differential operators over the sheaf ...