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Tesis Doctoral

dc.contributor.advisorPérez Cano, María Teresaes
dc.creatorCornejo Ortíz, Sergioes
dc.identifier.citationCornejo Ortíz, S. (2017). Del conocimiento a la protección del patrimonio en pequeños municipios: El Aljarafe sevillano. (Tesis Doctoral Inédita). Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla.
dc.description.abstractEn las últimas cuatro décadas, el Aljarafe sevillano, y concretamente el situado en la aglomeración urbana de Sevilla, ha sufrido un desarrollo sin precedentes, asistido por la creación y evolución del planeamiento urbanístico en municipios de reducido tamaño, que en ese periodo de tiempo han visto multiplicarse por diez la superficie de su suelo urbano. ¿Qué ha pasado durante todo este proceso con el patrimonio cultural de un territorio de contrastada riqueza patrimonial? La manera de abordar la protección del patrimonio en estos asentamientos urbanos de pequeño tamaño, fuertemente tensionados por el área metropolitana a la que pertenecen, sigue estando supeditada al reconocimiento del mismo por el propio municipio –identidad territorial-, a quien corresponde la misión de dar a conocer el valor cultural de su territorio, así como a su capacidad para gestionarlo de manera estratégica y eficaz, posicionándolo en relación con la creación de entornos de calidad; sin olvidarnos del importante papel estructural que juega al respecto la ordenación territorial. Este trabajo, después de recorrer los rasgos generales y peculiares de la geografía y del marco administrativo e instrumental de los sistemas patrimoniales de regiones urbanas y áreas metropolitanas, tomando referencias internacionales, nacionales y autonómicas, se centrará en una muestra de pequeños municipios del Aljarafe sevillano, en la que poder reflexionar acerca del papel del patrimonio en este tipo de asentamientos, de cómo el territorio cultural ha venido siendo utilizado cada vez con más frecuencia de un modo instrumental y operativo para alcanzar objetivos económicos y políticos y adelantar algunas previsiones
dc.description.abstractIn the last four decades, Seville's Aljarafe, and specifically the one located in the urban agglomeration of Seville, has undergone an unprecedented development. This has been assisted by the creation and evolution of urban planning in small municipalities. They have experimented a growth of their surface of urban land by ten times, concerning the above mentioned period of time. What has happened during this process with the cultural heritage of a territory of contrasted wealth of heritage? These small urban settlements are being strongly stressed by the metropolitan area to which they belong. However, the approach to the protection of their heritage is committed through the acknowledgement of the municipalities themselves -territorial identity-. Releasing the cultural value of their territory, as well as managing it strategically and effectively, are tasks that they must develop. Their heritage would be linked to the creation of quality environments, considering the important structural role that territorial planning plays in this respect. This research has traced the general and peculiar features of the geography and the administrative and instrumental framework of the patrimonial systems of urban regions and metropolitan areas, taking international, national and regional references. It will be focused on a sample of small municipalities of the Sevillian Aljarafe, in which the role of heritage is reflected in the types of settlements. Cultural territory, increasingly used instrumentally and operatively, would be presented as a way to achieve economic and political objectives, in addition to advance some future forecasts. These small urban settlements are being strongly stressed by the metropolitan area to which they belong. However, the approach to the protection of their heritage is committed through the acknowledgement of the municipalities themselves -territorial identity-. Releasing the cultural value of their territory, as well as managing it strategically and effectively, are tasks that they must develop. Their heritage would be linked to the creation of quality environments, considering the important structural role that territorial planning plays in this respect. This research has traced the general and peculiar features of the geography and the administrative and instrumental framework of the patrimonial systems of urban regions and metropolitan areas, taking international, national and regional references. It will be focused on a sample of small municipalities of the Sevillian Aljarafe, in which the role of heritage is reflected in the types of settlements. Cultural territory, increasingly used instrumentally and operatively, would be presented as a way to achieve economic and political objectives, in addition to advance some future
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectIdentidad culturales
dc.subjectPatrimonio territoriales
dc.subjectPequeños municipioses
dc.titleDel conocimiento a la protección del patrimonio en pequeños municipios: El Aljarafe sevillanoes
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorioes

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