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dc.creatorAlegre Pérez, M ª Estheres
dc.description.abstractEn este trabajo ofrecemos el estudio de un producto muy interesante, procedente de Yucatán, denominado árbol de Choc, de cuya corteza se obtenían unos polvos útiles en el tratamiento de las fiebres intermitentes. Las primeras noticias que de se tienen en España corresponden a 1777. Reconocido y experimentado en la Corte por el doctor Lafarga, médico de Cámara del rey Carlos III, considera su efecto muy superior al de la quina ( producto estrella en ese momento) y obrando con más rapidez. Se ordenó proteger y potencias su cultivo en aquellas tierras, enviar plantas y semillas para su aclimatación y remesas de corteza para la Real Botica. Se estudia, también, el conocimiento del árbol en la época precolombina, sus noticias a través de los cronistas de Indias y su clasificación botánica, en el siglo XVIII, por dos relevantes naturalistas mejicanos: La Llave y
dc.description.abstractIn this work we offer the study of a very interesting product from Yucatan named «Árbol del Choc», from whose barks, some powders helpful for the treatment of discontinuous fevers were obtained. The first news in Spain was in 1777. It was recognized and experienced in the Spanish Court by Doctor Lafarge, Chamber Doctor of King Charles the third. He considered that its effects were rather more superior than the effects of “the Quina” (the most used product in that age), and that it also worked faster. Then, it was ordered to protect and to promote its cultivation in Yucatan in order to send plants and seeds for their acclimatization as well as the barks to The Royal Pharmacy. In this work, it is also studied the knowledge of this tree in the Pre-Columbian Age, its news through the Indian chroniclers and its classification in the 8th Century by two relevant Mexican naturalists: La Llave y
dc.relation.ispartof38th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy, Sevilla, September 19-22 2007es
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleEl árbol del CHOCes

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