Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 688

    • Artículo

      Zinbiel superalgebras 

      Camacho Santana, Luisa María; Fernández Ouaridi, Amir; Kaygorodov, Ivan; Navarro Olmo, Rosa María (Electronic Journals Project, 2023)
      Throughout the present work, we extend the study of Zinbiel algebras to Zinbiel superalgebras. In particular, we show that ...
    • Artículo

      Cross products, automorphisms, and gradings 

      Daza García, Alberto; Elduque Palomo, Alberto; Tang, Liming (Elsevier, 2021-02-01)
      The affine group schemes of automorphisms of the multilinear rfold cross products on finite-dimensional vectors spaces ...
    • Artículo

      From octonions to composition superalgebras via tensor categories 

      Daza García, Alberto; Elduque Palomo, Alberto; Sayin, Umut (European Mathematical Society, 2024)
      The nontrivial unital composition superalgebras, of dimension 3 and 6, which exist only in characteristic 3, are obtained ...
    • Artículo

      Incorporation of a metal catalyst for the ammonia synthesis in a ferroelectric packed-bed plasma reactor: does it really matter? 

      Navascués, Paula; Garrido García, Juan; Cotrino Bautista, José; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín; Gómez Ramírez, Ana María (American Chemical Society, 2023-02-20)
      Plasma-catalysis has been proposed as a potential alternative for the synthesis of ammonia. Studies in this area focus on ...
    • Artículo

      Distributing persistent homology via spectral sequences 

      Torras Casas, Álvaro (Springer, 2023-09-20)
      We set up the theory for a distributed algorithm for computing persistent homology. For this purpose we develop linear ...
    • Artículo

      Designing ecotourism routes with time-dependent benefits along arcs and waiting times at nodes 

      Piedra de la Cuadra, Ramón; Ortega Riejos, Francisco Alonso (MDPI, 2024-02-20)
      Ecotourism routes serve as powerful tools for fostering environmental awareness. To achieve this, it is crucial to design ...
    • Artículo

      Solving the dynamic coloring problem for direct products of paths with fan graphs 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Gowri, Sathasivam; Venkatachalam, Mathiyazhagan (Sciendo, 2023-01)
      This paper deals with the r-dynamic chromatic problem of the direct product of a path with a fan graph Fm,n. The problem ...
    • Artículo

      A new quasigroup isomorphism invariant arising from fractal image patterns 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel (Chişinău: Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică "Vladimir Andrunachievici", 2022)
      The analysis and recognition of fractal image patterns derived from Cayley tables has turned out to play a relevant role ...
    • Artículo

      The r-dynamic edge coloring of a closed helm graph 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Venkatachalam, Mathiyazhagan; Gowri, Sathasivam; Nandini, Gnanasekaran (Unión Matemática Argentina, 2023-11-22)
      As a natural generalization of the classical coloring problem in graph theory, the dynamic coloring problem deals with the ...
    • Artículo

      Set-independence graphs of vector spaces and partial quasigroups 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Gopinath, S.; Kalaimurugan, G. (Yildiz Technical University, 2023-09-04)
      As a generalization of independence graphs of vector spaces and groups, we introduce the notions of set-independence graphs ...
    • Artículo

      A generalisation of the Phase Kick-Back 

      Ossorio Castillo, Joaquín; Pastor Díaz, Ulises; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2023-03-13)
      In this paper, we present a generalisation of the Phase Kick-Back technique, which is central to some of the classical ...
    • Artículo

      A posteriori variational multiscale methods for the 1D convection-diffusion equations 

      Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Gómez Mármol, María Macarena (Académie des Sciences, 2023-06-09)
      The present work is a continuation of a paper presented by the two first authors in the proceedings of the “Computational ...
    • Artículo

      Normally ordered forms of powers of differential operators and their combinatorics 

      Briand, Emmanuel; Lopes, Samuel A.; Rosas Celis, Mercedes Helena (Elsevier, 2020)
      We investigate the combinatorics of the general formulas for the powers of the operator h∂k, where h is a central element ...
    • Artículo

      Sex-specific differences in intestinal microbiota associated with cardiovascular diseases 

      García Fernández, Helena; Arenas de Larriva, Antonio Pablo; López Moreno, Javier; Gutiérrez Mariscal, Francisco Miguel; Romero Cabrera, Juan Luis; Molina Abril, Helena; Torres Peña, José David; Rodríguez Cano, Diego; Malagón Poyato, María del Mar; Ordovás Muñoz, José María; Delgado Lista, Javier; Pérez Martínez, Pablo; López Miranda, José; Camargo García, Antonio (BMC, 2024-01-19)
      Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including coronary heart disease (CHD), display a higher prevalence in men than ...
    • Artículo

      Parallel homological calculus for 3D binary digital images 

      Díaz del Río, Fernando; Molina Abril, Helena; Real Jurado, Pedro; Onchis, Darian M.; Blanco Trejo, Sergio (Springer, 2024-01-29)
      Topological representations of binary digital images usually take into consideration different adjacency types between ...
    • Artículo

      A Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis 

      Ali, Dashti; Asaad, Aras; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Nanda, Vidit; Paluzo Hidalgo, Eduardo; Soriano Trigueros, Manuel (IEEE Computer Society, 2023-12)
      Attempts to incorporate topological information in supervised learning tasks have resulted in the creation of several ...
    • Artículo

      Continuous Well-Composedness Implies Digital Well-Composedness in n-D 

      Boutry, Nicolas; González Díaz, Rocío; Najman, Laurent; Géraud, Thierry (Springer, 2022)
      In this paper, we prove that when a n-D cubical set is continuously well-composed (CWC), that is, when the boundary of its ...
    • Artículo

      All linear symmetries of the SU(3) tensor multiplicities 

      Briand, Emmanuel; Rosas Celis, Mercedes Helena; Trandafir, Stefan (IOP Science, 2024)
      The SU(3) tensor multiplicities are piecewise polynomial of degree 1 in their labels. The pieces are the chambers of a ...
    • Artículo

      Extremal K-(s,K-t)-free bipartite graphs 

      Balbuena, Camino; García Vázquez, Pedro; Marcote Ordax, Xavier; Valenzuela Tripodoro, Juan Carlos (Association DMTCS, 2008)
      In this paper new exact values of the Zarankiewicz function z(m, n; s, t) are obtained assuming certain requirements on ...
    • Artículo

      On the bipartite vertex frustration of graphs 

      García Vázquez, Pedro (Elsevier, 2016-10)
      The bipartite vertex (resp. edge) frustration of a graph G, denoted by ψ(G) (resp. φ(G)), is the smallest number of ...