NombrePrados Montaño, Antonio
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Teórica
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
  • Nº publicaciones


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Design and optimisation of irreversible heat engines

Prieto Rodríguez, Irene; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2023)
Las máquinas térmicas son dispositivos que convierten energía térmica en trabajo útil operando de manera cíclica. Durante ...
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Modelos efectivos para sistemas con una dinámica estocástica subyacente

Vega Estévez, Esther; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto (2023)
En gran variedad de sistemas físicos, como las biomoléculas o los sistemas de baja dimensionalidad como el grafeno, se ha ...
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Estudio del movimiento browniano bajo la acción de reseteo estocástico

Vargas Cabrera, Eugenio José; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2023)

Buckling in a Rotationally Invariant Spin-elastic Model

García Valladares, Gregorio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2023)
Scanning tunneling microscopy experiments have revealed a spontaneous rippled-to-buckled transition in heated graphene ...

Optimal Resetting Strategies for Search Processes in Heterogeneous Environments

García Valladares, Gregorio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Manacorda, Alessandro (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2023)
In many physical situations, there appears the problem of reaching a single target that is spatially distributed. Here we ...

Thermal brachistochrone for harmonically confined Brownian particles

Patrón Castro, Antonio; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)
The overdamped Brownian dynamics of a harmonic oscillator is a paradigmatic system in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, ...
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Del cálculo variacional a la teoría del control óptimo: Aplicación a sistemas lejos del equilibrio

Ruiz Pino, Natalia; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2022)
Throughout history, time has marked a determining factor in multiple processes, from optimization of tasks in assembly ...
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De la ecuación de Kramers a Smoluchowski: límite sobreamortiguado del movimiento browniano

Ríos Monje, Carlos; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto (2022)
El movimiento browniano consiste en el movimiento estocástico de partículas suspendidas en un fluido debido a las colisiones ...

Thermal Versus Entropic Mpemba Effect in Molecular Gases with Nonlinear Drag

Megías, A.; Santos, A.; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2022)
Loosely speaking, the Mpemba effect appears when hotter systems cool sooner or, in a more abstract way, when systems further ...

Optimal Control of Uniformly Heated Granular Fluids in Linear Response

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Ruiz Pino, Natalia; linear response (MDPI, 2022)
We present a detailed analytical investigation of the optimal control of uniformly heated granular gases in the linear ...

Strong nonexponential relaxation and memory effects in a fluid with nonlinear drag

Patrón Castro, Antonio; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2021)
We analyze the dynamical evolution of a fluid with nonlinear drag, for which binary collisions are elastic, described at ...

Linear response in the uniformly heated granular gas

Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2021)
We analyze the linear response properties of the uniformly heated granular gas. The intensity of the stochastic driving ...

Optimizing the relaxation route with optimal control

Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2021)
We look into the minimization of the connection time between nonequilibrium steady states. As a prototypical example of ...
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Estudiando procesos de no equilibrio con modelos sencillos

Cortés Guillén, Guillermo; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2021)

Taming the Time Evolution in Overdamped Systems: Shortcuts Elaborated from Fast-Forward and Time-Reversed Protocols

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Trizac, Emmanuel; Guéry Odelin, David (American Physical Society, 2021)
Using a reverse-engineering approach on the time-distorted solution in a reference potential, we work out the external ...

Finite-time adiabatic processes: Derivation and speed limit

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Guéry Odelin, David; Trizac, Emmanuel; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2020)
Obtaining adiabatic processes that connect equilibrium states in a given time represents a challenge for mesoscopic systems. ...
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Estudio mecánico-estadístico de las transiciones de fase: aplicación al fenómeno de "buckling" en grafeno

García Valladares, Gregorio; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2020)
En este trabajo, vamos a analizar la teoría de Landau para transiciones de fase de primer y segundo orden, para posteriormente ...

On the emergence of large and complex memory effects in nonequilibrium fluids

Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Vega Reyes, Francisco; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Santos, Andrés (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
Control of cooling and heating processes is essential in many industrial and biological processes. In fact, the time ...

Optimal work in a harmonic trap with bounded stiffness

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Guéry Odelin, David; Trizac, Emmanuel; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2019)
We apply Pontryagin’s principle to drive rapidly a trapped overdamped Brownian particle in contact with a thermal bath ...

Derivation of a Langevin equation in a system with multiple scales: the case of negative temperatures

Baldovin, Marco; Vulpiani, Ángelo; Puglisi, Andrea; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2019)
We consider the problem of building a continuous stochastic model, i.e., a Langevin or Fokker-Planck equation, through a ...

