NameAlonso Carrillo, Alicia
DepartmentConstrucciones Arquitectónicas I
Knowledge areaConstrucciones Arquitectónicas
Professional categoryProfesora Titular de Universidad
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Household energy vulnerability evaluation in southern Spain through parametric energy simulation models and socio-economic data

Calama-González, Carmen María; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Suárez, Rafael; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis (Elsevier, 2024)
When proposing the most suitable strategies for retrofitting the residential stock it is essential to consider energy ...

How do different methods for generating future weather data affect building performance simulations? A comparative analysis of Southern Europe

Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Calama-González, Carmen María; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis (MDPI, 2023)
Climate change will have a great impact on the hottest climates of southern Europe and the existing residential stock will ...

Thermal insulation impact on overheating vulnerability reduction in Mediterranean dwellings

Calama-González, Carmen María; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis; Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez, Ana; Arriazu Ramos, Ainhoa; Monge Barrio, Aurora (Elsevier, 2023)
Heat waves are expected to increase the use of air conditioning (AC), deriving in higher energy consumption. This research ...

Archetypes of public secondary schools in Mediterranean climate. Indoor air quality and comfort field studies

Llanos-Jiménez, Jesús; Suárez, Rafael; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Sendra, Juan J. (2022)
Climate change is a growing global concern and building stock, in particular, is responsible for the emission of greenhouse ...

Improving comfort conditions as an energy upgrade tool for housing stock: analysis of a house prototype

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Calama-González, Carmen María; Suárez, Rafael; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis; Hernández Valencia, Miguel (Elsevier, 2022)
Given the role of the building sector as one of the current main causes of pollution in cities, the promotion of research ...

Is indoor overheating an upcoming risk in southern Spain social housing stocks? Predictive assessment under a climate change scenario

Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Suárez, Rafael; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Mauro, Gerardo Maria (Elsevier, 2022)
Beyond thermal comfort, the future outlook of climate change poses a challenge for the health of the most vulnerable ...

Building assessment and statistical characterisation of the Mediterranean social housing stock in Southern Spain

Calama-González, Carmen María; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis; Suárez, Rafael (IOP Publishing, 2022)
Given that the existing residential buildings are expected to become a huge part of the future stock due to their low ...

Acoustic retrofit strategies of windows in facades of residential buildings: Requirements and recommendations to reduce exposure to environmental noise

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Patrício, Jorge Viçoso; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2021)
Achieving an adequate indoor acoustic comfort environment is one of the main priorities to avoid adverse effects caused ...
Final Degree Project

Evaluación del campo sonoro y acondicionamiento acústico de espacios patrimoniales de planta centralizada: el caso del oratorio San Felipe Neri

Jiménez Gómez, Alejandro; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia (2021)
Durante las últimas décadas, se ha potenciado la recuperación del espacio sonoro de edificios patrimoniales en los que la ...

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on indoor air quality and thermal comfort of primary schools in winter in a Mediterranean climate

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Llanos Jiménez, Jesús; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío; Sendra, Juan J. (MDPI, 2021)
Research studies have shown the potential effects of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) on pupils’ health and academic ...
Final Degree Project

La rehabilitación de la vivienda colectiva en condiciones de obsolescencia mediante la introducción de sistemas eficientes

Rebolledo Iglesias, Andrea; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia (2020)
n our cities there is a large stock of social housing built more than 50 years ago and in which whose tenants, normally ...
Final Degree Project

El uso de la energía y la evaluación de las condiciones ambientales interiores en la vivienda unifamiliar en hilera en clima mediterráneo

Rodríguez Moya, Carmen; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia (2020)
En la actualidad proyectar nuevas viviendas o rehabilitar existentes que tengan consumo de energía casi nulo es una de ...

Acoustical retrofit of existing residential buildings: Requirements and recommendations for sound insulation between dwellings in Europe and other countries worldwide

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Patrício, Jorge Viçoso; Suárez, Rafael; Escandón Ramírez, Rocío (Elsevier, 2020)
Exposure to noise is proven to have important repercussions on human comfort and health conditions. In recent decades, ...

