NombreJiménez Gamero, María Dolores
DepartamentoEstadística e Investigación Operativa
Área de conocimientoEstadística e Investigación Operativa
Categoría profesionalCatedrática de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Testing for proportions when data are classified into a large number of groups

Alba Fernández, María Virtudes; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Jiménez Jiménez, F. (Elsevier, 2024)
When dealing with categorical data, a common concern is to check if the observed relative frequencies agree with a certain ...

Homogeneity of marginal distributions for a large number of populations

Alba Fernández, María Virtudes; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Wiley, 2023)
Assume that a random vector is observed in populations and independent samples of that random vector are available at ...

Testing Poissonity of a large number of populations

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Uña Álvarez, J. de (Springer, 2023)
This paper studies the problem of simultaneously testing that each of k samples, coming from k count variables, were all ...

Testing normality of a large number of populations

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Springer, 2023)
This paper studies the problem of simultaneously testing that each of k independent samples come from a normal population. ...

Testing normality of a large number of populations

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Springer, 2023)
This paper studies the problem of simultaneously testing that each of k independent samples come from a normal population. ...

On sparse ensemble methods: An application to short-term predictions of the evolution of COVID-19

Benítez Peña, Sandra; Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José; Guerrero, Vanesa; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Martín Barragán, Belén; Molero Río, Cristina; Ramírez Cobo, Josefa; Romero Morales, María Dolores; Sillero Denamiel, María Remedios (Elsevier, 2021)
Since the seminal paper by Bates and Granger in 1969, a vast number of ensemble methods that combine different base ...
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Test de bondad de ajuste de la distribución Poisson

Méndez Hurtado, Manuel; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (2021)
Unlike the normality tests, the goodness of-fit tests for the Poisson distribution are not present in commonly used software ...

A New Approach to the Quality Control of Slope and Aspect Classes Derived from Digital Elevation Models

Alba Fernández, María Virtudes; Ariza López, F.J.; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (MDPI, 2021)
The usefulness of the parameters (e.g., slope, aspect) derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is limited by its ...

On sparse ensemble methods: an application to short-term predictions of the evolution of COVID-19

Benítez Peña, Sandra; Carrizosa Priego, Emilio José; Guerrero, Vanesa; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Elsevier, 2021)
Since the seminal paper by Bates and Granger in 1969, a vast number of ensemble methods that combine different base ...

Testing the equality of a large number of means of functional data

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Franco Pereira, Alba M. (Elsevier, 2021)
Given k independent samples of functional data, this paper deals with the problem of testing for the equality of their ...

A test for Gaussianity in Hilbert spaces via theempirical characteristic functional

Henze, Norbert; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Wiley, 2020)
LetX1,X2, independent and identically distributedrandom elements taking values in a separable HilbertspaceH. With ...

A new class of tests for multinormality with i.i.d. and garch data based on the empirical moment generating function

Henze, Norbert; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Springer, 2019)
We generalize a recent class of tests for univariate normality that are based on the empirical moment generating function ...

A class of goodness-of-fit tests for circular distributions based on trigonometric moments

Rao Jammalamadaka, Sreenivasa; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Meintanis, Simos G. (Statistical Institute of Catalonia, 2019)
We propose a class of goodness–of–fit test procedures for arbitrary parametric families of circular distributions with ...

Characterizations of multinormality and corresponding tests of fit, including for Garch models

Henze, Norbert; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Meintanis, Simos G. (Cornell University, 2018)
We provide novel characterizations of multivariate normality that incorporate both the characteristic function and the ...

Minimum penalized φ-divergence estimation under model misspecification

Alba Fernández, María Virtudes; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Ariza López, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2018)
This paper focuses on the consequences of assuming a wrong model for multinomial data when using minimum penalized ...

Computationally efficient goodness-of-fit tests for the error distribution in nonparametric regression

Rivas Martínez, Gustavo Ignacio; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Portugal), 2018)
Several procedures have been proposed for testing goodness-of-fit to the error distribution in nonparametric regression ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aproximación a la distribución de ciertos estadísticos en contrastes sobre modelos de regresión no paramétrica

Rivas Martínez, Gustavo Ignacio; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (2017)
Este trabajo se desarrolla en el contexto de modelos de regresión no paramétrica con diseño aleatorio para variable respuesta ...

The Power Muth Distribution

Jodrá Esteban, Pedro; Gómez, Héctor W.; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Alba Fernández, María Virtudes (Vilnius teach journals, 2017)
Muth introduced a probability distribution with application in reliability theory. We propose a new model from the Muth ...

The Power Muth Distribution

Jodrá Esteban, Pedro; Wladimir Gómez, Héctor; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Alba Fernández, María Virtudes (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2017)
Muth introduced a probability distribution with application in relia-bility theory. We propose a new model from ...