Large Mpemba-like effect in a gas of inelastic rough hard spheres

Torrente, Aurora; López Castaño, Miguel A.; Lasanta, Antonio; Vega Reyes, Francisco; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Santos, Andrés (American Physical Society, 2019)
We report the emergence of a giant Mpemba effect in the uniformly heated gas of inelastic rough hard spheres: The initially ...
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El formalismo de la integral de camino en mecánica cuántica y mecánica estadística

Mayorgas Reyes, Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2019)
En este trabajo, estudiamos la integral de camino en el contexto de la mecánica cuántica no relativista y de la mecánica ...
Tesis Doctoral

From proteins to grains: a journey through simple models.

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (2018)
This thesis is about the study of complex systems through simple models. Our work evidences the relevance of this kind of ...
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De la ecuación de Boltzmann a Navier-Stokes

Gómez Calero, María José; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto (2018)
En este trabajo estudiamos ciertos resultados básicos de la teoría cinética de los gases. En particular, deducimos la ...

Relevance of the Speed and Direction of Pulling in Simple Modular Proteins

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Scholl, Zackary N.; Marszalek, Piotr E.; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Chemical Society, 2018)
A theoretical framework capable of predicting the first unit that unfolds in pulled modular proteins has been recently ...

Hydrodynamics of granular particles on a line

Baldassarri, Andrea; Puglisi, Andrea; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2018)
We investigate a lattice model representing a granular gas in a thin channel. We deduce the hydrodynamic description for ...

Modelling the Unfolding Pathway of Biomolecules: Theoretical Approach and Experimental Prospect

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (Springer, 2018)
We analyse the unfolding pathway of biomolecules comprising several independent modules in pulling experiments. In a ...

Global stability and H theorem in lattice models with nonconservative interactions

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2017)
In kinetic theory, a system is usually described by its one-particle distribution function f (r,v,t), such that f (r,v,t)drdv ...

Kovacs-like memory effect in athermal systems: Linear response analysis

Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto; Prados Montaño, Antonio (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2017)
We analyze the emergence of Kovacs-like memory effects in athermal systems within the linear response regime. This is done ...

When the Hotter Cools More Quickly: Mpemba Effect in Granular Fluids

Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Vega Reyes, Francisco; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Santos Reyes, Andrés (American Physical Society, 2017)
Under certain conditions, two samples of fluid at different initial temperatures present a counterintuitive behavior known ...
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Introducción a las descripciones de Langevin y Fokker-Planck: Movimiento browniano

Martín Sierra, Francisco Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Plata Ramos, Carlos Alberto (2017)
El movimiento browniano fue descubierto en 1827 por el botánico Robert Brown mientras realizaba el estudio de formas de ...

Bifurcation analysis and phase diagram of a spin-string model with buckled states

Ruiz García, M.; Bonilla, L. L.; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2017)
We analyze a one-dimensional spin-string model, in which string oscillators are linearly coupled to their two nearest ...

Statistics of the dissipated energy in driven diffusive systems

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Hurtado Fernández, Pablo Ignacio; Lasanta Becerra, Antonio (EDP Sciences, 2016)
Understanding the physics of non-equilibrium systems remains one of the major open questions in statistical physics. This ...

STM-driven transition from rippled to buckled graphene in a spin-membrane model

Ruiz García, M.; López Bonilla, Luis; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2016)
We consider a simple spin-membrane model for rippling in graphene. The model exhibits transitions from a flat but rippled ...

Fluctuating hydrodynamics and mesoscopic effects of spatial correlations in dissipative systems with conserved momentum

Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Manacorda, A.; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Puglisi, A. (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2015)
We introduce a model described in terms of a scalar velocity field on a 1D lattice, evolving through collisions that ...

Theory of force-extension curves for modular proteins and DNA hairpins

Bonilla, L. L.; Carpio, A.; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2015)
We study a model describing the force-extension curves of modular proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules made out ...

Protein unfolding and refolding as transitions through virtual states

López Bonilla, Luis; Carpio Rodríguez, Ana; Prados Montaño, Antonio (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2014)
Single-molecule atomic force spectroscopy probes elastic properties of titin, ubiquitin and other relevant proteins. We ...

Kovacs-Like Memory Effect in Driven Granular Gases

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Trizac, E. (American Physical Society, 2014)
While memory effects have been reported for dense enough disordered systems such as glasses, we show here by a combination ...

Memory effect in uniformly heated granular gases

Trizac, Emmanuel; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2014)
We evidence a Kovacs-like memory effect in a uniformly driven granular gas. A system of inelastic hard particles, in the ...

Kovacs effect in the one-dimensional Ising model: A linear response analysis

Ruiz García, M.; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2014)
We analyze the so-called Kovacs effect in the one-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics. We consider small enough ...

Typical and rare fluctuations in nonlinear driven diffusive systems with dissipation

Hurtado Fernández, Pablo Ignacio; Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2013)
We consider fluctuations of the dissipated energy in nonlinear driven diffusive systems subject to bulk dissipation and ...

