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Application specific integrated circuit solution for multi-input multi-output piecewise-affine functions
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2016-01) Brox Jiménez, María; Martínez Rodríguez, Macarena Cristina; Tena Sánchez, Erica; Baturone Castillo, María Iluminada; Acosta Jiménez, Antonio José; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Electrónica y Electromagnetismo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica; European Commission (EC); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
This paper presents a fully digital architecture and its application specific integrated circuit implementation for computing multi-input multi-output (MIMO) piecewise-affine (PWA) functions. The work considers both PWA functions defined over regular hyperrectangular and simplicial partitions of the input domains and also lattice PWA representations. The proposed architecture is able to implement PWA functions following different realization strategies, using a common structure with a minimized number of blocks, thus reducing power consumption and hardware resources. Experimental results obtained with application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) integrated in a 90-nm complementary metal-oxide semiconductor standard technology are provided. The proposed architecture is compared with other digital architectures in the state of the art habitually used to implement model predictive control applications. The proposal is superior in power consumption (saving up to 86%) and economy of hardware resources (saving up to 40% in comparison with a mere replication of the three representations) to other proposals described in literature, being ready to be used in applications where high-performance and minimum unitary cost are required.

Analytical Quality by Design in the Development of a Solvent-modified Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Method for the Determination of Sitagliptin and its Related Compounds
(Elsevier, 2021) Pasquini, Benedetta; Gotti, Roberto; Villar Navarro, Mercedes; Douša, Michal; Renai, Lapo; Del Bubba, Massimo; Orlandini, Serena; Furlanetto, Sandra; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Química Analítica; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD). España
A solvent-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography method was developed following the Quality by Design approach for the simultaneous determination of sitagliptin (SIT), an oral antihyperglycemic drug, and its main impurities derived from the synthesis process. The separation system was identified in the scouting phase and was made by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) micelles with the addition of n-butanol and methanol. The knowledge space was investigated through an asymmetric screening matrix, taking into consideration eight critical method parameters (CMPs) involving the composition of the background electrolyte in terms of buffer concentration and pH, the concentration of surfactants and organic modifiers, and voltage. The critical method attributes (CMAs) were identified as analysis time and the distance between the tail of the electroosmotic flow system peak and the front edge of impurity I1 (sitagliptin triazole hydrochloride). A Box-Behnken Design was used in response surface methodology for calculating the quadratic models relating the CMPs to the CMAs. From the models it was possible to compute the method operable design region (MODR) through Monte-Carlo simulations. The MODR was identified in the probability maps as the multidimensional zone where the risk of failure to achieve the desired values for the CMAs was lower than 10 %. The experimental conditions corresponding to the working point, with the MODR interval, were the following: background electrolyte, 14 (10−18) mM borate buffer pH 9.20, 100 mM SDS, 13.6 (11.1–16.0) %v/v n-butanol, 6.7 (4.5–8.8) %v/v methanol; voltage and temperature were set to 28 kV and 22 °C, respectively. The developed CE method was validated in accordance with International Council for Harmonisation guidelines and was applied to the analysis of SIT tablets. The routine analysis for the quality control of the pharmaceutical product could be conducted in about 11 min.

Easy, Fast and Environmental Friendly Method for the Simultaneous Extraction of the 16 EPA PAHs using Magnetic Molecular Imprinted Polymers (mag-MIPs)
(Elsevier, 2017) Villar Navarro, Mercedes; Martín Valero, María Jesús; Fernández Torres, Rut; Callejón Mochón, Manuel; Bello López, Miguel Ángel; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Química Analítica
An easy and environmental friendly method, based on the use of magnetic molecular imprinted polymers (mag-MIPs) is proposed for the simultaneous extraction of the 16 U.S. EPA polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) priority pollutants. The mag-MIPs based extraction protocol is simple, more sensitive and low organic solvent consuming compared to official methods and also adequate for those PAHs more retained in the particulate matter. The new proposed extraction method followed by HPLC determination has been validated and applied to different types of water samples: tap water, river water, lake water and mineral water.

CCAAT/enhancer binding protein β directly regulates the expression of the complement component 3 gene in neural cells: implications for the pro-inflammatory effects of this transcription factor
(BMC, 2015) Hernandez-Encinas, E; Aguilar Morante, Diana; Cortes-Canteli, Marta; Morales-Garcia, Jose A; Gine, Elena; Santos, Angel; Perez-Castillo, Ana; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica
Background: The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β (C/EBPβ) is a transcription factor, which was first identified as
a regulator of differentiation and inflammatory processes mainly in adipose tissue and liver; however, its function in
the brain was largely unknown for many years. Previous studies from our laboratory indicated that C/EBPβ is
implicated in inflammatory process and brain injury, since mice lacking this gene were less susceptible to kainic
acid-induced injury.
Methods: We first performed cDNA microarrays analysis using hippocampal RNA isolated from C/EBPβ+/+ and
C/EBPβ−/− mice. Immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical studies were done to evaluate C/EBPβ and C3
levels. Transient transfection experiments were made to analyze transcriptional regulation of C3 by C/EBPβ. To
knockdown C/EBPβ and C3 expression, mouse astrocytes were infected with lentiviral particles expressing an shRNA
specific for C/EBPβ or an siRNA specific for C3.
Results: Among the genes displaying significant changes in expression was complement component 3 (C3), which
showed a dramatic decrease in mRNA content in the hippocampus of C/EBPβ−/− mice. C3 is the central component
of the complement and is implicated in different brain disorders. In this work we have found that C/EBPβ regulates C3
levels in rodents glial in vitro and in the rat Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) in vivo following an inflammatory
insult. Analysis of the mouse C3 promoter showed that it is directly regulated by C/EBPβ through a C/EBPβ consensus
site located at position −616/-599 of the gene. In addition, we show that depletion of C/EBPβ by a specific shRNA
results in a significant decrease in the levels of C3 together with a reduction in the increased levels of pro-inflammatory
agents elicited by lipopolysaccharide treatment.
Conclusions: Altogether, these results indicate that C3 is a downstream target of C/EBPβ, and it could be a mediator of
the pro-inflammatory effects of this transcription factor in neural cells.

The Smartphone as an Economical and Reliable Tool for Monitoring the Browning Process in Sparkling Wine
(Elsevier, 2017) Pérez Bernal, Juan Luis; Villar Navarro, Mercedes; Morales Gómez, María Lourdes; Úbeda Aguilera, Cristina; Callejón Fernández, Raquel María; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Química Analítica; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología, Toxicología y Medicina Legal; Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT). Chile; Junta de Andalucía
A fast, reliable colorimetric method based on colour measurements obtained from digital images of sparkling wine to study wine browning is proposed. Digital images were obtained, using a smartphone camera and a diffuse light source as the measurement device and, in order to isolate external influences, a suitable blackbox. Images in Red Green and Blue (RGB) colour space were splitted into the three basic channels (R, G, and B) and their values were used to monitor the browning process. Four sparkling Cava wines were monitored during an accelerated browning process. Results showed that while the Red and Green channels remained almost constant, the browning process affected primarily the Blue channel, decay being time-dependent. The Blue channel decay (%Bt) percentage over time is proposed as a new quality marker. This value had a high correlation with absorbance at 420 nm and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural contents. These latter are the most usual markers of wine browning and the results obtained show that %Bt is a good browning descriptor. The advantages of the proposed methodology are single-step multiple samples analysis, affordable instrumentation and the fact that sample preparation is not required.