On the efficiency of impact sound insulation systems on prefabricated lightweight floor and on standard homogeneous base-floor

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Patrício, Jorge Viçoso; Suárez, Rafael (Elsevier, 2019)
Considering the impact noise as a major social issue in many countries, extensive work have been developed aimed at reducing ...

Criteria for vibration levels from Metro Lines to comply with acceptable noise inside residential buildings

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Patrício, Jorge Viçoso; Schiappa, F. (European Acoustics Association, 2019)
Amongst all types of transportation means, the Metro generates high levels of vibration, which are transmitted to the ...

The acoustics of the choir in Spanish cathedrals

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J. (MDPI, 2018)
One of the most significant enclosures in worship spaces is that of the choir. Generally, from a historical point of view, ...

On the assessment of the multiplicity of spaces in the acoustic environment of cathedrals: the case of the cathedral of Seville

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2018)
Depending on the type of configuration to be adopted there are multiple forms of occupation of a cathedral which can ...

Virtual acoustic environment reconstruction of the hypostyle Mosque of Cordoba

Suárez, Rafael; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Sendra, Juan J. (Elsevier, 2018)
Current simulation tools and virtual-reality technologies enable the reconstruction of the historical sound inside heritage ...

Virtual reconstruction of indoor acoustics in cathedrals: the case of the cathedral of Granada

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J. (Springer / Tsinghua University Press, 2017)
Virtual acoustics provides a highly useful tool for the investigation into the influence that spatial transformations may ...
PhD Thesis

El sonido de las catedrales de Sevilla y Granada: acústica y recuperación patrimonial

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Sendra, Juan J.; Suárez, Rafael (2016)
Desde su origen la iglesia ha sido concebida como lugar de asamblea o de reunión, al mismo tiempo que lugar de desarrollo ...
Master's Final Project

La caja mágica como espacio para la experiencia sonora, el pabellón Philips de Le Corbusier e Iannis Xenakis

Carbonell González, Sonia; Suárez, Rafael; Guerra de Hoyos, Carmen; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia (2016)
Desde que el Pabellón Philips abriera sus puertas en la Exposición Internacional de Bruselas en el verano de 1958 ya han ...

Acoustical influence of different locations of the choir in the cathedral of Granada from a subjective and objective overview

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J. (2016)
The choir is a space that greatly influences the design and architectural configuration of a cathedral. Cultural influence, ...

Absorción acústica de materiales textiles en recintos de culto

Álvarez Morales, L; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Girón Borrero, Sara; Galindo del Pozo, Miguel; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J.; Giménez Pérez, Alicia (2015)
Los recintos eclesiales se ornamentan para las grandes festividades principalmente mediante la incorporación de materiales ...

Modelo acústico virtual de la catedral renacentista de Jaén

Álvarez-Morales, Lidia; Franco Fuillerat, Arturo J.; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Girón Borrero, Sara; Galindo del Pozo, Miguel; Zamarreño García, Teófilo (2013)
La catedral de Jaén es una de las joyas arquitectónicas del renacimiento español, que sirvió de modelo para la construcción ...

La acústica del crucero de la Catedral de Sevilla en las grandes celebraciones

Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Suárez, Rafael; Sendra, Juan J.; Alvarez, Lidia (2012)
La Catedral de Sevilla es el más valioso representante del patrimonio cultural en la ciudad, modelo del tipo catedralicio ...

Acoustic rehabilitation of the former royal tobbaco factory, headquartes of the university of seville: a global assessment

Sendra, Juan J.; Zamarreño García, Teófilo; Galindo, M.; León-Rodríguez, Ángel Luis; Ramírez Balas, Cristina; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia (2011)
The former Royal Tobacco Factory in Seville is one of the most important civic buildings built in Spain in the eighteenth ...

Initial acoustic model to simulatte the sound field of the Cathedral of Seville

Alvarez, Lidia; Alonso Carrillo, Alicia; Galindo del Pozo, Miguel; Zamarreño García, Teófilo; Girón Borrero, Sara (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia., 2011)
The cathedral of Seville is one of the most emblematic heritage buildings of the city, world heritage and the largest ...