Empirical characteristic function tests for GARCH innovation distribution using multipliers

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
Goodness-of-fit tests for the innovation distribution in GARCH models based on measuring deviations between the empirical ...
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Inferencia para datos funcionales

Manzorro Castrillón, Lucía; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (2016)
In recent years, technological advances have made possible to have large masses of data that sometimes correspond to ...

A goodness-of-fit test for the multivariate Poisson distribution

Novoa Muñoz, Francisco; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2016)
Bivariate count data arise in several different disciplines and the bivariate Poisson distribution is commonly used to ...

Tests for the equality of conditional variance functions in nonparametric regression

Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; El Ghouch, Anouar (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2015)
In this paper we are interested in checking whether the conditional variances are equal in k ≥ 2 location-scale regression ...

On the Muth Distribution

Jodrá Esteban, Pedro; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Alba Fernández, María Virtudes (Vilnius teach journals, 2015)
The Muth distribution is a continuous random variable introduced in the context of reliability theory. In this paper, some ...

On the Muth Distribution

Jodrá Esteban, Pedro; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Alba Fernández, María Virtudes (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Journals, 2015)
The Muth distribution is a continuous random variable introduced inthe context of reliability theory. In this ...

A non-parametric ANOVA-type test for regression curves based on characteristic functions

Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; El Ghouch, Anouar (Wiley, 2015)
This article studies a new procedure to test for the equality of k regression curves in a fully nonparametric context. The ...

A Non-parametricANOVA-type Test forRegression Curves Based onCharacteristic Functions

Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; El Ghouch, Anouar (Wiley, 2015)
This article studies a new procedure to test for the equality of k regression curves in a fully non-parametric context. ...

Tests for the equality of conditional variance functions in nonparametric regression

Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; El Ghouch, Anouar (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2015)
In this paper we are interested in checking whether the conditional variances are equal in k ≥ 2 location-scale regression ...
Tesis Doctoral

Test de bondad de ajuste para la distribución Poissón Bivariante

Novoa Muñoz, Francisco; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (2013)
Los datos de conteo pueden aparecer bajo diferentes circunstancias. En un marco univariante, la distribución Poisson es ...
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Encuestas evaluadoras del profesorado: prueba de cargo, prueba ilícita, prueba tasada

Muñoz García, Joaquín; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Muñoz Conde, María; Castro Sáenz, Alfonso; Chocrón Giráldez, Ana María; Fernández-Carrión, Rodrigo; García San José, Daniel; Igartua Miró, María Teresa (Laborum, 2012)

A Monte Carlo comparison of three consistent bootstrap procedures

Pino Mejías, Rafael; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Enguix González, Alicia (Taylor & Francis, 2009)
Since bootstrap samples are simple random samples with replacement from the original sample, the information content of ...

Una generalización de la métrica de Hausdorff sobre C(Rn)

Chalco Cano, Yurilev; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores (Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2009)
En este trabajo hacemos una extensión de la métrica de Hausdorff H sobre C(Rn), el espacio de todos los conjuntos difusos ...

Influence Diagnostics in Regression with Complex Designs Through Conditional Bias

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Moreno Rebollo, Juan Luis; Muñoz Pichardo, Juan Manuel; Muñoz Reyes, Ana María (Springer, 2005)
One of the a,rea~s of Statistics in ~ hich the influence a, nalysis has been ~ idely stu.died in the multiple linear ...

Reduced bootstrap for the median

Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Muñoz García, Joaquín; Pino Mejías, Rafael (Academia Sinica (Institute of Statistical Science), 2004)
In this paper we study a modified bootstrap that consists of only considering those bootstrap samples satisfying k1 ≤ νn ...
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Hadamard and Jensen inequalities for s-convex fuzzy processes

Osuna Gómez, Rafaela; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Chalco Cano, Yurilev; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio; López Díaz, Miguel; Gil Álvarez, María Ángeles; Grzegorzewski, Przemyslaw; Hryniewicz, Olgierd; Lawry, Jonathan (Springer, 2004)
We give some inequalities of Hadamard and Jensen type for s-convex fuzzy processes. We also give some applications.
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Continuity for s-convex fuzzy processes

Cervelati, Juliana; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Vilca Labra, Filidor Edilfonso; Rojas Medar, Marko Antonio (Springer, 2004)
In a previous paper we introduced the concept of s-convex fuzzy mapping and established some properties. In this work we study the continuity for s-convex fuzzy processes.

e-Encuestas Probabilísticas II. Los Métodos de Muestreo Probabilístico

Muñoz Reyes, Ana María; Jiménez Gamero, María Dolores; Muñoz García, Joaquín; Pino Mejías, Rafael (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2002)
En este trabajo se aborda fundamentalmente el estudio de las encuestas que utilizan la herramienta de Internet para su ...