Sawtooth patterns in force-extension curves of biomolecules: An equilibrium-statistical-mechanics theory

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Carpio, A.; Bonilla, L.L. (American Physical Society, 2013)
We analyze the force-extension curve for a general class of systems, which are described at the mesoscopic level by a free ...

Nonlinear driven diffusive systems with dissipation: Fluctuating hydrodynamics

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Hurtado, Pablo I. (American Physical Society, 2012)
We consider a general class of nonlinear diffusive models with bulk dissipation and boundary driving and derive its ...

Spin-oscillator model for the unzipping of biomolecules by mechanical force

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Carpio, Ana; Bonilla, L.L. (American Physical Society, 2012)
A spin-oscillator system models unzipping of biomolecules (such as DNA, RNA, or proteins) subject to an external force. ...

Ripples in a string coupled to Glauber spins

Bonilla, L.L.; Carpio, A.; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Rosales, R.R. (American Physical Society, 2012)
Each oscillator in a linear chain (a string) interacts with a local Ising spin in contact with a thermal bath. These spins ...

Large fluctuations in driven dissipative media

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Lasanta Becerra, Antonio; Hurtado Fernández, Pablo Ignacio (American Physical Society, 2011)
We analyze the fluctuations of the dissipated energy in a simple and general model where dissipation, diffusion, and driving ...

Scaling and aging in the homogeneous cooling state of a granular fluid of hard particles

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio; García de Soria Lucena, María Isabel; Maynar Blanco, Pablo (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2007)
The presence of the aging phenomenon in the homogeneous cooling state (HCS) of a granular fluid composed of inelastic hard ...

Dynamics and steady state of a vibrated granular binary mixture model

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2003)
A model for the dynamical evolution of a granular binary mixture is analyzed. This system is submitted to a tapping ...

Effective dynamics and steady state of an Ising model submitted to tapping processes

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier (American Physical Society, 2002)
A one-dimensional Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions is applied to study compaction processes in granular ...

Memory effects in the relaxation of ising models

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2002)
It is analytically shown that the one-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics exhibits short-time memory effects ...

Closed model for granular compaction under weak tapping

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2002)
A one-dimensional lattice model is formulated to study tapping dynamics and the long time steady distribution in granular ...

Slow logarithmic relaxation in models with hierarchically constrained dynamics

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2001)
A general kind of model with hierarchically constrained dynamics is shown to exhibit logarithmic anomalous relaxation ...

Linear response of vibrated granular systems to sudden changes in the vibration intensity

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 2001)
The short-term memory effects recently observed in vibration-induced compaction of granular materials are studied. It is ...

Glasslike dynamical behavior in hierarchical models submitted to continuous cooling and heating processes

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier (American Physical Society, 2001)
The dynamical behavior of a kind of models with hierarchically constrained dynamics is investigated. The models exhibit ...

Hysteresis in vibrated granular media

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo (Elsevier, 2000)
Some general dynamical properties of models for compaction of granular media based on master equations are analyzed. In ...

Simple model with facilitated dynamics for granular compaction

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo (American Physical Society, 1999)
A simple lattice model is used to study compaction in granular media. As in real experiments, we consider a series of taps ...

Aging in the one-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo (IOP Publishing Ltd., 1997)
We study the zero-temperature limit of the one-dimensional Ising model with nearest-neighbor interactions and Glauber ...
Tesis Doctoral

Fenómenos dinámicos en modelos sencillos controlados por barreras entrópicas

Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (1997)
La organización de esta Memoria es la siguiente. En el Capítulo 2 presentamos una revisión somera de las principales ...

Glassy behavior in a simple model with entropy barriers

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo (American Physical Society, 1997)
We study the dynamical behavior of a system with a variable number of particles n. The empty state n=0 is the ground state, ...

Low-temperature relaxation in the one-dimensional Ising model

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 1996)
The decay of the spin-spin time correlation functions in a one-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics is studied. ...

Dynamical behavior of a one-dimensional Ising model submitted to continuous heating and cooling processes

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 1994)
The evolution of a one-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics and an extrinsic energy barrier, submitted to continuous ...
Tesis Doctoral

Fenómenos dinámicos en modelos sencillos que muestran comportamiento vítreo

Prados Montaño, Antonio; Brey Abalo, José Javier (1993)
La pregunta ¿qué es un vidrio? No tiene una respuesta sencilla. En los experimentos reales se observa que cuando se disminuye ...

Normal solutions for master-equations with time-dependent transition rates - application to heating processes

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Physical Society, 1993)
The long-time limit of the solutions of a master equation with time-dependent transition rates is analyzed, and the existence ...

Residual properties of a two-level system

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Prados Montaño, Antonio (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 1991)
The residual properties, after cooling from a high temperature to T=0 K, of a system of identical and independent two-level ...